1st L.F, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-01

past performance

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Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position Fair Mud Runner X Good Mud Runner 0 Superior Mud Runner I r 34 MILE Rippey Aug 18 1947 1094115 Purse 2300 4yearolds and I andI Si L r upward Claiming 4yearolds 119 tbs older 121 IDS Nonwinners of three races racesin in 1948 allowed 3 Ibs two races 6 IDS one race 9 Ibs Claiming price 3000 3000Best Best time mode at distance of race Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt WL WLAug47 48934 JRfchwall Aug47 Was 112 117 106 106Mar470P113 496583 Diesel Sand Mar470P113 108 115 115Apr48TrP112Vfe 48655 Inverette Apr48TrP112Vfe 111 110 110Sep47 46161 Liberate Sep47 GS 113sy120 110 06035 Iron City 112 112Jly47RD117 28519 Gold Proxy Jly47RD117 111 107 107Jly47 49379 ICherry Boy Jly47 Del 112 115 114 114Feb47FG113 49068 Leapolino Feb47FG113 104 110 110Aug47 48934 JBeletino Aug47 Was 113 114 105 Chart Book BookIndex v Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtJun47AP113sM18 488614 Winnebago Jun47AP113sM18 115 115Sep47DP114 49171 JTwirl Girl Sep47DP114 107 103 103Jly47AP112V 48587 Dark Lace Jly47AP112V 5 113 111 111Jly47AP115 40472 Sunny Jack Jly47AP115 112 112 112Dec47GP112 48355 Making Merry Dec47GP112 112 105 105Aug47 49088 Wasp Waist Aug47 Was 114 109 108 108Jly47AP111 490884 Sweepgold Jly47AP111 112115 112115Jun47 48658 JRaffle House Jun47 Del 112 114 111 111Jly470P113 48262 Watch Chilla Jly470P113 114 118 Breeder RS Reynolds W MackJr 1948 8102 1610 1610Owner Owner N L Raffelman Trainer A Cilio S3000 1947 15 2 1 3 3320 3320M1848iWas M1848iWas 34114 ft 12 111 52J 32 2 65J NormnD 300072Wh sq 113 SonsStyle 108 Politics 12 HatO48iSpt 78132m 32 A110 1 Hj 12 13 Nbrmanbe 2000 MissTexas 112 LittleUdy t10 Kistan 8 Apr29482Spt 78131ft 5 11052344 55 5 J PorchG3 2500 MsShowMe110Sunstm115 Heesadate 9 Apr 5482Bow 34 34114 114 ft 14 114 9 9 8 V 9 KirkCS KirkCSMar4485FG 350073 NedCanron113 Waclock102 RghCloud 11 Mar4485FG 34116 hy 17 113 913 gn gsj 34 BadgtWiFeb BadgtWt 300CTB1 Pipelinerl 15 Winnebago 15 GesMate 9 934114ft Feb 6484FG 34 34114ft 114ft 11 113 733 73354 54 24 533 BrooksS BrooksSJan2948FG 3000 69 Winnebgol 12 Ptequemine103 Paprika 12 Jan2948FG 34118J hy 6J 119 54 51 63 7 820 BairdRL3 300036 Taters 115 KDorko118 Real Sweet 9 Jan 748 FG 34 113Aft 95 108 85 6J 4 i 32 PorchGS 300079 MissLeliaH105 BubsFolly107 Banbra 11 DK25472FG 34 113 ft 5 113 5 5 7 5 J PorchG 3500 75 Amphibious112 ChryBoy121 AndysSis 10 DecT7 475FG 34 117h 6J 114 2 1h Ir 12J PorchG3 Alw 59 VictryBner119 Oakmuir119 ALaReigh 9 Dec2472FG 34 H4ft 2111 3 22J 22J 423 BrooksS 3000 71 SirFanarlll LennieBoylll BubsFlly 10 May 8 Spt 12 gd 56b April 28 Spt 12 ft 56b uebei Trysteruebei Dipcpl Slnnrl Junu 1 1 1 Ch 9 7 b Shifting Sands II Our Sis by Tryster I I J Breeder F J Belt 1948 10 1 2 2 2105 Owner 2105Owner j E Mahoney Trainer J Noel S3000 1947 14 0 1 2 S400 M S400M 2748 Was 34113 ft 43 110 721523 32J 333 NormnR3 250078 VinitaMajorl 15 SonsStylellS Whyso11 1tey21482Was Whyso111tey21482Was 34114Vift 18 118 3 1 i 1 j 2 MifoIdH 10 250076 VinitaDotl 14 Paprika108 GallantHour 12 12Hay1748Was Hay1748Was 34114Vgd 27 110846 6 5 Kushte 250069 Pene 107 HandTorch 115 SunSymboM2 May848Spt SunSymboM2May848Spt 78133 gd 81 115 W 43 4 323 KushL2 2500 LittleHare108 BudWest11b BubsFolly S Apr29482SpU 78 131 ft 7 112 3 3 32J 43J KushU 2500 MsShowMe110Sunstm115 Heesadate 9 9Mar264820P Mar264820P 170 l46qo 37 110KHi123i093 921 BowcutD Alw5faSunUmber113 GypsyLealOS Disbet 8 8Mar204870P Mar204870P 1 147fl 10 110 1 2 2 4 BowcutD2 Alw 77 WrakfairHO SunUmbr113 Stk ofPce 12 Har104870P 1A 145ft 18 1103 3 42J 25 BowcutD 250085SirDate112 MayCoed107 Quonset 12 Mar 448OP 34 113ft 27 10731 V 1 1J BowcutD 200079 EgnMaryB107 MayCoedl 10 Quonset 12 Ftb284820P 34115sl 9i 112 623 6 J 63 6 GrubbLB 200057 VoyageuM13 TrotsPride102 HayaLad 11 April 21 Spt 12 jt 55b April 17 Spt 38 ft 43b 43bInvprpffP InvprpffP iHYcrciie rf f 1 1 ft Ch 6 ty Invermark The Knitter by High Time IU Breeder Charles I Fisher 1948 8 1 1 0 2150 Owner 2150Owner J H Miles Trainer E B Carpenter 3000 1947 21 5 2 3 9110 May1448iSpt 9110May1448iSpt 58105sl 6J 110 73J 983 912 ysj BatesT 2500 BtySkellyllO GstBnd120 ThderEcholO Apr28483Spt ThderEcholOApr28483Spt 78132Vfeft 2J 107 33 4 J 7J 7 PorchGS 3000 TrustFnd115 BessieVance112 LpolinolO Apr14483TrP LpolinolOApr14483TrP 34112Vft 5i 111 4 3 1j I5 FedezAja 250084C5herUpper110 MketBoy114 Sacaton 7 Apr 7482TrP 34111ft 51 114 23 26 2 ° 2 FedezAJt 2250 81 Slower120 ZannaMay108 Prominencia fi Apr 148TrP 34113ft 4J 110 4 523 521 413 CookWMo 250074 Hemfox120 SilrSweep1 13 GreatRipte 12 12Mar26482TrP Mar26482TrP 34 113 ft 14 109 fr l 6 5 6 PeabdyC 3000 12 SergtBill 110 PcockLadylOS Alstimu 12 ffer11482TrP 34113V ft 33 10631 52 P 651 Duff J3 2750 74 SeaBees 113 Tarawa 117 LittleLady 12 Jan 6482GP 34 114ft 4J 108 851 9 iJ gajlOo KnappEJ 300067ChkeeV110 Farawa113 NrthnTrust 12 DeclS47GP 78128m 4 1142 2 23 321 FeathnHS 2500 65 Adenos117 MissEvidenceW Kalarney 12 Dec547iGP 34112ft 4J 119 2 H 12 H PosadaJ 2000 81 Airily109 EIOsuna114 Hywick12 May 29 Was 58 ft 103b May 22 Was 12 ft 49h May 8 Spt 12 gd 54b Liberate iv Breeder Caluinet Farm 1948 8 0 0 0 100 Owner 100Owner EWorado Farm Trainer C Towle S3000 1947 6 1 2 0 3100 Uar1748tWas 3100Uar1748tWas 34 114qd 38 111 53i10 11H12i BairdRL4 2500 60 Pene 107 HandTorch 115 SunSymbol 12 Afr 7482TrP 34 T11ft 73 114 7 8 3 7 7 4 DeLaraAi 2500 74 Slower 120 Inverette 114 ZannaMayll Mar29482TrP ZannaMayllMar29482TrP 34114 ft 10 109 34 52310 110 PorchG 350066 PaperClip116Westfield107HardBlast 12 ar23484TrP 34112ft 91 11231 33 43J 45 PorchGS 350078GoodFun113 CatnipHill 110 BrcePlay 8 Mar13482TrP 34 112ft 44 10654168169 581 PorchG 4500 74 TigerMae 108 Shockoe 113 HardFacts 9 Mar348iTrp 34 112ft 12 117 4U 5 8 915 BalztiW 400069GoldnScch113 PefseGl 107 LyAple 11 Jan14 485QP 34 116 hy 10 115 521 55 5 6 4 DodsonDS Alw 51 Pompeian 110 Music 114 Roi Rouge 6 Ja 12485GP 78130 m 1e120 1 2 43168 SniderA4 Alw 51 GreatSpirit120 NedLuckllS Magnolia 9 Dec19474fiP 34114m 21117 2 4422 22 DodsonD 4500 71 Jhansi112 Cleverette107 Rewarder 11 11May May 30 Was 38 ft 37b May 27 Was 38 ft 37hg 37hgIron Iron City H L Owner Shady Brook Farm Trainer H White 3000 1946 5000 AHs2465Was 34111ft 52 111 4 65 8i 84 PruittD AlwE 76 CoinellallB Lexingtonn116 RedCanter 8 Jh 6462AP 34111ft 6 112 7 53 7 873 PrsonNL lwE 81 ArtticRose110l MissTtanllO TasllolO J TasllolOJ HdyLad12Jun10467Haw 21 467AP 34114h 70 115 3 5111 4i2ta DodsonD Alw 55 SergtBill 121 ValdaDte115 HdyLad12 Jun10467Haw 34112Aft 22e 113 2 431 6 1Q12 Anrsonl Alw 74 Hydrant 116 Handy Lad 113 Chesty 11 Jun5465Haw 6lf118ft 129 112 2 24 451 6 Andernlio Alw 76 DlyTrble118 SigmaKpa113 Sandsfm 10 NM6455CD 34112fl 15e 111 7 11S312 124 FiscnefA4 Alw 69 MajorJimmy106 LeosBndy1122igZag 12 Ji 4 45 Was 3 4 l13ft 12 113 4 44 43 423 GonzalezR Al On Vr Ioes103 Guidf lib SharpWch i ia25 a25 453Was 34 l14sy 5 120 2 2i 461 O Gonzatein3 Alw M FitiiigSt pl2Jln theBagliaJesl Fos S SJUR JUR 4 45f D 34M2mt 11 110 1 41 4 J 4 GnntR Alw 81 JoesChVe H3R MannnSrrURewd b May 2t Was 12 ft 50hg Gold Proxy W Breeder Erroll MacBoyle 1947 9010 440 Owner R Nunnery Trainer R RJly1047 Nunnery 440Nunnery 3000 1946 621 1 1 00 Jly1047 5RD 341144Asy 12 12Jun11 111 4 541 63 7t2 HultzA4 3000 61 SiverGlory115 ShesSmart104 Duolc Jun11 47Haw 61 f 122V ft 91 91JIM 104 2 U 24 633 FeathnHi 2000 65 Hy Rickey 114 DameJ 112 El Cabrillofa JIM 447 Haw 6if 123sl 31 31lb 1061 2 431 641 73 SchltzJ8 2500 53 Plitics 111 VeroLmen 112 JanesRose fc lb 2847iHaw 6ift24sl 22 22Msr19472Haw 106 1 1h 421 551 GreenBi 3500 50 MsShowMe113l BoloPr ellS Zestful 12 Msr19472Haw 6if124Vh 21 110 4 1h 24 2 BaileyPJS 2500 59 Shrewla112 LittleHarellO LittleSnail 12 6473Spt 78133ft 26 108 9 6 681 83 BarneyL 3000 TangowerLee08 Review107 VegasJim Har244740P 34 116hv 9 9vlter144750P 110 2 38 6i 614 OstrowM 5000 52 Bentbrook112 GallantHour118 Bludin 6 vlter144750P 34 115sJ 114 114fi2f 108 6 551 93 98 OstrowMS Alw 61 BigBrother 110 Blenette107 Gomel 9 fi2f 47 OP 34111ft 28 28May 100 3 57 812 820 BaraW2 Alw 68 Hyhustle113l SwtCometm Quintero 9 May 22 Was 12 ft 49 hg May 9 Haw 12 gd 50b April 1 OP 12 m J2b rhprrv Sethmerry Bnv X A 11 IN Set ky Seth merry DOy 4 Breer F MMMM 1948 23 3 3 3 44 Owner W H Bishop Trainer W H Bishop 3t0t 1947 18 2 4 4 3390 3390May24482Was May24482Was 34112ft 73 121 44 64 5 9 1 KeeneHio 350076 Likeable115 YgGeordie115 SlicksGirl 12 tey15483Spt 58104m 3 a122 73J 8 J PI 643 MrtinG ° c3000 Wilt Thou 110 Peg 114 Little Hare 10 May13484Spt 78134m 61 120 11 11 21 231 MartinG 3500 RedMist117 MShowMe105 Stipulatn 10 May 8483Spt 78 132qo 85 118 741 643 54J 651 SkorskiA 3500 Sunstm114 BessieVnce108 YngGrdie 10 May4484Spt 78130y5m 61 113121 2 22 221 NormanR 4000 ArabsFancy 113 MyJulie 112 Tarawa 9 Apr3048 Spt 78132 ft 41 120 523 621J4 551 SkoskiAS Alw SirDate115 Thunder 110 HappyJoan 7 Apr27485Spt 58103V ft 2120 32133 23 21 KeeneH c3000 CaptainRuth 113 Peg 110 BreakThru 10 Mar2748iOP 34113 ft 63 118 44 1 21 33 KeeneH Alw 79 GreyDays118 ArielPal103 DoverRoad 9 Mar2348iOP 34113go 33 118 4U 2 24 44 KeeneHio Alw75GreyDys115 DeliaM112 GrdoPrimero 10 May 29 Was 12 ft 51b May 28 Was 38 ft 37b May 20 Was 38 ft 38b 38bI I SupremusLeapOlinO pnnnlinn A X lift Blk m 5 b Remolino Fawn Leap by Supremus LeapOlinO I IU ereerfer J Howard Reuse 1948 14 1 5 4 2 95 95Owner Owner E R Moulder Trainer D Sodders 3000 1947 17 1 1 2 1 80 80May2048iWas May2048iWas 34113ft 16 10610 871 6 = 541 KushL 3500 74 BigWig103 Tarawa118 BessieVance 12 12May11488Spf May11488Spf 1A156m 2 112 321 1h 1h 213 NormnD3 3500 Rotate 120 LittleHare 117 WaryMary 8 8May5482Spt May5482Spt 78132 si 81 112 53148 34 32 JessopDto 3500 BorderMan115 Topnard115 BudWest 10 10Apr28483Spt Apr28483Spt 78 132ft 71 112 88J 78 331 313 JessopDi 3000 TrustPd115 BessieVnce112 Stipulatn 10 10Mar5487FG Mar5487FG 118201m 2 110 34 2 321 33JflliveraG4 3500 34 Nostalgia 110 Latimer 104 Sunder 5 5Mar Mar 248FG 1A 153m 16 110 8128134 V BatesT2 4000 45 WisePaisano112 Outsider118 Granizo 8 8Feb25 Feb25 48 FG 1 154 hy 3 110 35 V 24 3J BatesT 3000 47 Sunder 115 Newscaster 110 MissSonia 8 8Febl7487FG Febl7487FG 1ft 148tft 41 109 75 63 41 44 DAugnoJi 3000 75 Palgene114 Huguette117 Nostalgia 8 8Feb1048FG Feb1048FG 1 149go 41 105 7 551 51 5 DAugoJ4 4000 65 Kazbek 12 KantarRun116 VicfyBner 8 8Feb Feb 7481 FG 34114ft 10 107107 93 64 22 DAugnoJ5 Alw 3TotalVtory118 Fltlmp114 PlesHabit 10 10Jan29488FG Jan29488FG 34 119 hy 7 107 6 48J 24 1 DAngoJS 300051 NewscasterllO Peraptra118 SirFanar 10 10April April 20 Spt 58 ft 111b April 14 Spt 58 ft 107h Beletino inc TimeI Br h 5 by Bel Aethel Bisonette fiy High Time BeletinoOwner I U3 Breeder Merewortb Farm 1948 1 0 0 0 Owner H W Ostle Trainer H HMay1848iWas W Ostle 3000 1947 11 j 0 2 55710 May1848iWas 34114 ft 91 91Nov 113 32 1111111212H FeathnHi 300066 Whyso 113 SonsStyle 108 Politics 12 Nov 4472Spt 61fl25ft 61 61Oct17 112 I 52 4V 43 Wilmslo 2500 ArmyGlidrll VelvetHIsllO Fimgad 10 Oct17 47Spt 1A 1 6 ft 11 11Oct11 115 3 44 6 58 SchltzJS 3000 BenGray108 HappyPilot108 F Fthers 10 Oct11 47iHaw 34 113Wt 13 13Oct947iHaw 115 6 533 521 33 FeastonH3 Alw 74 Olidor120 Timgad 113 GallantHour 12 Oct947iHaw 6if121ft 3 3Sep1947iHaw 115 7 651 43 in FeathnHS 2500 71 FairSand106 MoltoMucho103 MyZaca 12 Sep1947iHaw 61 1 120 ft 4 4Sep 109 4 3 1 H GiffordP3 2500 80 Memphian 114 Mimzy 112 Politics 12 Sep 4 47i Haw 61M20Vft 7 7Aug21 109 6 1 31 45 DAugoJi 2500 74 GoldCall 120 FloatAway109 GoodHtg 12 Aug21 472Was 78 125ft 9 9May 113 8 4 44 74 FeathnH2 2500 79 HarvdSqreH1 SusanE 109 SfqBand 12 May 31 Was 12 ft 50b May 27 Was 58 ft 104b May 23 Was 12 ft 52b Winnphnnn YeomanvvinneDUgu 1 1 y LL b 9 5 b sPfc and Span Miss Pike oy Royal Yeoman vvinneDUgu I 13 Breeder Clarence A Becker 1943 10 1 1 0 1215 1215Owner Owner C A L A Becker Trainer F Campagna 3000 947 22 3 2 2 S5555 S5555May1748iWas May1748iWas 34114 Ago 10 115 32 43 44 4 1 KeeneHS 2500 70 Pene 107 HandTorch 115 SunSymbol 12 12May13484Spt May13484Spt 78l34m 12 115 42 65 67 7 SkoskiAS 3500 RedMist117 ChryBoy120 MsShowMe 10 10May May 148iSpt 78129ft 61 115 65 6 612 512 McKleyAS 3500 BeseVance105 BderMan113 GoldCall 8 8Apr27484Spt Apr27484Spt 5810345ft 51 115 983 983 71 52 McKIryAS 3000 JneBellellO BudWest113 FighfgMac 10 10Mar Mar 6489FG 1 1 = 51 hy 54 115 32 81011 131223 BenitezJS Alw 40 RusnValor118 Mr Mel118 GrndSignal 12 12Mar4485FG Mar4485FG 34116 hy 73 115 6 4 54 42 24 BairdRLS 300063 Pipeliner115Richwall 113 GeniesMate 9 9Feb Feb 9485FG 34 116h 5 115 53324 23 431 KeeneH 300063 Superfine114 PipelinerllO FlygCnnie 9 9Feb6484FG Feb6484FG 34 114ft 15 112 84 853 34 14 KeeneHB 3000 73 Plaquemine103 Paprika107 QtreBlanc 12 12Jan29488FG Jan29488FG 34119h 7 115 44 922 gis 923 CalvinC 300028 LeapolinolO Newscter110 Peraptera 10 May 20 Was 58 ft 102h May 10 Spt 38 sy 41b Twirl I win CCr vain v V 1ft Br m 5 by Knights Caprice Windblown by Sweep IUO Breeder Valdina Farms Inc 1948 1 000 Owner W A Mike Trainer J D Mike 3000 1947 6000 May21482Was 34114Vft 93 107J 1h 77j12 12t4 RobonKNS 250062 VinitaDot114 DieselSand118 Paprika 12 12Sep23478FP Sep23478FP 5 f 108 ft 22 109 1 9 9 8 i BrinsnWia 1000 74 BoldCper1121 TsledGirl 105 Precon 12 12Sep17473FP Sep17473FP 5f1081ft 51 111 Z1i 54 881 Dobsonj 2000 74 RaymerC110 FreddieK102 HtherJe 10 10Sep Sep 1475DP 34 113 gd 17 107 2 24 6 68 GartteJ2 3000 74 StrikgLdyllO BIkBeggar113 Palgene 6 6Aug27473DP Aug27473DP 34115sl 21 110 2 1h 2 52 HnagelG Alw 67 YkeeCptn115 SarhHashlOS CdaFIt 7 7Aug7473DP Aug7473DP 34112ft 67 110 6 8 3 912 91 BrenanJ3 Alw 69 GeeEyellO HighMaster118 LairdsCat 10 10Jly Jly 7474RD 34113go 12 107 1 73 83 81 BassB2 Alw 63 ShesALy107 Or Tetra112 LimkBabe 8 8Oct1846iKee Oct1846iKee 34L33Vift 36 108 5 9 812 63 WallaceH4 2250 71 Waza Walla 106 Sameron 114 Toleca 10 10Sep13467GS Sep13467GS 170V45fl 8 1051 81 91311 1 ManleyS 30TJO 66 Dorada 122 Black Ra 105 Fagrace 12 12May May 31 Was 38 ft 38b April 21 CD 38 ft 38h April 18 CD 34 ft 124b WQFK GrierWQFK nirt UUCe ftra vs V 1 1 1 B 4 b Man igt Lackiia by John P Grier III Breeder Mrs Jehu M Branham 1948 8 2 1 0 2715 2715Owner Owner D Higgins L F Warby Trainer L F Warby 3000 1947 13 0 21 1750 1750May13484Spt May13484Spt 78134m 3 112 64 76 7 814 BaileyPJio 3500 RedMistT17 ChryBoy12p MsShowMe 10 10May6488Spt May6488Spt 1 156 sy 41 110 12 11 1h 2U BaileyPJS 3000 BusyPony 110 BigScat 115 MissPebble 6 6Apr27483Spt Apr27483Spt 78131 ft 61 115 2h 12 13 15 BaileyPJ2 Alw Oat 114 Smart Fox 117 Chic Chic 10 10Mar2482FG Mar2482FG 34 116m 9 108 743 45 45 4 BatesT3 200057 JohnArrc115 Webley115 LkyBirthday 10 10Feb1448iFG Feb1448iFG 34119hy 6 108 63 8 3 851 9 BatesTi Alw 38 PattyKnot105 RealSweet113 OurBest 10 10Feb Feb 3484FG 34119 hy 3 114 2 1 13 V BatesT Mdn 52 Upton 119 DocMiller116 Jalbeg 12 12Jan10483FG Jan10483FG 34114g0 29 109 78178 r 710 BatesT Alw 67 Staging 114 SrtaWise 119 ALaReigh 10 10Jan Jan 3482FG 34112ft 30 105 631 53 8 98 BatesH ° Alw 74 Sildonna 106 RiverJack 118 Diavolaw 10 10Sep1647iHaw Sep1647iHaw 6 f 121 4 103 8 52 53 66 CookWMm 2500 69 MyZacam TownHl 114 GdHuntmg 12 12May May 24 LF 38 ft 36h May 20 LF 12 ft 51b May 5 Haw 12 m 52h 52hSunnv Sunnv DUnny IIIDUnny JOCK Jnrk 1 1 9 B 9 9 by JacopoSunny Fields by Sir Gallahad III IIZBreeder Arthur B Hancock 1947 8 1 0 1 1550 1550Owner Owner H A Maass Trainer J Wozneski 3000 r 194 1 0 1 0 560 560Nov7474Spt Nov7474Spt 138236m 25 1153 32 in 13 BoucherJS 1750 Glennport115 PariChute110 BudOn 8 8Nov Nov 147 Spt 118204Vgd 40 116 9 1012 9i 815 BoucherJ 2500 GraceA103 WarComque112 QunBlue 10 10Tct2447iSpt Tct2447iSpt 1A225ft 40 112 3 64 65 7 BoucherJ7 2000 GraceA105 StarThnellS JubifeeGem 10 10Sepll Sepll 477Haw 1 r4210sy 22 108 5 7 820 i MorenoHS 3000 34 VanflaglOS DeepRed113 Nonchalanta 8 8Aug14477Was Aug14477Was 1itc152ft 21 115 4 98 6 68 CmpbelIRS 2500 Grnklmage118 RosereSis105 HiHnry 12 12Aug Aug 8 474Was 114211sl 65 112 7 I0 ° 74 34 CpbellR 2500 Ootem 112 Woodsman 111 Gainer 12 12Jly25478AP Jly25478AP 1Jtc153ft 49 115 2 912 913 71 CapbeJIR 3000 HiHenryllS RomereSis107i BlackRa 12 12Jly11472AP Jly11472AP 34113 ft 98 11212 121512 9 lenaglioP 3000 69 DevilsFrc112 GrtRipple117 Might st 12 12Making Making Merry Owner Bemar Stable Trainer R E Potts ww IsioOO 1917 ll 1 10 1900 May10482Pim 34113ft 6 111 55 35 44 58 CoronaMU 400070StMel dy113 CedrBd118 Joe Favte12 Feb16484Hia 78125m 10 10752368148 410 GiffordP 800066 PilatesMs114 LochielLsf15 Manqn 7 Feb 4482Hia 34111 ft 49 113 43 3 38 718 CombtNi Alw 72 EleEyellS MintOMn118 StageMoer 9 Dec 4475GP 3411PAft 14 112 4 55 7 7 1 FeathonHa Alw 83 Poignancyl14 OneAtom107 SteepleJk 11 Nov 6472Pim 34 1161sh 4 112 5 22 2 1 t TurnerJ Mdn 60 PlayNdie120 LadyColorado117 Tattler 11 11tDead tDead heat heatNov Nov 1472pim 34 1i5Vfett 2 117 1 2 53 6 1 HowellRi Mdn 62 NeddieG1117 NothingAs120 FownsB 12 Oct23 473LH 34 113ft 75 11212 1015 8i 5 1 ButtlerL 5000 70 Mindanao120 Slower120 Persuaded 12 Oct14472Lrl 34113ft 53 1125 4 33 2 ButtlerL Mdn 79 Dunld120 HaroldHter120 PtyNymph 12 May 9 Pirn 38 ft 38b April 3 Hia 38 ft 39b April 1 Hia 38 ft 40b Wncn WOSp Wnict YYdlSr X 1 AJLBr 4 Ted Ea rManr Margaret by Greeno 1430Owner lUChfceetW K B Ge e 1941 3 1 I I 1430 Owner A E Mettz Trainer A E Mettz 53090 1947 14 010 S4SO May2Q48iWas S4SOMay2Q48iWas 34113Hft 19 108 21 42J12H121 SkoskiAS 3500 63 BigWig103 Tarawa118 BessieVance 12 M1248 Spt 58104m 91 109 44 321 1h 1 SkoskiA 3000 PaperdipHI NthDakota98 Heesadate 9 May 1483Spt 58 58102 102 ft 12 109 42J 41 9131Q12 BaileyP BaileyPJt 5000 Grand Love 106 Day 117 Little MillylO Nov547 Spt 6if125sl 6 108 1 2J 43J 6 BatesT KDorko 117 AfterEight 113 BenGray 10 Nw 347 Spt 58 l03V ft 12 110 1 1 1 j 21 CampR ThderLil 112 SuesSpecl 117 Petrif d 10 Qct29473Spt 16 1066 5 PorchQ3 FranksPalllS McLish113 Keener 10 Oct2047SSpt 58 103ftft 16 112 1 57 5 5H BairdRLZ 4000 FranksPal 115 Bracket 118 BuckRake 10 Sep 4472Haw 6JM21 ft 30 104 9 3 65 10 DAugoJ 4000 55 NTitMiss112 MHyPitchrIO Richwall 12 May 26 Was 33 ft 37b 37bdnnnlrl April 29 Spt 38 ft 42b AprH 21 Spt 12 ft 51hg euiu dnnnlrl X 1 1 9 1 by Sweepster Golden Lure by Triumph or Golden Boss 1 j 1 H c Hatch 1948 7 1 1 0 2165 Owner C E Cone Trainer G Stutts S3000 1947 18 2 1 t S3930 May2048 S3930May2048 Was 34113ft 7i 115 7 65J 5 J 4i GarnerWZ 3500 74 BigWig103 Tarawa118 BessieVance 12 May8483Spt 78132qd 11 114 42 5 J1010 2 ManifdHS 3500 Sunstm114 BessieVnce108 YngGrdie 10 Apr12485TrP 34111V ft 4 116 2J V 3 58J RoduezE 4000 80 Day 111 CatnipHill 118 Manadroit 8 Mar27 483TrP 34 l11ft 2i 116 7 H 74 75 68J RogersC 4500 79 GoodTurn116 PrincessEirellO Corinth 8 Har22483TrP 34111ft 21 118 3 12 13 12J RogersC3 3500 87 ZannaMay 107 CelestialBlue ITS Peg 11 Olidor12Jan Mar15482TrP 34112M ft 7 118 52J 53 5 3 2J WdhseH2 350083 Albatross118 Instanter118 Olidor12 Jan B482G 34113 ft 16 110 8 1 81 75j 75 SmithFAS 450074HearthMse119 PlaidlTi109 FousMiss 8 Dec31472GP 78125 ft 14 122 6 2 32J 7 SmithFAS 4000 77 Sir Jinx 110 Pene 104 Phidias 12 Dec27472GP 78126 ft 6i 1095 83 11 11 FeastonH 4500 67 Shockoe107 BlgT0115 Cordon 11 May 24 LF 38 ft 39b May 19 LF 12 ft 54b May 15 Haw 12 sy 56b ln e Hnuco nouse X Br 9 by House Warmer Raffles Chance by Raffles Owner D Emery Trainer D Emery 3000 1947 30 4 4 3 8445 May1448Spt 8445May1448Spt 781344ssl 12 118 10H 33 24 I2 BaileyPJ3 Alw VleysPal 108 Tarawa110 PignExprs 19 May 7482Spt 781335Sl 3J 117 7 i 4 32J 2 MifoIdH 2500 HppyDoellO QunJody111 A La Reigh 10 May 348 Spt 1 153 go 11 118 SJ 55J 48 4 MifoIdH 3000 SunstormlH OswegoDr111 Wrakfair 9 Apr27 482Spt 78 133 ft 75 113 3i 43 33 H KushL 2000 Ironsweep 118 DoraM 113 Salomea iC Apr14488TrP 1149ft 95 110 22 2 2 J 5 CookWM 2500 55 Get Good 112 Our Blen 117 Polonius 7 Apr 488TrP 1 146ysft 51 1092 2 22 3 PebodyC 300072 GoIdBoy 103 Rotamal 116 FossBarker 7 Apr 3r48n P 1 A 148go 51 106 53 731 7BJ JM Duff J 3250 54 Game o Chce114 Anako104 WHKelly 8 Mar24482TrP 34112 ft 4 112 6 J 4 35j 32J DuffJS 3000 82 Bracket 106 In 101 RowingOil 12 Mar18488TrP 1 148 ft 32 10913 1 U 23 MrtensC 3000 69 GoodBreak 113 Expeditious115 TwixH2 May TwixH2May 31 Was 12 ft 51b May 23 Was 38 ft 36b May 20 Was 12 ft 52b Breeder Alfred McKnigM 1948 9200 2265 Owner H G Knott Trainer H HMay8482Spt G 2265G Knott 3000 1947 27 3 3 4 4535 May8482Spt 78132qo 51 120 2J 2 1 1 c CalvinC 2500 BeanPot110 Whyso115 DoraM 7 Apr26482Spt 1155ft 4J 118 43 88110 51QM CalvinC 2500 Appetizer108 BeanPotHO VdinaSeer 10 Mar274830P 1 146ft 41 112 45142111 1 SwainC7 250084 VinaHvest115 PariCe115 MissOBy 8 Mar1648OP 34 112ft 18 1834112ft 115 951 8 1 851 710 StrangeBS Alw 74 FlygJim115 LmaMarKte105 DeliaM 12 Mar12482QP 34112ft 12 115 52 53 621 63J StrangeB 2500 79 JohnSabo115 BrwnValley113 SunFly11 Mar 84830P 34114 go 61 110 71 7io 5J 4t ° MeyerCJ2 Alw67LtBill 118 DoverRoad 105 FlyingJim 9 Mar 348OP 34113 ft 21 115 6517 7716 PenaM Alw76Baruna 112 Shoot to Boot 107 Endeen 12 JanIO 48 FG 34114 gd 81 121 65J 73J 53J 5i DuhonM5 Alw 69 RiverJk115 Stork ofPe121 CntForay 9 9May May 30 Was 12 ft 50b May 6 Spt 38 si 43b May 4 Spt 38 ft 40b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948060101/drf1948060101_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1948060101_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800