Candidates For The Kentucky Derby, With Their Weights, And A Tabulation Of Their Past Performances, Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-17

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CANDIDATES FOR THE KENTUCKY DERBY WITH THEIR WEIGHTS AND A TABULATION OF THEIR PAST PERFORMANCES The time is rapidly approach 1 for the running f what gives promise of being the greatest Kentucky Ocrby on record The fortyfirst iiewal of this race which has come to be regarded as one of the classic tf the American turf will take p ice at Churchill Oowus Louisville Saturday May S It If conceded thai the entry list for the race represt its in the aggregate the finest lot of threeyearolds cvci named for the event It would bcdltlicult to na ic a single twoyearold of HIM which attained distinction that is missing fiom he list ind it seems likely hat a mark will be set this season that It will uoi be easy to surpass in the future It is certain that m race for threeyearolds in this country Since the days ot the farfamed American Derby a Washington 1 irk has attracted such an allstar collection of entries nor held out such promise of a brilliant contest between the topnotchcrs of that age It is expected that the gross value of the race will approximate Jfir000 which will be in keeping with its sentimental importance Tin conditions of the race are as follows Kentucky Derby Fortyfirst running for threeyearolds by subscription of 123 each fJOO additional to start 1001X1 added of which S2OOO to second 1000 to third and fourth to save stake Colts to carry 1 pounds geldings 11 pounds jillics 117 pounds NOII winners of a threeyearold race of the value of flroi allowed three pounds maidens twelve pounds Distance one mile and a quarter quarterThe The race closed March 1 last with sixtyeight entries one of which Sandstone nominated by 1 O Kei ne and afterwards sold lo II C Ilallcnbeck has since died The list of the remaining sixtyseven eligi lies with their pedigrees owners in l past performances is presented below for the information of readers of Dailv Uacing Form IRON DUKE ch c 3 119 By Ogden Saratoga Bello H C Hallcnbcck 17023 Helinont V4 st l12if iRt 14 W 2 2THE I5 1 1 McTagrt Slumberer Pierrette PierretteBy THE FINN blk c 3 119 119l By Ogden Livionia H C Hallenbeck l Kid Saratoga 3t llG muil 133 11U 71 LriilJKcderis rl Trojan Kaskaskia liar Junior 1G3H Saratoga 3 f l s slop 720 11 1 1ISHS la V 1 Putwell C Headmast Unzzanu Kncore ISHS Saratoga a f l ifast 45 120 2 21 2l 7 MeTagrt C Solly Menlo Park Jack Carey 15188 Saratoga 5 t 107 fast iiO 113 1 33 li C Turner 7 Carbage Liberator Vladimir 1550 Aqueduct 5SlOl slow 910107 1 2 1 C Turner 4 Caelle Itazzano Star Shooter 15200 Aqueduct 5S C0fast 1320 10S li 1S Turner 7 Doublet Kctlection Pierrot 147S7 lielmont ai f st Io7 fast 10 112 5 514CSS 2 2 C Fbther t Coquette Tinkle Hell Stubborn 14CSS 13elmont 5S st 09 fast 15 10t 5 8 S1O Turner 8 MarionlL TMquerader Bqnet 14627 Belmont CS st l01slow G 107 3 3SAM 3J 3s C Fhther r Catalina CtoUoesnli Ycstcrsun YcstcrsunBy SAM McMEEKIN b c 3 119 By McGee Gunrod J E Madden 1710 Belmont 5i I si liolfefast S Hi 7 Gl 41 1 McTagrt 7 LadyKotha Coquette Headmast 17021 Belmont 5 f st l04fast 41 10 31 4 = 1 1 McTagrt HigliNoon UoyMartyr Cofpiette 1G912 Belmont 51 f lOGfast 3 103 4 41G470 3i Z 1 McTagrt 7 Kmics Kazzano nat 1G470 Saratoga 51 l09mud 7 117 4 41COGO 5s 33J A Neylon S Andrew M Alhena Dismiss 1COGO FortErie 51 f l07fast 133 10 S 31 a1 C Dishmou i Vogue Linda Payne fieoHoe ch 15731 AVindsor 51 f 106 fast 4 10G 3 31553G 2 21 A Claver S Kage Italicher Lindn Pivm 1553G AVindsor 5S l03mud 4J 105 G G1S4C9 Gl 5 1S4C9 FortErie EJ f l075fast 5 112 G GBILL 22J I BILL DUDLEY b c 3 119 By Oddfellow Musical Slipper J E Madden las 51 f 107 fast 75 112 2 1 = 1 V V Tlorl2 Dorteh Foxy Or I IT Itetterlou las las171GI 5 f 107 fast 10 112 G r 56 W V Tlorll Liberator Vogue Aunt losie 171GI Lexston 51 f l07fast 910 112 1 1s Il W W Tlorll Leo Kay Christie McAdoo 16087 Saratoga 34 113 fast 20 107 15 11 = 112T McDondl Tliylrj TotMorng LHarbv 1G303 Saratoga 34 l162shvy 30 107 S Gs 4T1 W V Tlorll Kegret Andrew 31 Pebbles 1G230 Saratoga 34 l13slow S 107 S S1G033 9s G6 C Turner 10 Oarbage KoyMartyr DistSliore 1G033 Saratoga 5i f 1OG fast S lOfi 4 4159GS 2 = 21 W W Tlor S Distant Shore Uorgo Mamie K 159GS Saratoga 5J f 107 fast 5 112 G GU333 41 5C1 V W TlorlO I and Stars Klines ISroomleaf U333 Churchl 5S 100 fast 2320 113 4 2i 25 W W Tlor 4 Dr Carmen CofOold II Hunter 14195 Churchl 4J f 53fast 2G5 112 5 44 2 W W TlorI4 Delano Rhodes Tuff Roberts CHARTEH HAID br f 3 114 By Star Shoot Charter Queen J E Madden 17224 Relmont 34 st 112 last 4 112 2 41 451 M Itnxton 7 Sharpshooter Coquette Dinah Io 17011 1elmont 7S st l22fast 43 111 1 43 21 J McTagrt Paris Slmrpshoot r Klines 10910 Belmont 34 st 114 fast 9fi 110 1 11C5S7 21 J 1 McTagrt ft Coquette Capra Ladv Koiiia 1C5S7 Saratoga 34 113 fast 10 110 9 91G137 51 fi J McTagrt ir iviiii i rt M i i i 1G137 Saratoga 51 f 109 slow 35 105 3 31G270 1 I4 J McTagrt 1G270 Saratoga 5 f l0rfast 2 103 5 51G1GI 5 3 J McTagrt Doublet Montrosa Quartz 1G1GI Saratoga 34 lllfast 10 119 3 31G007 S S J McTagrt S Kegret Pebbles Paris 1G007 Saratoga 5 f 100 fast 4i 100 5 51532S 21 I2 J McTagrt Uazzano Luke Dark Flowor 1532S Aqueduct 5S 102 fast 24 101 2 3 2n C Turner R Capra Lady Teresa Pusy Kdith 15174 Aqueduct 58 l00 fast 8 104 2 3 2 C Turner 9 Lampoon Sarsenet Tinkle Pell PellBy ED CRUMP ch c 3 119 1191S323 By Peep oDay Evaline J V Schorr 1S323 Latonia 1 3S ifast 2D3 11U 1 11S2S2 5 = 55 R Goose 7 Solly Pif Jr Leo Kay 1S2S2 Latonia 34 12 fast 145 122 3 3s 1 Collins I Clialmers Solly Ormulii 1S149 I atonia 31 12fast 1710 120 4 41SOI4 21 4 = J Loftus 7 Chalmers SoKy Pif Jr 1SOI4 Latonia 34 12 fast 2320 US 2 217G47 21 2 K Ooose Chalmers Orecian KovIntcrest 17G47 Douglas 34 12 fast 710 110 4 41754S Z3 21 K loose Chalmers Orecian Wcrldossom 1754S Douglas 34 12 fast 2 115 1 Il 1 1 K foose Pif Jr