untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-27


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MA A GUARANTEED SPECIAL horse, carefully prepared. GOES Saturday, opening day at Hamilton. On THIS the information at hand it would seem that this is one of the safest propositions ever handled by us. Needless to say, ALL angles will be protected. MUST WIN OR MONEY REFUNDED is no "hide and seek" about our "information." The price of this Special, THERE like numerous others, is 00. 1C it does not AAIN. not run second or third, we will REFUND your subscrip tion. Dont fool away time and money with "tills." but buy GENUINE INFORMATION. This Special goes OPENING DAY AT HAMILTON. Our Opening Day Special at Hamilton first meeting was Colossus, which won. Nuff sed. ANNOUNCEMENT. Beginning with this date A. E. McBurt takes charge SPECIAL of our turf department. He is too well known to need lengthy introduction iu an advertisement. McBurts slogan is: "Results count." All selections filed with this publication. Dont fail to get Opening Day Special at Hamilton. The price is 00 and no propositions accepted. Rush yours NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf Dept. Suite 1002, 109 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. ATTENTION ! ! ATTENTION ! ! Geo. L. Strang AT YOUR SERVICE AGAIN Announcement. This is to notify one and all that I h;:ve severed my connections with the National News Service. I am again footloose and at liberty to execute my own plans and work and in a position to furnish you with real inside infor-matiiu, not "tips". Notice. I have just returned from Windsor, where I made arrangements . for handling four good things that go at Devonshire and Hamilton. Opening day is Saturday, July 30. Having been an owner and a trainer myself, I know. FOUR SPECIALS FREE I have information on four horses the names of which are now on file with this publication. They will be cut loose at these two tracks. The price of my daily wire one horse daily at Devonshire and Hamilton, including the four Free Specials Is 5.00. It should be 00.00 for what I know about them, but this is just one of my methods of advertising. Here is your chance to get in on one of my old-time Specials. Enuf sed. Rush your subscription NOW. GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. LUCKY JERRY HARDING Suite 213, 25 W. 42nd St. New York City Hours: 9 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. MY BIG 5.00 FREE GETAWAY SPECIAL GOES TODAY This one comes from the same source that sent mo yesterdays one horse at Empire. ST. ISIDORE 20-1 WON Mondays Empiro Special Was APPLE JACK II 1-1 WON This is the kind of information that I handle. My followers received the following wiuners last week for the small sum of 0.00: RVNSTAR disqualified. 4-1 won; MERRIMAC, .75. won; AMERICAN SOLDIER, .40- won; DRESDEN, .10- won; GRUNDY, 5-1 won; ROSE BRIGADE. 7-10 won. After Monday I will be personally at Saratoga. Rush your subscription at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph so as not to miss todays special. City clients call. TERMS: 0.00 WEEKLY NEW BOOK OUT TODAY! Gives line on horses at all leading tracks that aro ready to win. 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. If your newsdealer does not handle it, we will mail you same in plain scaled envelope THREE COPIES .00. DONT MISS NEXT SATURDAYS TWO LIVE ONES at Devonshire. Send for thorn at once, as wo havo a couple of good ones. ONLY .00. THE STANDARD TUItF GU1DI3. Room 403, Baltimore Building Chicago, III. KINBURN 855-I0O WON and a second were last Saturdays "Ny X Specials. Send for two going dggghfcV Saturday, July 30. We guaranteo jBsJlSfjXa one winner. See latest REPORTEK, JiSrJ 011 sl,iu today, all newsstands, 35c. X Wednesdays X Special: Ereight-Tuesday-Go-Not-Won-Won THE TURF1 REPORTER. 22 W. ftUINCY ST. Estab. 1904. CHICAGO, ILL. ; ! 1 TURF LIGHT SACTNG- WEEKLY All Stands 15 Cents All Cities There is no more up-to-date sporting news printed than is found in the columns of TURF LIFE. TODAYS FREE CODE: Six-Eleven-Fourtoon-Willing-Canada Also Pickwick-Einpiro Our Daily Service: Daily, 0 Weekly. TURF LIGHT 25 W. 42nd St. Now York CH7 i 1 THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Est. 1907 Chicago. 111. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: Vorward-North-It-Nix-Nut-Oab Book now on sale everywhere Racing Form is, 33 cents nur cojiy.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921072701/drf1921072701_8_6
Local Identifier: drf1921072701_8_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800