Fifth Race [5th Oaklawn Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-09

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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Claiming April 2 1918 112 7 115 CACAMBO ch S 3 101 By Free Lance Bonnie Kate T Shullman 41787 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 4 109 1 1 1 I1 lh D Connlly 8 Court Gallant Tantalus Folli 41740 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 12 90 4 2 4 31 43 S Boyle 8 PortLisrht WoWdom MBacon 41007 FGnds 1 145 hvy 20 103 5 6 G G 5 G53 H Stearns B Under Fire Sailor SilveryLight 40348 Latonia 34 113 fast 19 10S1 2 3 6 71 58i J Hanoverl2 Sway Serbian Huntcrmann 39991 Church 1 51 f l07fast 3310 107 6 3 5 42 4 H Gray 12 Lancelot JoeStahr Sentimental 39S70 Douglas 34 l13fast 9 110 5 4 5 4J 3s H Gray G Buncrana JoeStahr Pastoureau 39023 Latonia 58 l01fast 165 1061 6 1 1 11 2nk D Connllyll C Downs AAlexander AFlora 3S532 Douglas 58 59fast 5 107 4 4 3 41 4 D Connlly G Sennings Park By Heck Docod 3S477 Douglas 41 f 54 fast 1 109 2 2 21 I1 K Lapaillel2 Sil Light Melancholia Bagpipe 38397 Douglas 41 t 53fast 125 109 1 1 2J 2J K LapaillelO SennPark Vulcanite BMaclean BMacleanBy DISCUSSION b g 3 96 By Hanbridge Colloquy M Goldblatt 41817 Oaklwn 51 f l07fast 1G5 112 2 1 1 I1 2 ° t D Connlly 7 CourtGallant Bagpipe Poverina 41407 FGnda 51 f 111 hvy 31 105 2 1 1 11 1 F Murphy 7 Seafarer Green Grass CDowm 41367 FGhda 51 t l09V mud 7 100 3 3 3 4h 41 C Robson 9 Top Coat Blaise Seafarer 41253 FGnda 51 f lOSgood 115 116 1 1 2 31 3 = C Robson G Iwin Vision Court Gallant 41196 FGnds 51 f IrtSmud 1310 113 1 1 2 44 4s J Metcalf 5 SHLight WarMask HidJewel 41116 FGnds 51 f l13hvy 31 106 2 1 1 I5 I4 F Murphy 7 JJCasey Tantalus Ch Down 41058 FGnda 51 f l10mud 115 105 4 2 2 2s 2J C ItobsonlO Vansylvia War Idol Tidal 40427 Latonia 51 f l09hvy 1110 109 4 1 1 ink l2 F Murphy 8 Cockroach Suingdale Bulldosa 40371 Latonia 58 l03slop 185 100 5 1 1 I4 1 F Murphy 11 Omeme Bob Baker Todnah TodnahBy KIRSTIES CUB b c 4 By Bearcatcher Kirstie Hall Edwards 41855 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 4 110 3 1 1 I1 I1 J Callahan S Kuklux Huffaker SilvShapiro 41750 Oaklwii 34 l15slow 95 115 4 2 2 31 35 J Callahan 7 Thistle Green Bob A Ettahe 41696 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 20 110 4 4 3 31 3 = 1 J Callahan 7 Iwin Port Light W oWisdom 40462 Latonia 34 l15slow 13 112 G 4 6 93 9l J CallahanlO FortBliss Amelita GreenGrass 40297 Pimlico 34 l13fast 13 108 3 9 10 10 = ° 1015 J Callahanll ArrahGoOn LouiseV Subahdar 39723 Aqduct 34 113 fast 10 109 4 14 14 14 1421 J CallahanlS Turf Housemaid Lively 39681 Belmont 34 l13iifast 10 114 2 3 G G1 718 II ThurberlO Masda Ninety Simplex Everest 39216 Saratoga 78 l25Vifast 10 112 13 1 6 92 11 2 J Callahanl3 MasKarma KohiNoor Lively LivelyBy SYBIL ch m 5 100 By Meelick Belle Rankin J Cuda 41788 Oaklwji 34 l13fast 12 110 2 10 7 73 710 J Groth 10 Trusty J ODowd MBTrman 41529 FGnds Im20y l42fast 910103 5 23 3 2 33 M Garner 11 Medusa Sunflash S Uatewoou 41277 