Solly Clialmers 17452 Douglas rl f lOGgood310 118 4 41G33G f 5 1 K Ooose Em Cocliran Solly Sea Shell 1G33G Windsor fiJ f lOSsow 1310 12G 5 51G153 4t 2 J MeCabe 3largaret I Kancher lialko 1G153 FortErie 5J f lOGfast 1 I2C 4 3 2 k 1 MeCabe 4 Sir Edgar Ormnlu Carbide 15923 Empire 51 f 1 07 slow 7 11G 2 215COG 41 3 = J A Neylon C Kaskaskia Cornel v L Parbary 15COG Empire 51 f 108 slop 1110 US 1 3 3 J IJutwell Pebbles Kilkenny Hov 15439 Aqueduct 34 l15 slow S5 115 4 lk Hovlk IX J Itiitwell 4 L Karbary T by Jury DEagle DEagleBy GEO ROESCH ch c 3 119 11917S5G By Star Shoot Olive Fant J W Schorr 17S5G Churchl 51 f 107 mudS7100 10 3 317G45 21 21 1 Collins S Dr Carmen Kedland Malabar 17G45 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 3710 10S 4 41720i 2 2 F Murphy 10 Amazon Little Strinir L Pavne 1720i Lexgton 51 f l07fast 393 10S 3 3170GI 31 3 = 1 K Goose 4 S dly Miss Fielder Dr Carmen 170GI Lexston 34 IHSiigood 45 110 3 3 K fioose 4 Liberator Miss Fielder llooslloo 17030 Lexston 51 f 1 12hvy 32 109 2 21C193 2J 1s R Goose 7 LindaPane Tetan DrCarmeu 1C193 KortErie 34 l15mud 4 105 S S1GOGO 2 t Il 1 MeCabe 0 Vogue LindaPaync Star of Love 1GOGO FortErie 5i f l07fast C 103 1 4i 4 = J J McCain l Vogue LindaPayno SMcJIeekiu 15803 Empire 51 f l07slow 10 111 2 215C1C 4 4 J McCahe 4 Lady Teresa OnatAl Reeves 15C1C Empire 51 f lOS5good 1S5 110 1 35 3J J MeCabe 4 Lady Teresa Pierrot Astrologv 15232 Aqueduct 5S 102 slow IG3 112 3 410 451J Futwell L liarbary Tinkle Pell Sarsenet 15200 Aqueduct 5S 59 = fast 3t 10S 4 53 5 = J MeCabe 7 The Finn Doublet Keliection LINDENTHAL b gr 3 116 By Star Shoot Lyndall J W Scnorr 14471 Wdbine 5S 101 fast 1 110 3 31412G 6J O P Goldstn S Sir Edgar Ed Crump Crystal 1412G Lexgton fS l00good 185 115 4 4HOGS 7 5 i 1 Kederis S Luko Chalmers Ed Crump HOGS Lexgton 4i f 54fast 710 110 1 2s 1i J Hanover 7 Superauman Delano Netherliow 14019 Lexgton 12 4Sgood2710 109 3 3I39SO 1s 1 J Kederis 11 KAgent Nherbow SMc3Ieekln I39SO Lexgton 12 48 fast 31 103 7 4J 3 J Kederis 11 Luke SamMcMnckin KusAgeut KusAgeutBy STAR SHOOTER ch g 3 118 By Star Shoot Oltsa Nethersole J W Schorr 15393 FortErie 5S l0tfast 1S5 IDS G 6s ri 1 Hanover 8 Crystal Halko Tokav 15250 Aqueduct 5S 101 slow 5 108 3 4 4 J Itutwell 4 The Finn Oaelic Kazzano 14932 Belmont 5 f st l04fast 1310 112 1 l t 2l 31 IJuxtou Ladv Kotha Ohiaming 14840 Belmont 5S st 1 00 imud 45 115 1 114GSS 45 4SJ M litixton 5 Lady Rot ha Distance TinkleTJell 14GSS Belmont 5S st 59 fast 7 112 3 3l 4 1 31 Inxton S 3IarionIL T3Iqnerader nqitet 1446G Douglas 5S 100 fast 45 109 1 I in F Keogh 7 Dr Carmen Oauo Delano 14315 Douglas GS IOO fast 7 III 1 P 1 F Keogh I Superhuman Dr Carmen Delano 14211 Churchl 4i f C3 fast 3J 109 2 4s 4 ° J Hanover 7 3fWaile DCarmen Sperhnman 14157 Churchl 12 4Sfast 11 109 5 5GOLDCREST 43 1 J Hanoverll CTGrcen DrCarmon CofOold CofOoldBy GOLDCREST BOY br c 3 119 By Plaudit Polly Prim J W Schorr 1G434 Windsor II f 110 mud 1120 111 4 4 37 J MeCabe S Margaret SHelen DrLarrick 1G254 FortErie 31 l17hvy 3 100 1 I2 lr J Smyth r Orinrln Star of Love StaMIelen 1G037 FortErie 5S l01fast U5 10S 2 2TXOJAN 21 li J MeCabe 11 Clynta Car Orme Flos Crocket CrocketBy TXOJAN ch c 3 119 1191GG90 By Sir Wilfred Bohemia Quincy Stable 1GG90 Saratoga 31 llGmud 12 117 2 21G303 1s r C Bcrame i Kaskaskia ILTnnior T bv Jurr 1G303 Saratoga 34 l16hvy 12 107 G G14GGR 15 5s A Schugrll Kegret Andrew 31 Pebbles 14GGR PipRk Ab4Jf GGfast 7 115 K KI4GOS T 9r A Sclmgrin P Henry T by Jnrv Lampoon I4GOS Belmont 4i f st 52sIop 12 107 4 2 2 A Schugr n Kilkenny Boy I Eagle S Shell 14503 Belmont 58 st 100 fast 5 110 G GDOUBLE 3J 4 i A Schugr 7 Comely Gloaming Jester JesterBy DOUBLE TAGLE b c 3 119 By Watercress Captivitv Quincy Stable 1S3C2 Pimlico 1 l40fast 74 112 4 4IS29G 2 Il C Bgamn 11 Kazzano Sarsenet Fnclp Prvn IS29G Pimlico 34 1 13 fast 83 100 D 3 31S239 4 3 3 Il J McCahey i Slumber II Azviado Capt i in n 1S239 T aurel 34 l12fast 14 10S 3 31S143 fi O Pgame 11 Last Coin High Xoon RMartvr 1S143 Laurel 1 l39fast 2G lOfi Gill RMartvrGill 1 11S094 1 I2 3 = J Butwell 7 Shrpshooler Razzaiio RMartv 1S094 Laurel 51 f lOGfast S3 HO 13 3 317S97 33 3 451 C rgame I Pampiet May Queen ISct Us 17S97 Laurel 51 f 107 fast 1 I IS S3 3 317S74 21 2t 2 J McCahey S Hanson ISefween Us Fair Count 17S74 Laurel 34 llHfast 1 110 0 5 Fell C Bgame HJimior IS Flower Arch King 17731 Laurel 34 112 fast 33 110 0 5 4 3 31 3C1 C Pgame S Pebbles High Noon Dinah Do 17595 Laurel fl f l Gfast 12 107 77 7 7I752S 44 2 k 2 C Bgame 7 KilknyTJoy liruiFlower Casba I752S IldeCce 5S l00fast 113 las S 4 3 4 4s 4J C Bgame fi Sir Edgar Dr Larrick Sarsenet OUINCY b g 3 107 7 By AVaterboy Janice Quincy Stable First start startVICEROY VICEROY b s 3 107 107First 7 By Golden Maxim Lady Min Quincy Stable First start startPEBBLES PEBBLES br c 3 119 1191M43 9 By Ben Brush Runninr Stream T Butler 1M43 Laurel 1 l0ffapt 3fi 127 7 G 5 5 r 4 I C ISorel 7 Sharpshooter Razzano D Eale 17731 Laurel 34 112 fast 120 125 2 2IfiSnn 5 1L ISorel S IligbNoon DoubEagle Dinah IfiSnn Belmnnt 34 st 115 fast 1120130 01 1 1IG303 1 1 1 1 J ISutwcll r Paris Kilkenny I5ov7 T bv Tnrv IG303 Saratoga 34 llChv 115 130 Oil It Itt 11 11 S2 3 = 1 J Kederis II Regret Andrew 31 Bill Dudley t liil Saratoga 34 Illfast S3 122 2 S S137G4 87 31 2l M Buxton S Kegret Paris Luke 137G4 Empire 34 l12jfast 1 125 1 115GOG 1 1 I1 1i J Kederis 4 Oomey Kaskaskia Phosphor 15GOG Kmpire 55 f 108 slop 710 10G 15 2 1 1 1s I3 J 3TcOabe Kilkenny ISoy Ed Crump 15490 Empire 5S l00fast 32 110 0 5 3 1 1 J Kederis r Orecian Ossary3Iaid CaptParr LAST COIN b c 3 119 1191S239 9 Br Ultimns Half Crown fT Butler 1S239 Laurel 3t l12fast 920 123 37 7 717G55 222 I C ISorel 11 HighXoou KovMarfyr Razzano 17G55 Laurel 34 l12fast 15 107 7 G G1755G 1 1 1 = ij 0 ISorel 11 Flitterogld TenPoinf RBradley 1755G Laurel 51 f 107 fast 12 115 51 1 1 1 1s Il C ISorel n Royal Martyr Hanson 7lu Del 17301 Belmont 31 f st 105 fast 13 110 03 3 1 1 I2 1s J ISutwell r Rhine Maidon