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CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Mabclar MabclarAndytown 37b Halcolette Halcolette36b 50ysb Bonjo Bonjo52b Andytown 36b Pangola PangolaAmby 36b Intimate Intimate36b 52b Devilish Hypo Amby 36bg Phar Supreme SupremeBubble 36b Joiner Joiner365ib 51 b Daisys Darling Bubble Bull 37 bg Pit Away AwayBetty 365ib JaveTime 51 b Flaming Rebel Betty Clips 37 b Star o Lee LeeBlueblend 37 b King Request 50 b Ligbt Request Request50b Blueblend 36V b Star Blaze BlazeCome 37 b Mary Merry Merry37b 50b Miss Melody Come Aboard 37 b So SoChief 37b Miss Sap Sap36b 51 b OleRob Chief Guide 37b Tutors Heart HeartCountryside 36b Our Bolero 50 b Riverton Countryside 37 b Wellum WellumChurch 37 b Peggys Brandy 6 FURLONGS109 Church Man 35 b 4 FURLONGS 463s 6 Rippey Ruth 50 b Bug Brush 116 h hDashing Dashing Deby 35b Altruistic 50 b Risk Another 51 b Flamingo 115h 115hDu 116bgFederal Du Ni NiFederal 37 b Betsy Burk 50bg Sun Chariot 50y5bg HtKitler 116bg Federal Judge 37 b Doc Moorman 51 b Shinella 50 b Hue and Cry 115h 115hFar Far Drait 384sb Dear Annette 50 b Serenata Boy 49b Mr Grace 415h 415hFleet Fleet Gem 37 b Double Page 48bg Tip Sheet 49b Prince Torch 115 h hGame Game Gal 361sb Damion Rouge 50 bg Tim Tag 51 bg Romeos Heart 116 b bHuston Huston 38 b Erie County 49b Tom Pom 50 bg High bgHigh Order 37 b Glory Son 493sbg Tilwick 50bg 7 FURLONGS 124 Know All 36 h Fleet Commander 49 bg Wianoor 50b Bornastar 128 h hLethial Lethiai 35b Fast Pal 51 bg 5 FURLONGS 58 Full Stage 131 b bMens Mens Wings 37 b Fusilade 49h Aysha 105 b Terra Firma 128h 128hCHURCH CHURCH MAN and DASHING DEBY 3fhave their speed DOUBLE PAGE 4f had fine speed from the gate DIVERTON 5f showed fitness HUE AND CRY and MR GRACE 6f were together in a very handy move movePRINCE PRINCE TORCH 60 was well in hand BORNASTAR 7f is coming to hand TERRA FIRMA 7f did a useful move LINCOLN DOWNS Track Fast 39 fa War of Roses 38 h Sure Frisky 37h Savage Man Man374sh 374sh 4 FURLONGS 475 Tones Tricia Bold and Fair 38 h Little Kathy 39 b Blue Guy 51 h Time Gauge 52b 52bCamden Camden 38h Lon 38 h Des Plaines 49h Wee Bonnie 51 h hColumbia Columbia Gem 37ih Marys Guy 39b Dirks Sister 50h Why Bill 51 h hCuantos Cuantos Pet 39 b Madcap Miss 38 h Flashy Bond 48h 48hDucat Ducat 383sh MollieZ 39b Grinstead 50h 5 FURLONGS 58 EtoileduNord 37h Miss Rico 37h Gail V 511sh Cozy Circle 10645b 10645bEntropy Entropy 38 h Pipe of Peace 38 h Gordon Lee 50h Lady Bertha 103 h hFar Far Reply 373sh PreJim 37hg Heaven Helpus 494sh Mr Marcey 104 h hFront Front Pew 39b Southern Pine 37h Hit Head 52 b Rippingale 104h 104hGolden Golden Prince 383sh Some Score 373sh Inharmony 52 b Royal Destiny 105h 105hGlory Glory Union 37hg Square Measure 41 b Kays Star 50h Rush Prince 104 h hGoofy Goofy Girl 39 hg Sonnet 36 h Mans Folly 49h Sky Jeep 107 b bGrey Grey Gem 37Vi h Top Rating 37 h Mr Assessor 51 h hGrey Grey Beau 37 h Vigor 37Kh Peters A C 533ib 7 FURLONGS 125 125Illuminate Illuminate 40 b Whirl Dust 37h Raymel 5irsh Lovely Dice 132b 132bCOLUMBIA COLUMBIA GEM 30 went