Morris Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-25


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= 1 - - j = , i, , !, J, j. g f 3 3. - 1 I f 1 | 4 j j 1 1 1 i T f ■ J at c * , f L = 1 c , e _ j j ■ J , j ! I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I . 1 I ] 1 1 1 ] I ! 2 MORRIS PARK FORM CHART. WESTCHESTER, ST. Y., May 24.— Fifteenth day. Westchester Racing Association. Spring Meeting. Weather clear ; track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter. C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. -I Q/"|/"||tJ FIRST RACE— Withers Mile. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Ind Horses"" A Wt St V4 Vt H. StrFin Jockeys Owners ~" O H L C 17836-iDAN RICE 5 110 2 2" 2-- 15 H |1 Maher Hayman and Frank 1 6-5 1 6-5 17951 BANGOR 4 110 6 6 51 4- 3» 2U McCue RT Wilson Jr 4 4 34 34 17808 OLIVER MC 4 107 1 1« 1« 21 2- 31 Shaw P Clark 12 12 10 10 17732 EINER 5 110 5 54 6 6 5 4" Richards P H Hume 100 100 60 60 17955«POST HASTE 3 100 3 314 3- 31 4" 5 J Daly O L Richards 15 20 15 20 17860 TYR SHENA S 110 4 41 4i 5 6 6 Clawson Clayton and Co 3 16-53 16-5 Time, 245, 48, 1 :01*5, 1 :145, 1 :4L. Winner— Ch. h, by Hanover— Jess. Went to post at 2 :33. At post 3 minutes. Start straggling. Won easily ; second the same. Dan Rice was the best and could have won further off. Bangor was slow to begin but made up ground gradually and was much the best of the others. Oliver Mc showed early speed but quit when the real issue came. Scratched— 17981 Flax Spinner, 110; 17*51 Buffoon, 107; 17836 St. Cloud, 107: 17839 Robert Metcalf, 100. Dan Rice, place, 2 to 5 ; show, out. Bangor, place, evens : show, 2 to 5. Oliver Mc, show. 6 to Tyr Sbena, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. -I Qrw rT SECOND RACE— Last 5 1-3 Furlongs Eclipse Course. 00 added. iOy I 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 44 Vt % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 17596PINK DOMINO 3 89 8 7 34 14 U4 Rauch JRandFP Keene 4 5 4 4 17808 THE AMAZON 3 98 2 3« 1- 24 2- Shaw W Keyes 10 20 10 20 17808 THE CORINTHN 3 100 1 1" 2» 3* 3 Mitchell A White 4 7 4 6 17951 FONSOLEE 3 100 5 5« 6 5h i OConnor A Featherstone 20 20 20 20 14295-SAN CECELIA 3 104 3 24 41 44 54 Jenkins M Murphy 1 1 4-5 4-5 17955 CARBUNCLE 3 103 4 6 7 7 0* McCue T J Healey 8 12 8 12 17807 CUPIDITY 3 89 6 44 5» 61 71 J Daly O L Richards 12 15 12 15 17860 JAMAICA 3 90 10 I 9 84 81 Dangman J J MacKessey 15 30 15 30 17839 ROBT. METCALF 3 103 7 8 S 9 9 James P S P Randolph 40 100 40 100 NORWICH 3 100 9 10 10 10 10 J Slack J G Smith 40 40 20 20 17714 CHENILLE 6 100 11 11 11 11 11 Phelan H E Hanfield 50 50 TO 30 17244 REE MITCHELL 4 100 12 12 12 12 12 Wilson H S Levvy 50 100 50 100 15515 DYE 6 102 13 13 13 IS 13 Mackey W Sipling 100 200 100 200 Time, 1:054. Winner— B. or br. f by Domino — Belle Rose. Went to post at 3 :00. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Pink Domino got off poorly, but was well ridden, finished fast and was drawing away at the finish. The Amazon and The Corinthian raced each other into exhaustion in the early stages of the race. San Cecelia was probably short and the race should do her good. Robert Metcalf was crowded the start and thrown out of the contest. Chenille is a bad actor at the post and would not break. Scratched— 13561 Kilarma, 97; 12306 Scaunell, 108; 17718 Chartless, 108; 17951 Elsie Skip, 101; 17664 Owas Queen, 100. Pink Domino, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. The Amazon, place, 5 to 1; show. 24 to 1. The Corinthian, show, 4 to 5. San Cecelia, place, out. 1 W/ i lU THIRD RACE— Last 5 1-2 Furlonts Eclipse Course. 2-year-olds. Ailow-lOlUO ances. The Eclipse Stakes. ,000 added. Ind Horses A Wt St hi Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 178381RR1TABLE 122 4 14 15 1" U Maher FleischmannSons 24 3 24 13-5 17904ALL GREEN 122 2 34 3« 2« Clawson C T Patterson 5 10 5 9 17952 HANDWORK 122 1 24 2" 34 3 Spencer J W Rogers 2 24 2 24 17953PRINCE CHARLES 122 5 41 44-4" 41 N Turner W C Whitney 6 8 6 8 17953BEDECK 122 3 5 5 5 S Bullman G B Morris 3 3 11-511-5 Time, 1:06,. Winner— Ch. c, by Iroquois — Toribera. Went to post at 3:37. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out; second driving. Irritable showed fine speed and was best although Maher had to hustle him at the end to stall off All Green and Handwork. The latter two fought it out gamely all through the last quarter and All Green lasted longest. Bedeck was outrun throughout. Irritable, place, evens ; show, out. All Green, place, 2 to 1 ; show, out. Handwork, place, evens ; show, out. Bedeck, place, 4 to 5; show, out. 1 L5ffC FOURTH RACE— Last 5-8 Mile. Eclipse Course. 00 added. 2-year-olds. 10Ul7»7 Maidens. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St H H % "StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 17940 IGDDESS OF NIGHT 89 2 2H 2H U 1- Rauch E A Tipton 7-106-57-1011-10 17861 DELMARCH 91 4 3« 3i 21 2 4 Dangman C T Patterson 9-5 3 9-5 9-5 17827 WATER PLANT 89 1 1« 1- 31 314 J Slack P S P Randolph 15 20 15 15 17827 BALLOON 99 3 4 4 4 4 Evans H K Vingut 5 5 4 4 Time. 1:002. Winner— Blk. f, by Prince of Monaco — Gondola. Went to post at 4 :00. At post 2 minutes. Start straggling. Won easily ; second driving. Goddess of Night was best and was well handled. Delmarch would have been closer up. but he 6werved across the course in the la6t furlong. Water Plant got away flying. Slack beat the gate but his mount stopped badlv in the last quarter. Scratched— 17940 Velasquez, 90 ; 17693 The Bluecoat, 100. ttoddess of Night, place , out. Delmarch, place, 1 to 2. Water Plant, place, 5 to 1. Balloon, place, evens. No show betting. 1QA1A FIFTH RACE— 1 5-8 Miles. Over the HiU. 3-year-olds. Allowances. X O VJ i J The Belmont Stakes. $" ,000 added ; ,000 in plate to winner. Ind Horses A Wt St St M % ~and~~"StrFin Jockeys Owners ~ O H L C 17825ULDRIM 126 5 V 44 51 5» 4* U N Turner H E Leigh 4 5 34 34 178633 PETRUCHIO 123 3 3* 7 7 7 7 2h Spencer JRandFP Keene 12 TO 12 25 17954MISSIONARY 126 2 24 5* 44 «■ I" 3» OConnor A Featherstone *ll-203-51-2 1-2 ri79441STANDING 126 4 41 3" 2» 2* 2" 4« Clawson R Roche 10 10 10 10 17805 GULDEN 126 6 0 2* 34 4» 53 6* Odom J E Madden 10 15 10 15 17790 HAMMOCK 126 7 7 61 6i 6H 6 6* Bullman P J Dwyer 15 30 15 30 17790MESMERIST 126 1 D D4 1* 14 31 7 Maher A Featherstone »ll-203-5 1-2 1-2 "Coupled in betting. Time, 134, 25«!i. 38, 51, 1 :04, 1 :31i.-„ 2 :214. Winner Blk. Libbie L. — c, by Kingston — Went to post at 4 :33. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. It was a grand finish and Missionary was the best horse, but OConnor had worn him out in trying to stick to Mesmerist in the early part. The latter seems to be only a sprinter, and Maher pulled him up when the pacemaking mission was ended, lldritn was skilfully rated throughout, got up in the final furlong, and won through Turners Tiasterly finish. Spencer waited too long with Petruchio, who closed with a grand burst of speed and was in front a stride beyond the wire. Scratclied-17954 Toddy, 126. Corrected weights— Petruchio, 123. Ildrim, place, 4 to 5 ; show, I to 3. Petruchio, place, 7 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. The entry, place, oct. _ 1 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Over Withers Course. ,000 added. 140/"il O" /ll 4-year-olds and Upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St St Vj *4 % StrFin Jockeys Owner O H L C 17865 HARDLY 5 85 1 T« 13 1* iij 114 t* Douegan A H and 1 H Morris 10 15 10 ¥ 17941 FAVONlUS 4 99 2 24 3« 5 43 21 f Mitchell BTandELittlefield4 5 4 4 17956 HALF TIME 4 108 4 41 21 23 fcl 31 3« Bullman P J Dwyer 24 4 - 4 3 17914-BR1SK 7 106 5 5 5 4« 3» 41 43 OConnor W Oliver 24 16-5"! 16-5 U7737LOTHARIO 4 110 I 3» 4i 3« 5 5 5 Shaw G E Smith 8-5 K-5 7-5 7-5 Time, 25~-„ 37V„ 50r„ l:li-.-„ 1:12, 1:51.. Winner — Ch. m, by Candlemas— Perhaps. Went to post at 5:00. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Hardly regained form suddenly and was best at the weights. Donegaii was rattled at the close and hustled the man- in the la t furlong when he w:i- winning easily. Favonius and Half Time ran fairly good races. Brisk seems to have bad enough racing lately and did not run like himself. Lothario sulked all the way. Scratched— 17950- Voter, 127; 180063 Bangor. 9". Hardly, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 6 to 5. Favonius, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Half Time, show, to 5. Brisk, place, evens; show, 2 to 5. Lothario, place, 3 to 5; show, out.

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Local Identifier: drf1900052501_5_2
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