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HARLEM ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 8535 Astor 3 99 655 8371 Belle Decker 3 99 550 7981 Whirmantiline 3 99 610 8639 John Sack 3 99 600 8180 Lady Stockham Stockholm 3 99 8580 Empress Josephine 3 99 8535 Branch 3 99 8177 Julia Hazal Hazel 3 101 7525 Frod Frond Broans Brogans 3 102 8n09 Dulac Unlace 3 102 8407 Inpector Inspector Hunt 5 105 8139 Sugar Cane 4 105 86413 Pitfall 6 105 6160 Teeta Tetra May 7 105 8643 Nat P 5 108 Second Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling86313Hosi 86313Hosi 3 90 8643 Mr Easton 3 90 8558 Prince Blazes 3 90 78393Forte 3 95 6884 Bridgeton Bridgetown 5 100 86J3 Swordsman 4 103 8507Cant Dance 5 105 8579 Topmast 5 108 Tliird Laird Race 5 13 Furlonjjs Furlongs FurlonjjsThe Furlongs The Garfield Stakes 750 added 2yearolds Selling Selling85M3Good 85M3Good Hope 95 85822Cauace 93 8606 Judge Tarvin Arvin 100 86322prince Dudley 104 8630 Boney Bony Boy 105 8103 Espionage 105 8398 Sea Lion 108 8375 Ailyar Halyard 108 8582 Jolly Roger 108 Fourth Race 1 1KJ Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 8381 Plantain 3 90 8605 The Devil 3 96 8287 Chariua Carina 4 97 710 8605 Fervor 4 105 740 7408629Found 8629Found 3 93 725 864lVhater 725864lVhater Lou 4 110 750 SSOafOharley 750SSOafOharley Christy 4 100 730 73083723fTimemaker 83723fTimemaker 4 100 710 J 710J Huffman entry J W Schorr Scorer Son entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 8642 Chugnut Chung 5 100 675 8158 Paul Griggs Rigs 4 103 745 8643 Czarowitz Carbonize 4103 700 8579 Carnero Caner 4 103 750 7508162D 8162D una Luna Rita 4 107 735 735Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8534 Mi s Lizzie Tizzies 3 99 650 8158 King Bermuda 3 99 660 8629 St Alfonses Alfonso D 3 102 670 8559 Bordeu Bordeaux 3 102 665 8583 Hermoao Hermosa 3 102 640 8301 Jackanapes 3 104 675 67585562Molo 85562Molo 3 104 700 8558 Roger B 5 105 690 85 U Warren Point 5 105 625 6258534Ruskin 8534Ruskin 3 105 635 63584903Vice 84903Vice Regal 5 105 630 7891 Refu Ref ee 5 107 635 8508 Ridskin Redskin 8 108 650 8583 Reuben Rowett Rowe 4 108 640 8408 Prince of India 4 108 630