He Will Minstrel KILKENNY BOY ch c 3 119 ButlerS 9 By Hinpodrome Maid of Erin J Butler 1S27G Laurel fil f l03fast 25 US S 4 41S025 32 2 Il C Borel t Hanson Pulbiv Ieoiinine 1S025 Laurel 51 f l111 muil 95 109 2 217G95 32 l t 11 C ISorel 7 IlarryShaw SpnglSoard Isldora 17G95 I vurel 51 f l0fifast 1 117 72 2 21CSG9 1 1 I2 I1 C ISorel 7 Donbe Eagle IS Flower Casaba 1CSG9 Belmont 34 st 115 fast 1120 113 32 2 21C303 22 32 3 J Kederis r Pebbles Paris Trial by Jury 1C303 Saratoga 34 llGhvy 115 114 45 5 5163G5 11 2 919 A Neylon 11 Regret Andrew 31 Pebbles 163G5 Saratoga f lG7 good 5 112 21 1 2 2 22 I2 J Kederis S Polish Reliance TotliMorning 15923 Empire 51 f 107 slow 32 11G G G G15GOG 3 4 G G21I Kederis Kaskaskia Comely Ed Crump 15GOG Empire 51 f 1OS slop 710 10G G CrumpG CrunipG 3 31332G 2 2 24 2 = J Kedris 1 Pebbles Ed Crunip 1332G Aqueduct 5S l01fast 93 10G G 1 114COS 31 T 4J J Kederis 7 LlSarbary Lampoon T by Jury 14COS Belmont 4i f st 52slop 10 107 73 3 1 I5 1s J Kederis Trojan Double Eagle Sea Shell PRINCE HENRY ch c 3 119 1191C230 9 By Broomstick Sallie of Navarre H P Whitney 1C230 Saratoga 31 l13slov 10 130 04 4 41G1GI 25 71 Sl 1 Xotter 10 Garbage RoyMartvr DistSliore 1G1GI Saratoga 34 l11fast S5 122 27 7 7IIGGC 7 S G2 G J C Fbther S Regret Pebbles Paris Parisi IIGGC PipRk Ab41f 5rt4Cfast 75 120 i 3 31447G 3 3J I J Xotter It Trial by Jury LamiKion Kazzano 1447G Belmont 41 f st 53 fast C5 112 2 2 5 2 2s J Xotter Catalina Pebbles Lampoon REGRET ch f 3 114 1141G503 4 By Broomstick Jersey Lightning H P AVhitney 1G503 Saratoga 34 llGhvy S5 127 72 2 21G301 5 G 3 11 J Xotter 11 Andrew 3L Pebbes Pjll Dndlev 1G301 Saratoga 34 l13slow 45 127 7 11 Tll11 Xotter S Solly Dinah Do Lady Parbary 1G1G1 Saratoga 31 lllfast S5 119 91 1 1 1 I2 1 J Xotter S Pebbles Paris Luke SPUN GLASS b f 3 114 114JGG90 4 Bv Rock Sand Kandspun H T Whitncv JGG90 Saratoga 34 llfirmi l G 119 Juniorr 9 13 131G327 13 10 12 102 J Xotter i Trojan Kaskaskia liar Junior 1G327 Saratoga 34 1 14ifslow 115 11f r 9 7 5 5 2 J Kederis 11 Kaskaskia Klines Huguenot 1G2SC Saratoga 31 114 fast 920 105 5 3 111 1 = W AV Tlorll Chivalry Sand ISank Cycle EMERSON COCHRAN b c 3 119 9 By Jim Gaffnev Viola B R L Baker 17432 Douglas 5 f lOGgood 11 115 3 5 5 31 11 D Connelly C Solly Sea Shell Chalmers ChalmersS 15125 Latonia 31 112 last 7 IIS S 4 4I4R3G 4 4 2l Ia D Connelly S I rigK Sister Solly Pif Jr I4R3G Latonia rl f l0fast 9S 112 21 SuperhumanS3 1 11465ft 33 11 1 K Waldron 0 Rancher 31garclD Superhuman 1465ft Douglas 5S 58fast 9 118 S3 3 4 G r 2 5 J C Dislimon 7 Luke ISrigs Sister Climber 14410 Douglas 5S 59fast 4 115 5 2 0 4 li I5 AV AV Tlor Superhuman Izxetbcy Delano 14172 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 45 111 13 3 G 2J 2 J Henry S MnrHuos J Roberts Rus Aent 14126 Lexgton 5S lOO good 2S3 IIS S 5 6 5 42 4 i J Henry S Luke Chalmers Ed Crump 14022 Lexgton 4i f C4igood 34 109 91 1 1ISflSO 2 25 1 E Martin 11 vi r iy Rencli Rescue ISflSO Lexgton 12 4S fast 23 lOSi Si RescueSi 8 81S375 88 6JJ Henry 11 Luke SamMe3Ieekin Lindentlial 1S375 Charlfin 12 SOrsmud 85 111 15 5 4 35 1J J Henry Idiola Electrician Xorma L PIF JR blk c 3 119 9 By Waterboy Anna Bain fR L Baknr BaknrS 1S329 Latonia 1 l3SVifast 41 10S S 2 4 t 21 21 D Connelly 7 Sollv Leo Kay Chalmers 1S149 Latonia 34 l12 = Rfast 5710 107 72 2 54 4 33 D Connelly 7 Chalmers Solly Ed Crump 1799S Churchl i f l09hvy 210 111 14 4 G 7 r i 5 J W W Tlor Orcciau Pan Maid Dortch 17S53 Churchl 51 f l07muil 34 104 4 S S 5 I1 I2 W W Tlor I IlankODay RookerlSill T Maid 1754S Douglas 34 112 fast 5 IOG G 4 44 2 21 D Connelly r Ed Crunip Solly Chalmers 15125 Latonia 34 112 fast 32 10S S S S5S 87 41 45J A Mott S Emcr Cochran iSs Sister Solly 14930 Latonia 5S 101 fast 3720 107 7 G G5S G r ru 421 R Waldron Shoddy Foxy Or Iff Delano 14G30 Douglas 5S 5Sfast 6910 10S 5 4 3 5 G C J K 3I rtin 7 Luke Rrigs Sister Climber 14432 Douglas 58 l00fast 2110 112 21 1 8 7 5l 2n A Xeylon 11 Frondcur Rancher Chesterton SOLLY b c 119 CamdenG 9 By Peter Quince Miss Finch Ji N Camden 1S3GC Latonia 31 l12fast 1120 12G G G 3 4 41 4 = 1 E 3lcICwen 7 Aunt losie Ormuln Dnrteli DnrteliS 1S329 Latonia 1 l3S fast 433 ins S 3 311 1 11 17 J MeCabe 7 Pif Jr Leo Ray Chalmers 1S2S2 Latonia 34 112 fast 95 117 74 4 2 2 2s 22 AV W Tlor Chalmers Ed Crumti Onnnlu 1S149 Latonia 34 l a fast 41f 111 13 3 23 32 2 F McFwen 7 Chalmers Pif Jr Ed Crump 1754S Douglas 34 112 fast 172100 107 7 3 5 4 3 3 33 AV AV Tior Ed Crump Pif Jr Chalmers 17452 Douglas 51 MOfRood 1C5 113 2 Il 21 AV V Tlor fi Em Cocliran SeaSbell Chilmors Chilmors1h 17209 Lexgton 51 f 1 o7fast 25 108 1 1h i W W Tlor 4 31 Fielder OKoesch DrCarmcti 1GG90 Saratoga 34 11Gmud 5 11711 31 G 1W W TlorlS Trojan Kaskaskia Har Junior 1G301 Saratoga 34 l13slow 4 113 1 2 2J W W Tlor S Kegret Dinah Do Lady ISnrbarv ISnrbarvI2 1G19S Saratoga i f l05fast 185 114 3 I2 li W W Tlor K The Finn 3lenloPark JaekCirey 15965 Saratoga i f 107 fast S 113 2 Il JaekCireyIl 32 W W Tlor S TbyJnry Ladyllarbarv Catalinii CataliniiG 15023 Empire 55 f 107 slow 10 IOG 5 G 51JJ W W Tlor G KaskaBkia Comely Ed Crump By Peter Quince Amy J J K Camden 163S7 Saratoga 12 11 II5 14a W W Tlorir TliyJry TotMorng LBarby 1CIU5 Saratoga 34 I14fB od 75 119 1 1111 35 AV AV Tlor G L ISarliary TbyJnry HighNoon IIJICI Saratoga 34 llltast 10 122 2 25J 2 2 2 41 V AVTlor S Regret Pebbles Paris 16007 Saratoga 5J r 1OT fast 12 123 1 15S 1111 32J AV W Tlor 5 Char Maid Kazzrno 1 Flower 14902 Latonia 5S 100 fast 12 125 2 2 2 2t 24 AV AV Tlor Chalmers Dr Carmen 14C50 Douglas 58 5Sifast S5 124 1 1 1 2s I1 W W Tlui 7 BrigsSister Climber DrCarmcn 141S4 Churchl 41 t 03 fast 21 121 2 25S 1 1s 1s AV W Tlor 8 M Goosby DrCarmen EdCrump H126 Lexgton 5S l003fgood 1 118 2 24i 2 2 2l i AV W Tlor 8 Clialmers Ed Crump R Cochran 14014 Lexgton 4i f 67hvy 920 118 6 4 43 52i W AV Tlor Climber Ed Crump Chalmers 14010 l exgton 12 49hvy 310 111 3 1 1 1 W W Tlor 7 Marlon Goosby Totnn Krondoui 13080 Lexgton 12 48 fast 1 103 3 1 1 1 AV