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LOUISVILLE FORM CHART. DOUGLAS PARK. MONDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1908. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Thirteenth day. Louisville Racing Association. Autumn Meeting of IS days. . Presiding Judge. C. F. Price. Starter. J. J. Holtman. Racing Secretary. Lyman H. Davis. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses folowinc the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse nnd weight carried. ft A7 FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 775491:12 1125. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 77 6 J I Selling. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners trPfShf" Sales! 774992GOLDPROOF wb 5 109 1 4 l2 l2 lS 11 E Griffin CEHamilton 35 55 2S 5 77526sROBIX HOOD "vb 7 109 5 7 4h 3l 2J 24 Trosler J P Mayberry S5 138 170 ll 77548 BITTER SIR w 3 100 12 a 2 2 3 3 M McGeo J C Cahn 9G 94 120 7580SORREL TOP w G 104 S 3 72 7 6s 41 Glasner I B Fitzgerald 31 27 SO 77476 HANNIBAL- BEY tvb 6114 3 6 5 5J 4b 51 V Powers H R Bakor 233 162 194 B 7754S BLUE LEE WB 3 107 4 12 12 Ci 72 65 Deverlch R B Stclle 74 66 77 77471 MARTIUS w 7 109 9 2 Sand 43 5t 71 Heidel F Gering Sr to 0 14 7754S BETH GOODWIN w 3 101 10 9 S 11 S. Snk A Walsh Huehea Bros 44 53 92 8 7747S COMIC OPERA. wb 6 109 7 11 9 S5 11 9J Fogarty G Kluber t t t 77104 CRAWFORD wb 8 102 2 10 10h 102 9a 10 Frazler D T Morris T t T 77233LADY VLB wb 3 104 U S 6 91 10. II1 J Butler G B Ott 20 22 42 77237 VANEN w 3 104 6 1 11s 12 12 .12 Pickens T H Stevens 5 7 9 81228 44 8H32 "?J6 mutuels paid. Ooldproof, 89.15 stralg-t. .80 plaoo, .23 ehow; Robin Eood. 3,80 placo, $,4f suowi Bitter Sir. 0.95 nbow. . Auction field. tMutuel field, 1 ,, Tliao, 241. 49. 1:141. Winnar Cb. s, by Gold Spinner Glimmer Glass trained by JL W. Hall. Went to post at 2:19. At post 2 minutes. Start good, won drlvlngi s?oond ana third tti sama. Goldproof was sore when going to the post, bnt moved Into a Ions lead rapidly and appeared a certain winner before going a half, but bore out badly In the stretch and barely lasted long enough. Robin Hood, in forward contention from the start, was going fast at the end and gaining. Bitter Sir had no mishaps and ran well, but tired near the end. Hannibal Bey ran poorly and can do better. Sorrel Top came from a long way back In the last quarter and wou d have been third In a few more strides. Blue Lee closed a big gap In racing through the stretch. The winner wan filtered for 00; no bid. Scratched 77473 Canada. 09: 77330 Boserrian. 109. Overweights Bitter Sir. 1 pound. 7 AO SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlcngs. 77.1701 :C0ft 3 100. Purse 300. 2-year-olds. i " Q Maidens. Fillies. Seling. Net value to winner 2.". Ind Horsea AWtPPSt V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Mste gggf Sale" 77497SALMENA w ICS 9 2 H l1 1 l3 V Powers B Schreiber 5614 75 70 5 77472 SPLENDID A W 103 11 4 3i 21 2J 2 Glasner J T Combs 97 S4 113 S 77497PROCLA w 109 1 11 7 9 56 31 Fogarty T H Stevens 03 70 117 5 76757 POINT LACE w 103 7 9 6b 6 9 4 Pickens J B Respess 13 26 57 77500 PINK WINGS W 108 8 3 ll4 10 6S 5J Heidel W Gerst 149 50 19S 77500 VANCENA w 109 3 7 and 7and 7and 6 T Taylor L Smltha t22 2o 74 75255 FAIR MONET w 10S 2 3 2h 4 3h 7l A Walsh J Rodegap 6 6 15 775453ZARAPE W 10S 6 5 9 5J S1 Si Troxler W E Oots 256 219 459 15 7717S FLIGHTY WB 10S 14 S 4 3i 41 9J E Griffin W Clay t t t 775S0 FLOWER BEAUTY wb 103 4 12 101 11J 103 101 Dcverich .IRWainwright f t f 77472 TANNIE V MS 10 6 Sand S 11 ll J Butler Talbot Bros 49 45 90 S 767193MAY LUTZ W 103 5 14 14 125 12 12 31 McGee W E Phillips 315 229 252 12 77500 KITTY FISHER w 103 12 10 12V 13 133 133 F , Cole FJ Lutz t t 74525 LA-DY HILir w 10S 13 1 13" 14 14 14 W Ott WfordandBlmer J t i 584 ?Tl 851 "73 t mutuels paid, Almeua, 2.25 straight, .03 place, 55.65 show: Spleudida. 3.25 place. .-20.50 show; Procln. 19.05 show. Auction field. f.Mutuel field. Time. 23?. 4Ss. 1:01. 1:0S. Winner B. f. by Bannockburn Gehelmniss trained by W. Wlialen. Went to post at 2:53. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. Almena got away well, showed the most speed and came away in the stretch as her rider pleased. Splendiila ran a good race and was In nearest jursult most of the way. Procla closed a gap and came with a rush through the last quarter. Point Lace finished fast and gamely from a slow beginning. Pink Wings had to be hard ridden throughout and finished gamely. Vanccna and Fair Money showed speed, hut tired in the last furlong. Flighty showed early speed. The winner was entered for ?400; no bid. Overweights Procla. 1 pound: Vancena. 1. ; . , 7AQ THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 77579 1:4023-114. Purse 5300. 4-year-olds f ! i O J tJ upward. Scllins. Net value to winner 25. M Ind Horses AWt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners trlPlshf" Sj. 7752C ST. VALENTINE wb 7 10G 1 S 55 4 4- 32 It Franklin J IT Strode ?422 ?274 ?2S7 i?12 77402 MATD MILITANT W 4 100 4 2 2 2i 2l 2?. 2t Edmiston J B Rilev 6-1 76 97 7 77452 MILTIADES W 5 103 6 3 1 1 l 1 36 M McGee CCVanMeter 259 232 2S1 7 775272.MORTIBOY w 4 103 5 7 3 3 3 42 4 Heidel MrsMGblatt 743 453 028 25 77u51 HUERFANO WB 4 10S 3 9 Sl 6 5 5s o Deverich "W A Hughes 240 161 224 S 72SfiC SEA SALT w 4 108 8 1 6and 7 7s 7 63 V Powers P Dunno S5 S5 1C9 5 77523 SWIFTWING W S 105 2 4 4and :" GJ 61 7 Goose E Horton 0 4 10 77523 DR. BAKER wn 4 105 9 5 71 S S1 S W Ott F E Hoerter 4 4 10 773S1 CULL w 5 100 7 C 9 9 9 9 9 Glasnor J Grifiln 25 45 SI S1S42 S1333 790 "Iw S.j mutuels paid. St. Valentine. 0.70 straight. 3.35 place, 0.95 show: Maid .Militant. 5.10 place. 2.70 show: Mlltiades. 1.05 show. Auction field. Time. 2.7. 50J. l:15j. 1:414. l:4S. Winner B. h, by Himyar Bracelet trained by J. A. Strode. Went to post at 3:19. At post 1 minute. Start bad. Won driving: second and third the Hame. St. alcntine was close up for the first half and. wearing the leaders down in the last furlong, won bv u close margin In a game finish. Maid Militant ran a good race, caught Mlltiades tiring in the last furlong and outstayed him for second pace. Mlltiades. away fast, showed the most early speed, but tired in the stretch, Mortiboy had no mishaps. Huerfano was away slowly and ran a good race. The others WeTe never serious contenders. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 77551 Telegrapher. 10S. Overweights Sea Salt. 3 pounds. 77ftl A FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 047KJ 1:44?. -1103. Parse 00. All AgesT 0 I Dl J Handicap. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners ""lr Sales! ?7430PINKOLA" W3 IIS f. 2 3sriTji3lfTicIdel W II Flzer" ?521 10-?5IS S2f, T.rWCZAR w 3 100 :: 1 It Sh 2- 2 Glasner J Griffin 796 502 01.; 21 77579 OLD HONESTY W 4 105 5 4 5$ 1- 31 34 M McGee A .T Gorey- S9 It 1-K 5 757953KKRCHEVAL W 5 11? 4 0 0 6 51 4 4 5 V Powers A Holberg 967 432 li- 16 77549 DAINTY DAME w 4 10S 2 3 li 2J 6 6 T,l J Butler J V Ferguson 53 OS 9 77549DARKNIGHT we 3 106 1 5 2and 1 2and -5 6 A "Walsh W .T Young 232 251 303 11 65S S37 131 mutuels paid. Pinkola. 1.20 straight. .70 place. .05 show; Czar, .40 place. show; Old Honesty, .12.90 show. , , Time, 21S. 49. 1:14ft. 1:39?. 1:44 new track record. Winner Ch. g, by Pink Coat Wyola trained by W. n, Fizer. Went to post at 3:57. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won easily: second and third driving. Pinkola was hard held for three-quarters, then came away in the last quarter and won under mild restraint. Czar was a forward contender for the first half and tired slightly when called on for a hard effort. Od Hon esty made up ground and finished well. Kercheval, away poorly, was kept far back in the early running and failed to respond well when called on near the end. Dnrknlght and Dainty Dame quit after alternat ing in the lead for three-quarters. 7f1 1 FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 77570 1 :0fl i 3 100. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. and O JL JL Allowances. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Msf "elpkiSh? Sale ?7546GERRYMANDEIl W109 1 3 2 1 l3 1 V Powers L. Cahn 356 055 109 0 77197 ENFIELD W 105 3 G -1and 41 JM 23 Heidel A Blute 11C 177 231 K 775503MI?a CRITTENDEN W 105 S 2 : Ii: 4 3 ,T Butler A L Damn by 494 337 42fi lo 775245DUOMO wb 101 7 5 f 3b 3i 41 A "Walsh K Stone 190 2S5 32 i 77524 LADY RUBY w 101 4 4 6 6 P M M McGee A W Perrin 49 66 120 7 7C657 ED WRAY vrr. 101 2 1 l2 21 6l 6 Pickens B Schreiber 20 22 70 "475 LANDLORD W 108 6 7 7 71 7 71 Troxler D T Morris 15 21 59 77197 GREENBRIDGE mtj 104. 5 8 S S $ S Glasner V Gerlng Sr 14 40 61 254 003 -113 "S0 mutuels paid, Gerrymander, .S5 straight, .55 place. .75 show; Enfield. 1.45 place. SS 70 show: Miss Crittenden. .00 show. Auction field. Time. 24?, 47S. 1:01. 1:08. Winner B, g, by Gerolsteln Felonla trained by J. C. Calm. Went to post at 4:31. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won easily; second and third driving. Gerrymander moved up Into the lead when called on and won in a canter. Enfield, showing sudden Improve uicnt, stood a long drive gamely and outstayed Miss Crittenden. The latter was taken wide throughout and should have been second. Duomo showed speed, but quit In the Inst furlong. Ed Wray showed thf most early speed and will Improve. Lady Ruby can do better. Scratched 77497 Christmas. 105. Overweights Enfield. 2 pounds. n-j a SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 776101 :44 3 1 IS. Purse 00. 3-year-I O JL 6J olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners "str.pfSn?" Sales" 7752C TOPSY-ROBINSON w 5 1001 2 7 W C 3 3 in Glasner iFbotjj 17 fl5?422 325 7750DDUNVEGAN ws 3 103 1 3 63 Hi 2a 2and 2a E Griffin I Kernell 2S3 232 2S9 -16 77551 BEAU BRUMMEL wn 4 10S 5 2 2- in l1 l1 33 V Powers .Ino Mnrkleln 524 439 611 22 775S1 QUAG G A w 4 105 4 4 3h 44 41 4 4 Deverich E M Arthur 425 22S 266 il 76130 BRANCAS wb 7 107 6 5 - 3 6J S1 5 Heidel W Gerst 68 58 91 77523GOLD TREASUREwsn 3 100 7 6 7 7 7 6s 6 J Butler J S Hawkins 120 119 12 5 77471s VOTING w 4 99 3 1 1 2 5s 7 7 M McGee C C VnnMeter 96 115 191 C . 023 656 039 mutuels paid, Topsy Robinson. 8.55 straight, .70 place. .25 show; Dunvegan. 4.40 place. .15 show; Beau Brummel. .45 show. "Auction field. Time. 25J. 50, 1:15. 1:40, 1 :4G2. . Winner Br. m. bv Sempronlus Spider trained by H. Oots. Went to post at 5:02. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won driving; second and third the same. Topsv" Robinson was away in a tangle and forced to go around the others, moved up steadily after golug a halx and, wearing Beau Brummel down In the last sixteenth, got up in the last stride. Dunvegan closed a gap into n fast going second and. better ridden, would have won. Beau Brummel showed the most early speed and held on gamelv, but tired slightly in the last few strides. Quagga ran fairly well for three quarters. Brancas was close up for a half and appeared high in flesh. Voting showed speed, but quit badly in the last half. Gold Treasure was stiiT and sore when going to the post. The winner was entered for licroilchedfTOOS Stone Street. 93; 775173 Ethel Carr. 00; 7752G Woolstone. 110. Overweights Topsy Robinson. H pounds: Beau Brummel. 1: Gold Treasure. 2.