Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, February 15, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-15


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e TIJUANA ENTRIES AOi PAST PERFORMANCES FOR TUESDAY,VEBRUARY 15 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. n IS rl id n M ;p N 1 I. ii r i , ii it s .li i "1 ie Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time. 3:50. 0 Superior mud runner. x Good mud runner. £ Pair mad runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance. 1 Blinkers. F-rst Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds ami upward. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: Junt 2--. 1916 1:05% 3 118. Todays ii. Horse. Wt. Rec. A-Wt.Has. 52918 Ii: • Harvey 11" 1 mis •-. 3 MB.. 723 a2iini Helen Hayes 105 Mut.. -". 105. .720 r,2»i.i ii adman 1n7 1 :i»s I 112.. 713 52888 Sad!" Stronp 111 l:n:i.. 7 1W .710 2MS7 Io yal Irish H 113. .71" 10883 Sainr Pierre .3 103. .7n". 52801 Kpagbetti 106 1:12% m I 105. .700 52883 l.a-i Chance ins 1:09% s li»7..7iiii Mil i . ; i i Bilwin T. IM : !:..,■ ne V.. by Star ■ •■ •"■ 4 110 Second Race— 5-8 Mile. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 20, 1020—50 1 KI7 » 52700 Hope Princess ...1*17 l:0O%» 3 .IX725 , 52803 »Brown Bee 113 1:01% 5 103x720 52849 •English Lady 105 1:01 H 7 P8..715 5282B Rosellis 7 103x715 52801 •Humm.i 115 1:01% 8110.. 715 52800 Rifle SJ ter H ins 710 •".-771 •Choir Master 110 1:01% 8 110:715 .".2.71 Ihil Martin 113 1:02% B 110.. 710 52885 Voiima 113 1:01% 11 103.. 703 29 bTom Caro 1 1311 :Ol% - 10." 703 5282«i California Jack ...113 1:01% 10 1O5X7O5 52873 Frni R. M 114*1:04% 11 103. .700 !1 Ostental ioua 12 103. .7in 52827 »o:i:a 111 1 :H2, 1110:4X711 N esao Bale. ch. m, by »;•- moadale Kate 1.. by e- sarion !l 103 Third Race— 5-8 Kite, S ] • : i- ..in- and upward, i laimin ■ . rii.i .m. day 2o. l!2o :.ii i 107. 32820 I -.a 13 a i 113 1 :01 . R 103 7_ . 52000 Uabi 1 . , i Ji ..ill i :iij 5 103 • 720 17 *i .pi- 102 1:01% BIOS.. 713 52820 *Beview 112 1:01% 4 103X715 52333 Coball 107 1:01% R105X715 " ■: l.a.l. Harrigau ....100 Coo1-. i 108. .710 52703s I mpv Duncan ..li:; 1:01 10 108x710 52027 Blaser Mi 103 1:02% 1 101.. 703 52827 Bandab 104 1:01 6 108X705 52 27 Moil 1 tin.. B0 1:0.3 8 113. .703 52361 W. Dooly 113 Col ii 115. .703 .".2730 *alenti!ie I.udy M i Kl!l 1 :i : 1 18. .703 52456 Tiona Nail fM4 ..108 l.*08%sy !• 103. 700 51978 Peter Payne Ml. 107 1:02% 9 IAS. .700 52827 Montgomery Jr. ..114 1:01% 7 115.. 700 Foi rth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 y r old i and upward. Claiming;. Track record: Feh. 1. 1020 1:43% 6 12_ i 52828 a a. .in. lo4 1:44% 8 103X129 52S03 ; Uelman i.M I 8 107. .720 52916 •Barber :s R0..715 51898 *Mike Fi..u 108 1:48 5 107*113 52828 »Teo Breckenridge .104 1:40% .". HO. .713 52732 Fil.il Ill 1:48% 6 115X718 5288s bMighty I*ver iMi. I 162X710 "2s-s Anna Star 105 1:48% •• 106x710 52861 "l.a.ly Josephine ...104 1:48 ■■ 110X703 52732 1.... 11 113 1:48% 13 107X700 52828 runs In! HIT 9 107x700 :.2..2:; Ciass a. Ml ....103 1:48% 7 107 708 Filth Rate — 1 1-8 Miles. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 23, 1028 1:53 1 lorn. 52876 •COFFIELD ins 1 ;:,:j :, U2X723 .2805 •Louis 83 1:53% 4 104. .713 vjsyi; »bWar Ban ke 108 1 :• . -.. a 111. .71.". ."277-V bHwrace Lercfa ....108 1:54 -1 !is..7in 52876 Water Willow ... !. ; 1:53 .". 108X710 52903 Peerless due 112 1:54% 8 104 703 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 8-year-olds and upward. Claiming, Track record: Feb. 1, 1920 1:43% fl I2i 52900 bBardors 4 104X723 52862 * ,ei!. Bymt 115 1:45% :. 114 -720 52887»hJ. .1. Mnrdock 11111:43% 8 108X713 52807-*bJudge David 113 1:46 5 112X713 52873 »Welga 108 1:40% 8 1070710 52875 Our Maid I 101. .710 52S7S- »Dos Jose 113 1:40% 6 112x705 52862 Audrey K 10011:45% 8 117x700 52850 *!.;:i Deltchman ..113 1:45% .1 108x708 Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-yi ir-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20, 1018 1:11% 3 IIO. 52892 *Manncbes 1111:14 7 112x725 52901 Aunt Annie 108 1:15 3 93X720 5287K3 *Mi - Paraell 98 1:13% 4 l»7x72ii 52916 Little Princess ...102 1:18% 8 107x713 52002 *l .-laiiev 108 1:12 4i 8 109X715 22!i2l bFlrepUce 100 1:12% ."112x715 52583 Modiste 103 1:14% 4 107. .710 32796 Cteaj the Way ... !»:s 1:18% 1 114x710 32859 Oilie Wood lor. 1:14% 1 100. .710 52921 Thrifty Three ....102 1:15 1 104. ,708 52859 Trulane 110 1:13% 9 MS.. 705 52860 Miss Sed. ilia 112 1:13% 0 107. .700 52878 Ben Payne 119 1.13% 1.10.F.700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021501/drf1921021501_4_5
Local Identifier: drf1921021501_4_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800