2nd Race [2nd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-18

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I 1 ! • I I 1 I 1 1 ■ I 1 I e s 1 a 1 1 8 IJ 7 u „ e ia U r a U* - _j DAPLT 1 Mile and TO Yards. :i- «-:«r-i»lsls and upward. MatfatCBUk Al- CUU nAUt louances. C»o. 3. 1 ! 1 7 1:11 4-5 3 %ii. FLYING PRINCE, ch. c, 3 M 109 By Zeus— Sweet Pea. by Ivan the Terrible. Trainer, J. S. Everman. O-.vner. Dortch Eros.. 62563 Lateada 1 1-lfa l:47%feat • K3 8 6 Z I "■- G Pielda 0 Arravan. Dr. Bae, H :• ■62178 Latonia 1 1-lii 1 : 174ifast 19 10S 6 6 62 65 I Fran -is B Saortaaaan, Alamat OcLaLl 22227 Latonto 1 l-.s 1 5::--afast 12 96 7 7 4» Zn_ .1 Owesa B Legal, Ceaateaa, GraceBnasberty 22127 chunhill 11:40 fast 3 104 6 4 21 M J Oweaa IS 6r. Daddy, FrankBoyd, Heraaedea [S2S7B Churchill 11-16 1:4* hvv IS 103 7 7 6 4-: B Kcnn dy s Pictor, in a, Ram S2S2S Churchill 1 lJB%Caat 7f 106 4 7 6 CU Zoeller 18 Itr.i-s Tacka, Onnlent, B Jul G ! 7 8 :» ChorchUl 7-8 l:2S%faat 32 105 9 6 6t 4-A Arvin 14 Caatb afe, Be Go I nl LS210 Chur. hi 1 1 I a%faal 26 H6 3 9 11 11 11 ll:R McD*ottll DncleSenay, OurDear, SamPraak 58170 Churchl 61 f 1 :0S fast i:i 115 6 7 6 6:16»JR MclTotttt Badhda, Blaaaoaallanat. Wakella 5804 Churchl 1 1 :ii„f,.st 15 10313 9 10 9 94 9» It MeD*ettl2 Charllae, S;.m Prank, Bejal FRANK BOYD, ch. g, 3 M 109 Ey Boots and Saddle — Autaline, ly Autoiight. Trailer. G. P. Mattinsly. Owner. G. P. Kattinely. 62157 Chnrchill 11:10 fast 32 IM 8 2 3 PI A Arvin 15 Gr.Daddy, Ply.Prince, Hermtvdtn 61769 Churchill 7-S 1 :25"sfast 8f 104 12 12 12 12:2H Gray 15 May HfKline. Wat. Oldt, Troilan BaB Lntenta 61 f LGO-Vr.vy 40 115 8 5 5 5" » W W Tier S Waahtnaten. Tnlane, SmiliagLad am Latonia H f IM f .st M 115 9 9 6 V l W LUley B Meoreaqne, Batamander, F. luirk 55469 Latonia 6 f 1 :0:v.fast »f 10S 2 10 10 7 6i F Paul 12 T. Co!. VI adv. Salamder. F.L-.rk 55326 I atonia 6-8 iai%faat 72f 115 6 6 6 6: 65 B Wida 11 B Leaf, UTaMaoB , in;I riDCe £5111 Latonia 6-8 l:01«fast 100 115 10 9 8 71 SUJ Fran, da 12 Stonewall T.lM.aLady, KVata 64946 latonia 5-8 1 :00fast I4f 108 5 11 10 lo»io:,J Roberto 12 Arti.-ie x.. Balaaaaader, Dad 64S32 latonia 5-8 1:01 %fast 57 112 12 12 12 12 12" J Roberta 12 Hutchison. L !ares.L, Vitamin 54247 Churchl 41 f 54Vast 24 112 7 3 2* 4« F Brys.,n 7 BaaaVI. Hermo,leii. Ral.Bnttana 64265 churchl 41 f 637Lfast 89 115 10 10 lo 10" F Bryson 10 Rah, Bfewfenrinlaair. HalrhfclM CREZERN, b. c, 3 M 109 By Cruzados — Feranda, by Key el Santa Anita. Trainer, J. Curl. Owr.er, Santa Anita Ranch S tablet. 62395 latonia 3-4 l:i.!9rLast 65 110 4 6 6* 681 C Ralls 12 Spats. Cautions-. Glencarry 62042 Churchill 7-8 1 22%C Jod 13 110 9 7 8* 8" H S Jones I llarracuda, Hd at Home, Uamet AUTOCRAT, ch. c, 3 M 109 By Vulcain — Aviston, by Ayrshire. Trainer, J. X. Smith. Owner, K. H. Hewitt. 62000 Latonia lm70y 1:45 faat 71 111 6 6 7* V D Conn llylO ItrssTacks. Rojnl. Flcr.Plossom 62324 Latonia 11-16 l:4S%fast M 112 6 6 6 6" D Connlly 5 Dorius. Fancy Free. ToaaaaSt 62042 Churchill 7-8 lSfcEOod 21 110 8 6 61 6° D Connlly S» Itarracnda. BM at Boaae, liamet 61942 Churchill 1 l:37%fast 173 109 6 S 8 8" D Connlly 8 Thibodaux. Donus, DothyLkuer 54810 Latonia 41 f 58%hvy 14 115 4 5 6l i" L Iyke 12 Ycshimi, Leochares IL, Dad 64655 Latonia 41 f 54%fast 7 115 9 3 9* 9 W Lilley 10 Cold Hoy. LclaresIL. D.Sinker 54548 Churchill 41 f 51»4fast 30 115 8 6 «: 6 J H J Burkelo Pr. Welles. Cher.Tree. Kob.Halr 54514 Churchill 41 f 515tfast 32 115 6 6 and"* 461 L Lyke 11 John Finn, Demos. Montjoy 54219 Churchill 41 f 63*fast 36 115 1 6 5 5J D Connlly ■ QninceGarden. Demos. Pemcful 64121 Churtdiill 1-2 49tmud 17 115 6 4 3l 3« D Connlly 6 Topmast, Bemcareful, Hutchn 54062 Churchill 1-2 47%fast C 113 I t f 7" D Connlly 9 BetterStill. Rob. J.iinceGarden MTCILAEX J. DALY, ch. c, 4 . M 115 By Corcyra — Stray Moments, by St. Hilairo. Trainer, C. W. Chappeil. Onmer, H. D. Byr ne. G2395 Latonia 3-4 1 :13%f net 7 115 11 8 7s 6«1 N J Brnesl2 Spats, Cautious. Glenparry 62159 Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 72 108 3 4 4 4» M J Brnes 4 Rapid Day, Adonis, Ararat 62074 Churchill 61 f 1:21 hvy 60 112 5 6 6 4" N J Brnes 5 Col. Baker. BenValet. BegPardon 10635 Empire 51 f l:06fast 100 116111 11 12 121 1311 F A Qui 11 15 Ed.AllanPoe. Ar.ofGold. Kiilala LOB WTDRIG, b. g, 4 M 115 By Marathon— Cresta Blanca, by TransvaaL Traiaer, A. J. Gorey. Owner, A. J. Gorey. 62664 I.atonia 1 1-16 l:47%fast 38 108 7 12 12 12" D Connellyl2 Red Le;rs. Dam-.ris, Nurture 6S1«0 Churchl 1 l:3S%fast 10 110 7 8 10 9 8 S!« B Kenn dy 14 TwkleBlue, Bermt. WillowTree 58065 Churchl 3-4 l:12-fast 116 107 8 8 8 71 7» R Har"ton 14 Hon. Man, B.ofEtiztn. Murray 57-H7 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :4n-fast 33-10 112 2 4 4 2 21 2« E Pool 12 B. Hackle, Richelieu, Tkle Blue 67172 Latonia 1 1-16 l:42%faM 20 106 6 3 6 4 9* 9l* H J Burke 10 High Gear, Harlock. Kimpalong 5CS63 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :46 fast 18 106 3 2 2 1 2» 2* B Kenndy 8 WarSpirit, Amanda, Cand.LIght 5€7hS Latonia 1 1-16 1:51 V*.hvy 63 110 4 2 1 3 P P B Kenndy 0 Rama, Uuen, Miss Fontaine 5"79 Latonia 3-4 113 fast 108 106 4 7 9 3* 3" O Willis 11 Younced. Gip. Queen. Col.TajloT 56526 Latonia 1 1-8 LSI-Wast a 100 6 4 7 7 7 7" G Fields 7 SecCrthyrs. S.Prlnce, Mar.Joan VELCANOBA, b. f, 3 M 104 By Vulcain — Onora, by St. Julien. Trailer, J. H. Nichols. Owner, J. H. Nichols. C2632 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast a 96 10 12 11s Usl C Studer 12 RyMountn, Cautions, B b.Shea 01780 Churchill f-S ldB%fa*t 8f 100 14 Fell. W Pool 14 Casilercugh, Be Good, B- Jul Q/a Latonia 5-8 l:01%f ist 37 U3 U 11 Pulle l up.W Llilcy 11 Or.Dale. Jewell V. D., W.U.Tell CONCENTRATE, br. o, 4 M 115 By Elkhorn — Intensity, by Pentecost. Trainer. A. G. Woodman. Owner, Woodman Bros.. 62518 latonia 1 1-10 1 22%aT*3 34f 105 3 4 SJ 8" A Roach 11 C.ncnry. BlackRock. WarPrize 62395 Latoria 3-4 I WlfaM 35 116 2 7 8» 8iT A Roach 12 Spats, Cautious. ;ienRarry 62320 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 29f 105 9 3 H1 11" A Roach 12 Louis A.r Tyx. Troilus 80427 F.Gnds lm7Cv 1:!6 fast 5 1U 2 22 4 61 5:1 F Murphy 10 Mechanic, B.Watci.IL, Tattem 86347 F.Gnds 3-4 l«t2%taat 60 107 10 8 10 10* 9 J A Roach 11 Grayson, MayBodine, MarseJolm BUM F Gnds 3-4 114 fast 30 114 12 VI 7 101 10" A Roach 12 Bristow, Archive, BlossomHou*e R2BI F.Gnds 3-4 1 :16 hvy 15 a 8 7 7 6» 6" A Roach 8 Betalnda, Back Bay, N. Shore 69573 F.Gnds lm70y l:47%aood U 107 1 B 7 8 4l •»• A Roach 12 M.Rappold, Hennoden, ArchlTe WILLOW TREE b. f, 4 CM 115 Ey Luke KcLuke— Alticra, by Lamplighter. I Trainer, G. Moles-worth. Owner, .T. B. Clohcr. C0T.90 F Gn ■ Im70y l:48**hvy 2« 1 117 7 7 7 P V* ¥ Werner ■ BiffBang. Pas. Swain, G.deCatise I 60417 F.Gnds I I 15 PloVast i M 4 2 2 2 4; 3* !f TlHi.liaa fi Ben. Pimlico, Joaquina t MM P.GBda 1 l:44Vnud 6 5 116 5 2 2 2 2" 2» M Garner 5 BallotMark, Consul. BrassTacks i 6.S190 fhir-.h! 1 l:39-:.fast M HO 14 12 9 4 S» 31 J I M nev 11 TklePlue, Berint. BlkWutekll. i 67079 Latocla 1 1-lf, 1:47 fast 14 1 ID 3 4 4 3 V 2* J U Mney 9 Otam, Ace, Cut Of ! 67527 Lit wis l l-16 1:47Vast 7 Mi 6 6 6 5 4* 4i ■ Scobie 6 tinier K.. Ace, Msvehona i 66816 I Itl nU 1 l-M 1.494slow 7 112 9 9 9 7 5» 6» J McCoy 6 Humphrey, Brit.M;.id, B.Hu.Mj | 65549 LatoaU I * 16 1:46Vast 9 114 U 7 7 5 4s 4J J McCoy IS Bottom thai. xTarsay, B Heklt • 65198 Latonia 1 1 IS l:49*«bvy »-fc IM 11 7 7 6 5s 3i L Lyke 12 Firebrand. BlancbeMac. Nurture | KORTHEGP a, gr, 4 *B 115 By Martir.et— Paris Queen, by McGee. Tiamer. A. G. Robertson. Owner, a. G Robertson. 5S1DI IfapleH. i-j 1 08 hvy SI 112 ReCased to go. R Holway 7 Bonstelle, Double Tan, Kitty M BIXLT t.CEAT, br a, 3 M 109 Ey Dick Welles — Penalty, by Marathon. Tra:ner. G. M. Jnhnson. Owner, T. W. OaBahaa. ! BIM LatonU lm7By 1:45 Cast • I W M M* R Har" oatO rasTaeks, Bojal, Flor.Btoasoari ; C2157 I hurchill 11:10 fast BC ICJ U b P 6* L EVirth 1" 1:-. Paddy, Fly. Prince, BVkBoyd • DR. PKALL. ch. c. 3 M IM By FrUxU— Anna Caldwell, ty Astronomer. fTVr.tiT. G. Morton. Owner. W. F. Pelssa. tt9tt I itonU 3-4 1 i ;-.: is* :_• 18611 C I P1 F Smltli fi Boathane, J.Bowdre, D.Bckaac 67214 LatonU 1-4 IJJfcsood IOC U2 S s I 9 6" W Aadresa *. tfoatjoy, Dckmm, CkMgkiwiaa KAY BSE, ch. f, 4 ■ 110 By Cuuard — Lady Colonist, by Africander. ! Trainer T. atcPheiao . Owner, Kays Lake Fans, i 62393 Latoala 3-4 l:l3-.-,fast l.f IM I 11 10* M*» D Conn Uy 13 Basts, Caati a . Glengarry • 57x0 LatonU 1-4 1:13 fast Kf 104 10 11 11 11 11" B Kenndy 11 J.S.Rdon. Viu-lcVelo, BiasBock 647T.6 LatonU 1 l-M l::2Vsmu l Z3f 1 j6 11 S 7 7 61 V W M .rs- 11 T. Vgiuian, BltckKoik, Wfttetl BM4 l.-i.on -4ia4%faat 13 ll-JKJ 12 12 12 12-° D Connelly 12 Siki.iiu, Sleepy Dear, Corilla

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922061801/drf1922061801_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1922061801_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800