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THE MOST I CONSISTENT SYSTEM FOR SELECTING 1 ON THE MARKET. STOP BUYING CHEAP $ TIPS AND INTRICATE HANDICAP SYSTEMS. LEARN THE FUNDAMENTAL PRIN. I CIPLES OF SELECTING THE BEST HORSE A ILl A RACE. 1 JUST A FEW MINUTES WORK NO U GUESSING AND YOU CAN PLAY ANY fi RACE WITH CONFIDENCE. W PRICE WITHIN REACH OF ALL 1 EXPRESS OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. fig NO PROPOSITIONS CONSIDERED. H BEN JOSEPH 209 BROADWAY :: CINCINNATI, OHIO. B ADVERTISED SPECIAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, WITHDRAWN. LITTLE COTTAGE S10.15-S1 2ND DANCING CARNIVAL $ 4.45 -SI 2ND WOODTRAP $ 5.00- 2ND KINGFISHER $ 6.05- WON LADY GERTRUDE $ 5.00- WON ELLISON 6.85- WON BLACKIE DAW $ 1.30-S1 WON STOCKWELL S 3.10-51 WON MONOMOY $ 7.00- WON OPENING SPECIAL. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23. Terms Cash, in advance. Must win 4-1 or more, or next one FREE. Why wait. ELARE JAY, 120 Allens Ave. Care Jacobs. Galesburg, 111, Louisviile Races J. J. SCHREINER I AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER M Thirty Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker. 3 h YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU. m y 2 FOR THIS NINE DAYS MEETING. I OPENING DAY OCT. 23D. RUSH ORDER. I Dont fool your time and money away on quack i dope, cheap tips and pay-after-you-win stuff. 1 AA ake up. Tie up with a man that knows the I game- in all its angles. No handicapping or 1 I guesswork witli me. Remember, the stable M money .is bet on those I give. Telegraph remit- 9 tanca or remit by exprass order in letter. I m wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. a TYLER HOTEL :: LOUISVILLE, KY. I UNEQUALEB WINNING SYSTEM Mr. Player, if you want to speculate profitably at the track, poolroom or handbook, you will find the UNEQUALED WINNING SYSTEM a great advantage to you in selecting AAINNERS. It is the superior of any winning system that lias ever been placed before the public, as it selects favorites and long shots. AArrite at once. UNEQUALED PUB. CO. Bos 117 :: ;: :: ;; Buffalo, N. Y. I Advertised Specia! Postponed Bad track and track conditions spoiled sev- ll eral good things for me at Latonia. I look S for a good meeting at Louisvillo, as I have several good ones that will get the money, jj with good racing luck at good odds. Those that 3 are on my books for Guaranteed Special will get y my wire, also Special, and the day I wire you a this one your wire will read Advertised Special. I will be at Louisville until Tuesday, returning B to my office Wednesday, and I hope to bring fij back the goods with me. I may have a bad break occasionally, but my information will get 8 the money in the end. as my winners are always n at good odds. Fivo Dollars tho Meeting of Nino 0 Racing Days, Including Advertised Special. 1 EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL 1 Initials E. J. jjj 413 Standard Trust end Savings Bank Building. B CHICAGO. ILL. Reliable Bettors Only I will wire you ONE OR TWO LONG SHOTS daily during Churchill Downs meeting if at end of the mooting you will remit me what you think right out of your winnings. Writo mo today, giving me your correct name and address where my telegrams will find you promptly any day. RICH WILLIS. STATION F. :: LOUISVILLE, KY. The Reliable, Wonderful, Winning System is a big winner and still winning. Gives many 8, 10 and 15 and 20 to 1 shots. No handicapping. It selects the winners in a moments time from the entries. Can be played with large or small capital. GET IN LINE. STOP THAT GUESSING AND LOSING. START WINNING. The price is within reach of all. AATrite at once. WATSON CORNELL, LATONIA :: :: :: KENTUCKY SOMETHING EXTRA GOOD. Goes Thursday, Oct. 23. It is an "T X Special and few mistakes are ever Ag2n made on these. AVo guaranteo X Spe-P7X5w3 ca ,0 wn a,M wn ony or send all V iTim subscribers to same Freo a snb- V -J S scription to our Daily Ono Horso Wire XX Service in case horse loses. Send for X Special today. Mondays Sno-cial: Exnress-Friday-Do-Bed-Do-Do. THE TURF REPORTER, 25 cents, now on sale. 509. 22 V. Quincy St. Estab. 1904. Chicago, 111. Tuesday, October 21. All arrangements have been completed, and barring accidents the XX SPECIAL will deliver. Dont fail to get in; its the first XX SPECIAL we have had in a long time. MUST WIN or we wire you next one free. Send for it right now. For further particulars see latest THOROUGHBRED. On sale all news-stands. Only 25 CENTS. MONDAYS BEST: Rush-Wcstern-Tlic-It-See-Mix. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Building : : : Chicago, Illinois A WINNER and a 2nd were last Saturdays Getaway Specials. Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. at Louisville. Only . A winner and a loser were Saturdays Dailies. Terms 5 for 0 days. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 121. Standard Turf Guide, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, HI,