Third Race [3rd Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-26

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THIRD HACK 4 aiilc yourolrts ami up varrt Claiinliit aiay 8 81O17 1O17 111 15 O 115 115PENWELL PENWELL MarathonTrainer b f 3 94 By Dick Welles Penalty by Marathon Trainer R P Brooks Owner Kohn It Thelsen 01422 Churchl 1 141 fast 13 99 327 8 G1 G = l C Buel 12 Undine Lucy Kate Jim Daisy 51299 Churchl 34 l13slow 1C 103 12 12 10 Gi G2 C Buel 12 Natural Day Lilly Undine 50982 Latonia 34 l13fast 5f 10912 12 S K 8 iT Murray 12 Dimples Cozette Acclaim 50734 Latonia 31 Icplollyi lllfast 5G 112 9 99 92 9J II Gray 10 LucyKate Liivclincss Icplolly 50612 Latonia i f 107 fast 24 101 7 G 7 7 710 H Gray 7 GossipAve Kcttina Millcrsburg 503GO Latonia 51 il Millcrsburgil f l07fast 43 109 G 56 G oJ II Gray 7 Kettina GossipAve AphicDear AphicDearl MAYFLOWER ch l f 3 99 99Trainer By Harrigan Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer R McCoy Owner S H Vella 50300 Lexton 51 f l07fast 45 101 1 11 112 ° 2 H King 7 MaryGaffney QuickView Spngs 49SG2 liGrass 34 l03hvy 4 109 4 F Paul 4 KFraley QuickView Versailles 49S03 BGrass 58 lCOifast 3 1101 4T W Median 4 NLondon QuickView KFraley 49557 LColFnlr 58 103 fast 112 112491GG 1 F Mcrimcc 5 Freddie Jack Lee Versailles 491GG LColFair 12 51 fast 11 107 1074S512 1 W Median 0 Drlloward Freddie NickLondon 4S512 Latonia 5i f lOSfast 139 112 8 5 56 56SLEEPY 6 71 9 = J Hanoverl2 Penwell G Autumn Eleauor S SLEEPY DEAR b f 3 34 34Trainer J3y Contestor Grotesque by Freak Trainer S T Baxter Owner S T Baxter 53327 Havana 34 l13fast G 101 1 1 1G 1 I2 11 F Hunt S Black Top Perhaps Winall G Havana 51 f l07fast 8 10G G 5 5 5J 42 J Francis C Currency Aviou Peasant 53148 Havana 5i f 108 fast 75 110 3 1 15SOG8 1 1 11 J Francis 7 Jacobean Coca Cola Get Em 5SOG8 Havana 51 f l07fast 85 92 7 5 i 3 41 5 = 1 L Penman 9 PofUomo CocaCola SlipSilvcr 52777 Havana 51 f lOGfast 3i 103 4 1 152G 1 1s 1 E Barnes 0 TheEwmirer Perhaps CabinCk 52G 5 Havana 34 l13fast 1 103 G 3 35259G 2 22 31 B Kenndy 0 Voorin Molincro Julieanne 5259G Havana 34 l13fast 20 10G 8 5 5 8 7 3 J Francis 8 Iluonec DrC Wells JUack Top 52110 Havana 31 l15fast 21 106 5 G G523G9 6 31 31 J Francis 11 Maricusa Molinero Kathleen K 523G9 Havana 51 f l07fast 7 105 6 4 46205S 3 3i 2J J Francis 8 Cigale Cornelia C Disturbance 6205S Havana 34 l15fast 12 104 1 1 1MADRAS 1112 51 E Atklnsn 7 Cliefa Ravanua Draftsman DraftsmanB MADRAS GINGHAM b m 5 115 115Trainer B Delhi Gingham by Domino Trainer J Hanover Owner M Reiser 53154 Shport 51 f lOSfast S 8 72 7 L McDott 8 LitMaudie StJust FirstPult T3122 Shport 7S 130 fast G 110 G S S S 71 S ° J L Aron 0 Kingling II lloreb First Pullet 5oOS5 Shport 51 f 113 hvy 7 105 4 2 2 11 I1 L Aron 8 F Rooster Petrograd Dalwood E30G3 DalwoodE30G3 Shport 51 f 117 hvy 41 103 3 33 32 25 L Aron 5 ValerioWest CleanUp Comacho 63010 Shport 51 f 116 hvy 10 105 3 7 7 51 412 F Murphy 7 Pepy Polly MickMoore Parrish 62359 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 25 103 8 7 7 7 llill E Pollard 14 Salute Wild Flower Lor