Charleston Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1913-04-01


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CHARLESTON FORM CHART CHARLESTON S C AVEDNESDAY MARCH 26 1913 Palmetto Park Fiftysecond day Charleston Fair and Racing Association Winter Meeting of 55 days G books on Weather cloar Presiding Steward AV P Hurcli Presiding Judge AV F Schulte Starter James Milton Racing Secretary F J Pons Racing starts at 230 p ni Cliicano time 130 p in Indicates apprentice allowance r7r O FIRST RACE 58 Mile 7011 101 3 115 Purse 300 3yearolds and upward 9 OJO Selling Net value to winner S225 second S50 third S25 I ml Horses AWtPPSt A JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 7330 PREMIER 5 109 7 5 i 3i 2i I1 J HanoverA W Foulk 4 4 S5 45 25 7593 127553RITBIA MISS JONAH 5 109 3 C fink 5ii 4J 2n G Bums J AV Hedrick 2 11 1151 12 7553RITBIA GRANDA 7 10i 2 3 2 2 3 31 Skirvin P Phillips 2 1351351 12 7592 SIDON 4 10G 5 4 4 44 a 4 J AVilson L M Lester 4 fi rt 21 G5 7459 MON AMI G 104 S 1 I1 lit H 5 1 Montour S Louis G S S 3 32 7591 SNOWFLAKES 3 95 G S 7U G2 C E Martin AV F Schulte 15 15 12 4 2 7001 MISS NETT 5 102 9 9 9 9 9 7h McKver G Russell 30 30 30 12 G 7553GARDEN OF ROSES 4 101 47 S2 S S1 S AAolfe G E Kidge 30 30 30 12 C 7513 VILEY B 3 91 1 2 3J h 0 Deronda Tennessee Stable 10 12 12 5 2 goodWinner Time 24 49 102V5 Track good Winner FoulkAVent Ch g by AlianaDale Belle of Ashland trained by A AV Foulk AVent to post at 247 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Win driving second and third the same PREMIER showing sudden improvement moved up steadily fron the start and taking the lead in the stretch drew clear under mild urging MISS JONAH closed a gai and coming fast in the home ¬ stretch yot up for second place in the last stride RtiBIA GRANDA ran veil throughout but tired iii the linal drive SIDON ran fairly well MON AMI set the pace io the stre eh and tired badlv The others were outpaced outpacedScratched Scratched 7471 Dustpan 9G 7417 Merry Chase 0 Overweights Miss Jonah 1 iiound Garden of Hoses 5 r7 f SECONfi RACE 58 Mile 7011 101 3 115 Purse 300 3yearolds and upward e O ftJb Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 InP Horses AAVtPPSt 7539 AGXKS MAY 5 107 87 S G 5 1 Plckens A H Martin Martin4J 10 12 J2 5 2k 2kG 525 PINK LADY 3 99 995GI 4J IJ 3 2 Skirvin G AV J Bissell BissellIi G 7 7 2i 65 5GI MADMAN 7 107 1075533BODKIN Ii 1 1 3 Dpronda II G Bedwell 233 G5 12 5533BODKIN 5 109 51 5 6 4 J Wilson A W Foulk 3 31 3i 1 12 351 PHEW 3 10G 10G525MtMA 2 2l 5l Clement MrsLALivgslon 5 5 35 7T 710 710S5 525MtMA JOHNSON 3 9i 9i903SPRING 31 8 4i Ga Montour S Louis Louisi S5 85 S5 71013 903SPRING UP 3101 3101G97G4 i 99 7 AVolfe C L Mack 15 20 20 S 4 G97G4 SI VILLA V 8 104 7 = 7 S S J HanoverJ R South 10 15 15 f 3 7330 SHBR GRUENGER 4 103 S 7 9 KiiPwht G Staib 30 30 30 12 G Time 24 49 102 Track good Winner goodWinner HayinondAVent H in by The Commoner Irresistible trained by AV Hayinond AVent to post at 314 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third Hie same AGNES MAY began slowly and was outpaced to the stretch then came on with a rush and got up to win in the linal stride PINK LADY showing decided improvement ran a good race and barely failed to win MADMAN set a fast early pact and held on gamely but finished tiring BODKIN finished fast and close up PHEW ran well but tired as if short and will do to watcli at