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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Besides .lohreu. only three other three-year-olds ever won the Suburban, they being Africander in liHKJ, Fitz Herbert in ItHCJ, aiid Friar Bock iu lJlti. William Gartb is making an effort to bring back to tin- races crimpr. the choicely bred son of tin-great French horse Maintenou, which failed to stand training tliis year. 1 In Saratoga track is aali to be in fine condi ti.ui and superintendent Myers sus horse-men will find nothing t" eoaiplaiu of this year, when racing |i;-gin at the Spa iu August. J. II. Kes] abandoned his plan for starting the llilh campaica of Iijs stable at l»ouglas l;irk and his colors will be shown for the first time this year at I.-itonia. where his horses have been in training since March. There is a likelihood that several apprentices, whose allowance shortly expires iu the east, will ,o:ti the riding colony ill Latonia. where they will till be able to enjoy a five |* uiids allowance on : count of the western rule, which gives them tin-allowance until one year after riding their first wiuuer.