AV Tlorll SMcMeekln Ldcnthal BAgent BAgentBy HANWORTH b c 3 113 By Littleton Dragee E Here 1S07S Latonia 4 113 fast 7110 109 701 91R Suinll Mkor Kill ilcAdoo Dortoh Gutwick Eng 31 good 4 12G 12G5S 2 J Martin lT Ellcrslie Enneva Doiio Again XewrktEng 5S l02vsgood 16 117 1175S 12 G McCall 15 RessFbyLciirvn FbyDbarton MchcstrEng 5S l02good 5 126 1265S lii K Tempan 7 Sandky Misprt FbyNSecdns N castle Eng 5S gool 4 116 3i Calder it Bethlehem Atom Morales XewburyEng 58 good 20 126 126c 12 F Tcmpan2 Morvina AVynton Strathmashic StrathmashicBy DEVIL FISH br c 3 119 1195S By Robert le Diablo AVater Nymph J Kelly AlexPk Eng 5S good 91 126 1265S 1 = E AAhtley 12 Rcynella Loud Report Celano Epsom Eng 5S hard 10 116 10 E AVhtley Polystonie Security Pennant Dcaster Eng 08 hard 3 121 3 2 E AVhtley 11 Benovot VSli or CbvStDenis Bath Eng 58 hard 51 126 1265S 23 E AVhtley 11 Angiiilla Duessa Kilearlu Chester Eng 5S good G 122 1223S 1 E AVhtley i Stratliniashie Bandit Disguise Disguise1U XwburyEng 3S good 20 126 1U E AVhtley J Morvina Vynton Strtliinashiu StrtliinashiuBy ROYAL II b c 3 119 By Your Majesty Lady Ethel J Livingston 38313 Latonia 31 l12rast 1S3 111 2 t t I3 4 ° 1 1 Loftus Wblossom One Step IIoos IIoo ISlVJ Litonla 51 f lUSfast 4320 115J a 8 I I 1 J Loftus 12 IIoos IIoo Syrian Mex 17965 Churchl 31 l16mud S 112 5 12 10 101 10ID 1 Loftus 12 McAdoo Foxy GrifT Nobleman Ne win kt Eng 5S l00 hard 20 115 115FIRST 7 AV Huxley 22 Desmond Benevolent KusUforil KusUforilBy FIRST FIDDLE b c 3 116 116SaiilownKng By Cornstalk Resin J Livingston SaiilownKng 58 l011 good009 122 122LingtiehKEng 1 AIcKcnna 2 Odessa Bess Locket LingtiehKEng 5S good Jo 16 16Kemi 27 E Huxley 12 Landslide Glcnclg LadySlaun Kemi tonEng 5S good 11 121 121LIBERATOR 7 E Huxley 14 ShGirl CbyPoiolT StickorTwo StickorTwoBy LIBERATOR ph g 3 116 116176U3 By Planudes Countess Irma T C McDowell 176U3 Douglas 31 l12vifast 115 115 2 21 2 K Martin MartinIl 7 M Fielder Tory Maid Martinos 17471 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 75 100 2 Il I1 K Martin Martin1s 11 Vogue Aunt Josle Miss Fielder 17061 Lcxgton 34 l13good 95 105 1 1s I3 K Martin 4 M Fielder ieoHoescli HcosIIoo IG9S9 Loxgton CJ f l07tast 215 105 1 4 = 4i E Martin Martinli 5 AnntJosle SeaSliell BrigsSlster 16121 Saratoga 4 113 fast 1310 115 1 1139SS li 3 = 4 E Martin Martinlot I Itazzano Ilunos Menlo Park 139SS Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 135 112 3 3I4S05 lot 3 E Martin Martin1s 7 Garbage The Finn Vladimir I4S05 Latonla 5S 59fast 6G 100 1 1H 1s 1 E Martin Outlook Alkanet Jeff Roberts H 75 Latonla 58 l00fast 1710 103 7 714G22 2 2h E Martin Martinlh 7 B First Martinos Planetary 14G22 Douglas 58 102 slow S 109 3 3MANAGER lh ink E Martin 11 Chesterton Uanclicr DPerkins MANAGER AVAITE ch c 3 119 By AVatercress La Venganza T C McDowell 14211 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 1310 H 4 4141SI 11 I2 E Martin 7 DCarmen Serlmman SShooler 141SI Churchl 4J f 53 fast 2310118 3 313CJ8 G1 G E Martin S Lulre Marion Goosby DrCarmeu 13CJ8 Lexgton 12 43slow 45 112 1 1KEY inn jn E Martin 11 Chalmers Dr Carmen Mex MexBy KEY MAR ch c 3 110 110J8131 By Bryn Mawr Belle Acton W R Mizell J8131 Laurel 1 l40fast 4110 iu 2 22 3 i U LalVertylO Leonnine AV Metal Tanierme 1 0J2 Laurel 51 f l07fast 1910 110 1 1179S9 43 4i J McTagrtir Dervish urlono Leonnine 179S9 Laurol 5J f l07fasl G5 110 5 22 22 J McTagrtia TudorKing UncleBryn Moelicka 17933 laurel 51 f l00fast 24 104 3 317S17 2 3i J McTagrt t Ileadmasl DisShore B Flower 17S17 Laurel 34 l14i5fast 14 110 1 117GS3 2 2 J McTagrtl 1 Gainsborough Peg Rusila 17GS3 Laurel 5 f l07fast S73 103 2 S1 10i J McTagrti MMgomery Mallard Caverock 17531 HdeGcc 58 l01fast 2 112 1 oj AV Walker Protector Xorus Miss Frances 17439 HdcGco 5S l01sloV 12 93 2 2173G7 41 581 I Stewanl r Gaelic Sarsenet Colto 173G7 HdcGce 5S l00fait 50 US 1 5 ° 443 II Sumter 5 Doulih Eagle Gaelic Sarsenet SarsenetBy MALLARD ch f 3 By Star Shoot Lizzie Dixon AV R Mizell 19333 NOr tis 1 111 fast 32 4s1 W Lillev 12 Flyllome WCAVcst PageWhltc 1930G XOr ns 1 llOfast llOfastIni20y 3 2 J Maher Stickpin JLouiie LSirituelle LSirituelleG 19250 XOr ns Ini20y 145 hvy G 21 AV Lilley S Jacob Buim Joe I Rodondo Rodondo4h 19217 NOr ns 5 I07y4fast 4h 2nk A Schugrl2 PWhite GAVKisker Jefferson 115G NOr ns 1 l40Vfast l40VfastIm20yl41slow 41 4 ° JJ Malicr 7 Flyllome Blackthorn Nobleman 19127 NOr ns Im20yl41slow 41 21 J Maher 11 TIouise LSplrituelle MAnnK 190 iS NOr ns 34 114 fast fastof 5 43J E Ambrose 15 FIlelen MMontgomy FIIome FIIomea2 19037 XOr ns of f l03fchvy a2 G21F Murphy i liilly Joe B Mortar Joe I ISS7S XOr ns 1 145 mud 4 Piper2n 3J J Maher 7 Celebrity GoldcstGirl P Piper 1SS31 XOr ns 34 l13fast 2n 2i J McTagrt 7 Kneelet Col Fred Egeria 1SS24 NOrlns 34 l13fast 21 2 J McTagrt S Kneelet Joe 1 Long Reach ReachBy BOOKER BILL ch c 3 By McGee Rose Lady M C Moore 1S07S Latonia i4 113 fast 14 1U4 1 12 1s C Dishnion MeAdoo Dortch Little String 17MIS Churchl 1 f l09hvy 9 100 1 G2 7i E Martin Grecian Pan Maid Dortch 17S33 Churchl 5 f l07 mud 235103 2 3 2 W E Martin Pif Jr Hank ODay Tory Maid 17504 Douglas 51 f l07fcfast C5 112 11 S C 5H AV Andressll Bnrwood Foxy GrilT Christie 17027 Lexs on 5S l05 ihvy 4110 112 G 5 41 4 i AA Andressl2 Xetlitrbow McAdoo Christie ChristieBy MARION GOOSBY br g 3 107 10714G50 By Marathon Pheenie Fickle M C Moore 14G50 Douglas 5S 5Sfast 31 111 G 7 7 7JR Waldron 7 Luke Brigs Sister Climber 14492 Douglas 58 101 slow 95 107 3 3 32 3s R Waldron 8 Dr Carmen Frondeur Martinos 14184 Churchl 41 t 03 fast 46 113 7 SB 2s R AValdron 8 Luke Dr Carmen Ed Crump 14157 Churchl 12 48fast 15 112 7 Gl 55J R AValdronll SShooter CTGreeu DrCarmen 14034 Ixjxgton 4J f 57hvy 29 113 3 B1 4J E Martin 9 Climber Ed Crump Chalmers 14010 Lexgton 12 4Dhvy 18 108 7 21 2 C Turner 7 Luke Tetan Frondeur PHOSPHOR b c 3 119 1191G503 By Peep oDay Myrtelus S L Parsons 1G503 Saratoga 34 l16hvy 4 111 10 10 10157G4 11 H22 K Karrick 11 Regret Andrew M Pebbles Pebbles3nk 157G4 Empire 31 I12y5fast 32 118 3 3 315G20 3nk 422 7 Butwell 4 Pebbles Comely Kaskaskia 15G20 Empire 5S f 107 good 1G 104 2 1 12 Il J Butwell 4 Tinkle Bell Miss Frances Vaza 15370 Aqueduct 58 59tast 32 10S 2 5 38 I2 K Karrick 8 Pierrot Doublet Miss Frances FrancesBy SHARPSHOOTER b g 3 116 By McGee Single Shot S L Parsons 18113 Laurel 1 ii tast 41 117 4 2 2 21S072 22 I2 K Karrick 7 Razzano DoubleEagle RMartyr 1S072 Laurel 31 l12fast Ci 103 C 1 I1 1i K Karrick i Hester Prynne S Board Isidora 17973 Laurel 5 f 107 fast 1710 115 4 9 917S6S G3 35 K Karrick 10 Trial by Jury Hanson Razzauo 17S6S Pip If k A 134 l15sfast 15 124 2 3 3 Qnk K Karrick 3 Rhine Maiden Sand Bank Bankin 1722 Helmont 34 st 112 fast 2J 109 7 G in 1 K Karrick 7 Coquette Dinah Do ChartcrMaid 17011 Kolmont 7S st l22fast 95 110 3 3 3 31G992 3i 32 J Butwell 0 Paris Charter Maid Runes 1G992 Bclmont 5S st 59fast Si 109 4 3 31GSGS Il I3 1C Karrick 7 Sarsenet Doublet AVatertown 1GSGS Beltnont 51 f st lOSfast G 103 2 2 21CG2S 11 I5 K Karrick 10 R Martyr Gloaming Astrologer 1CG2S Saratoga 34 l14fast 23 105 3 3 4 4Z K Karrick 7 Itupica SandBank Sharpshooter 16173 Saratoga 51 f l10mud 13 109 8 9 93 95 K Karrick 10 Harry Junior Quartz Silica SilicaBy COMMONADA ch c 3 119 By The Commoner Nevada B J Austin 1533 FortErie 5S l00fast G 112 9 7 71 0s W Varon 11 Heenan Tokay Eagles 14710 Dorval 5S l02fast 6 IIS 3 5 3k 4j G Burns 7 Stir Up Tarzan Llnsin 14391 BlueBon 5S l01fast 15 113 5 6 4J Ink G Burns 7 Tokay Tarzan Ilocnan 14510 BlueBon 58 102 good 145 115 4 3 4 5s P Goldstn 7 IdaClaire Redland Ethan Allan 14334 AVdbine 4i f 53 good 47 117 6 4 5 42i G Burns 8 Ed Cruuin Sir Edgar Ida Claire 14124 Lexgton 5S l01good 195 112 5 4 3 33 J Hanover 5 Filigree Redland One Step 14034 Lexgton 4i f 67fchvy 146 118 8 6 6J D Connelly 9 Climber Ed Crump Chalmers 1S9SO Lexgton 12 43 fast 15 112 4 9 8B1D Connollyll Luke SamMcMeekln Lindentha 13309 James n 12 49 fast 65 114 1 I1 I6 D Nicol 7 Jesse Jr Category Gen Villa 13S9 5 Jamesn 12 60good 5 111 7 l k ji D Nicol 8 Royal Blue Jesse Jr Category CategoryBy BARS AND STARS b g s lie lie1G551 By Helmet Follies Bcrgeres E R Bradley 1G551 Saratoga 51 1 108 good 7 7j j 106 2 2JG230 1 51 A Ncvlon 10 Dismiss Outlook Sandstone JG230 Saratoga 34 l13slow 15 110 4l 4i A Xeylon 10 Garbage RoyMartyr DistShore J396S Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 12 112 1 113SOi 1 = 1 J McDondlO Runes Broomleaf Gloaming 13SOi Empire f l f l 8 slow S 110 8 G 431 A Xeylon S Andrew M Runes Deviltry 15203 Uatonia Gl f l09imud G6 III 5 5NORSE 7 G iA Neylon 11 Tetan Resign Izzetbey IzzetbeyBy NORSE KING b c 3 119 119L0017 By Fair Play Nineveh F B Lemairc L0017 HdeGce 5t 5rJfast G 101 11 1 T MeTagti Protector XSimplex Sarsenet 1S11S HdeGco 34 115 hvy S 1061 4 41S375 3 3J M Buxton 5 Borgn Boxer Brian Born BornVi 1S375 Pimlico 31 l14fast 6710 100 3 3ISOIJ Vi 1 1 McCjiheyi Volant ClilT Haven Babe ISOIJ Laurel Cl f l09good fid 111 U 9i S A Nieklaiisl 1 Fly Home Reflection Dr Cnnn 14015 HdeGce 41 f 55 last 20 101 9 9 91 J McTagrt Jesse Jr Sir Edgar Deviltry 12916 HdeGcu 12 49 fast 6 109 10 10HANK 10 10 C Bgame 10 Haubvrk FIlelen Trial by Jury JuryBy HANK ODAY br g 3 116 By Peep o Day Eric Belle G Carley 18329 Latonia 1 l3S fast 910 100 7 7 7 A Mott 7 Solly Pit Jr Leo Ray 18312 Latonia 51 f lOSfast 91 109 3 31S21G 2 2s J Metcalf Vatcrblossom Tokay Grecian 1S21G Latonia 34 113 fast 365 103 2 21S11S 22 2i F Murphy S Converse One Step LittleString 1S11S Latonia 31 l13V fast 4710 109 3 31S042 rta f fj j 7 Smyth Grecian Converse Sandstone 1S042 Latonia 51 f 107 good 21 103 1 21 11 V A TlorlO Amazon ISilly Joe Aunt Josie 17909 Churchl 10 10 R Goose 14 Gold Girl Bs Brother BillyJoe 17S33 Churchl 51 f l07mud 14 109 G 31 22 F Keogh 0 Pif Jr Booker Bill Tory Maid 17643 Douglas of f 107 fast 3910 102 G 7 51 7 ° 1 J Metcalf 10 Amazon Geo Roe ch LitString 17247 Lexgton 51 f l07fast 26 109 1 1 1GARBAGE 13 1 R Goose 11 Talebearer Christie L Powers GARBAGE ch g 3 116 1163SG2 By Aeronaut Trash E B Cassatt 3SG2 Iimlico 1 l40fast 17 12i 10 11 11 111S239 9 921vT Davies 11 Double Eagle Razzano Sarsenet 1S239 Laurel 34 l12 = tfast 9310 113 9 11 111S143 11 10 S Davis 11 Last Coin High Xoon RMartyr 1S143 Laurel 1 l9fast 425 117 7 7 7 7 71CT Davies 7 Sharpshooter Razzano D Eagle 17972 Laurel 34 l12fast 135 100 4 3 4 4H J P Ryan 5 Housemaid Isidora Slumber II 17259 Belmont 1 l37fast 5 90 1 2 2 21 11 7 P Ryan 4 Tbornhill Figinny G 31 Miller 17076 Belmont 7S 121 fast 12 99 2 3 3 31G913 51 513 7 P Ryan 5 Stromboli Comely Frederick L 1G913 Belmont 34 st 112 fast S 109 5 5 51GG90 2i 43 T Davies 5 Comely Forum Surprising 1GG90 Saratoga 31 llfimud 8 125 8 10 10il2 Surprising10il2 A Neylon 1 Trojan Kaskaskia Har Junior 16301 Saratoga 34 l13slow 6 127 G 7 71G2IW 5s 5 ° 1T Davies S Regret Solly Dinah Do 1G2IW Saratoga 34 l13slov 15 127 3 5 32 I2 T Davies 10 RMartyr D Shore Band Stars 16036 Saratoga 34 l12fast 3i 107 2 1 1159S3 2 li T Davies f Comely Nonreddin Broomleaf 159S3 Saratoga 5i f 107 fast 5 107 4 3 3LUKEMAE 21 11 T Davies 7 The Finn Liberator Vladimir LUKEMAE b g 3 116 116ll751Juarez By Luke Ward Jessie Mae I E Clark ll751Juarez 7S l25fast 4 9j fi 1 4 4 = 3 = 1 P Louder 0 G Russell ToryMaid M Fielder Fielder52i 19721 Juarez 51 f l03fast 5 112 5 5 5193GI 52i 5s J Murphy 7 Tory Maid Mex Inez 193GI Juarez 51 f lIlhvy 1 109 3 4 321 2 L Gentry 5 Maznik Rex Beach Tory Maid Maid4l 1932 Juarez 31 l125fast 2 US 1 4 4l 5 J Murphy 7 Ghetto Girl Rex Beach Maznik 19400 Juarez 34 lllfast S5 112 1 4 31 22 7 Murphy 4 Mex Tory Maid Katharine G G4J 19319 Juarez 51 f l05fast 21 111 3 4 4J 3s J Murphy fi Tory Maid Type Katharine G 19233 Juarez 58 l00fast 3 109 2 219IS4 G G19IS4 3 = 11 T Rice 10 Maznik Gertrude B Inez 19IS4 Juarez 31 121 mud 3 110 1 3 1 Il T Rice 7 Mex Stolen Ante Con Tower 191 IS Juarez f f 106 fast 4 112 5 31 21 J Murphy Yallaha Ida Cuminings Type 19013 Juarez 51 f l07fast 5 101 5 51S93S 33 In J Kederis S Inez Carrie Orme