Jamestown MAMA JOHNSON quitScratched ran a good Half and quit Scratched 7499 Golden Egg 102 102Overweights Overweights Pink Lady 4 ttounds Spring Up 3 Sivilla V 2 THIRD RACE 1 Mile 1 Handicap Net valno to winner 310 second GO third 30 AWtPPSt A A J Sir Fin Jocke 75MsAItMOli 3 97 2 t 2i lh Ii 11 1 Montour Tennessett Stable 1 1 1 14 out 7591SVOLTHORPE out7591SVOLTHORPE 5 100 1 3 P 3 3 2 Skirvin F E Brown 1 1 1 14 out 757G out757G EARLY LIGHT 3 90 n 2 3 3 h 2U 3 Deronda II G Bed well 4 4 4 3G out Time outTime 25 50 115 l425 Track good AVinner 15 c by Baits Queen Lute trained by J McCormack AVent to post at 338 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing ARMOR ran into tbo lead on the backstrelch and under a good ride outstayed VOLTI10KPE in a clcsrly contested linish VOLTHOKPE was best at the weights and running gainelv would liave won but tir lieing interfered witli several times EARLY LIGHT ran well throughout and finished resolutely but tiling tilingScratched Scratched 751GJolm FnKong 118 7IS53Loohiel 112 75IH Milton H 99 I124TaloearrJer 100 r ff FOURTH HACEI 12 Furlongs 1785 51 2 108 Second Hnnning Pine Forest Inn t JJJ Stakes Value 120o 2 yearolds Allowances Net value to winner SOO second S200 third 100 Horsirf AWtPPSt t A V T Sir Fin lock PIlEtrix N LYNN 112 1 I IOH 2 2 I11 I1 1 HanoverJ M dimmer 3 2J 4Vi out OH GORDON 125 3 4 3 2 2k Mnmlon T L Iloilanil 1 1 7 101 3 out 4 WKSATATERS l 112 3 2 27l 3J 4 T 3i J Wilson TVnnesfvP Stable 3 5 5 G5 out 7l = tSAN JON 112 I 1 1vWent Ink ih 440 nnrns AV S Bruce 21 3 3 3 5 out vWent in entries as Susan John Tim Time24I5 48 55 Track good goodiin Winner Ch c by Dick AVelles Aniin iin sity trained by A Zinimcr Zinimcrinii AVint to post at 403 At ost 2 niinii inii es Start good anil slow AVon handily second and third drlv PHESTON LYNN a good looker and fast followed SAN JON closely for a quarter tliin dashed o the lead and outstayed GORDON in a game finish GORDON was taken buck at the start and was jlitly Interfered with when moving up on ihe stretch turn Hum finished resolutely but was tiring under weight at the end MISS AVATEHS ran well and finished fast and close up SAN JON set the early IT lint ran out on Hie slrelch turn when going well Scratched 7431 Wooden Shoes 112 41Sj Dainty Mint 122 759SClm Cannelf 112 lllTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1823 100 1 109 Purse 300 3yearolds and up ward Selling Net value to winner S225 Second 50 third 25 AWtPPSt A V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P 75G3 PROGRESSIVE 3 10G 3 1 1 J 1J I1 I1 J Wilson T F Shecdy 2 2 ti 71013 710137I9MACK 7I9MACK B EUBANKS 4 109 4 4 2A 2 2h 2 = Taplin I N Prewitt 65959071013 6595907101375G1 75G1 THEO COOK 7104 5 5 5l 3i 3J 3ll AV Ward G P Sherman 7 7 LJ 1 7577 CHEMULPO 5 109 6 G 41 4 = 4 G Burns T AV Iledrick 477245 47724574ilSYLAESTRIS 74ilSYLAESTRIS C 109 2 3 3i VJ = 51 Dennler N B Davis 663 G5 12 12GG19 GG19 TROY WEIGHT 5 116 1 2 ti 6 6 Chappell Miss E A Tyson 30 30 30 12 5 5Time Time 23 47 101 108 Track good goodAVinner AVinner Ch c by Cesarion Star Cat trained by A G Blakeley BlakeleyAVent AVent to iiost at 12S At post 1 minute Start good aud slow Won handily second and third driv ug PROGRESSIVE regained his speed suddenly and rushing into the lead at the start won all the way ind outstayed MACK B EUBAXKS at the end The latter ran in closest pursuit all the way and finished aini iy but could not get up THEO COOK was outpaced but ran well and finished fast CHEMULPO only ran fairly well SYLVESTR1S was weakly ridden and rau a bad race TROY WEIGHT is not riJdy riJdyScratched Scratched 75 5Ariley 104 7527 Rose Queen 103 Overweights Chemiilo 1 pound rrr Q SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 1810 145 4 1X5 Purse 300 3yearolds and I vJWO upward Selling Net value to winner 221 second 50 third 25 lri Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOP 575 1 X NT NTr 7 110 2 1 I1 U li 1 i I Wilson Tennessee Stable 25 12 12 out r 0XAUGHTY LAD 4U 3J 4 Montour II Phillips 8 10 10 21 710 710C 5 IDLEWE1SS 6 41 3U C 6 4 65 12 8 IIALDEMAN 5 110 5 4 2 t 21 2h 410 4 = Mondon W Birnie 21 3J 35 71014 710141U 7518PRETEXD G 105 4 G oh G 5l fil ° Scharf J W Hedrick 1U 10 10 3 310 75 I 115 AD NEWS II 5 99 f 3i 51 G C G Ford N B Davis DavisTime 50 50 SO 15 5 Time 25 50 116 143 147 Track good Winner llr g by Hastings Bcliegarde trained by J McCormack McCormackWent Went to post at 432 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving FONT ran into the lead at once and won all the way never fully extended NAUGHTY LAD was favored liy the soft going and running a good race made a game challenge in the stretch but was easily held safe IDLEWEISS ran in improving form and made a fast and game finish HALDEMAN ran iu closest pursuit for threequarters and dropped back backScratched Scratched 75l93Rey 05 7l 02 Golconda 09 CHARLESTON FORM CHART CHARLESTON S C THURSDAY MARCH 27 1913 Palmetto Park Fiftythird day Charleston Fair and Racing Association Winter Meeting of 55 days G books on Weather clear Presiding Steward W P Burcli Presiding Judge W Schulte Starter Jauics Milton Racing Secretary F J Pens Haling starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p m Indicates apprentice allowance r7 VQ FIRST RACE 12 Mile 1741 17 2 1 03 Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens I O Special Weights Xct value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 Int Horses AWtPPSt A V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P GrAINOR GrAINOR7583C1IAS J12 5 5 I1 li Int Mondon J L Holland S5 S5 1 25 out 7583C1IAS CAXX LL 100 3 2 3 i 2i 2 J HanoverJ M Zimmer 2 S 3 710out 7538 OLD JORDAN 112 41 21 3 3 Pickens X B Davis 6882 out outEASTER EASTER STAR 112 14 4 43 4 ° E Martin J E Madden 1 65 65 25 out outFIRST FIRST DEGREE 112 2 555 Taplin 10 20 20 G out outTime Time 12 25 37 50 Track sloppy Winner Ch c by Martinet Druid trained by H Marshall MarshallWent Went to post at 210 At post minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GAINER showed extreme early speed and dashing into the lead in a twinkling from a slow be fVliiiing stood a hard drive resolutely through the last threesixteenths CHAS CANXELL ran a good iice and might have won but for being in close quarters during the stretch drive OLD JORDAN ran well a id had no mishaps EASTER STAR has worked well but rau green 12 Mile 1741 17 2 103 Purse 300 2yearolds Selling 4 O JL J Net value to winner 225 second 50 third S25 I IK Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7447KUBY HYAMS 110 22 2 2 1 T Koerner A R Joplin 12 ll201120out 7JVia ttABY SISTER 97 1 1 1 I1 23 Montour E W Moore 10 10 4 65 out 7510 AVK 107 3 4 3 3 33 Skirvin G AV J Bissell 344 45 out out752G 752G = FLAarG FLAMINGO 107 4 3 444 Taplin 1 C Rodgers 21 33 35 out outTime Time 12 24 37 50 Track sloppy