Third Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-22

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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 17 1916 138 3 95 EL REY ch s 114 114Trainer By Peep oDay Lady Strathmoro by Strathmore Trainer F W Ritsch Owner L Scully Scullyro ro oo Tijuana 1 18 Itflfast 1C 101 G 7 7 G G9 II Jones FrankSlinniioii Cobrita Pierrot I Tijuana 2 32Sfast 43 SS 577 03 c D 1rible Sailor Itesroso Votcran G35G7 Tijuaan 1 143 fast 1C 112 7 S G G 4l 3l M Puxlon 10 JulyFly LIIirrim Stwatcr 53479 Tijuana 1 l43 = ifast 2G 114 S 9 7 7 G5 G3 A Zeigler 10 Kosellis Tours Miss Sedalia 63457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 29 112 3 5 G G 55 5 ° E Taylor S Zoletic Czanlom Tours 63420 Tijuana 1 11G l4fast 27 117 12 13 13 12 ll22 W llinphy IS FannieXail MissSedalia Zetetic 63393 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast 5 117 G G 7 5 51 G8 G Yeargin 12 Sadie D MLcver LJosephiiie 63293 Tijuana Im70y l47fslow C 114 1 9 9 7 fil 2 G Yeargin 12 King Agrippa Sadie D Dehra Dehra532G3 532G3 Tijuana 1 1 4G livy 7 119 9 S 5 5 G = J 53J R Carter 12 CliMaster DandyVan LJphine 63023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast GOf 111 G 10 5 5 S2 4 R Carter 11 Ostentatious MScdilia MaudM MaudM529C9 529C9 Tijuana Im70y l4CJ fast 33f 110121212 12 101 10ls R Carter 12 VonLady ChCourt Ostcntatus LAZY BEN b g 7 110 By Marchmont IIrLady Eula by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer L Matthews Owner Matthews Dunlap 533G7 Tijuana 1 143 fast II 107 G 7 7 7 CU 5 = i K Taylor 10 JulyFly Lllarrlgan El Key 53444 Ilgan52SS7 Tijuana 34 l14ffast Iflf 112 11 It 10 9 = 7rl B Pinnegrl2 MJlmann Mkin II L Ilgan 52SS7 VonLady52SG1 Tijuana 1 l42fast If 117 S II 9 7 C GT3 C TUpson 12 J J Murdock Viva VonLady 52SG1 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 55 11712 89 7 G2 Ci C Tinpson 12 Moiintuin Girl Maud M Ely 62772 15kciiridge62GS4 Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 221 110 11 W Taylor 12 IJSister Lobelia T 15kciiridge 62GS4 Tijuana 1 141 slow GO 110 72 R Carter J Irish Daisy ISusy Itird PDlaa 52438 Tijuana 1 l41fast 14 10S G II Rcttig 11 John Jr Pink Tenny Yukon 62259 Tijuana 65 f lOSfast 121 111 G5J R Carter 12 C the Way I Direct Uosellis Uosellis51G40 51G40 Tijuana 31 l15fast 13 105 65 C Thpson 9 MerLass GoiiHynB PDougla 51541 Tijuana 34 l17fata PS 112 5 i R Carter S IlorLereh ShamGreen ElSablo ElSabloSIR SIR OLIVER ch g 7 114 By J H Houghton Lady Prospero by Canopui e Trainer W C Weant Owner W O Wflunt Prospero Prospero5C479 5C479 Tijuana 1 l43fast 21 114 9 G G G 0 ° 9 = K HaywrdlO Itosnllis Tours Miss Sedalia 53444 Tijuana 34 l14fast 8 113 9 C 7 G3 45 E HaywM 12 MlTinann Mkin II L Ilgan 6334 Tijuana 1 l42fast 14 107 7 4 3 35C003 5 S S13 W Gargan S HusyHird Czardnm Patsy JIaek JIaek5C003 5C003 Tijuana 34 l14fast 32f 1 S G GF2SS7 G 75 S W Gargan S ClandeWeaver 151nyne ToluiJr F2SS7 Tijuana 1 l42fnst 33 112 G 3 3 1 4 = i F Chlavta 12 J 1 Murdock Viva VonLady 52771 Tijuana 34 l15V fast 10 110 110r 7J N Foden 12 Arietta JJMdook IJSIiilling r 2 3 Tijuana 1 l41fast G 111 715 F Chlavta 12 PattleMoinitain Prairie Striker 62233 Tijuana 1 112 fast 3910 110 110DOCTOR 710 F Chiavtall OnrMuid Red William Maud M DOCTOR KENDALL ch g 10 114 114Trainer By Marta Santa Picayuno II by Deceiver Trainer Z Barnett Owner Z Burnett Burnett53GS5 53GS5 Tijuana 5S l01fast 37 112 5 7 753G39 777 G R Bority 10 LSmnll LIInrgnn MFrnnklin 53G39 Tijuana 34 114 fast l 112 1 G G Ch 7 R Dority 10 KAVtirs IJandStrs Mnkinll 53592 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 13 112 4 5 5635G7 5 G1 5 R Dority 