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OMAHA ENTRIES The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each hcrse at the distance since January 1, 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9S0S7 IS FIRST IXDF.X OF 1956. 0218C IS I IBM I "DEX OF JTJXE Racing sarts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 3:15. 0 Superior mud runner. x f7ood mud runner. :J: Fair mud runner. M Maidens • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations are nscd to designate tracks at which time recordB shown in entries were made: Akron Akn Aqueduct Aqu Aurorf. Aur Belmont Park ......Bel Blua Bonnets B.B Blue Grass B.G Bowie Bow Brooklyn Bkn Churchill Downs CD Clarkrburg Cla Columbus Col ColwoM Park Clw Coney Island C.I Connaught Park . . . .C.P Dade Park D.P Delorimier Park. .. Del Devonshire Dev Dorval Dor Duf f erin Park Duf Empire Emp Erlange/ Erl Fair Grounds F.G Fairmount Park F.P Fort Erie F.E Hamilton Ham Havre do Grace... HdG Havana Hav Hawthorne Haw Huntington Htn Jamaica 7am Jefferson Park J.P Juarez Jna Kemptcn Park K.P worth Ken King Edward K.E Lagcor. Lag Latoria Lat Laurel Xrl Lexington Lex Lex. Colored Fair LF Long Branch L.B Maple Heights M.H Marlboro Mar Miami Mia Mobile Mob Mount Royal M.R Niagara Falis N.F Orlando Orl Omaha Oma Ptoer.ix Phx Pimlico Pirn Racelacd Rao Reno TT: o Salt Lake S.T. Saratoga Sar Tamna Tain Tanforan Tan Thistledown Tdn Thorncliffa Thf Tijuana Tij Timo»iium Ti Toledo Tol United Hunts U.H Wheeling Wh« Willows Park W.P Windsor Win Woodbine Wdb Youngstown Ygn Omaha Mile Track. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Pur • 00. 3-year-olda and unwanl. Claiming. Track rfcord: June 27, 1925—1:00—5—110. Today"? In L Ilorse. Wt. Rec A Wt.IIan. 03527 Belle of Milton CM, 11 Oma 111 1:01% 7 110 .725 03528 Anna Chestnut. 4 Oma 96 1:01 5 107x720 03575 Ban Hogaii. 17 Oma 110 1:01*:. 6 111X715 03528 •MHUie See iM». 6 Oma 103 1:02-. 7 103.. 710 03239 *Yinevard. M Haw 110 1:02% 7 KCt .705 02979" •Mulliuil. 2 . . Oma 100 1 :03 3 105.. 700 03240 Crimp Ear. 9 Haw 107 1 :01U 4 111x09.-, 03239 1-t1 Flapper iMI. | Oma 104 1.02 7 108. .690 03343 Tubby A.. 10 Htn 102 1:01 R I1S 090 03239 Service Flag. IS Oma 109 1:04% 10 114X685 03471 •Iidy Barrett. 15 Tij 107 1 :03 i 4 105 M 94055 Runpeorge. yj Tij 107 1:03-, 7 lllxfts.. 03172 Meuare, S ...Oma 10S 1 :03%s I 104x0*5 03240 W. P. Mont gomery. 5 Oma 114 102% 9 110.. 685 03616 Fannie Eclipse CM. 1 4 106., 97089 In.-le Jav. 3 4 117X685 03527 Imperial Ml. 13 Hm 109J1 05.-, 8 105. .685 03575 •Pond Lily Belle. 14 Hav 96 1:05% 4 9 «. .«8j Second Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse 1926.sh00. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. fTUKk record: June 27, 1925— 1 :0O 5- 110. 03527 C.ood Time, OOma 110 1:01% 7 112X725 03240 Printer T. 5 ma 114 1 :02 9 112 720 03468 Finis Moriostin. 4 Tij 106 1 06% I 111X715 03528 Miss OUtfta, 3Tij 115 1:01 9 111.. 710 03057- •Antilles. 2 ...Orl 111 1 :06%h 8 109X7O5 03410 •Karoni.-a. 14 Oma 106 1:01% 4 106X700 03293- Falrj b Beau. 16.. Jua 97 1:01% 3 100.095 03410s Time and Tide. 12 Tij 108 1:01% 5 109. .695 03295 Misti Emerson. K Tdn 104 1 01 % 5 102 X 095 03295 My Jraci . 7Jua 109 1 02% 11 111x690 03343 Matinee Idol. 11 Tij 115 1 :03s 11 112- M 03529 Run preserve, 15. . Oma 95 1 M 4 109 . .690 03295 *Eliza Brown. 10 nav 105 1:03% 4 102x690 03619 Servitor. 9 9 112x690 03576 »Col. Pat. l.STdn 108 1:01 6 107x690 02794 Bonnie Herbert M. 1 4 107. .690 Third Race— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 20, 1924—1:38—5 — 106. 03347- Quash. 3 6 109.. 725 03621 •Wahkeena, 2 4 109x720 03575 Bon Box. I ...Tij 113 1:42 14 119x715 03621 •Burn, 4 8 109X710 03245 •I.ooust Leaves. 8. J.P 101 1:44% 9 109X705 03347 *rinecrest. 5. .Oma 109 1 :43 8 114X7O0 03470 Tight, 1 Tij 112 1:42% 5 119X700 03618= Midnight Stories. 7 Htn 109 1:43% 7 114X695 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 3, 1924 — 1 :11%— 4— 103. 03577* »John A. Scott Jr.. 5 Hav 103 1:13% 9 112x725 034652 •Crescent, 1 B 107x720 03529 •Qi:ota. 2 M.H 112 1:12% B 102x715 03468 Rig Sapp. 3 6 117X710 03171 Times Pp. 8.J.P 100 1 :14% 5 102x705 035293 Picnic. 6 Tij 105 1:12% 7 117x700 03577J Lemon Seth. 7. F.P 110 1:16 5 114..1.95 03617 Take All, 4 • 6 106. .690 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Ak Sar Ben Derby. ,000 Added. 3 -year olds. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 20, 1924 — 1:38 5 106. 03531 POLLY SETH. 2 Tij 117 1:39% 117x720 03345s Flicker, 3 Tij 103 1:41% 117x715 03533 Blush. 5 117x710 03579 Br. Larrabec, 4.1. P 108 1:42% 122x705 03243 Old Tom, 1 122. .700 Sixth Race — 1 1-2 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. No track record. 03469 Molly Cephas. 5... Tij 100 2:35% 9 108x725 03469 Walter Bant, 2.. 11 105x720 03578 Weary Dick. 1 .. 7 108x715 03581 •Marcella Boy, 6.. IM..TM 03299 Dustman, 4 5 110x705 03347 libra. 3 4 108. .700 Seventh Race — 1 Kile. Purse 1926.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 20, 1924 — 1:38 — 5106. 03622 Martin I,.. 9 5 114. .725 03177 Silence, 7 . . Oma 110 1 :45% 8 114/720 03619 Shasta Sol. O.Tij 100 1:42% 3 102X715 03177 Steve. 8 Aur 101 l:47%s 9 114x710 02919 Hulserose. 2 3 97.. 705 03578 Fondle Me. 3. Oma 110 1:42% 7 119..70O C3617 Alcatrar. 4 8 114X695 03617 Innovation. 1 13 114x69 03618 Jennie Ward M, 5 6 109. .690