sloppyWinner Winner B f by Orlando Frankness trained by W 0 Joplin JoplinWent Went to K st at 313 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the saiie RUBY HYAMS was outpaced cary and had to be hard ridden through the last quarter but held on gitnily and got up to win iu the last stride BABY SISTER showed the most early speed but flinched from i he whip in the last few strides which cost her the race AVE moved up rapidly on the stretch turn but tired in the last eighth FLAMING FLAMINGO was always outpaced outpacedScratched Scratched 7454AVooden Shoes 110 Overweights Ruby Uvams 3 pounds Flaming Flamingo 5 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1S23 1OG 109 Purse 300 3yearolds and up 7611 ward Selling Net value to winner 2L5 second 50 third S2 ln l Horses AWtPPSt Vt Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 5 1 COREOPSIS 4 10S 10 4 2 1 Ford H B Gorin 8 12 12 4 2 2ih 14a3MALlTIXE 6112 2 3 ih 2l Skirvin Miss E A Tyson 3 4 4 S5 45 454i 1 15 CAMELLIA 4 10G 4 8 8CKSJMMISS 4i Si Wolfe W G KingDodds 5 6 6 2i 1 13J CKSJMMISS PRIMITY 5 112 7 7 3J 4 J Hanover Cheek G 7 7 2i 65 65r 570 ROCK BAR 3 103 3 5 5raiTA r 53 Chappell Tennessee Stable 15 20 20 S 4 4C raiTA raiTAiTTx iTix 3 93 It 6 6I rn 7l C G Deronda II G Bcdwell 344 s 71 710 710I I FRAXCESG 107 1 3 38i3BAT 9 ° 98 9s T AV AAard J Forrester 20 25 2 2748i3BAT 748i3BAT 8i3BAT MASTERSOX 9 9114 114 G 2 2T5 2 41 7S SJ F Jackson R A Haymaker 75 75 45 25 out T5 7550 STR1KE OUT G 109 S I IIS7 n S1 9s Montour J O Holder 6883 32 7437 IS7 CULLEX CREWS 4 10S C 10 10 10 10 10 Killwth C D Chenault 50 50 50 20 10 10Time Time 25 50 111 Track sloppy Winner Ch g by Ornament Ollie Belle trained by J S Everman AVent to post at 337 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the Kine COREOPSIS under a rough ride bumped his way into contention in the first threeeighths and finishing fast outstayed MALIT1XE in the final strides The latter ran well from the start but tired near the end as if short CAMELLIA closed a big gap and had a rough race and was forced to go wide most of the wav MISS PRIM1TY closed a big gap in the last quarter BAT MASTERSOX tired badly in the stretch ROCK BAR was well up most of the way STRIKE OUT set the pace to the stretch and quit quitScratched Scratched 70J3 V Powers 114 7004sPink Lady 94 7420 Bertis 112 7542 Roseburg IV 104 1 5 14 Ben Prior 109 109Overweights Overweights Rock Bar 4 pounds FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 1809 1111 1 113 Purse 400 3yearolds and up ¬ 7612 ward Handicap Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 AWtPPSt = i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 8SAMUEL R MEYER 4 113 2 3 2i I1 1J Goose L H Adair 32323 5 1 6 CARLTOX G 6 110 5 5 5 2l 2l 2t Taplin A Malone S5 S3 8 iar 3LOCTriEL 5 HO 1 4 4 5 S1 3l Plckett H G Bedwell 58631 148 SIR BLAISE 4111 3 2 St 4l 43 4C J HanoverW P Fine 4 4 2J 45 out 5y5VlLEY 4 37 4 1 I1 31 5 5 Montour J P Byrne 6772 out outTime Time 24 49 11514 Track sloppy sloppyWinner Winner Ch g by Handsel Sallie Appletou trained by W H Baker Avtiit to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving AMUEL R MEYEIt a superior mud runner disposed of VI LEY in the lirst threeeighths and held CUI1OX G safe through the stretch CARLTOX G moved tin fast in the last quarter but tired near tin end LOC1IIEL came fast from a sow beginning into a close up third SIR BLAISE ran poorly and