Moss 52231 FGnds 34 l19hvy 7 103 6 567 10 H King 13 Kirah ThdayNighter Trackstar 52134 Jefson 34 I15y3fast 6 112 3 113 3 = 1 H J BurkelS LLongfellow Salute Alexdcr 52068 Jefson 34 118 hvy 10 107 3 32 2l 2 E Anthny 7 Ivanmist Sentimental Circulate CirculateSERBIAN SERBIAN CommonerTrainer ch g 5 113 By Ivan th Terrible Arline by The Commoner Trainer H Neusteter Owner H Neusteter Neusteter53S2G 53S2G Lexton 1 11G l45fast 12f 10G 1 11 11 11 lOl 9 J Ryan 12 Merchant Poilu Mamie O 557S8 Lexton 1 116 l45 slow 17 108 1 2 3 5 5 7 J P Ryan 7 MyGirl FairOricnt NclleYorko 52789 FGnds 1 11G l4Gfast S 111 1 1 1 1 2 3i L Lyke 13 Sentimental Sasin Speedster 52722 FGnds 34 llGy3hvy S 114 2 2 2 2 t 31 L Lyke 11 Resist Marmitc Kurgoyne 52482 Moss5239S FGImls 1 116 l4Gfast 15 111 423 4 6 GU A Collnls 12 TPgucso Richelieu L Moss 5239S Gnds 1 116 l48fast 31 110 3 3 4 G G GSJ A Collins 0 Kohinoor WkUp Klueliannoek 62255 FGnds 1 116 151 hvy 135 108 2 1 1 1E2235 2 3J 3 A Collins 8 George Duncan ISetsy Susan M E2235 FGnds 1 116 l53hyy 5 109 3 2 2 2 21 2 A Collins 8 DofPeace Deckmate QKlonde QKlondePHILANDERER PHILANDERER ch g 3 104 104Trainer By Hia Majesty Pretty Maiden by King ton Trainer J C Cahn Owner J C Cahn 02833 3 FGnds 34 l13fast 5 231 S 4 42 5 2 F CltilettilS General Moroni First Pullet 2722 2 FGnds 34 llGhvy 20 IOC S 4 4525G8 44 10 10 F Smith 11 Resist Marmite Serbian 525G8 S SerbianS FGnda 34 l12fast 20 105 10 S 10 102 1012 E Smith 12 Meliora Fridthctit TNepIiew 52517 7 FGnds 34 l13fast 1G5 111 3 1 11 21 2 F Smith 11 Julia N Tout Or MargDixon 52341 1 FGnds 51 f l07fast 25 105 7 5 57 GJ 653 F Smith 13 Kancocas Day Lilly Kolo 52133 13 Jefson 5S l02fast 135 11G 3 1 11 1s 1 J F Smith 12 Secretary Culitliump S Board BoardM TOM M CaldronTrainer NORRIS b g 3 104 By Chuctanunda Nordlac by Caldron Trainer W Perkins Owner M C Moore MooreG G CourtS Windsor 51 f l13hvy 225 109 2 58 1010 II Lunsfd 12 Napoo Mary Vvill Sea Court S Latonia 41 f 55fast 125 107 2 3 3 3J II Lunsfd 0 Kunniic Winchester Voorin 4 Churchl 41 f 5G slow 115 113 G 3 2i 2i B Kcnndyll LLovtn Whmaker Loughland 7 Churchl 41 f 50imid 3910 107 5 4 3 3s E Pool G JSKrdon Pndcrer CAKyrne iS Churchl 12 50hvy 95 115 5 1 Il I2 B Pool 11 WothcUisp PandiTer KrUill 5 Churchl 41 f 55mud 115 107 3 4 42 22 C Robsonl2 JSltiardon CAKyrne KKose 7 Lexton 41 f 55fast 6 110 3 3 21 21 II Lunsfd 7 Got Em Tom Koach Undine 47000 0 Lexton 41 f 57 fast 5 112 G I 5 52 5l H Lunsf d 7 KigKose BerthaSMaryGaffney BerthaSMaryGaffneyREAFTER HEREAFTER REAFTER OctagonTrainer ch c 4 118 By Dick Finncll Octavo by Octagon Trainer R Goose Owner R Goose Goose537S2 537S2 KIIuinuiu4SG40 Lexton 34 115 hvy C8 109 10 9 0 10 10 = 9 II J Burke 10 ColnmTenn Krkholt KIIuinuiu 4SG40 Latonia 34 l13good 21 107 2 1 1 2 2s II J Burkoll WGarden KapStridc AGallup DrCanneni2 IG Latonia 34 112 fast 5G 108 4 3 2 Gi G C Robson 0 FWrlxhman Herald DrCannen Herald479SO i2 Latonia 31 l12fast 41 107 4 127 7 C Robwon 7 Gipsy Queen Mabel G Herald 479SO Latonia 34 lllfast 27 107 3 25 5 o18 C Robson 0 MissJemima Kkbolt SinuMaid 44283 Latonia 34 l15mud 12 112 1 11 52 7J II Shillins 11 1 Pennant Angou Frank W MALVOLIO ch h G 120 By Superman Basia by Winkfield Trainer G Ethin tcn Owner 0 Wendell 5327S Mobile Ab 5S l02 h vy 3 120 G 3 5 51 6 = L Mink 7 P Polly L Mildred Kos Goose 62030 Jefson 1 11G l491ifast 41 109i 121 2 Gi 72 W HcinchlO Alliena IjorenaMoss Kinglingll Kcllo51S25 E194R Jefson 34 l17hvy G 113 5 G 4 41 4i L Mink 8 Lonely Iincelot Oaklawn Kcllo 51S25 Jefson 1 11G l55mud 135 109 7 1 1 1 1i 2 G Bsibln 10 HCKasch LorenaMoss Prunes 61612 Bowie Im70y l51hvy 115100 996 6 55 3 M Schwtzl1 TForcigncr Titanium Akassln 1591 Bowio 1 116 l54hvy 2310 101 761 1 In 2 T Jarvia 8 Pilscn Runceraft Margery MargeryAPH APH ch f 4 113 113Trainer By Transvaal Erla Lee by Hindoo Trainer A Baker Owner A Baker fllOS Latonia 1 31G l59 ffast 5 IOC 2 2 22 2 2 lh 21 E Pool 12 Plenty Simonite WIIPearce 509G4 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 175 102 233 33 4 45 4J B Kenndy 7 WarSpirit MysGirl Accelerate OOGS3 Latonia 1 11 C l4Gfast 32 101 2 4 44 4 5 52 5 l B Kenndy 7 GoldenOawn KichardV LouisA C0559 Latonia 1 11G l47Vsfast 65 102 G 7 775 7 22 2J B Kenndy 12 High Gear Plenty Jellison 50334 Lexton 1 l39fast S 100 3 2 22 2 2502G5 1 I2 I2 B Kenndy 7 My Rallot Travesty Sams Roy 502G5 Lexton 24 l12fast G9 104 7 7 777 712 O Willis 8 DnCannen Lancelot ClIJrown SURE ch f 3 04 04Trainer By Great Britain Grace Cole by Ornament Trainer L Paul Owner M Evcrton 51409 Church 34 I14fa8t 19f 102 13 12 10 102 J Roberts 15 Planet KrownChcck MissFtaino 51299 Churchl 31 lli slov Gt 109i G 10 11 111 11 F Paul 12 Natural Day Lilly Undine 51233 Latonia 34 l15slow ISf 104 3 55 5 5i C 1 E Polla Pollard 11 Spugs Slipalong Cigale 51035 Latonia 51 f l07 fast 10 10G 2 5 4 G1 6 G8 F Paul Paul505SS 10 PepPolly SocialStar KingRose 505SS Latonia 51 f InsHfast 4 101 1 1 1 1 3J B Marcc503S2 Marco 7 Killy Karton Alberta S NJane 503S2 Lexton 51 f lOSVffast 9 107 1 1 1 U 33 F Paul 8 Julia N Nurse Jane K Fraley 50302 King4BS31 Lexton 51 f l07fast 15 1011 4 1 1 2l 23 H King Jgeludrow NurscJanc Heliuia 4BS31 BGrass 12 47 5fist 165 112 1 1s F Paul PaulBALLYGIHEN 5 Mary G Kasola Natalie BALLYGIHEN di f 3 M 99 By Handsel Santa Lucia by St Florian Trainer A Luzader Owner A Luzador Luzador531C5 531C5 Shi ort 51 f 109 fast 12 ICO G 55 42 22 L McD1 McDottlO ChISthell FKster SptgChnc 53129 Shport 51 f 110 fast 5 1001 1 3 2 3i G L Aron 0 Sun Ways CItartliell K Klood 53105 Shport 51 f lllgood 20 100 4 4 3 21 32 L Aron S IlKudder FKooster SpChanco 53052 Shport 51 f 119 hvy 12 100 5 5 C 5 5s J Sheler Shelepets 7 Hand Sweep Royal Klood Tony 52S33 FGnds 34 l13fast 100 92112 13 13 13 13 2 F Andson 13 General Philanderer Moroni 62026 Jefson 51 f l09fast 55 108 9 10 10 102 10s M Garner 11 Plantoon L Wynne MaryFonso 51733 Jefson 34 l19hvy 31 1051 1 64 62 6 2 H King 7 Montillo Secretary MJosphina 51G1G Jefson 6S MJosphina6S fcliOSfrist 15 104 7 87 61 5 J J Mney 12 The Moor Kig Sou Ripent 51393 Churchl 78 l27fast 34 107 9 7 7 9 9l 9 F Wilson 14 Corilla Eleanor S Cut Up K1363 Church I 34 116 cood 12 112 9 10 8 7 7 ° E Pool 1I GoldQuince KlancheMac CorilU BLACK SchradeTrainer ROCK blk c 3 M 104 By Rock View Ida May by Schrade BrosC2371 Trainer J C Gallaher Owner Gallaher Bros C2371 Havana ImoOy l4GJifast G 108 6 4 2 2 2 48 A Tryon S JimieOKricn Hatrack Kingozl 50456 Lexton F C IlOsfast 9 11G 5 G 3 4l 6 A Collins 7 KudKean Mcrrimac Dark Ucu 50293 Lextou 51 f 107 fast 9 112 11 11 9 9 915 A Collins 12 KillyKartou Rangoon ColIiuker GRAND DADDY ch c 3 M 104 By Everett Miss Panmuro by Panmuro PanmuroTrainer Trainer R N Vestal Owner I E Clark 512 Latonia 31 lir ffast 4 115 3 32 21 471 S McGraw 8 LChuinp RygoneDays LWidg 51173 Latonia 34 llG 5mua 17 112 10 9 S 7i 750 S McGraw 12 Ras Philanderer Slipaloug 61053 Latonia 51 f lOSfast 49 115 C 55 7 75J S McGraw 12 Oralcggo Has Big Son HANDSEL II ch c 3 M 101 101Trainer By Handsel Experience by Knight of the Thistle Trainer P Dunne Owner P Dunne DunneGOI50 GOI50 Lexton F C l10fast 03 115 C 7 7o II King 7 lUidKcan Mcrrhnnc Dirk 15cn 50317 Lcxton F C l10fast 52 115 fi 4 7 7 B Pool 7 Rangoon BuddieKeau DarkBen 60267 Lexlon 51 f l07fast 59f 105 9 11 lll 11 II Kins 12 Rettina AunticMay Sir TKcan 46916 Lcxton 12 49hvy 42 112 1 2 4 4 W W Tlor S Sin Screen Gangway JBudrow 46286 Jcfson 31 f 43 hvy 15 115 S 8 S S21 J Glass 8 Superb Buddie Kcan Oil Yes 45S03 FGnda 3S 35fast 20 111 7 4 5 i J Howard 7 Alcatraz LandsEnd JSRrdon TONEY LADY h f 4 M 113 By Black Toney lady Colonist by Africander AfricanderTrainer Trainer S C Cottroll Owner Stevens Daily 51231 Laton a 1 11G l47slow 17 lOSi G G G G 5s G W Morsey 7 High Cloud Frank P Tulsa TulsaC1034 C1034 Laton a 1 14 206fast 17f 103121010 12 11 = 11 J J Mncyl2 Buckboard Warlike Siinonitc SiinonitcCOOS COOS I Laton a 1110148 fast flf 103111211 10 10l 51 J J Mncyl2 RapidStride Cantilever Hocnlt HocnltDOSI DOSI I Laton a 1 11C l47fast 39 109 12 10 10 9 9 So F Paul 12 Kscovar SamsBoy Slinonilc SlinonilcGOOSO GOOSO Laton a 34 114 fast 13f 104 12 12 12 91 911 G Stack 12 ArehPIottcr AGallup Sciuceler Sciuceler4S115 4S115 Laton a 34 l13fast SI 107111 10 8 6i 55i W Morsey 12 Cmouflagc Trooper LtPerkins LtPerkinsSPARTAN SPARTAN IroguoisTrainer BOY b c 4 M 118 By Elkhorn Indian Fairy by Iroguois Trainer C V Chappell Owner J A Brause BrauseD19G5 D19G5 Jcfson 31 l197hhvy 20 110 3 1 1 2l 4 = L Aron 11 Carlinc S llopovcr Iloreb Ilorebr1741 r1741 Jnfson 1 l4thvy 00 99 7 7 7 7 7 7IT S McGraw 7 Nebraska Prunes LIcutPcrklns LIcutPcrklnsC1704 C1704 Jcfson 1 146 mud 50 101 3 4 4 8 10 10 S McGrawll HSmarr MGinsliaw Nebraska NebraskaElr93 Elr93 Jefferson Cl f 110 hvy 20 109 6 8 S 8 S S McGraw 8 Ragazza WFlowcr BBruel II 61330 Jefson 5 f lOSfast 4 115 3 22 48 4J S McGraw 7 LIoydGoorge AnierRosc Iloreb 44418 Latonia 34 llSmud 235 112 6 33 101 10 L Canfleldl2 Cortlaud Hosier General Glenn GlennCREMONA CREMONA b f 3 M 89 By Dick Finncll Frances Gaines by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J McPherson Owner Fair Acre Farm 537S3 Lexton 34 l13slow GO 111 5 3 S S S = T D Connliy S GUreauis LMadcap AphieDear

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Local Identifier: drf1921042601_4_2
Library of Congress Record: