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WHITNEY HAS FOPJY-FIVE THOROUGHBKEDS IN TRAINING TOR OPENING OF SPRING MEETINGS ON EASTERN TRACKS. Twenty -Seven Are in Care of James Rowe at Broak- ilalo Farm — Others in Charge of Albert Simons at Benning Track — Jockey Robinson Engaged. Bj» M Cole. New ViiU. March 22.— Harry P. Whitney win start the rsi lag; season with about forty-five bones, iniMi; seven f which are in i hem of Jaaaea Itowa at the Brookdalc Farm, New Jersey. The others are being trained by Albert Simon , in Washington. The weather baa net beaa favorable for outdoor work .-it Brookdale, caaaeqa ntly shed duties hare been the order of things an to the j rea nt time. Mr. Kowe is acknowledged to be one of the wixard tralaera of the innalij His methods are followed by .ill those who are fortunate enough to know them. Experience haa taught him that it is not Jadli tone to stmt spring work outside until the weather baa absolutely settled. Barely does be send from tie- barns a horse which lias to lie brought hack to shed work. It is injurious, in his opinion. "Tlio Weather has been bad and outside of the ordinary exercising;, my horses have done nothing in pal to -lib ■ bat they are all doing well at the present lime." says Mr. Kowe. That speaks plainly the condition of Mr. Lowes horses. The f.-llov ing is the Ust of horses in training at Hi K.k-lai- Bad !.■ nnin;:: Three-Year Olds and Over at Brookdale. Bcllriaajet Golden Bad Begret Herrow Hwta Bhtkety •Chicle Manhasset Thunderer lloinin.:nt Pennant Tumbler Two Ycar-Clds Unnamed. Brawn eo.t by All Jab* stamina. Hay cast by AH . H Vespers. Brown flly by Hambmg Cherikec Rose. Cbeatantt filly by ll: mlnug — Innkhurst. Bay filly, by Hamburg — Verdure. Browa eolt by Hamburg — Wonder. hestnut filly by Whisk Etrooai II.— Beanie star. Chestnut eolt by Whisk Broom 11. — Inaugural. Brown eolt by Whisk Broom II. — Pageant. •Bay cott bv WIBoayx— Bam OhrL •Brown filly by Tracery — Perverse. "Chestnut filly i y st. Vietrix — Cr.nolino. ■Cbeslaat eolt by Back Band — Tanya. Bay eolt by Peter Paa Onutpaway. Bay eolt by Broom 4th k — Leayonara. Horses Trained by Simons at Benning. I.oiinie Witch, b. f, 3, by Broomstick — Bonnie Star. P.romo. b. e. 4. by Broomstick — Leayonara. hestnut filly. _ by All iold— liclle of Troy. Chestnut filly. 2, by All Hold Martha II. Bay gelding, J. by AI Hold— Matinee. Bay eolt, 2. by All Gold— Kainy Dafary. Chaataat filly. 2, by All odd s.iiiie of ivsirre. Chestnut filly, ~. by liroomstiek — First Plight. Hay gelding, 2, by liroomstiek — Lady Privates. Bay gelding, - by ITiuamstkh — Valkyrie. Chestnut eolt. 2. by Bambarg — Oreyhound. Chaataat gelding. -• by Hamburg-— Sylvan. •Bay gelding, 2 by fmalnn. Julian •Bay cott, 2, by Spearmint — Mineom. •Bay eolt, 2, by Mar don aid Paradtae. •Hay rait, 2, by Back Sand— Lady Hamburg. Bay filly. -. by Whisk Broom II.— Iota. •Clapporl-ill. eh. g, 1. by Thrush — Aaaci . * Imparted. Frank Bahia HM has been engaged as jockey.