lan do much better VILEY quit badly after going threeeighths in the lead leadSciatcliid Sciatcliid 75SPriiipi Ahmed TOO 7503 Grosvcnor IS 753 Monocncy 0 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 1SCO 1 12 4 113 Purse 300 3yearolds and upiyard 7613 Siliii Krf vnlnp o winnor S22i second S50 third S25 Ind Horsvs AWtPPSt 1A i Str Fin Jockevs Owners 75512 IXCISION 5111 1 1 U in li I1 AVolfe 74 8 I HDXRY HUTCHISON 116 2 2 27G2 7i C = 4i 2U Frach C II Wolf G5 65 1 920ou 920ouC 7G2 = FAIRY GODMOTHER 3 87 5 6 ii 411 311 s Deronda C T Halsey 6 7 7 2i 1 1J 7539 AVILLIS 3 9S 6 S S7578R 3l 2i 4l Skirvin J II McCar McCarS McCarren 20 30 30 12 5 5X 7578R II GRAY 3 S3 3 7 77I95TOXY S C o Campbell X B Davis Davis2J S 12 12 5 2 2J 7I95TOXY AV 7 116 7 4 2J 5 61 Pickett J Kelly KellyT 555 9545 9545Mrs 7213 AVIN1FRED D 4107 4 3 375773AXCOX T 1 7 Taplin Mrs J S Ev EvOi Everniau 20 25 25 10 4 4J 75773AXCOX 3 S3 S 5 Oi S S Ford J M JCiuim JCiuimer 2 1351351 25 Time 24 49 117 Track sloppy sloppyWinner Winner lllk g by Cesarion Belle Swift trained by M Burns AVent to post at 437 At post minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv iiiT INCISION favored by the going and awv forwardly dlsiioscd of the early contenders in the tirst lialf and held the poorlv ridden HEXRY HUTCHISON safe through the last eighth HENRY HUTCHI ¬ SON was shullled back at the start and far back for the first threeeighth then was forced to go wide to Im end FAIRY GODMOTHER ran well and made a game finish AVILL1S tired badly in the last eighth TONY W quit quitScratched Scratched 7515 Towton Field 113 7525 Kelly J2 7001 Toddling 107 7551 Dipper 107 7542 Cynosure 104 104Overweights Overweights Fairv Godmother 1 nound Wills 4 AVinifred 1 1 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 1248 140 1 103 Purse S300 3yearolds and upward 7614 i U JL ± Selling Xct value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horses AWtPPSt li V Str Fin Jockeys Owners 4 96 2 1 5 1J 1s I1 I1 Montour J U Strode 7 500 3 STAIRS 4 107 S 6 6 6 6 T Taplin F P Kobie 2 21 21 1 out 7 00 MYCENAE 4101 14 3l 3 2 J 23 3 Deronda H Bagley 8883 out 7590 PLIANT 4 105 23 5 u 4 45 4 J HanoverTcnnessee Stable 21 1351351 out out7t7S 7t7S FLORAL DAY 4101 C G 4l 4i H1 S 5 = Skirvin C Bills 2 24 2 1 out out75CHILTOX 75CHILTOX SQUAW 5103 4 1 2 2 7 6 fi Chappell J G AVagnon 15 20 20 5 out outTime Time 23 49 116 144 Track sloppy sloppyAVInncT AVInncT B g bv Toddington Countess 1epixT trained by G II Marlman MarlmanAVent AVent t4 post at504 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv iig TODDLING favored by the going and running in his best form was hustled into a good lead at once ind held the others safe all the wav STAIRS from a slow beginning came fast in the stretch and was a liiky sworn MYCENAE showing sudden improvement moved up resolutely and would have been second lust for being pulled up in the last twenty yards PLIANT was going fast at the end FLORAL DAY lacked speed and can do better CIIILTON SQUAAV ran well for threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 75IG = Iord Elam 100 7G01IlowUv Howdy 105 7578 Fid 84 13lairy Godmother SI 7r 25Eddie Grauey 10S 7529 Lucky George 101 700S llaldeman 113 7001 Camel 108 7o91 CM ft Top SO SOOverweights Overweights Stairs 3 pounds Pliant 1

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Local Identifier: drf1913040101_2_8
Library of Congress Record: