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SOME ENGLISH FISHING STORIES Fiirlher record hauls of monster tope dogfish have been caught near the Goodwin Sands off Deal Some anglers with specially strong tackle took Koine 1330 pounds some of the fish scaling forty imunil apiece The monsters smashed the tackle mid carried awiiy whole lines and many were so weighty that anglers coutd not raise them from the sea bed The Goodwin Sands abound with fish fishAbout About the same time two London angler Iinil an exciting experience catching tope also neiir Ooinluin Dands Sixteen fish which they lahileJ totilcd 57 pounds the heaviest being twentyfour Their tackle repeatedly got broken over thirty larjje fish being lost iii this way One monster struggling on the top of the water straightened out the anglers thick steel gaff gaffA A trout scaling seven pounds three ounces has been landed at Wentwood Reservoir Newport Wales by a wellknown South Wales angler J B jPitchford The fish took about one hour to land and was in splendid condition It is1 believed to be a record catch for South Wales Two years ago Mr Pitchford landed a trout of six pounds sis ounces which was four and onehalf inches longer than the present fish fishA A royal sturgeon an extremely rare fish which was caught off Barra Head Scotland has been sent by Mr Hunter fishmonger of Oban to Kins George in accordance with ancient custom The last royal sturgeon was caught off Stornoway about thirty years ago