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1 MAPLE HEIGHTS The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are Maple Heights Cleveland, Ohio, July 10, 1922. I High Tea, Miss Jane, Illusionist. 2 Col. Taylor, Fanaman, Mary G. Z MAGICIAN, Mary Maxim, War Prize. 4 Escarpolette, Guaranteed, Piedra. 5 Canny Lady, Theo, Slippery Silver. 6 Madge F., Toe the Mark, Laura Miller. 7 Don Dodge, Harry Burgoyne, Article X. F. II. Sproule. New York namllcap. 1 High Tea, Miss Jane, Illusionist, Pretty Doll. 2 Col. Taylor, Sister Susie, Panaman, Mar ion Hoilins. 3 Magician, Roisterer, Mary Maxim, Flying Prince. 4 LOU WIDRIG, Guaranteed, Piedra, Fizer. 5 Spectacular Girl, Clare Frances, Canny Lady, Leap Frog. 6 Laura Miller, Serbian, Toe the Mark, Madge F. 7 Harry Burgoyne, Don Dodge, Bermont, Colossus. Chicago mid Buffalo Handicap. 1 High Tea, Miss Jane, Illusionist, Pretty Doll. 2 Sister Susie, Col. Taylor, Mary G., Baby lonian. 3 MAGICIAN, Mary Maxim, Cap Reck, Roisterer. 4 Guaranteed, Lou Widrig, Fizer, Escarpo lette. 5 Spectacular Girl, Theo, Canny Lady, Slip pery Silver. 6 Madge F., Toe the Mark, Laura Miller, . Goldie S. 7 Colossus, Our Maid, Article X., Harry Burgoyne. Observers Handicap. 1 High Tea, Illusionist, Mis3 Jane, Futu re tte. 2 COL. TAYLOR, Sister Susie, Babylonian, Marion Hoilins. 3 Magician, Roisterer, Mary Maxim, Cap Rock. 4 Guaranteed, Fizer, Lou Widrig, Escarpo lette. 5 Theo, Spectacular Girl, Ciare nrances, Miss Orb. G Madge F., Toe the Mark, Serbian, Laura Miller. 7 Harry Burgoyne, Colossus, Don Dodge, Article X. Co3sen.ii:.t of Handicaps. 1 High Tea, Miss Jane, Illusionist, Pretty Doll. 2 Col. Taylor, Sister Susie, Panaman, Mary G. 3 MAGICIAN, Mary Maxim, Roisterer, Cap Rock. 4 Guaranteed, Escarpolette, Lou Widrig, Fizer. 5 Spectacular Girl, Canny Lady, Theo, Clare Frances. G Madge F., Laura Miller, Toe the Mark, Serbian. 7 Harry Burgoyne, Don Dodge, Colossus, Article X.