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SILKY SULLIVAN Turned in a pleasing trialbetween races yesterday at Pimlic Silky Sullivan Works for Preakness Steps Mile Distance In 141 1414s 4s Handily HandilyPassesStablemateatQuarter PassesStablemateatQuarter Pole Draws Out in Stretch Twelvehorse Field Likely LikelyContinued Continued from Page One OneNight Night Lodger thinking his days work was done doneIn In other Preakness developments 1 Following the running of yesterdays Preakness Prep here and the Withers Mile at Belmont Park the middle jewel of rac ¬ ings Triple Crown now looks like a 12 horse race Decisions on the status of John S Kroeses Sir Robby and George Lewis Martins Rullah have been promised tomor ¬ row by their respective interests and it is understood that the latter is more likely to participate than Sir Robby the Withers winner Christianas Staysail second in ftie prep to Gone Fishin is also likely to run back in the Preakness 2 Mrs Anna Cannulis Chance it Tony worked a mile in 144 here this morning in preparation for his Preakness engage ¬ ment wearing blinkers for the first time 3 Charley Whittingham trainer of Llangollens Gone Fishin is well pleased with his colts performance in the Prep and looks for the roan son of Endeavour II to benefit considerably this week end from his experience over the track trackChance Chance it Tonyjs not an outstanding work horse and trainer Wilie Manzi who was on hand from Garden State Park for this mornings move seemed well satis ¬ fied with the Challenge Me colts calisthen ¬ ics Chance it Tony who was a good sixth in the Derby is scheduled for a brief blow ¬ out on Friday to complete his Preakness preparation I ITim Tim Tarn Merely Gallops GallopsThis This is not a big colt but he is well made and is one of the soundest horses j on the grounds Chance it Tonys biggest disadvantage insofar as Saturdays festivl ities are concerned is the fact that he comes from well off the pace a difficult row to hoe in the Preakness which favors the speed horse However he always closes well and could conceivably get a piece of the purse if some of the leaders tire in the deep going here hereTim Tim Tarn who worked a half mile in 50 yesterday merely galloped this morning will probably blow out another 4 furlongs on Thursday Jimmy Jones is well pleased with the way his colt is com ¬ ing up to the race and the son of Tom Fool and Two Lea seems to have improved in appearance markedly over the past few weeks He is dead fit thanks to Jones careful supervision and will have no ex ¬ cuse on those grounds if he is beaten this weekend weekendJones Jones main concern is Tim Tarns po ¬ sition in the Preakness The Derby win ¬ ner cannot be rushed early and it would be desirable if he were a little closer to the pace this week end on the far turn than he was in Louisville All Preakness win ¬ ners in the last eight years have led en ¬ tering the stretch However Jones points out that Whirlaway ame from way out of it to win easily in 1941 and thinks that Tim Tarn is enough horse to handle any situation that might1 arise ariseLincoln Lincoln Road is another who has put on weight and developed through the arduous grind of the spring classics Trainer Vic Sovinski determined that he will send out a thoroughly fit horse had Chris Rogers gallop him briskly this morning and plans to work the son of With Pleasure 7 fur longs tomorrow Sovinski followed the same program for the Derby in which Lincoln Road was beaten a half length for all the money and sees no reason to aban ¬ don ttiat schedule at this time Sovinski is well aware that the Pimlico track favors a speed horse and in all prob ability Lincoln Road will be off and wing ¬ ing on Saturday The trainer found out his colt couldnt be rated in the Derby Trial that he isva freerunning sort who wants to run his own race Since the deep strip here tires a horse Lincoln Road must be half past ready if he is to make all the pace Sovinski is confident he can run all day and feels sure the colt is agile enough to handle himself well on the sharp turns turnsMarking Marking Time With Jewels Reward RewardIvan Ivan Parke satisfied with the way Jewels Reward handled himself in Sun ¬ days work at the Preakness distance is merely marking time now until Saturdays race Mrs Grahams colt will get a brief blowout on Friday and is likely to inn alone since the stable has other plans for Ebony Pearl and Liberty Ruler failed to distinguish himself in yesterdays Withers at Belmont BelmontParke Parke is sure Jewels Reward will give a much better show on Saturday than he did in the Derby when he finished a well beaten fourth Jewels Reward won the Pimlico Futurity on this track last fall and seems to lika the going here Since he prefers to race with the leaders the Jet Jewel colt is another who must be dead fit if he is tqlast the mile and threesix ¬ teenths hence Sundays stiff work Parke points out that Jewels Reward was well within himself in the move however and has a full week to recover from any weari ¬ ness occasioned by the effort effortSlim Slim Pierce an overnight arrival from Chicago is satisfied that Noureddin is ready for the Preakness The Noor colt will blow out 3 furlongs on Friday and off his brilliant third in the Derby must be regarded with considerable respect In 20 starts over the past two years hes failed to get a check first second third or fourth money only once Satisfied With Ride RidePierce Pierce who went to see the films of the Derby twice opines that Jimmy Combest gave Noureddin a good ride and that the boy hadno other alternative but to swing wide around a group of seven horses en ¬ tering the stretch Pierce also notes that Noureddin doesnt like to get dirt kicked back in his face and that he probably ap ¬ preciated the racing room on the outside in Louisville Noureddin will gallop all week to 1 amiliarize himself witlxthe foot ¬ ing here and since his trainer was for many years an assisttant to Mr Fitz you can rest assured the colt will be fit fitCharley Charley Stevenson who is deputizing for the absent Jimmy Conway feels that Talefit Show isj coming up to the Preak ¬ ness in the best form of his career The Olympia gelding was a clever winner of the Delaware Valley Stakes at Garden State last week end according to Stev ¬ enson and his speed should stand him in good stead this Saturday Talent Show who was third in the Flamingo behind Tim Tarn and Jewels Rewardx will prob ¬ ably blow out a half mile on Thursday with Stevenson up Willie Lester his rider in the Delaware Valley will handle him again in the Preakness PreaknessJimmy Jimmy Hechter is definitely planning to start Powhatan Farms Michore on Satur ¬ day following the Miche colts victory over Calumets A Glitter at 5lfe furlongs here I last Friday Michore ninth in the Chesa ¬ peake at Laurel has only a single victory to show for six starts this season buy may want a distance of ground in line with his breeding His dam is OertheLea by Bull Lea