Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-26

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WOSKOUTS Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b,, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; sf sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type . THURSDAY, APRIL 25 HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Beau Govans :38 h 4-23 Steelhead ... :36d 4-19 Dona Dulcin. :37 h Sea Teddy . -37 h 4-22 Dcing Cloud :39 h 4-10 Son of Troy. :37 h 4-16 Foreign Lady :38 h 4-20 Sun Erin . . :36h 4-22 Inscription . :37 h 4-20 the Mauler. :37 h . 4-16 Last Itance. :36 h 4-22 Westy Junr. :36 h Ore-Half Mile. 4:23 Browbeaten . :50b 4-16 Harky :49d Blue Alice . . :51 b Lovely Girl . :51 b Bright Plage :51h 3-14 Natalie Alice :49 h 4-21 Boston Brook :51 h 4-23 Sourdine . . . :50 h Couleedam . :50 h 4-3 Squeeze Out. :50 b Club Soda :51 b 3-21 Speedmorc . . :51 b 4-19 Conquer .... :53 h 4-23 Scotch Queen :50 h 2-9 Closing Time :51 b 4-22 Transco :49h 4-23 Festoon .... :50b 4-23 Torita :50 h Grand Girl . :51 b War Lassie . :51 h 4-23 Holland .... :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-22 Doeskin ....1:04 h 4-23 Star Porter .l:02h 4-22 Lone Miss ..1:05 b 4-23 U. Demon ..1:04 h 4-20Le3ume ....1:07 b 4-23 Viva Pete .l:02h 4-23 Sundrops ...1:03 h 4-23 Wise Prince. l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. .4-24 Be Shy l:15h 4-23 Onward ... .1:16 h 4-21 Blssed Againl:16h 4-22 Our Mae ...1:17 h 4-22Boocap 1:17 h 4-23 Wizard l:15d King Oak ..1:20 h One Mile. 4-23 Biography ..l:44b 4-23 Royal Cmad1:44 h 4-15 Big Beau ...1:48 h 4-20 Roustabout .l:49b 4-20 Mister Gderl:49b 4-23 Star Shadow.l:45 h 4-23 Prince Abbt.l:46h 4-22 Ship Execvel:45 h Wise Prince and Star Porter went handily-together. Roustabout and Mister Gander breezed together. Ship Executive arid Star Shodaw went handily together. Biography was under restraint. Torita and Sourdine went handily together. DALLAS. Weather showery; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 29 Busy Prince. :40 h 4-22 Gracie B.... :40h 4- 14 Bie Dream. :37h 4-24 Hot Shot. .. . :38 h 4-23Cherapp .... :39h 3-23 Laro Keys.. :37b 4-22 Claremont. . . :37h Mottled .... :40 b 4-21 Donna James :37h 4-22 Main Dream :39h 4-19 Dark Devil.. :36Jd 4-20 Paymaster. . :38b 4-23 Dame Grndy :36h 4-23 Shady Gate.. :37h One-Half Mile. 4-20Aurebon .... :52h 4-17 More Pep... :52h 4-23Alamae .... :49h 4-21 MVla Agns. :51 h 3- 21 Baby Sweep. :49h 3-30 Out Bound.. :52h 4- 22 Deferred . . . :50h 4-3 Singing River :52h 4-15Hammcl :50h 4-24 Tenney Bell. :54 b 4-17 Hh Bottom. :52b 4-22 Uluniu :54b 4-23 Just High... :58 b 4-7 Val J :49h 4-23 Jean Brown. :51 h 3-18 Wild Reigh.. :49h 4-22 Miss Chiniqy :54 b 4-13 Yancey :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 27 Edith W....l:06h 4-22 Meany 1:09 b 4- 16 Fort Avenue1:04 h -4-22 Tombereau .l:08b 4-22 Ms Corinne.l:05h 4-6 Zorana 1:09 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-21Amscray ...1:18 h 4-21 Ruth Jelinekl:21 b 4-23 Bold Lover.1:14h 4-23 Racketeer . .l:18h 4-23 Easy 1:16 h 4-22 Thistle Ray.l:28 b 4-8 Fate Youth. l:18h 4-23 Whizz Jamesl:17 h 4-22 John Bane. .1:23 b One Mile. 4-24 Biff l:43h 4-22 Coin 1:46 h 4-23 Crt au Pot1:42h 4-23 Mr. Dick... .l:48y5b Dark Devil was driving. Hammel and Deferred worked handily. Easy went a handy three-quarters. Bold Lover worked well in hand. Crout au Pot worked a good mile. Biff worked well. DALLAS. Weather rainy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 4-23Cycper :40h 4-22 Runanwin ... :39h 4-16 Kai Harri.. :40b One-Half Mile. .4,18 All Night.... :50h 4-22 Plucky Jack. :52b 4-20CIothtop ... :53 h 4-16 Plumage .... :50 h 4r19 Flag Bearer.. :50h 4-17 Royal Leon.. :53 h 4-23Hokuao .... :50h 4-22 Stout Boy. . . :55h 3- 4 Luna Mica.. :52h 3-23 The Trainer. :54h 4- 14 Mint de Mie :52h Threc-Ouarters Mile. 4-19 Kapena.... 