12 El Sabio Mannikin II Alajah 635G7 Tijuana 1 143 fast G 112 2 2 3 3 32 Cs R Dority 10 Jnlylly LIIarrigan Kl Key 63524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast S910 111 4 G G634G5 G C5 C4 R Carter M Seiilench Lettyltee MFrnnklin 634G5 Tijuana 58 102 fast 17 112 2 5 5C33C2 4 4l 5CJ R Dority 13 Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish C33C2 Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 7 121 2 9 10 102 912 A Zeigler 12 MkGarner FanNail MSedalia MANNIIHN II ch c 4 By Fitz Herbert or Gretry Manzanita by Meddler Trainer J E Rainboth Owner J E Rain both 5S721 Tijuana 34 115 fast 3 113 2 r 51 GJ R Carter 12 MDunbar Itnrs andStars Dots KfffJ Tijuana 31 114 fast 35 11G 5 5 4 1 3i E Haywd 10 P Waters RnndStra LHrxn 53592 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 4 115 7 4 4 3 2n R Carter 12 IClSabio Alajah lars and Stars 6C525 Tijuana 58 l0lfast 24 112 1 G G 5t 3 = R Carter 1 Hazel Dale Cal Cum Kl Suhio C34I4 Tijuana 34 llHfiist 33rlO 113 3 3 33 3 2h 2i R Carter 12 M Ilmann L IIKan S Oliver 63348 Tijuana 34 l14fast 39 108 9 9 99 9 S2 S21 S1 D Powell 9 La 15 Noire PMtin MSthem 5S321 Tijuana 34115 fast 125115 C 3 C 5J 43 E Taylor 15 Kof Pythias Itosellis Lantern LanternBy MIGHTY LEVER br g 4 M 113 By Ildrim Supposition by Sir DUonTrainer Diion Trainer S Workman Owner S Workman 53G10 Tijuai a 34 114 fast Sf 113 13 13 13 13 133 A Zeigler 13 Efficient LChince L Pointer Abijah6S420 63592 Tijuai a 51 f lOSfast 14f 114 9 12 Pul up II Rowe 12 Kl Sabio Mannikin II Abijah 6S420 Tijuai a 1 11G l49fast 1C 100 C 1 1 3 45 4 5 II Rowe 13 KannieNail MissSedalia Zetetic 63395 Tijuai a 1 11G 160 fast 13f 103 1 2 4 4 22 225 II Rowe 12 Snlie D LIosephine IMrinee IMrinee6S29 6S29 Tijuai a Im70v l47 slow 21 KK5 G 8 10 9 S3 G II Rowe 12 King Agrippn Kl loy SndiuD 63023 Tijuana ImTOv 147 fast 13 102 5 G 9 10 10 920 H Jones 11 Ostentatious MSedalia MaudM GO ON ch g 6 M 11G By Setback Green dOr by Bowling Green GreenTrainer Trainer E V Winters Owner E V Winters WintersC3GS1 C3GS1 Tijuana Im70y 149 fast 2G 115 4 2 2 2 2 t 2l R Carter 10 KIIarKnn DCPFrycr ClassA 53590 Tijuana 1 l43fa l43fast t 12f 113 4 5 5 3 31 35 P Martin07il MDunbar lKlower NnhoDale 53537 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 11 10S 888 7 71 712 D Powell 11 Prophecy M Duiibar ItIIttiin ItIIttiin64G1 64G1 Tijuana 1 141 fast 11 10S G 3 5 3 C21 G Gl l J IltamerlO LJosejie Propliecy RIIurgan RIIurgan632G1 RIIurgan632G1 632G1 Tijuana 1 l43ffast 21f 11010 87 G 5l 441 D Powjll 12 Ilelmun LitOrplmn YkUissie YkUissier3333 r3333 Tijuana 34 I14fast 3if 107 7 12 12 105 S D Powell 13 Striker DIOIILTU Miss Dunliar Dunliar6G1 6G1 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast lS3f 107 3 7 8 9 lll ll J Murray 12 Mountuiii Girl Maud M Ely ElyMISS MISS WELLS b m 9 103 By Irish Exile Ruth Wells by Nonchalance NonchalanceTrainer Trainer L D Hutchlnson Owner Allen Wilkerson Wilkerson5C5G7 5C5G7 Tijuaan 1 143 fast 3S 11 10 10 10 9 S3 S D Powell 10 JulyFly LHarriRan El Key Key52S2S 52S2S Tiiuana Im70y 14G fast 40f 1J2 10 12 12 12 12 128 R McCrnn 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 22 103 77 O Willis 10 Miyvorth lioreas Von I idy idy52G70 52G70 Tijuana 1 l4Shvy Kf 105 810 O AVillis S Weinland Itoreas Itcrnicc K K62G08 62G08 Tijuana 5J f l10slow 110 110 Gn O Willis 10 K IlarrigMii M Euretta DotH DotHHEADS HEADS I WIN b f 4 104 By Prince Frederick Swift Queen by Volante VolanteTrainer Trainer J Pelter Owner W Cavaner CavanerrrG39 rrG39 Tijuana 34114 fast 43f 103 10 10 10 10 10 K Noble 10 FWters HnndStrs Mnkinll Mnkinll5G47S 5G47S Tijuana 1 l431 fi t 2GO 10S 444 3 43 6 3 10 