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 6 10G 5 33 2 21 33 C RobsonlO Graphic Orderly KentuckyBoy 41163 FGnds 51 f 108 slow 125 110 3 3 3 2 1 2 F Murphy 12 BillieB JessieC PaulConnelly 40938 FGnda 51 f lOSslow 3 103 4 3 3 61 733 C RobsonlO Billie B Anylita RHAnderson 40222 Laurel 34 113 fast 11 112 1 6 6 61 G83 H HamtnlS CLeydecker Blazeaway Blaisa 40105 Laurel 1 l40fast 95 103 1 12 1 25 Ifc E Sande 8 Serenest Millrace The Dean JACK ODOWD br g 6 106 By Peter Pan Lauretta Burke G J Lonstorf 41838 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 2 304 4 S S4178S 5 31 S3 C Robson 9 Port Light Bob A I Paradise 4178S Oaklwn 34 l13fast 1S5 117 4 3 3 22 21 M Garner 10 Trsty MBTman AVoWdom 41739 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 4 103 4 1 1 1411SO 1 11 43 Si Garner 8 Nominee Sayonarra HOBasch 411SO FGnds 1 11G 143 good 25 106 1 1 1 1 41 4 = 1 M Garner 7 Baby Lynch Dolina Irregular 37759 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 5 114 3 1 1 1 Gi 9e W Waronl2 GreatDolly Bobolink Slumbercr 37619 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast G5 112 8 8 7 7 G1 S12 D ConnllylO Eddie T Budweiser Baby Cal 37037 FGnds Im70y 149 hvy 6 108 4 3 3 33V011 3 52 G11 M Buxton 6 JReeves Psureville MRosell 3V011 FGnds Im70y l4SVhvy 20 1071 3 1 1 1KUKLUX 1 33 43i M Buxton 5 Qof theSea Pureville PrinccS PrinccSBy KUKLUX b g 4 107 10741S55 By Broomstick Valkyrie L A Broaddus 41S55 OaklwH 34 l14Vifast 710 J10 2 2 2 2 21 M Barrett 8 Kirst Cub Huffaker SShapiro 41673 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 41 106 1 2 2 28 22 H J Burkell Legotal Sylvano Nominee 41645 Oaklwn 34 l14good 15 113 8 9 9 81 814 O Willis 10 MMouse Bringhurst Serenest 41308 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 15 109 2 3 3333 J Rodgez 3 Blackie Daw Marie Miller 40345 Latonia 34 lllfast S 102 4 4 4 42 651 E Pool G Wai Hall PDrapeau CaneRun 38875 Latonia 34 l12fast 2110 99 1 2 2S8754 1 11 l k E Sande 9 Japhet Silk Lady Lady Ivan S8754 Latonia 34 l15mud 8 1091 5 6 63S677 6 6 625 L Mink G Plum Crvoyant WWHastinga 3S677 Latonia 34 l12fast 88 1071 5 5 5OLYMPIAN 6 G1 618 L Mink 7 The Porter Quietude Korbly KorblyBy OLYMPIAN KING b g 4 105 By King Olympian Flora Willoughby Murphy 39521 Cheyenne 5S 101 fast 11 106 2J Erb2J Erb C Gross S Dr Zab Maud Smith Persevere 39516 Cheyenne 5S l01fast 8 105 1055S 34i C Gross 8 Persevere Striker Roscas 39451 Cheyenne 5S l02fast 1 108 I4 C Gross 9 Gabrio Pickagain Ida Pinack 39393 Cheyenne 58 l02fast 5 106 431 C Gross 10 Miss Brush BLucille CrPrince 3906S Cheyenne 58 l01fast 4110 106 G i C Gross 7 DotH Nasledovati OrientalGirl 39342 Cheyenne 51 f 110 fast 95 108 43i C Gross 7 Panhachapi Nellie B Prepaid 39247 Cheyenne 51 f l09fast 95 103 6 4 C Gross S Miu Jim Nellie B Dr Neufer 38583 Douglas DouglasBOB 34 l12fast 55 98 2 2 3 Sh 1115 J Majesticl2 Sirocco Hocnir Arch Plotter PlotterBy BOB A b g 5 104 By Meelick Boll Weevil B W Creech 41838 Oaklwn 34114 fast 20 101 2 3 2 2i 2 W Wright 9 PrtLight JODowd BPradise 41774 