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I , . 1 .. • ; ; J J ! J 2 1 • • I • • - I 1 i s • . r . - J " _ . RACING ELSEWHERE THAN IN ENGLAND. It is a strange, and at the same time some-. what humiliating fact, that in practically every other country in the world the sport of horse racing, which has MM liorrowed or copied from England, has been going on pretty much as usual during the war, and that preparations are lieing made for next year as though no doubt was entertained In tile matter. France and Belgium, suffering under exceptional circumstances, were certainly unable to carry through their usual programs this year. r to complete last years, and for obvious reasons our Belgian friends will be unable to resume yet awhile. In France, however, the government takes a far more fatherly interest in the industry of ht.rsc breeding tliaii we, in this, the home of racing, do. As has already been announced, the French gov-, eminent will permit in future the visits of inares from England and others of the allied countries to stallions standing there, and in the saim- way French mares will be allowed to proceed to Eng- land to be mated with our stallions, provided that they duly return to their own country. As regards actual racing, we now learn that the French Jockey Club has published its official list of events for the forthcoming season, though actual dates are not so far decided U|ion. This, contrasted with the slate of affairs at home, is a distinct step forward, as no fixture list is published in yesterdays "Racing Calendar," and apparently there bi 110 intention of issuing one. even on the provisional lilies adopted by the French Jockey Club. A day or two ago 1 read that the entry f-H- IM German Derby — I forget for what year, but presume it was for 1917 — had closed wilh a subscription of only about a dozen loss than that for IMS. The statement referred to. if true, discloses deteruiina-■ tion on the part of the enemy to keep racing g dug as usual at all costs, and while it is equally true that entries are being made and accepted as usual for important events a long away ahead in this country, there is. in the absence of any fixture list for next season, little encouragement to act as if such races are certain to Ik- brought to a conclusion. What is wanted, and urgently wanted, is some definite pronouncement on the subject, but mir turf rulers appear to be even more reluctant to take I ln- ptfbllc into their confidence than is the govnuiiei 1 011 higher matters. We are still waiting pati-nily for a decision regarding National Hunt sport, and while nobody is 111 the least inclined to grumble because other and more important matters must come first, the secrecy and pr N-rastination with which the proceedings are lieing invested are rapidly bringing something like breaking-straiu to bear on such patience. Amidst all the trouble which has befallen the sporting communities in England. France and Bel-1 glum, one notes with satisfaction that in one of the happily-placed nMitral countries arrangements are being made for the institution of horse racing on a scale hitherto unknown tb-re. I refer to Sprain. whose ruler, King Alfonso, has alwcvs shown a par-. tiality for the sjiorts and pastimes of the nation which gave him his gracious consort. Known for n.any years as an exiiert imlo player. King Alfonso now" intends to do everything to promote racing in his own country, and with this object has purchased a number of thoroughbreds, which are to In- under the charge of a French trainer. The king, by the way. has notified his intention of racing under the name of the Duke of Toledo, and one n:iiurall hopes that the day is not far distant when his enton will be carried in England. — -"Augur." in London Sporting Life of Novcmlier 5.