Taylor 11 Pkhornll Czardom LPointur 53457 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast ICO OG 4 4 4 4 G3 C12 J Noble 8 Zetetic Czardom Tours 63401 Tijuana 58 l02tfaKt 14f 99 11 9 10 10 9 J Noble 12 Maid of Ansel Kl Sabio Vivn 52827 Tijuana 65 f lOSfast 134 K 2 12 12 12 12 1185 G Yeargin 12 Oldllomestead ElSabio lantern lantern62GS1 62GS1 Tijuana 1 145 slow 105 11 II Jones 11 lloryiiut IJrowu Bee IS Slliuc SlliucFIRO SlliucFIRO FIRO b m 5 M 103 By Rogon Figent by Hastings HastingsTrainer Trainer C Button Owner G C Sutton 53721 Tijuana 34115 fast 7f 112 8 9 11 SJ 5J P Martinezl2 MDiinbar Bars amlStars Dots 53G40 Tijuana 34 114 fast Sf 107 8 853G11 S S Sr 9 = H Rowe 13 Kffiiielit LCIiiiue L Pointer 53G11 Tijuana 51 f l09lfcfnBt 9 108 13 13 12 11 9 i R Dority 14 FiGCorley VioriaNail Wdrose WdroseG 63130 Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 4310 JOG 4 46225S G G C1 1 ° II Jones 12 lliusToiiz KuceiiiaK It Van Van9A 6225S Tijuana 1 l12fcfast S 110 1106210S 9A Zeigler 12 Gilii T V McMahon IJlnzcr 6210S Tijuana 5J f lOJjfcfqst 2flf 111 5 3V Zeigler JO Kiposta Cover Up Irish Daisy DaisyC 61579 Tijuana 53 l00fast lOOOf 110 C 3 A iZeigler 10 Del iud OluLee ClaudeWeuver ANN S b m 5 M 112 112Trainer By Ormondale Ellora by Mazagan Trainer J McDongall Owner J CostelloV 5SGSC Tijuana 5S 102 fast Gf 110 10 10 10 102 10IT A Zeigler 11 TomCaro Snuush SiuilingAiiiia 53524 Tijuana 58102 fast l7f 103 7 7 12 122 11 P MartinezI4 SealSeach LeltyUee MFranklln C23GJ Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 195f 110 9 77 92 10 G Yeargin 12 MkGarner FanNail MSedaliu 52SS Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 12f 108 9 10 10 llJll G Yeargin 12 ColMurphy Volima Mankinll 52G4G Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 13 108 21 M Slghterl2 Gertrude B Viva Maud M 525 1C Tijuana 6 f lllmud 25f IOC 763 E Taylor 10 Mcx Pastime Indian Brigade 5245G Tijuana 5S I03slop3 I03slop3PATSY I03slop3110f 93 33 B MarlelH 9 CaiaonflaselL GeoJames Dots DotsBy PATSY MACK ch g 10 10Trainer 114 114H By Andrew Mack Cotillion by Kingston Trainer J Hill Owner H W Barnes 53I2 Tijuana Inl70y 147 fast 29 JOT 7 7 7 7 73 73 G Miller 10 Clmrltonlnn SIIill MSedalia 53575 Tijuana 1 l42fast 15 107 G 7 7 7 71 7 3 T Majestic 8 Cobrita Pierrot Sam Hill 53533 Tijuana 34 l14faat 13 105 S 98 98G S3 3 G Miller 13 Capers Ermitana Lit Princess 53479 Tijuana 1 l43fast G 111 2 S 8 S 82 421 R PinngarlO Kosellis Tours Miss Scilnliii 53459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 9 109 1 7 C 5 52J 3 ° O Willis 11 TokMarch lien Levy BFunst 53411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 55 104 9 12 12 11 102 7 J E Parke 12 Ostentatious Helman PTenny TOURS br g 9 9Trainer 117 117F By Out of Reach Ethel Thomas by Himyar HimyarC5 Trainer P Enos Owner Owner51G12 F R Doyle Doyle23f 51G12 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast fastG33C8 23f 100 10 10 S 8 C5 G i E Josiah 10 Cliarltonian SIIill MSedalia G33C8 Tijuana 1 31G 211 fast 8 133 5 G G G G30 G A Thomas ft Coroimdo Appletto Adorock 53179 Tijuana 1 l43fast 9 109 10 7 9 9 71 2 13 MariellilO Kosellis M Sedalia PatMack 53457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 1C 107 1 C 5 C 43 31 E Josiah S Zetetic Czardom Fairy Prince 53420 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast SG 109 11 5 5 G 52 Glu E Josiah 13 FannieNail MissSedalia Zetetic 53335 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast tG 109 9 7 5 G G2 C51 II Saladin 12 Sadie I M Lever LJosephiiie

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Local Identifier: drf1921042201_7_1
Library of Congress Record: