6th Bel, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-20

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1 MILE Count Fleet Oct 10 19421342116 Kathleen Purse Purse 5000 4yearolds and upward Fillies and mares Allowances Nonwinners of two races of 2950 each nor a race of 3500 in 194748 Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of two races in 1948 or 3000 in 194748 allowed 3 Ibs four races in 194748 6 Ibs of 2 00 or three races in 194748 9 Ibs Claiming races not considered Chart Bock Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt M MAug47Sar139 487263 Catana Aug47Sar139 108 112 48475Red Stamp 113 113Jan48SA139y5 480723 Demure Jan48SA139y5 114 118 482253 Red Shoes 118 118Aug47Sar14fl 47691 Cest Tout Aug47Sar14fl 108 109 Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 48726 Dangerous Age 112 112Aug47Sar138 484754 Bimlette Aug47Sar138 114 118 48072 Flaring Home Jan47SA 138 111 118 48726 Challoa Sep47GS139 111 112 Coupled Dangerous Age and Challoa HyperionCatena 1 TO Br f 4 by Fighting Fwc Humility by Hyperion Catena I L Breeder Belair StiuL 1948 9 0 4 1 3650 3650Owner Owner Belair Stud Trainer J Fitzsimmons 1947 22 3 2 0 10725 10725Mav1548Jam Mav1548Jam 1V146ft 14 111 57 531 2 321 CtmbtNt HcpC81Trilby112 ArmyMarch104 Legendra 7 Hav12483Jam 3411144ft 21 113 59 51 581 5 CombtNS Alw75RedStmp121 DarkV5nus117 PrtyValy 5 Har 248Hia 118150 ft 29 106 93 91 BS 781 McPheeR2 HcpS 82 Shotsilk 96 Rampart 120 AlfoxielO Feb2648Hia 118150 ft 91 111 33 22 2 1 22 McPheeR2 Alw88KayGibson110 Happiness103 FayFoo 5 Feb 7487Hia 118151ft 2119 2 1h 21 221 MPheeR3 12000 79 Compassion 108 Chanteuse 110 Harem 5 Feb 4487Hia 1 18 150V ft 3 116 44 481 41 512 CombtNS 1500077 EndOfStrife115 Celopnll118 Attendt 5 Jan27487Hia 118153 ft 32 1 19 32 21 2h 23 McPheRS 12000 74 Harem104 Chanteuse110 Annieopsqh 15 Jan17488Hia 1A158Vgd 41 119 22 2 1 1b 21 MPheeRS 15000 83 Campos118 RedPponl16 FdrwdMrch 6 Jan14484GP 78130hy 95 118 6 2 617 617 6i McPheeR4 Alw DangeKsAgel DntlessGal 109 Mesl 6 Dec2947Gp U 145ttft 5 116 7 32 31 1 McPheeR7 Alw 86 SyIvaDear114 StpleJack114 SPippin 8 Dec1147Gp l l46sl 3 108 4 2 1h 1h McPheeR4 Alw 80 SomaLadlH Childeric106 StpIeJack 6 6May May 10 Pirn 58 H 104h May 8 Aqu 34 sy 116h May 1 Aqu 34 ft 119b 119bn n PorterKed i c V 1 1 7 B m 5 by Bimelech Peggy Porter by The Porter Ked MOmp A IJ Breeder Mrs M E Whitney 1948 951 0 14100 14100Owner Owner Mrs M E Whitney Trainer H A Luro 1947 0000 FJay1 2483 Jam 34111ft 1121 Hi 11 2h in ArcaroE3 Alw 88 DarkVenus117 PrtyValleylOS Bimlte 5 Acr27485GS 34 111ft 65 122 1h 1h 12J 13 Harffordl7 Alw 90 Irisen114 FlyingLouise116 Eternallea 7 Apr15485Jam 34 1124i sy 65 121 11 11 11 22 ArcaroE3 Alw82Demure110 DarkVenus116 Heliotrope 6 Apr 9483jam 34114 ft 45 116 1 11 11 1 ArcaroES Alw 76 CherryQuest116 Challoa116 Heliotrope 5 Feb25487SA 1A145 ft 11 112 34 68164 6 JasponTS HcpO 80 GoodExce116 HemetSwHS Hpylsse 6 Feb19487SA 34111V ft 10 110 57168 43 41 JaspnT4 HcpO 89 MusicMan 113 WarAllies 117 Bogle 7 Feb1248 SA 34110ft 34 108 21 421 1h Ink jaspsonTS Alw93TapeBter113 HonrSysm118 NewDgh 10 Feb 7487SA 1 146 m 2ie 107 12J 1J 21 815 JasponTl HcpS 67 Miss Doreen116 Elpis 122 MissGrillolO Jan28484SA 78 1244i ft 4 110 1h 14 15 131 JasprsonTi Alw 85 Cancanier 115 TheClan T20 Contest 12 Junll 46 Del 34112 ft 3115 7 431 lij 12J ErksonCi Mdn 87 GrndActress115 CatLck115 Oceania 14 Jun 5462Del 34113ft 6if 118 2 64378 34 EricknC Mdn 77 OKRuby115 JgleCall 120 MissBybeell MissBybeellMay May 17 Bel 58 sy 104h April 14 Bel 38 m 38h April 8 Bel 12 ft 53h 53hr r FoxU V 1 1 Q B fj 4 by Mahmoud Ill Say by Gallant Fox U emu re A I I O Breeder Arthur B Hancock 1948 3 1 0 2 4200 4200Owner Owner Mrs Ada L Rice Trainer T Smith 1947 6 1 1 3 3500 3500May6484Jam May6484Jam 34111ft 65 117 6416244 33 ArcaroE Alw 85 Dark Venus 113 Pipette 113 Halsgal 6 Apr15485Jam 34112sy 9 110 4414413412 ZubrinicJ2 Alw 83 RedStamp121 DarkVenus116 Heliotpe 6 Jan16482SA 1 138ft 21 114 21 24 2 3 ArcaroEl Alw77Redigal 113 KaiKai107 FlamingArrow 7 Oct 3475Bel 34112 ft 95 113 11 1Q14 65 331 ScurlkQi Alw 81 LkyRewd112 SaranTv1s113 Vinsfghll Sep25474Bel 34112m 14 11111 951 63J 2 ScurlW Alw 84 Equate 107 Snowfall 114 BeeAnnMac 11 Sen647GS 1A 146ft 75 112 6 2h 2i 3 SnellerJ Alw 84 Challoa 112 NedLuck 115 MissFighter 6 Aug2847iGS 34113ft 3111712 9155 14 SnellerJS Mdn 79 Aboko 122 Loto Chance 112 Lily Mars 12 Aug14474Was 34112V ft 15 113 8 791 551 34 ScurlkO Mdn 84 BullWagon118 Perforate118 NhtMiss12 Jly 3474AP 34111 ft 19 10810 84 fra 510 PeabdyCio Mdn 80 Pelure 113 Dark Lace 113 Hilar12 Oct 8465Bel 34 we 108 1 21f 115 13 125 121105 HanfdM Mdn 73 Bimlette 115 Telk 114 Nane Hygro17 Oct 2464Bel 34wc112ft 9f 115 7 11115111515 Hanfrdis Mdn 74 EasyLiving115 CestToutHS Snowfall 22 Sep26464Bel 34wc1101ft 9e 115 7 1H811231124 DodsonD2 Mdn 67 Susquehanna 115 Cest Tout 115 Telk 20 20May May 18 Bel trt 12 m51b May 15 Bel trt 38 m 36h May 5 Bel 38 ft 36h 36hD D GrierKea J CU 1 1 O B m 5 by Easton Mistress Grier by John P Grier Kea inOGS I I O Breeder Meadowview Farms Inc 1948 5 1 0 2 8125 8125Owner Owner H E Jackson Trainer W Post 1947 10 0 1 1 1600 1600May May 8485jam 1T1e146gd 12 107 1411 2 323 PermeRi HcpS79 CarolynA114 Gallorette126 MissKimo 6 May4485Jam 1A146ft 21 115 14 13 1411 ArcaroES Alw82RocktBb117 DngerusAgelOS Hyblze 5 Apr30485Jam 1 146ft 11 107 23 23 23 451 AtksonT2 Hcp078Harmica112 ButWhyNot121 ColynA 6 Apr17485GS 34111ft 71 110 82 77 71 772 AllgerHi HcpS 80 Itsabet 110 Beaugay 122 Bogle 13 Apr7485Jam 341131tft 11 108 63 541 421 32 AtksonT2 HcpS79CarolynA110 OceanBrief122 Pipette 7 Nov13475Pim 1 148gd 51 1111 1 1 2 MtensCS Alw 73 OceanFront114 Zax116 Amanecer 5 Kov 647Pim 1 146hy 39 112 3 21 32 591 CombtN3 HcpS 75 BridalFlower112 Irisen114 Earshot 7 Oct31475Jam 1A147m 8 109 4 532 581 51 AtksonTS HcpC 62 WarDate122 Mahmdess114 KayGibn 5 May 19 Bel 38 ft 36h May 17 Bel 1m sy 145h May 14 Bel 34 sy 114h 114hCttft Cttft T Tn n IflO B f 4 by St James Tedmelia by Teddy 6ST I OUT I U7 Breeder George D Widener 1948 2100 2275 2275Owner Owner A Goldberg Trainer Arthur Robertson 1947 23 4 6 2 12575 12575Apr30487Jam Apr30487Jam 34113ft 20 114 9521081 513 11 SmithGL7 750079 Waymrk121 Reproductn 16 ShesHe 14 Apr2348Jam 341131sft 45 111 731 852 821182 SmithGLS 10000 72 Freezout115 SamBernd118 Sophocles 13 Nov29474Bow 1 147 ft 48 111 9 712 881 591 SchmidlA2 Alw 76 Laurania114 HaroldHter113 Legndra11 Nov26475Bow 170146ft 91 1082 42112 21 KnappEJ3 Alw 80 Called 110 Greek Hero 113 Yale 8 Ncv19472Bow 34 114V ft 1 108 6 54 44 1h KnappEJ2 5000 81 OurLouise114 Newsworthy114 Frapia 12 Hov11472Jam 34112ft 16e 118 7 6 512 421 McTaeCia 7500 80 Freezout118 ElbowRoom113 BlenPal 13 Oct30473Jam 34114 sy 95 118 5 423 3 1 2 1 AtksonT 5000 76 DearMom113 MissGalc113 Chestwick 9 Oct24472Jam 34 113ft 95 119 3 74 3 32 AtksnTi 5000 78 Fairanfit 122 DearMom 114 Elbekay 14 Oct 4478Bel 1 138Vfeft 16 113 2 88 117lHi9 KenneyF8 Alw 64 Rinaldo116 ShortRn119 Anniesqtch 11 Oct 1478Bel 781251Aft 2111 1 2h 141 AtksonTia 5000 83 Whyso112 FamesBid114 QueensChce 12 May 17 Aqu 1m sy 145h May 12 Aqu 78 ft 132h May 10 Aqu 34 ft 118h 118hHn Dk b f by Beau P Wild by Flying Heels Hn HeelsUangerOUS nn rmic AnP 119 I L UangerOUS Age Breeder LouIsB Mayer 1948 13 1 3 2 6325 6325Owner Owner Mrs N M Schenck Trainer P Bieber 1947 10 2 2 2 6600 6600May1548Jam May1548Jam 1 146ft 85e118 44 43 m is PermeR HcpC75Trilby112 ArmyMarch104 Catana 7 rJtey4485Jam 1 146ft 65 108 37 33 2432 PermeR4 Alw80RedShoes115 RocktBomb117 Hyblaze 5 Apr2848Jam 1146ft 12e 111 45163 3 22 PermeR3 HcpC 81 Conniver118 MasterMd119 Basileusll 10 Apr21487Jam 1 146ft 3e 108 45 32122 25 PermneR2 Alw 78 GoldBull 113 Campos 114 Challoa 7 Apr12485Jam 1 147sy 11e 108 5834431 2k PermeR2 Alw 79 TideRips 113 KayGibson112 Reckon 7 Apr 6484Jam 1 147ft 7e 110 43 531 4 44 PermeR HcpO 76 Thor 108 Florencia119 Fulgorll 6 Mar 448Trp 1 146ft 31e 101 55 44134 33 CookWM7 Alw76Salvo112 GoldBull 115 DannyJ 8 Feb24485Hia 34110ft 13 1146325 51 591 GiffordPS Alw 83 Pipette 13 PrtRulerlie SwtCaprice 6 Feb17485Hia 341imft 10 1097373 613 651 GlffordPi 20000 84 Gold Bl 1 115 CrkReward112 Greglach 7 Feb10485Hia 34111 ft 9 108 642 541 541 521 GiffordPS 20000 87 EvenBreak 112 GoldBull 109 Agilant 9 9May May 3 Aqu 12 ft 50b April 14 HdG 38 m 38h April 8 Aqu 34 ft 118h 118hDmlntfa Dmlntfa LarkspurDimierre 1 1 Q B f 4 by Bimelech Bloodroot by Blue Larkspur Dimierre IO Breeder Idle Hour Stock Farm Co 19481 000 225 225Owner Owner Greentree Stable Trainer J M Gaver 1947 13 2 1 2 9800 9800Hay12483Jam Hay12483Jam 3411144ft 41 117 32 3513 412 AtkYnT4 Alw 76RedStmp121 DarkVnus117 PrtyValy 5 Oct 3477Bel 1 144Vsft 4 111 6 751 911091 AtksonT AlwC 81 Mmdessl DthyBrown114 SverFoglO Sep2647Bel 1137 ft 17 108 6115110185 AtksnTS HcpO 84 CmicMsile116 MissKimo119 BriIFIr13 Sep2047Aqu 1 18 151ft 15 108 6 621 94 913 AtksonT7 HcpS 72 ButWhyNot120 MissGrillo126 Elpis 11 Sep1147Aqu 1A 146ft 51 109 3 32 3t 31 AtksnT3 HcpO 84 MissKimo117 Honeymn122 BestDress 4 ep 1474Aqu 1A 146ft 35 115 3 32334 13 AtksonT4 Alw 84 Snowfall 112 DkVenus115 PicdyBelle 6 Aug2047Sar 114205 ft 61 112 4 44 59J 6 AtksonTi AlwS 64 BtWhyNot126 CMissile122 BAnnMc 9 Aug13477Sar 1 138 ft 3 114 3 42 1i 12 AtksonTS HcpC 88 Our Tommy 116 Iodine 109 Reckon 9 Aug 847Sar 78124ft 17 120 8 71 62J 42 AtksonP AlwS 86 MissDisco110 Frties Bid112 OcnBrf 15 Jly1847Bel 1 1381ft 32 112 5 1nlf 2 32 AtksonTS Alw 81 Quarantaine114 BritSong112 Handful 11 11May May 16 Bel 78 ft 130h May 11 Bel trt 12 ft 49h May 7 Bel 34 ft 11 3h 3hPlMrini PlMrini Grierflaring Mnma nome 1 1 8 B f 4 by Flares Marching Home by John P Grier flaring I IO Breeder William Zlegler Jr 1948 1 0 0 0 Owner W Ziegler Jr Trainer M Brady 1947 24 3 6 1 15000 15000May6484Jam May6484Jam 34111ft 55 113 53 5269 5H MtensWS Alw 77 Dark Venus 113 Pipette 113 Demure 6 Nov 8473Jam 1 148 sy 18 100J 6 712 710 712 ColaneriJi Alw 64 Leander 108 Burrwood 101 Sonadora 7 Oct24475Jam 1it145ft 38 105 7 71277167 PermeRS Alw 82 GallantBull 113 Forfar 113 CarolynA 9 Oct11478Bel 1 138ft 10 99J 7 7 4 71 542 ColaneriJS Alw 77 Rinaldo 109 Reckon 105 Trilby 8 Oct3477Bel 1144ftft 26 11410 938 7 PermneR2 AlwC 85 Mmdess117 DthyBrown114 SverFog 10 Sep1747Aqu 1 146ft 6 116 4 653 63 59 PermeRS AlwC 73 DorothyBJr 111 Trilby 116 Cherish 6 S p13472Aqu 1 147Vift 4 107 3 522 432 in PermeR4 AlwC 80 DarkVenus104 Cherish104 Boojie 7 Aug2647Sar 1 138ft 11 115 5 83 63 843 PermeRS Alw 60 SwtPgtyHI Peacelaw113 Offlsldr 8 Aug2047Sar 114205 ft 55 112 5 814 916 924 PermeRS AlwS 57 BtWhyNot126 CMissile122 BAnnMc 9 Jy1847Bel 1 138Vfeft 7 11810 74 6 791 PermeR9 Alw 74 Qurantaine114 BritSong112 Bimlette 11 11May May 15 Bel 58 m 102h May 4 Bel 58 ft 101hg May 1 Bel 78 ft 130h rhnllnn B 4 b Challener IlSweetbreom Stimulus VnailOQ 1 I 1 IA 9 by Breeder WL Brann 1948 9 0 0 2 1 25 Owner Sanmar Stable Trainer P Bieber 1947 10 3 0 2 7875 May1548 7875May1548 Jam 1V 146ft 85e110 713 7 = 43 54J Jessopjs HcpC78Trilby112 ArmyMarch104 Catana 7 7ltey1248Jam ltey1248Jam 118152ft 51e 109 48157 54 Vi PermeRi HcpC73Halconero117 RocketBomb 118 Cable 6 6May3485Jam May3485Jam 1V146sy 9 107 79 55143132 PermeRi HcpC81 BrihtSwdlU LablayellO Mahmdess 7 7Apr2848Jam Apr2848Jam 1 146ft 12e 103 1012 741 513 541 ThkerFio HcpC78Conver118 DangersAgelll MterMd 10 10Apr21487Jam Apr21487Jam Ifr 146ft 3e 108 610 71 5 412 JessopJS Alw 71 GoldBull 113 DangrousAge108 Camps 7 7Apr9483Jam Apr9483Jam 34114sft 18 116 5815915333 PermneR2 Alw 70 RedSfmp116 ChyQuest116 Heliotrope 5 5Mar448Trp Mar448Trp 1A146ft 31e 109 8 8 714 6 MtinRJ2 Alw 70 Salyo112 GoldBull 115 DangerousAge 8 8Feb24484Hia Feb24484Hia 1 18 t51fl 4 116 4 53 433 523 SniderA4 C1000082 Harem114 Chanteuse116 Annieopsqjch 7 7Feb1948Hia Feb1948Hia tc1A145 ft 30 109 9 914 915 914 MrtinRJS Alw Bagulo113 Fulgorll 109 Andantino 9 9Oct23477Lr Oct23477Lr 170 1701434sft 1434sft 51 118 7 73 753 64 DodsonD4 Alw 88 Camargo121 Oberod109 Legendra 7 7April April 13 Jam 38 m 38b April 7 Aqu 38 ft 39b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948052001/drf1948052001_21_2
Local Identifier: drf1948052001_21_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800