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THE MERMAID STAKES TODAY : The Mermaid Stakes, for thrcc-ycar-old fillies, is one of the first established fixtures of the Coney Island Jockey Club, having first been run over the Jravesend track when tho club did not ossess a finished track and home of Its own. That year it fell to Capt. Hilly Connors noted Bonnie Scotland filly. Glldelia, ix very fast lilly, but not the equal of Tliora, which won it the following year, or of Miss Woodford, the winner in 18S:i. Besides these the Mermaid has been won by a wonderful succession of splendid fillies, Duchess, Wanda, Firenze, Bella B She, Yorkville Belie, Afternoon, Gunfire, Beldame, Tradition, Perverse and Stamina all having been high-class race mares. Some difference of opinion might reasonably exist as to which was the best of these magnificent creatures, but the crown of superiority belongs to Firenze or Miss Woodford, closely pressed by Tliora and Beldame. Gunfire and Yorkville Belle, too, were of rare excellence In their prime. Altogether, the Mermaid is an event of many memories. It will be run for the twenty-third time this afternoon, there having been an interregnum in its running from 1805 to 1002. Its record is as follows: Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 1S.S0 Glidelia W. Donohue. .11:5 Nancy US Girolle IB! $ 1.050 1:501 18S1 Thora W. Donohue. .11:5 Spark 113 Aella 111! 2.150 1:57 1S.S2 Hiawassee Fcakes..ll.5 Kica .11:5 Francesca 113 2.700 1:581 ISS:; -Miss Woodford. J. .McLaughlin. .11.! Carnation IK! Fairview li:t rt.C.OO 1:581 18S4 Duchess W. Donohue. .113 Louisette ..113 Tolu 113 3,150 1:59 1S85 Wanda Olney.,113 Telie Doe 113 Maumee .113 3,470 1:S0 18SG Bandala Littlefleld. .113 Strategy 113 Letritia 113 3,870 2:02 1887 Firenze J. McLaughlin. .113 Lady Primrose 113 Almy 113 4,340 1:58 18S8 Bella B J. McLaughlin. .114 Anomaly 113 Golden Reel 113 5,280 1:57 1889 She Garrison. .113 Senorita 113 Gipsy Queen.. ..113 4,730 1:56 1890 Her Highness Hamilton. .113 Gloaming 113 Flora Ban 113 5.080 1:57 1S91 Equity ....Taylor.. 117 Flavilla 117 Ambulance ....117 4,400 l:56g 1892 Yorkville Belle . ..T. Murphy.. 117 Anna B 117 Brown Beauty.. 117 3,810 2:O0J 1893 Afternoon .Doggett. .117 Lady Violet 117 Miss Maude ...117 3,510 1:56 1894 Beldemere ....Slmms..ll7 Nahma 117 Clementina ....117 5.1G0 1:58 1895 Race discontinued until 1002. 1902 Gunfire T. Burns.. 110 Par Excellence Ill Torchlight Ill 3,315 1:541 1903 Daisy Green Bullman..lll Eugenia Burch ..112 Dekaber Ill 4,480 1:591 1904 Beldame F. ONeill.. 126 Little Em Ill Possession Ill 5,570 1:541 1905 Tradition .W. Davis.. 121 Coy Maid 113 Schulamite ....112 4.3C0 1:581 100G Perverse ...Lyne..l21 Sahara 110 Lotowanna ....111 3,600 1:54 1907 Yankee Girl . ..Radtke. .126 Killaloe 121 Court Dress ...121 4.870 1:541 100S Stamina E. Du"gan..l28 Beckon Ill Julia Towel ....111 4.875 1:53