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 75 108 1 1 1 11 ink C Brown S C Master S Shapiro Huffaker 41750 0iklwn 34 l15slow 8 113 1 1 1 2s 2s H Cassity 7 ThisGreen KirsticsCub Ettahe 41684 Oaklwn 51 f l07fast 12 107 2 3 3 42 2h C Brown 9 Eulogy Harry D B and Stars 32486 Oaklwn 51 f 108 mud 60 93 5 3 3 31 4 N Barrett 7 MarieMiller CaneRun GLegend GLegendG 32018 Juarez 58 l01V4fast 102 G Gray 8 G Favorite SBernito Crankie CrankieG 31415 Juarez 58 l00fast 44 106 2 G 6 71 61S R Feeney 9 Macmomle NWalcutt FstRaya 31289 Juarez 58 l00fast 49 106 3 5 G 6 618 R Feeney C Deckhand Warcmore Mab SAYONARRA b m 6 104 By Peter Quince Ellora C Tugendhaft 41895 Oaklwn 34 l16hvy 185 109 G 3 341S5S 3 21 ri63 C Brown 9 BlParadise Astraea Knnitana 41S5S Oaklwn 1 116 l47tast 4 105 i 1 1 2 512 G = O Willis 7 Hon Boy HCBasch DWiiimg 4179 Oaklvvn Im70y l45 fast 4 103 122 2 21 21 II J Burke S Nominee II C Basch JODowd 41696 Oaklwn 31 l13fast G 103i 5 5 5 G = ° 65J C Brown 7 Iwin Port Light Kirstics Cub 41356 FGnds Im70y 145 fast 910 101 2 1 1 1 21 22 S Sntlman G PaddyDear Berlin HBreivogel 41337 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 7 1011 111 11140S09 1 1H 11 S Sndmun 7 LibyanSands SirOliver Sleeth 40S09 Jefson 34 l17good 31 103 1 1 1 I4 I1 S Sndman G M Kruter Sandy Lad MJumbo 40593 Jefson 34 l15good 21 105 2 2 2405SS 2 2h I3 C Brown 9 StBaby OllieMartin GrGrass 405SS Jefson 34 115 good 2 108 3 2 2 32 41 C Brown 7 Kenward Miss Filloy Mab 40335 Latonia Im70yl44fast 125 110 1 1 1 1J9S75 1 2h 48 J HanovcrlO Thinker Hope Mab J9S75 Churchl Im70yl45 fast 41 104 2 1 1 139S95 2 I1 ink p Smith 12 MoRoselL NightOwl Warsaw 39S95 Douglas 1 116 l46fast 8 105 5 1 1 1 2 23 J Hanover 8 WhirlDun Cadillac Warsaw 29832 Douglas Im70yl44fast 10 106 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Hunoverl2 McAdoo Sleetli Mary H SCARPIA II b g 5 105 By Isidor La Tosca II Mrs E Arlington 41878 Oaklwn 5i f l09 mud 8 HI 7 G n C1 3l M Rowan 11 Harry I RaridStars MKrutcr 41SS Oaklwn 34 114 fast 30 113 3 2 3 S2 S11 M Rowan 9 Port Light BobA JackODowu JackODowuLeft 41593 Jcfson 31 116 slow 41 116 Left nt the post M Rowan 8 Margery Risponde Karlymorn 41550 Jcfson 51 f lllhvy 41 116 1 1 1 1s I4 M Rowan 7 Key Mar Knrf hage Tit for Tat 41479 FGnds 51 f 110 hvy 7 117 2 233 4 ° i M Rowan S N Simplex Onico RHAridson 41406 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 115 118 2 1 1 G2 54J M Rowan 8 Sosius Margery Korfhage 41235 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 12 103 321 4 61 101 M Rowan 12 Philistine Th Green JWakely 41209 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 15 114 1 1 1 11 11 M Rowan 9 Bathilde Ermitana TzeLsi 41137 FGnda 51 f 110 hvy 12 115 115HONDO 3 2 2 2l 2 M Rowan 10 Bathilde Ina Kay HastyMabel HastyMabelBy HONDO blk g 5 109 By Plaudit Blue Jacket C Doaly 41777 Oaklwn 1 l42 slow 7 109 Gil 2 32 3 ° II J Burke 7 Baby Cal Kulogy ChrisHoltors 41722 Oaklwn 1 11G 14S fast 12 108 10841G49 211 l 11 lh H Cassity 8 BabyCal Gliipner LittleString 41G49 Oaklwn 1 116 143 good G 113 322 3 5a 581 W Wright 