Type 1S93S Juarez 51 f l07ifast 4S 103 5 5ISGI9 22J Type22J 2 C Gross 10 Planetary Osnmmle A Horndon ISGI9 Juarez 51 f lOCfast 50 106 7 8 S4C Gross 8 Inez Carrie Ornic B Brother 16135 Vcouver 4 f Glsfast 710 113 3 22 1 J Murphy 7 Make Good RusMald Pros Maid 15721 Vcouver 41 t 54fast C 112 3 31MO 1 I1 J Murphy Vlandcr Stolen Ante Concha 1MO Denver 4 f Gu fust 14S 109 7 7irI77 1 lk J Murphy 7 Skinny B TarltonP DoIIyHays irI77 Denver 12 4Sfast 3i 109 G 4ii i 7 Murphy 10 Avocado Skinny B Harmony 15099 Denver 41 f 55 fast 3710 109 3 42i 4J J Murphy 7 Milt Barber Skinny B Gladwin 14993 Denver 4J f 53fast 215 112 7 41 23 7 Murphy 10 BJnlmson MFranklln Belcolore 14925 Denver 12 505imud 115 112 4 4HAUBERK 2 31 J Murphy 8 SBeckhani M Barber SkinnyB HAUBERK b g 3 11G 11G200J9 By Martinet Druid Shoshone Stable 200J9 HduGce i1 f l03fast 20 10S 6 614S21 52 S22 AV Ural TPoint Miraniiehi Sluniboll 14S21 irolniont 34 l3Afast SI 110 4 32 2t J Butwell S Comely Geo Roescli Xoiireddin 11391 Belmont 5S st l00slop 12 112 2 2I40S7 2s 1 M Bnxton I MarionlL TMuerader Banquet I40S7 ILdcGce 12 49slop 3J 10S 3 3s 3 M Buxton 5 DrLarrick IdnCluIre JimSavag 13946 HdcGce 12 49 fast 4 108 2 2LA 2LA 12 I2 M Buxton 10 FIlelen Trial by Jury Jefferson LA PATRIE blk f 3 114 11411I2 1141J12 By Out of Reach Consuelo II F A Forsythe ForsytheS 1J12 5 Loxgton rS l ngood good 48 115 6JIOS1 fl S S1V Andross S Luke halmors Ed Crump JIOS1 I cxston 41 f o3hmud 215112 2 213I93 41 4 AV Andress Vblossoni IvharincG BKister 13I93 Charlen 12 5Wgood 12 112 5 5JSI Ink 1 J Hanover 7 Jesse Jr Jim Savage Clicrron JSI 10 Clmrlen ol f 43EOod 2 115 4 31 2 J Hanover 5 Filigree Lady Reach Idiola 12972 Charlen 38 37hvy 85 112 3 3GHETTO in Idiolain I3 J Hanover S Xornin L ICowpic Lady Reach GHETTO GIRL b f 3 114 By Ben Brush Debacle Corrigan McKinncv 19524 Juarez 34 l12fast 2 110 3 3TETAN 121 I1 T Bice 7 Rex Beach Maznik Con Tower TowerBy TETAN b c 3 119 1191S363 By Dorante Bettie Gray AV T Crosthwaite 1S363 Latonia 31 f 107 fast fid 103 4 4JSS33 51 41 E Pool 12 Xobleinaii Chitra Dundrearv JSS33 Latonia 34 l13fast fld 112 1 10 D F Teahan 14 Cardigan Dortch Resign 18160 7 atonia 1 1 40fast 16 109 3 31M2S 51 5 i F Teahan 11 Leo Ray McAdoo Sandstone 1M2S Latonia 51 f 107 fast 3S5 HO1 7 r l 5 F Teahuii 12 Cardigan AV Crown Cliesterhin 31 l13 hvy SI 5 4 1 F Murphy I Chalmers Grecian Miss Fielder 17362 Douglas 51 f 1 07fast 55 112 1 51 5SJ A Pease 12 Bill Dudley Dortch Foxv GrilT 17030 Lexgton 51 f l124shvy 17 109 5 569S 4 3 G Dishnion 7 Geo Roescli LPayne DrCarmen 69S Lexgton 5SlW fast 56 112 8 81520S 8 831B Marco i Chalmers Chesterton DCaruieu 1520S Latonia CJfl03Umud 9 110 fi oj js p Teahan 11 Resign Izzotbey Dortch 14930 I itonla 5S 101 fast 51 JUS S 7 GJ F Teahan n Shoddy Foxy Griff Delano 14432 Douglas 5S l00fast 26 112 3 Gl C J 5 Dishmonll Frondeur Pif Jr Rancher 14347 Douglas 4J f 54 fast 28 112 4 4140SJ 5 J 45 O DIshnionl2 Eddie Delling Solly Shoddy 140SJ I exgton 4J f 56 mud 16 112 3 3 34 AV Andress S EdCrump C of Gold DrCarmen 14010 Loxgton 12 49hvy 41 108 G GDORTCH Si 3 J Hanover 7 Luke Marion Goosby Frondeur DORTCH ch c 3 110 1101S36H By Ivan the Terrible Sierra Leone W W Darden 1S36H Latonia S4 J12tjfast 9310 1011 3 3i E Pool 7 Aunt Josie urnuilii Solly I8m 7atonla 31 l13 fast 13 101 7 71S2S1 y Sollyy 2 A Neylon 14 Cardigan Resign Sandstone 1S2S1 I itonia 51 f 107 fast 23 103 4 4IS11S 71 6J A Neylon IS Converse Tokay Aunt Josie IS11S Lntonia 31 113Mfast 2S 103 G G1MI7S G C K Martin i Grecian Converse Sandstone 1MI7S 7 itonia 31 113 fast KH I 42 S1 F Murphy t Booker Bill MeVdno Lit String J7iK Chnrehl f f l0iihvy 13 irm S ri 351 I Munihv i Creeian Pan Maid Aunt Josie 17V5 Clinrchl 34 lKfiiiud 112 S Noblenmn4u Oi 75J AV AA Tlor12 MeAdoo Foxy Griff Noblenmn 17552 Pouglas CJ I l07rast tld 107 4 4u 2U K Murtlii 12 BUlPuillcy FoxyGriff Butt t VU WHITE METAL gr g 3 By Cycladcs Miss Tenbroeck J E Davis 18398 Pimlico 31 114 fast II II1S3SI5 5 57 J McCahcyll Ilerbt Temple Volant Carlone 1S3SI5 Pimlico 31 1134fast 21 G 53J J Smyth 10 T as Steel Slumber II MCasca 18362 Pimlico 1 l40 fast 20 201S341 104 U 10 10 S2 G It Shilling 11 Double Eagle Razzano Sarsenet 1S341 Pimlico 34 lllifast G G1S256 92 11 10 4 31 J Smyth II Carlone Holland Martin Casca 1S256 Laurel 1 112 fast 13 131S131 1310 103 a G 5 3s 21 J Kederis 8 Diplomat Vitir Lady Buttertly 1S131 Laurel I l40fast 28 104 3 5 4 3 2i J Kederis 19 LroniiiH Key Mar Tamerlane 18023 Laurel 1 l47mud 56 5617S30 103 444 43 4UD Steward 1 Embroidery Borgo Surgeon 17S30 Laurel 1 l39fast 75 104 f 4l 410iU Shilling G Embroidery MMgomery IJorgo 17686 Laurel 34 l14fast 48 107 10 12 1251A Schugr 13 FallCount Marvelous Shimberer 17415 HdeGce 51 f 109 fast 20 103 1 4i 3 i 7 McCahey 7 Capt Parr Peg Uncle Bryn 14666 PipRlc Ab4if 56fast 40 103 7 7J S P Ford K5 P Henry T by Jurv Lampoon 14503 Belmont 5S st 100 fast 30 107 7 71430G 7 7iII Alex 7 Comely Gloaming Jester 1430G Pimlico 4i f 55 fast 145 109 1 1HALF G20 G AV Doyle 7 Kncoie Disillusion Deviltry HALF ROCK ch c 3 110 By Oddfellow Naulahka A Garson 20017 HdeGce 58 394Sfast 50 lOt 9 11 11 9M221 D ONcil Lt NorscKing ProteclorXSimpIex 1S1S3 HdeGce Im70yl46fast C 9S 5 2 1 1 ink 23 j Drcyer 11 Elespian Sliimherer River King 1S4GO HdeGce 51 f l095fast 20 HO U 12 10 71 2n J Dreyer 17 B James I of Dnnbar L Brvii 1S444 HdcGce 51 f l07good 150 112 2 G S S16 S Davis 8 Dr Larrick Alliena Reflection 17770 Laurel 34115 fast fid 114 3 13 13 15 15 P Madeira 15 Tie Pin Marvelous Deviltry 17531 HdeGce 5S lOlifast SO 109 5 a 78 S S3 7 Dennison Protector Kev Mar Norns 17474 HdeGce 51 f 1OS fast 100 113 S SOBOLTJS 7 7 S S33 J Dennison 8 Embdery MMgomery Ilrsa OBOLTJS b g 3 116 By Oddfellow Kenmore Queen J W Goldblatt 19167 Juarez 7S l27fast C5 112 3 G 3 4 1 Il J McCalxj i VField MabDnlwcber LitAbe 19119 Juarez 1 l39fast 2 106 S 6 67S 5 r 5 21 J McCabe 10 Twilight PctitBIeii MDulweber I93S1 Juarez 7S l2Gfast 4 110 1 10 107S 7 G21 22 J McCabe 12 DadDavies BeJcolorc JolinSpnIm 19312 Juarez 7S l21fast 4 10S 5 7 77S G JolinSpnImG 61 5J 7 Gentry 8 Mex Sam Bcckhani Twilight 19134 Juarez 7S l27good S5 112 7 5 5 4 2l 11 J McCabe J Rhodes Moscowa Tutor 19110 Juarez 51 f l07good 2 112 G 7 3 3 L Gentry 8 Conning Tower Mex Tutor 19031 Juarez 34 l14fast C5 110 10 10 53 331 J Groth 14 Magic Moscowa Rhodes 1S922 Juarez 51 f IOS fast 12 113 G G RhodesG 5 r 33i 7 McDond 5 Stolen Ante Category Type 1SW4 Juarez 58 l02good 12 113 6 65S 11 G 11 10 J McDondl2 Aswan Edna II VIrg Field 1SC33 Juarez 5S 59fast 40 107 5 5Gi 6 7 5 5 L Gentry 8 CarOime MFielder HRaybM 1515G Latonia Gi f lOSy5fast 1G 100 9 7 7 71 Go w w Tiorll Sprudel Dundreary StCharlcoo StCharlcooBv LITTLE STRING b c 3 119 Bv McGee Interview M B Gruber 18233 Latonia 34 l13 fast fld 108 10 101S290 7 10 9 13 JA Mott 14 Cardigan Dortcli Resign 1S290 Latonia 5 f 1 07fast 175106 4 41S2C 3 3 21 31 E Pool 11 Chesterton Bamboo Malabar 1S2C I atonla 34 113 fast 32 108 3 31S11S 4 4 3i 4 J J Metcalf S Converse Hank ODay One Step 1S11S Latonia 34 l13 fast 23 108 4 41S07S 4 J 5 43i C Dishnion C Grecian Converse Sandstone 1S07S Latonia 31 113 fast 9 112 4 41S02S 2 2 21 4 7 McCabe Booker Bill McAdoo Dortch 1S02S Churchl 51 f lOShvy 16 1031 4 1 1 1 I3 J McCabe 5 Nobleman Bs Brother TMaid 17909 Churchl 34 l14Mgood fid IftSJ 5 517SS7 12 12 11 11JV AndressM Gold Girl Bs Brother BillvJoe 17SS7 Churchl 51 f lOSmud 12 112 6 5 C 4i 43 C Dishtnonl2 Christie Nobleman Bettertori 17643 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 10G 103 1 1HARRY 2 2 3 3 E Martin 10 Amazon Geo Roescli L Payne PayneBy HARRY JUNIOR br c 3 119 By Ogdcn Partridge H C Eallenbeck EallenbeckG 18137 HvdeGce 5 f l07fast 115 103 S SJS432 G 5 G1 G K Ivarrick 8 Ioxer Hanson Dr Larrick JS432 HdeGce 5S 101 good 133 10S C 4 4 4 41 C Turner G Sir Edgar Eginont Stal Helen 17973 Laurel 5 f 107 fast 3110 111 3 5 j 10 101C C Turner 10 TbyJnry Hanson Sharpshooter 17874 Laurel 34 l13fast S5 110 4 417G3 1 1 1 1 C Turner 5 7 Flower A King 7 Eagle 17G3 Laurel 5 f 107 fast 2910 110 3 2 2 2 ° I2 C Turner 10 Hanson Disillusion Celebrity 17021 Belmont 51 f st l044 fast 10 109 5 51CS69 555 3 1 C Fbther r HigliNoon RoyMartyr Coquette 1CS69 Belmont 31 st 1 13 fast 7 113 a a1C690 5 5 G 5 M Buxton Pebbles Paris Kilkenny Bov 1C690 Saratoga 34 ll murt 20 122 G GIG5S7 4 7 Ll 3 F Keogh 1 Trojan Kaskaskia Trial byJury IG5S7 Saratoga 34 113 fast 12 113 11 13 13 13 13 J Butwell 15 TbvJrv TotMorng LBarby 16479 Saratoga 51 f l10mud 31 112 7 7WATERPROOF 5 4 32 U J Butwell 10 Quartz Silica Hanson HansonBy WATERPROOF ch g 3 107 By Cunard Tinker C E Hamilton 13156 Latonia 51 f luSifast Gl Us S 9 8 S s VA Mott 11 Sprudel Dundreary StCharcole ANDREW M ch c 3 119 By Celt Sanci A B Hancock 18115 HdeGce 5 f l09mud 133 109 G 5 51S62 544 422 H Troxler 7 Gaelic Sarsenet Hanson 1S62 Pimlico 1 l40fast 13 112 9 8 877 S = 1S Davis 11 Double Eagle Kazzano Sarsenet 18321 Pimlico 7S 127 fast 4320 10S 776 7761GS03 6 C C CJ J ICederis 7 Piillux Embroider Razzano 1GS03 Saratoga 34 l16hvy 20 lit 9 9 91G476 7 42 21 F Keogh 11 Regret Pebbles Bill Dndlev 1G476 Saratoga 51 f l09 mud 3 111 2 3 3 33 11 M Buxton 8 Alliena Sam McMeekin Dismiss 16363 Saratoga 3i f l07Mieood 5 100 7 7 1 i 6i 53J A Neylon 8 Kilkenny Bov Polish Reliance 16228 Saratoga 51 f 1 CG4islow 31 105 5 G G15S03 G 7 731M Buxton 7 High Noon Scorpii Razzano 15S03 Empire 51 f lOSslow 41 110 2 2 2CHALMERS 2 22 lJ M Buxton 8 Runes Deviltry Bars and Stars StarsBy CHALMERS ch t 3 119 By Peter Quince Lady Hope J S Hawkins 1S329 Latonja 1 l3Siifast 910 122 422 4221S2S2 2 2 3t 4J J Loftus 7 Solly Pif Jr Leo Ray 1S2S2 Latonia 31 112 fast 2910 126 3 1 1IS149 1 1J I2 J Loftus 5 Solly Ed Crump Ornuiiu IS149 Latonia 34 l12fast 74 118 1 1 11S014 i m ink v Andress 7 Solly Pif Jr Ed Crump 1S014 Latonia 34 112 fast 2 111 1 1 1 I3 1 W W Tlor r EdCrump Grecian Roy Interest 17940 Churchl 34 l13hvy 910 111 2 1 11143 AV AV Tlor Grecian Miss Fielder Tetan 17647 Douglas 31 112 fast 12 108 2 1 1 11 11 AV W Tlor EdCrump Grecian Aerblossom 17348 Douglas 34 112 fast 10 109 3 3 3 42 4 E Martin 5 Ed Crump Pif Jr Solly 17452 Douglas 51 f l06good 233 113 5 3 3169S6 2 43 4 = 1 C Borel G Km Cochran Solly Sea Shell 169S6 Lexgton 5S l00 fast 25 114 3 1 1 i i Porel 9 Chesterton Dr Carmen Yallaha 15123 Latonia 34 112 fast 265 124 3 2 235 57J rri E Martin 8 Emer Cochran Bs Sister Solly 14902 Latonia 5S 100 fast 125 110 3 1 114S32 1111 1i E Martin Luke Dr Carmen 14S32 Latonia 5S l00fast 1 112 1 1 ll Martln 10 Csterton IIRbould MDnchesg 14157 Churchl 12 48fast 920 112 11 11 11 11 C Turner 11 SShooter CTGreen DrCarmen 14126 Lexgton 5S l00good 415 118 1 1 1 11 2 C Turner 8 Luke EdCrump EersonCocliran 14034 Lexgton 4J t 67ihvy 6 113 1 1FREEMAN 2 31 3 C Turner 9 Climber Ed Cramp M Goosby FREEMAN b c 3 110 1101S3G6 By GoosbyBy Sir Huon Merry Heart G J Long 1S3G6 Latonia 34 l12fast 53 10S 2 2 3 51 7 1C Ganz 7 Aunt Josie Ormtilii Dorteli 18281 Latonia 51 f 107 fast fid 103 5 I ILEO Lost rider B Ott 13 Converse Tokay Aunt Josie JosieBy LEO RAY ch c 3 119 1191S329 By Electioneer Anyday J T Looney 1S329 Latonia 1 l3S fast 13 105 6 5 4 4181CO 3 4 3i J Metcaif 7 Solly Pif Jr Chalmers 181CO Latonia 1 l40fast 1720 109 C 9 G G1S07S ChalmersG C 3 1i J Metcalf II McAdoo Sandstone Torv Maid 1S07S Latonia 34 113 fast 6910 108 S 5 S 7 V T KlcJ y 1 fcer Bill McAdoo Dortcli 17562 Douglas 51 f l07fast 4110 107 11 7 9 G G ° i R Gooso 12 Bill Dudley Dortch Foxy Grift 17161 7 exgton 51 f l07fast 42 112 G 5 o 4 21 E McEwcn 12 Bill Dudley Christie MeAdoo 17030 Lexgton 51 f l12hvy 193 10S1 3 5 5LADY 0 G G ° G i E McEwen 7 Geo Roescli Linda Payne Tetan TetanBy LADY ROTHA b f 3 114 By Golden Maxim or Fayotte Sandy BarAMiller 18138 HdeGce 38 l01goodll10 119 3 3 31S3SS 1 I1 1 J Butwell 4 BrFlower ManiieK LBarbarv 1S3SS Pimlico 34 l12iffast 165110 6 5 C G2 03 M Buxton 7 Pullnx Stal Helen T by 18154 Laurel Ci f l06 ifast 1310 107 3 2 23 22 21 7 Butwell 10 Bet Us Broomleaf Chantcuse Jury 17805 