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Late Results THORNCLIFFE PARK Saturday May 29 1948 1948FIFT FIFT RACE 49924 116 Miles Purse 5000 5000Threeyearolds Threeyearolds and upward Handicap Double Briar 117 Dougherty 470 325 250 Palermo 103r Segriff 1590 4S5 4S5Brown Brown Hostess 114 Roy 265 265Time Time 145 Off at 520 Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner B h 5 by Bunty Lawless Silk and Wool by Synorix SynorixAlso Also ran Vice Admiral aOld Faithful a Ferry Pilot Samanad Burboy BurboyaCoupled aCoupled Old Faithful and Ferry Pilot SIXTH RACE 499251 116 Miles Purse 1350 1350Threeyearolds Threeyearolds and upward Claiming Dirigo 110 Bailey 750 455 280 280Geneva Geneva Lois 110 Dodge 915 450 450Play Play Easy 104i Hartley 265 265Time Time 149 Off at 601i Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner B g 4 by Stand Pat Skygazer by Sky Rocket RocketAlso Also ran MacPlin Marine Beauty Gypsy Girl White Ford SEVENTH RACE 49926 1 116 Miles Purse 1350 1350Fcuryearolds Fcuryearolds and upward Claiming North Storm 110 Dodge 1250 740 420 420Pinch Pinch Hitter 115 Stroud 670 465 465Pure Pure Briar 118 Barber 610 610Time Time 150 Off at 636J Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner B g 6 by North Wales II Storm Lass by Pharamond II IIAlso Also ran Own Reward Patsy S Glazier Hasty Sage Papau tFlying Sprite Kalmar tlpp tGallant Vi VitMutuel tMutuel field fieldIpp Ipp claimed by G F Potter and J D Toomath for 1600 EIGHTH RACE 49927 1 18 Miles Purse 1350 1350Fcuryearolds Fcuryearolds and upward Claiming Red Vulcan 114 Dodge 685 400 Z45 Z45Judfry Judfry 112 Payne 590 315 315Heres Heres Harvey 109 Ccwley 255 255Time Time 156 Off at 716 Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner B g 10 by Pompey Firestop by Man o War Also WarAlso ran Resulter Blockade Flying Pretty Cliftons Comet tDoryphoros tFiveoEight Good Ante AntetMutuel tMutuel field