Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-03

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II » Daily Racing Form Handicaps AURORA Track slow. The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackmans Selections. 1 — Infante. El Astro, Mayor OKeefe. 2— La Belle, Kendall, Stay On. 3 — Peep O., Bill Seth. Brockway. 4 — Myrtle Belle, Rebeck, Quin Chin. 5 — Devon, Sanola, Glenister II. 6— PATH AX, Ma-er.go, Chief Tierney. 7— Tippenir, Babbling, Geo. Dever. F. J. MAY. Dally Raelnar Form Selections. 1 — Handsome Star, French Doll, El Astro, Galusha. 2 — La Belle, Boys Believe Me, Torter Ella, Slippery Smile. 3 — Miss Drapeau, Bill Seth, Crispie Seth, Peep O. 4— MISS MISCHIEF, Rocking, Rushee, Gay Hallie. 5 — Devon, Sanola, Glenister II., Hot Time. 6 — Pathan. Marengo, Chief Tierney, Freya. 7 — Dusk, William Diggins, Sweeptona, Power. Dick Msv Selections. 1 — Gettysburg, Handsome Star, El Astro. 2 — LA liELLE, Maimonides, Boys Believe Me. 3 — Crispie Seth, Bill Seth. Miss Drapeau. 4 — Rocking, Miss Mischief, Rushee. 5— Sanola, Seths Hope, Glenister II. 6 — Pathan, Marengo, Chief Tierney. 7 — Babbling, Dusk, Sweeptona. Iluddn Selections. 1 — Handsome Star, Ix u Mark, Atossa. 2— Stay On, Boys Believe Me, Porter Ella, 3 — Mat Hunter. Peep O., Hesitation. 4 — Quin Chin, Shasta Love, Strut Miss Lizzie. 5— DEVON, Silver Song, Sanola. 6— High Prince, Pathan, Marengo. 7 — Power, William Diggins, Babbling. Consensu*. 1 — Handsome Star, El Astro, Infante, Gettysburg. 2— La Belle, Boys Believe Me, Stay On. Porter Ella. 3— Bill Seth, Peep O., Miss Drapeau, Crispie Seth. 4— Miss Mischief, Rocking, Quin Chin, Myrtle Belle. 5— Devon, Sanola, Glenister II., Seths Hope. 6 — Pathan, Marengo, Chief Tierney, High Prince. 7 — Babbling, Dusk, William Diggins, Power. LEXINGTON. Track fast. The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackmans Selections. 1 — Heed, Sue Barker, Violet Betty. 2— Cuddle, Thistle Glad, Madam Emelie. 3 — Angleplane, Nabisco, OHn K. 4 — Bun, Tiger Flowers, High Spot. 5 — CLONASLEE, Girl Scout, Acirema. 6 — Button, Battlefield, The Rove. 7 — Nine Sixty, Flames, Chittagong. J. L. Dempsey. Dally Raelnar Form Selections. 1— Heed, One Way, Phil Foto, Dark Angel. 2 — Cuddle, Madam Emelie, Juel Jean, Thistle Glad. 3 — Arragosa, Angleplane, Nabisco, Monte Rosa. 4— TIGER FLOWERS, Bun, Watson, Pay Dirt. Continued on eighteenth page. I ♦ ; Daily Racing 1 Form Handicaps I -« 4 Continued from second pacrl S — Clonaslee. Cirl Scout. Acirema, Bottom ; Z iHillar. S — Button, Battle Field. Grand King, Happy 6 Bob. 7— Flames. Nine Sixty. Valence, Longchamps. 5 Man «»* Wars Selections. 1— One Way. Violet Betty. Phil Foto. 2 — Cuddle. Thistle Glad. Sportive. 3 — Angleplane, Bobbie Shea, Royal Highness. 4 — TiRer Klowers, Uun, Pay Oirt. B — Cirl Seout, Bottom Dollar, Semittola. 