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NO STALL RENT AT MARYLAND TRACKS. Lcuc.t Purse at Bowie and Havre de Grace — Pimlieo and Laurel 00. New Yoik. March 22. — It has ban arranged between tie- four raring associations in Maryland, Pimlieo, Havre de Grace, Laarel ami Bowie that |i;s, nun in the future will not have- to pay ■ lull rent. It was also announced that no purs.- ,;t Bowie nr Havre- de Grace v.!i be l«-ss than nana, ami tie, .sTuii will be tie- lowest at PimUca and Laurel. I bea ■ art the minimum amounts, as all tracks will give nui-s, s of greater rataes for tie better da - al bone i. lie- stake t" be res at Pimlieo will dose April -. Manager W. P. Biggs was in the city today. He spoke flatteringly of tin- outlook and that applications I.-,- stable accommodations inelicated that nearly all tie- i rumlnent uwnara will be represented at the coming meeting. I ..key . Veil-m has been r lased by Thomas .. lle.i.ev. trainer for K. T. Wilson. lb- will go I to Kentucky and possibly ride tree lance unless he c-ts a wutract with li. Vau Uy.