Laurel 31 113 fast 45 113 5 1 1171C9 i U H M IxUm K Martyr ArclierKing Razzano 171C9 Belmont 51 fst l04fast 3 103 2 2 1 i llxto Coquette Headmast SMMeekin 16910 Belmont 31 st 114 fast 5 110 4 2 1 4 4s J T1 Butwell 5 Charter Maid Coquette Capra 14932 Belmont 51 fstl01fast 1 113 2 2 214S40 1 23 1 J Butwcll 3 Star Shooter Gloaming Gloamingi 14S40 Belmont 5S st l00mud 1710 111 2 1 ii 7 1 ltwc11 r Distance Tinkle Bell S Shooter 14767 Eelmont 5S st 101 fast G5 108 2 1 1I466G i i l l l M Buxton Gnat Broomleaf Ashocan I466G PipRk Ab41f 5G4fast 7 115 13 11 p i1 V18 X5 IIcnry T by Jury Lampoon 14426 Belmont 58 st l00 fast 2i 109 4 3 2 2J J Callahan 5 Scorpii Harlequin HaUz 14138 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 51 112 5 1 Banquet Ii Sard Ji Intone Casaba 11105 Pimlico 12 49 good 86 107 1 1FOR 2 2 o Il AV Ward 10 Intone Trial by Jury Carblds CarbldsBy FOR FAIR b c 3 119 By Fair Play Fairy G M Miller 19265 XOrlns 1 116 l41fast 63 104 244 4 3 11 1 K Pool 5 Resign Just Red Judge AVrizht 19293 XOrFns 7S l24ifast 1110 110 433 4331923S 2 2 11 W AVarton 4 Resign Manioc Herbert 1923S NOrlns 1 l3S fast 4 97 1 3 3 ° IarCandlc Templo JAly Indolence 19190 NOrlns 1 l42hvy 1 107 2 3 3 2 V J in A AVarton 4 IITemple BroomFlower CBuford I 19102 NOrrns 7S 129 hvy 41 111 G 2 4 1iAtr May l Oy1111 IVinpIe 19048 NOrns 31 l137Sgood 75 109 1 4 4ISS99 1 I4 11 AV AVartonll Pied Piper Hugh MMtgomery Our Ren ISS99 NOrlns 34 l14fast 21 101 2 6 1 7OL I 5 1 onway Ii I Pilcr DaniMastcr 18317 Latonia 31 113 fast fld 103 8 2 7 41 3i A Mott i Sunset Christie Carrie Orme OrmeBy BANQUET ch c 3 By Chilton Fcsta A H Morris 1S3SS Pimlico 31 ll2rast 9lo 112 l Morrisl iV iV TroJiIcr 7 JlllluT llH len T by Jury 1S363 Pimlico 1 l40fast 7 122 C CI823S 8 10 102iM IJuxton 11 Double Kaule Razznno Sarsenet I823S Laurel 58 l00fast 1 10S 4 4ISOat 2 2U 1 J McCahey S He AVIII Hanson Dr Larriek ISOat Laurel 51 f l06fast 133103 4 17973 Uaurol 54 f 107 fast 11 109 li 15091 Aqueduct 58 100 fast 0 122 149S9 Bclmont 5i f st 107 fast 10 122 2 2146S8 146S8 Belmont 58 st 59 fast 8 IIS 2 14391 Belmont 58 st lOQslon 8 118 3 14133 Pimlico 4J f 53fast 1310 110 2 3 1J E Taplin 11 Intone Casaba Lady Rotha GREVILLE b c 3 110 14137 Churchl 12 48fast 153 112 9 14060 Lexgton 11 f 55 fast 215 110 3 31S9SO 1S9SO Lexcton 12 4S fast fid 103 11 11THE THE MASQUERADER b c 3 119 11929CC9 By Ogden Masquerade R Parr 29CC9 HdeGce 31 f l0ifast a 106 3 9 9 9 = = 1E Ambrose TPoint Aliramichi Slumlicrl 16303 Saratoga 34116hvy 15 122 4 4 1 10o j Butwell 11 Regret Andrew M Pebbles 15326 Aqueduct 5S l01fast 21 115 2 f 1lll c11 7 TBarbary Lampoon T bv Ju 15091 Aqueduct 58 100 fast 183 122 3 o T ntwc n Soi oi 2 J Shei Double Eagle Comi 14688 Belmont 58 st 59 fast C5 115 4 o 01 8 Marion II 14391 Belmont 5S st l00slop 1120 118 9 S11 n Banquet S Shooter 14229 Pimlico 41 f 54fast 122 2 Blltwc11 Hauberk Marion II Banquet 14153 Pimlico 12 4Sfast 12 117 2 T Sutwe S r EdKar Fnkcr Tetns star starT 14129 Pimlico 12 48fast 320 112 6 T 14025 HdeGce 4J f 54fast 36 107 6 J AmanuensisJ T Suiwc Butwell 12 rroctor Hydroplane Thr111 Razzano Amanuensis Haflz CARDIGAN blk g 3 116 1161S333 By Yankee Raglan G E Senn 1S333 Latonia 31 l13fast 145 109 S S1S264 2 I2 1 P Murphy 14 Dortcli Resign 1S264 Latonia o f l07fast 123 111 9 91S12S 1S12S Latonia o f 107 fast fid 110 1 17902 Bowie 51 f lOS4fast 2 109 T 17777 7owie 34 lUsfast 10 109 5 17597 Bowie 5S 01fast 910 107 2 17364 Bowie 5S 011 fast 910 107 1 17390 HdeGce 5S 01 fast 3 106 3 31G97S 3 4 5CJ J Keleris K Videt Emclda 1G97S BlueBon 51 f 10 slow Volnspa 31 101 10 A 16900 BlueBon 51 f 09jfhvy 45 91 fi fi16S38 rii 1 T A V01118 12 8 Coinmcnsla Merry Twinkle TiV 16S38 BlueBon 51 f 07fast 40 96 5 A 43 o J0111119 co Borax Don CortM A 31 Collins S Zin Del J B Harrell Casaba CONNING TOWER br g 3 116 18904 Juarez S l02good 710 112 1 2 1 2 i 43J 11 c C Gross 12 Aswan Edna II Airg Field 16262 Saratoga 34 l14fast I = 10 10 7 G Gi W Byrnc 12 Broomleaf Chivalry Huguenot By HuguenotBy Bryn Mawr Aunt Belle Mrs R AV AValdcn 1 n Troxcr 11 Herbt 1 Temple Volant Carlono 1S3G2 Pimlico 1 lIO fast fld 110 854 Troxler il3 8 11 Double Eagl Kiizziiuo Sarsenet SarsenetH 1S303 Pimlico 5iflOS fast 175112 7 4 TroxIer 11 Marvelous 1S1G1 Laurel 31 llu fast 9J 110 1 2 JamesJj H LWing Uev James I79S9 Laurel Jj T IiChi MrtclvM LiglitWing Kstlimiblo Kstlimibloi i I IT Itup11 Vi Tlor Ki Kov Jl r Meoliekn 17415 HdeGce 51 f 109 fast 2 4 1 1 H JJ Alex tVex AIVQ Melicka Marvelous Marvelouso 7 o Dipt Parr Peg White Metal STALWART HELEN ch f 3 By MetalBy Stalwart Helen Miller L AVeissl 1S179 HdeGcu f 107 fast I G I ue S Hls Betweenls 1S430 HdeGce 4 lu fast 4 ry L Barbary 8432 HdeGce I i JtCahpy S Kewessa True as Steel Traniif 1SSS Pimlico 1S299 Pimlico 1S239 Laurel 1S210 I aurel 57P93 7aurel 17933 7aurel 17730 Laurel 17552 Laurel 174S4 AVdbine 17371 AVdbine 34 l13fast 121 105 7 MrP VP 17169 Dorval 34 l1Sfast S IBS r Orniulu Rancher 17071 Dorval 51 f l09fast 85 107 KJK1 BlueBon 34 l15slow 5 108 168G2 BlueBon 51 f l095slop 3 ifi5 5 5IHCSl IHCSl Conght 34 118 hvy 75 112 1 16134 AVIndsor 51 f 110 mud 20 103 1 PULLUX b g 3 110 1101S3SS 1S3SS 21S321 Pimlico 34 l12Jifast 185 105 2 1S321 Pimlico 7S 127 fast 325 103 3 3 1S276 Laurel 3 f J0ifast 9S10 106 5 18167 Laurel 1 l38ffast 39 97 B 4 iison Leonninn 18136 Laurel 51 f l07 fast 333109 2 iish Montresor 1S051 21S051 laurel r f l07good 14 100 2 Distant Shore 1S013 21S013 517S95 Laurel 5J f l10Aslop 10 112 5 7 G G 59i C Fbtbel S Protector Doiibiet n Ror Martyr 17S95 Hdeace SJ f 107 fast 3 SS 2 1 1 li D Stowardl V lmftniunv I1oeVor A X Akin 17297 Belmont 34 Kt 112 fast 115 95 2 12 29 1 D Steward Moiitro Vstmln 17112 Belmont 51 fst 106ifast 8 inn 3 2 TU li D S wan S K Viittiw ttSir M 1C917 Belmont 31 f st 107 fast 1ft OS 3 43 4 4 = 3 I Steward Mo it m I ixn Fndi 16551 Saratoga 34 i gogtl 15 JOO 2 4 3 2 D S e wa a U K aia

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1915041701_3_4
Library of Congress Record: