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EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESPosition Position m ORDER Oh HNISH VI1H 8 Race and WEIGH x at 5 LepQlni Be if finish show norse on second gc E r = hmdwn E third and fourth horses are given g ° ° ° S ing Horse = 5 8 5 i second Hrst third and fourth 8 I i IS S = ° i = norses e shown c c ° Si S a S f oo oothird third Jirst seconocjano tourtr go 0 norses are shown ts Stt unplaced irst secono ano thirc jt horses are hown J JJHn1045 JHn1045 CD 1V4207f1 85e 26 4 3 2J 1J Arcarot e2500 85 Pot o tuck126 DbyD ppe2fc AirSloi U UWote Wote Except in races of the shortet distances where the first call is pre stretch or stretch and foi which the start call is used the first point ot call after the start at the quarter mile mark in most races is given in races run on or after January 1 1948 Past performances tor races run prior to that date give each horses position at start instead of first point ot call Positions of first point of call and pre stretch ca1 vary according to distance oj face Speed ratings are not given in steeplechase hurdle or Braces run on the turf course nor at racks of less than one mile