7 Leta Baby Cal Paul Connelly 41484 FGnds Im20y l45hvy 2 111 222 l l l l2 L Stalker 7 Medusa Liikcmae Slumberer 41458 FGnds 1 116 l53mud 31 112 212 2 2 ° 21 II Ericksn 7 Tito Br Favorite Bluebannock 41396 FGnds 1 l47mud 115 106 211 2 23 2 S Sndman 4 Al Pierce Lukemae Fran Star 41358 FGnds 1 116 l4Ssfast 15 105 331 2 31 47 S Sndmanll SBridgc Philistine Dabiah II 41273 FGnds 1 11G l49ifast 12 107 723 G 51 83 M Garner 13 Sir Oliver Benefactor Willdo 41245 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 31 HO 111 2 lh 4 = 3 L Stalker G Old Ben Blue Koek Yermak 41213 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 8 108 111 1 I1 I3 L Stalker 7 Adelante Luther Rhymer 41153 FGnds Im70y l50hvy 7 103 103410S8 311 1 11 21 M Garner G BlueKock BlueThistle Bajazet 410S8 FGnds 1 116 l55Mhvy 4 105 433 4 5 614 II J Burke 8 Lucile P Jason Choir Master 41009 FGnds 1 1lu l54hvy 1G5 109 734 4 34 33 A JohnsonlO Bajazet Pulaski Fairly 40963 FGnds 1 116 l4fgood 6 109 455 6 42 43 J Rodgez 8 Baby Cal Sleeth Mary H 40903 FGndg 1 11C l49fast 30 111 111ORDERLY 243 6 Gl 611 J Rodgezl3 MRosell BJathan Indolence IndolenceBy ORDERLY b g 6 111 111418X8 By Broomstick Sweepaway J Byer 418X8 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 10 HI 0 999 93 E Haynes 9 Port Light BobA JackODowd 41298 FGnds Im70y l45fast 3 111 122 2 23 2s E Haynes 9 SOliver Aldebaran MaryBelle 41277 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 85 111 211 1 I1 2 E Haynes 10 Graphic Sybil Kentucky Boy 41198 FGnds Im70y 152 mud 7 103 111 3 3 38 M Garner 3 Queen Apple Lottery 40375 FGnds 1 116 147 fast 185 103 122 2 2s 21 E Haynes 9 BPeddler QApple BJonathan 40861 FGnds Im20y l43hvy 12 111 566 6 6 6 El Haynes G Peerless One Cadillac Berlin 40596 Jefson 34 l15goqd 115 114 4 6 4 41 47 E Haynes 8 Kama Warsaw Sandy Lad 405SO Jefson 34 l16f slow 10 117 1 1 1 22 2t E Haynea 8 Blaise lolite Counterblast 40443 Jefson 34 Iil9hvy S 121 4 5 5 41 4 = 4 E Haynes G Pilsen Warsaw Kama 40203 Empire Im70y l44fast 35 105 542 2 1J 1 J L McAtee G MKruter JckMount ChcgTwo 40185 Emnire 1 116 l47fast 45 1101 522 1 I4 I2 E Haynes 9 Irregular H Lassie M Jumbo Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched RUTH STRICKLAND b m 6 By Czar Searchlight P J Miles 41914 Oaklwn 51 f 1QS fast 20 101 1 15S 3 I1 I1 H Stearns 12 Jack K Liberator Apple Jack 41S16 Oaklwn 5S lClfast 15 107 5 6 6l 6J G W Car112 Humma Tom Caro Cobalt 41622 Jefson 34 l15fast 8 109 1 6 41 GJ G W Car1 RHAcrson TliSevbn LSmall 41571 Jefson 34 llGfast 7 105 3 8 G1 G3i C Brown 12 Langden Earlymorn Pluviada 41505 FGnda 51 f 109 good 8 10S 2 3 31 32i H Ericksnl2 Jack K LMiller Earlymorn 41037 FGnda 51 f l09slow 12 108 1 7 42 4T H Ericksnll This Green HastyCora ORutU 40821 Jefson 51 f lOSy5slow 8 108 1 3 42 4 M Garner 8 B Williams FoxyGriff Medusa 40765 Jefson 58 l04hvy 15 109 2 2 31 2J M Garner 8 King K LLgfellow FMonroe 7707 Havana 51 f l09Vtslow 4 4 41 44 J Pitz 10 Grasmere James G Zim

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1919040901_4_3
Library of Congress Record: