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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp59172Mitchell 59172Mitchell 4 116 650 6505951Basquil 5951Basquil 4 112 655 2523 Jim Henry 7 112 640 5816 Blackjack 5 112 640 5916 Bridge ton 5 109 675 5951 Joe Shelby 3 100 660 66059482Forbush 59482Forbush 3 99 700 7005930Chang 5930Chang 3 97 690 690First First series seriesSecond series Second Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 57882Joc OSot SOot 6 108 668 5916 Alva 6 108 640 5947 Hush 7 108 655 65559i73Osric 59i73Osric II 4 107 672 67259513Tony 59513Tony Honing 4 107 658 65859472Prince 59472Prince of India 4 107 675 6755916PopDixori 5916PopDixori 4 107 665 5974 Irksome 6 106 662 66259463BU1 59463BU1 Dawdy Daddy 4 104 645 64559753Briergs 59753Briergs 4ld4 650 5767 Lady Britannic 4 102 660 5951 Confession i 4 102 655 5854 Sir Joseph Lister Blister 3 91 652 5855 Lady of the West 3 86 670 5971 Lavorna Flavor 3 86 656 656Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 2545 Jesse 6 109 650 5884 Kowalsky Koalas 5 109 670 67049713M6ntgomery 49713M6ntgomery 5 106 700 7001633Veloce 1633Veloce 3 95 660 66028362Quido 28362Quido Rock 3 94 675 2835 Marzella Mazola 3 90 685 68527123Loving 27123Loving Cup 3 90 690 690Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile KindergartenStakes Kindergartens 1500 Guaranteed Guaranteed2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp5227Sea 5227Sea Lion 121 710 71053753Cathedral 53753Cathedral 121 745 7455375Fausturo 5375Fausturo 121 740 7405973Ben 5973Ben Bramble 118 750 75058203Hittick 58203Hittick 118 705 70558862Leo 58862Leo Planter 118 725 5886 Dick Collins 118 700 700Jerry Jerry Hunt b c by Servitor Innocence 113 597Q2Judge Tarvin Arvin 113 720 5970 Tobe Toe Paine 113 650 5085 Blaze Face 110 675 5886 Scottish Grit 108 730 73058533Leostratus 58533Leostratus 105 715 J W Schorr Scorer Son entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcpt Duct Hdcpt5920St 5920St Roque Croquet 4 103 690 69059182F6rror 59182F6rror 4 100 69o 69o59183Skale 59183Skale 5 100 700 5920 Madeline 6 100 670 6703720Schiller 3720Schiller 5 100 680 5998 Our Chance 3 87 685 685Sixtli Sixtli Sixties Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3720 Schiller Chiller 5 114 670 6705918The 5918The Elector 4 112 690 5974 Harrie Harriet Floyd 4 107 625 62559723Qold 59723Qold Band 4 107 67o 5949 Nick Carter 4 105 6fo 6fo14443Bishop 14443Bishop Reed 4 105 660 6605884The 5884The Chemist 4 105 695 5854 Hano Hanoi Belle 510D 625 3773 Charley Roiff Riff 4 102 62a 5855 Mollie King 6 102 640 5975 Hoi pn HGardner Gardner 5 102 6aO 6aO59202Linda 59202Linda 8 102 680 5998 Our Chance 3 100 668 66858842Lady 58842Lady CalJahan Callahan 4 100 685 6855919Ed 5919Ed Farrell 3 93 700