handily SONNET 3f went impressively FLASHY BOND 40 went in a handy move MANS FOLLY 40 went handily CAHOKIA DOWNS Track Fast 3 FURLONGS 36 hg Royal River Johns Thrill 50ib 50ibPrairie Bragas 39b Phar Wiser 363ih Sherry Girl Prairie Prince 49 h hWether Deltic 36 hg Quick Money 37b Swing Len Wether Bell 50 h Easy Tiger 36h Low Star 36 h Star Page 5 FURLONGS 58 58Impolite Errard Queen 39sb Laird Frazier 36 h Too Alone Impolite 100h 100hLa Fillinois 38 b Litlle Cyclone 36 h 4 FURLONGS La Priscilla 102h 102hMighty Glenn K 37b Madam Tide 361shg Chief Fanelli Mighty Jane 103 b Gin Tonic 36h Mighty Easy 37b Clay Worker Helens Grace 38b Oalo 363sb Egyptian Queen 6 FURLONGS Imperial Ace 36 hg Rainlo 36 h Gerry Frank Marbardi 117 THISTLEDOWN Track Good 3 FURLONGS Lord Johnny 38b 4 FURLONGS 46 Luke Valentina 49 h hBuy Buy M Now 37b Trolite 39 b Calgary 51b Magic Bird 49h 49hHoopette Hoopette 36h Joes Folly 53 b 5 FURLONGS58 FURLONGS58Jacnite Jacnite 38 b Lotus Eater 50 h My Decision 104 h hHOOPETTE HOOPETTE 30 showed a creditable effort in his short trial JUKE VALENTINA 40 worked creditably ASCOT PARK Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Good Colony 40y5b Old Frank Frank39b 38b Alaric 5Q h h38b Arthur Charles CharlesBemighty Hi and Fair 39b Our Sara Lee Lee39b 38b Cat Boat 54b 54b39sb Bemighty BemightyChozn Hals Boy 39b Printers Devil Devil37h 39sb HighGing 50Vfeh Chozn Coil CoilCourt Hays Dream 37h Pages Boy Boy394sb 38 bg Royal Helvetia iSWsh iSWsh371sh Court Dowd DowdEmelea Kentucky Flame 394sb Pepsi Patsy 371sh Princess Simon 52Ysb 52Ysb39b Emelea EmeleaFoofy Kin Trip 40 b Protocall Protocall391sb 39b Three Grand 50 h Foofy FoofyGay Lady Bandit 391sb Red Challon 39b 6 FURLONGS 11225 112254B Gay Drummer DrummerGreek Light Jean 38b 4 FURLONGS FURLONGSc37 4B Parno 120 b Greek Honey Lota Moxie c37 h Amygal 50 hg Phoebe Gee 118 b MAUMEE DOWNS Track Fast Austin Mack 41 b Hy Limited Limited423sh 40h Spring Fever Fever394sb 37h See Sissy 53y5hg 53y5hg40b Bee Dee Bright 423sh Miss Ninitoo 394sb Turkish Isles Isles393sh 40b 5 FURLONGSr59 FURLONGSr5937hg Counsellor Eli 39 rg Navy Shadow Shadow40h 393sh Westbunty Westbunty37Vh 37hg Hominy 107hg DeloresT v 40h Parnell Breeze 37Vh ZacaKahn 39 h Joluke 107h Flint Night 38 h Rough Cookie 40b 4 FURLONGS 48 Royal Disc 109h 109h53h First Morn 37 h Royal Velvet Velvet4iy5h 38h Flying Fame Fame36h 53h 6 FURLONGS 111s 111s53rsh Fire and Ice 4iy5h Red Hal Hal41h 36h If You Vote Vote40b 120hg53h 53rsh Fair Fight 120hg Griffo 41h SnoAbe 40b Mijack 53h Spudder 119 h SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Fate of War 50h Rico Ree 48 h Our Jim 103 h hBrother Brother Doge 3 b Kakuza Ridge 52b Scargo Hill 50h OurPleasure 100h 100hDive Dive 37 h Lucky Penny 53b 5 FURLONGS 58V5 Office Wife 104sb 104sbSam Sam Brook 37sb Lady Eternal 49h Black Satin 103 hg 3 FURLONGS 109 4 FURLONGS 47 Marzipan 49 h Miss Holly Hill 105 bg Flotilla 114 h hRICO RICO REE 40 was well in hand OUR PLEASURE 50 looks and acts good FLOTILLA 6f went very verywell well was in company with RICO REE and MARZIPAN for a half