1 IliHW Happy Bob. The Rove. 7 — Nine Sixty. Flames. Chittagong. 1 Dirk WMW Selections. 1— Hee l. Phil Foto. T ark Angel. 2— Cuddle. Madam Kmelie, Thistle Clad. 3 — Angleplane. Bobbie Shea. Boyal Highness. 4 — Bun. Tiger Flowers. High Spot. 5 i— L«iXASLKK, Girl Scout, Bottom Dollar. B— i The Kove, Button, Crand King. 7 — Longchamps, Nine Sixty. Chittagong. It mills Selection*. l--One Way, Phil Foto. Cousin Lute. 2 Thistle Clad. Cuddle, Madam Kmelie. 3 — Bobbie Shea. Arragosa. Angelplane. 4 — Bun, Tiper Flowers, Watson. 5 — Clonaslee, Cirl Scout, Acirema. G— BUTTON. The Itove. Happy Boh. 7 — Flajnes, Chittagong. longchamps. Consensus. 1 — Heed. One Way. Pbil Foto. Violet Betty. 2 — Cuddle, Thistle Glad, Madam Kmelie, Juel Jean. S — Angleplane. Bobbie Shea, Arragosa, Nabisco. 4 — Bun, Tiger Flowers. High Spot, Watson. 6 — Clonaslee. Cirl Scout, Acirema, Bottom I ol la r. «— BlTTON. The Rove, Battlefield, Happy Bob. 7 — Flames, Nine Sixty, Longchamps. Chittagong. PIMLICO Track fast. The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackman* Selections. 1 — Duettiste. Gast»er. Ararat II. 2— RKPBOVK. Fire Fairy. Sam Slick. 3— Prince of Wales, Lounger, H. G. Bedwell entry. 4 — Fresco. Broken Vow. Tattling. 5 — Rose Kternal. K. F. Whitney entry, W. S. Kilmer entry. 6 — Appleeross. Forehead. Ten Sixty. 7 — Fast Mail, Ouried, Byway. T. K. Lynch. Dally Racing Form Selections. 1 — Husky, Casper, Duettiste. Casette. 2 — Reprove, Fire Fairy, Shorty, Sam Slick. 3 — PRINCE OF WALKS. Lounger, Senator Norris. Whatll I Do. 4 — Fresco. Tattling. Broken Vows, Liza "rump. S — Rose Kternal, Rogan. Soiree. Sucky. 6 — Battle Shot, The Ally, Forehead, Harry * Carroll. 7 — Ourieda, Fast Mail, Lanoil, Mikado. Sweep* Selections. 1 — Husky. Gasper, Duettiste. 2 — Shorty, Fire Fairy, Reprove. 3— Prince f Wales. Lounger, Whatll I do. 4— FBKSCo, Tattling, Broken Vows. 5 — Rose Kternal. Sunchen. Soiree. «-Battle Shot. The Ally, Ten Sixty. 7 — Clydella, Ouriedu, lanoil. BikIiIm Selections. 1 — Huettiste, Ararat II.. Husky, Gasper. 2 — True Pal, Reprove. Sam Slick. Lilly Sue. 3 I*rince of Wales, Senator Norris. Whatll I Do. Ix unger. 4 — Fresco, Tattling. Broken Vows. ff nflTrT ETEIIXAI*. Sunchen. Tiflin. Fluffy, ft— Appleeross, Ten Sixty, Battle Shot, Harry Carroll. 7— Ourieda, Clyd.-lla. Mrs. Finley, Fast Mail. Consensu*. 1 — Duettiste. Husky, Casper. Ararat II. 2— Reprove. Fire Fairy. Sborty, Sam Slick. 3— PRINCE OF WALKS. l»unger, Senator Norris, Whafll I Do. 4 — Fresco. Tattling. Broken Vows, Liza Yump. E — Rasa Kternal. Sunchen. Soiree, Tiffin. 6 — Battle Shot. Appleeross, Ten Sixty, The Ally. 7 — Ourieda, Fast Mail, Clydella. Lanoil. BEULAH PARE Track fast J The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackmans Selections. 1 — Golden Armor. Be Trueman, Cheating Cheaters. 2— Banker Brown. Fort Bliss, Red Beth. 3 — Kscape, Young April, Wish-Ton-Wish. 4 — BarlH-rry. Naughty Nisba. Northern Star. I— BRUME O THE WIND, Arabella, Sweepstakes. %— Demijohn. Cuimy Sack, Peter Decoy. 7— Darius, Courser. Tippity Witchet. F. H. Sprole. Dally Rarlns Form Selections. 1 — Havana Electric. Golden Armor, Cheating Cheaters. Be Trueman. 2 — Rivulet, Earl Pool, Col. Pat, Waterson Trail. 3— Mill Boy, Follow Me. Young April. Jof. 4— Batsman. Itarberry, Naughty Nisba, Bar- bary Bush. I—BRIDE »• THE WIND, Sweepstakes, Turnlx-rry. Arabella. t— Demijohn. IVtcr I»ecoy, Gunny Sack. Cru- denas. 7 — Courser, Tippity Witchet, Timeless, Drumisond. lludd* Selections. 1— Golden Armor. Be Trueman, Cheating heaters. 2— Waterson Trail, Col. Pat, Karl Pool. 3— Mill Boy. Follow Me, Young April. 4 — Barbary Bush. Barberry, Jaunebar. S — BKIDK Of THK WIND, Brownie Smile, Turnberry. 6— Gunny Sack. I»emijohn, Black foot. 7 — Cwuraer, Timeless. Tippity Witchet. 1 4 ; Z 6 5 1 5 Consensus. — Golden Armor. Be Trueman, Cheating Cheaters, Havana Klectric. 2— Waterson Trail, Karl Pool, Banker Brown, Rivulet. C— Mill Boy, Young April, Follow Me, Kscape. — Barberry. Barbary Bush, Naughty Nisba, Batsman. — BRIDE O* THK WIND, Sweepstakes, Arabella, Turnberry. — Demijohn, Gunnysack, Teter Decoy, Blackfoot. 7— Courser. Tippity Witchet, Timeless. Darius. JAMAICA Track fast. The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackmans Selections. — Stuarts Draft, Olive Dexter, Edith IX 2— SWEKPSTER, Adios. Northern Miss. ." — Cheops, Happy Argo, Mote. 4 — Cherry Pie, Silver Fox, Navigator. — Stephanus, Sublevado, Wonderful. 6 — Bessie Gershel, Izetta. Touvoyou. C. J. Connorm. Daily Racine Form Selections. 1— Stuarts Draft, Gnome Girl, Edith D., La Diva, 2 — SWEEPSTER, Adios, Cheops, Sun Forward. ?, — Happy Argo. Adios. Cheops, Copiapo. 4— silver Fox, Son of John. Cherry Pie. 5 — Stephanus, Wonderful, High Flier, Sun-fire. 6 — Bessie Gershel, Phidias. Izetta, Flying Al. Sweep* Selections. 1 — Gnome Girl, La Diva, Grace H. 2-SWEEPSTER, Adios, Cheops. :, — Happy Argo, Sandy, Cartoonist. 4 — Silver Fox, Navigator, Gamble. ". — Stephanus, Wonderful, Sublevado. 6 — Phidias, Delhi Boy, Izetta. Bndds Selections. 1 — Stuarts Draft, La Diva, Gnome GirL 2 — Sweepster, Cheops, Northern Pass. :, — Happy Argo, Copiapo, Roi Des Montagnes. 4 — SILVER FOX, Navigator. Cherry Pie. 5 — Stephanus, Sublevado, Wonderful. 6 — Flying Al, Phidias, Delhi Boy. Consensus. 1— Stuarts Draft, Gnome Girl, La Diva. Edith D. 2 — SWEEPSTER, Adios, Cheops, Northern Pass. " — Happy Argo, Cheops, Copiapo, Adios. 4 — Silver Fox, Cherry Pie, Navigator, Son of John. 5 — Stephanus, Wonderful, Sublevado, High Flier. 6 — Phidias, Bessie Gershel, Izetta, Flying AL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927050301/drf1927050301_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1927050301_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800