1:18h 4-9 Sun Shadow.l:21h The Trainer pulled up lame. Plucky Jack was breezing. Royal Leon was going easily. ALAMO DOWNS. Weather rainy; track fast Three-Eighths Mid 4-24 Coil :36b 4-15 Mish Amulet :39b 2-19 Fair Joan... :38 b 4-15 Miss Cficate. :37andb 2- 27 Flabbergast . :41 b 3-31 Silk Flag... :41 b 3- 16 Foolhardy .. :40b Sergeant D.. :36 b 1- 10 Kentucky II. :37b 3-27 The Pelican. :36 2- 2 Lamp Black. :38 b 4-9 Vicki :39 b 4- 21 Little Reigh. :36b 4 -18 Whisking .. :38b One-Half Mile. Daisykan ... :52 h 4-18 My Surprise. :49h 4-23 Emery :52 b 4-19 Slavonia ... :54 b 4-22 Great Chance :50b 4-22 Sir Emerson :50b 4-22 Hannah Anne :50 b 3-31 Topeka .... :54 b 4-18 Moving On.. :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-1 Earth Shkerl:04 b 4-23 Robert S. .. .1:05 b 4-19Lepidus ...,l:04b 4-22 Unmon Goldl:03b 4-13 My Sylvia... 1:02 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-22Broadsie ...1:18 h 4-22 Olepal .....1:21 b 4-18 N. Kuhlman.l:18b The Pelican was breezing. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eiqhths Mile. 3- 23 Dark Thatch :40 b 4-23 Wee Tune .. :36 d 3- 18 Sun Sweep . :38 h One-Half Mile. 4- 22 FlygGypsy . :49d 3-30 Photography :51b 4-16 Harem Qun :51 b 4-24 So High ... :50b 4-19 King Saxon . :50b 4-24 Star Fire ... :53 b 4-22 La Junta Wc :50d 4-22 Zulu Lad :49jb Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Baby Chard 1:02d 4-23 Queen Vic .1:04 d 4-22 Jimmy H....l:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-22 Brt Flame .l:16d 4-21 High Image l:15d 3- 30BoliIee l:15d 4-22 Recital l:16d 4- 22 Biddy Gal ,l:15d One Mile. 4-22Dundrum ...1:50 b 4-23 Scotch Sdier1:44d 4-21 Desert Sandsl:42d 4-13 Scara Glen .1:50 b CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths JWile. Bit of Sorrw :35 h 4-22 Ly Mtrose. :40 b 4-21 Bon Centime :38 b Ms Grecnck :37h 4-23 Busy Jay.... :39b 4-16 My Louellen :36d 4-17 Bell of Mwy :39 h. 4-20 Miss Eternal :36b Cool :37h 4-22 Mniht Flyer :40 b 4-20 Caliban :36h 4-19 Ottaman.... :36 h 4-21 Chiltex :37b 4-20 Out Put :36b 4-24Doran ..... :36h 4-22 Peter J. Peel :40 b 4-20 Dido . :39h Rebekah ... :40 b Hpy Rhink :37h Sph Victory :40 b 4-18 Jn B. Bhey :37h Skip It :37b 4-16 Jane F .. :41 b Threadneedle :40 b 3-18-Just Buck... :39 b 4-17 Uncle Less.. :40 b 3- 15 Lillian Uhl.. :38 b 4-22 Wild Gus... :37 h One-Half Mile. 4- 12 Bbn Prince :50b 4-23 Mouse Trap. :54b 4-16 Baboo :49b 4-20 Miss Twinkle :52andb 4-19 Byrdel :50h 4-21 Mary Seibert :52 b 4-17 Bert Rejd... :53 b 4-21 Miss Wise... :49 b 4-22 Ben Bernie. :51h 4-22 Pancoast.. . . :48h 4-24 Bichloride... :50h 4-20 Pana Franka :50b Calmica .... :50h Price Fellow :49h 4-22 Crinoline ... :50d 4-15 Rubio ;48b 4-19 China Gal... :49h 4-17 Royal Rover :53h 4-20Cheerus .... :49b 4-22 Real Jam... :49 h 4-20 Fever Yours :49b Schuie :51b 4-17 Fair Etliel... :51 h 4-22 Sasquatch .. :51 b Glynna :49h 4-18 Sun Captor. :53b 4-12 Hasty Hanna :50h 4-20 Torolee .... :49b 4-14 Hit and Run :51b 4-20 Trouper :50h 4-14Lanquo .... :52 b 4-22 Ttennob .... :54 b .4-22 Long Rifle... :51b 4-18 Wise Dauter :49b 4-18Lunsford... :51b 4-22 Yenrac ..... :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-21 Aunt Myrtlel:04d 4-20 Mtainy Manl:05 b 4-22 Ay Sergeant! :05h 4-22 No Saint.... 15 h 4-22 Billy Jones.. 1:08 b 4-22 Night Flowerl:04 b 4-22 Brn Witch. 1:05 h 4-22 Oh Dave. . . .l:03b 4-14 Bluebeard.. l:01h 4-17 Pre Suliemnl:03h 4-20 Blue Lillian. 1:05 d 4-21 Pcock BIue.l:02 h 4-23Exotude ....1:06 b 4-20 Slim Rosie. .l:024ih 4-18 Gamaliel ....1:01b 4-22 Supremart ..l:03b 4-23 Gretna B.... 1:06 b 4-21 Tabitha l:08b 4-23 Mid Victornl:07b 4-22 White Top..l:05b Three-Quarters Mile. Bird FIower.l:16h 4-22 Lady Kiev. .lQh 4-20Bibboo ...l:19h 4-22 Lady Genie. .1:20 b 4-22 Bobbys Son.. 1:24 b 4-22 Mukluk ....1:20 b-4-23 Brs Buttonsl:18b 3-24 Panalong ...l:17b 4-22 Crude 1:22 h 4-20 Rosa Dear. .1:19 h 4-22 Donnahona. l:18b Sarahmond .l:18b 4-20 Diavoless ..1:17 b 4-22 Sun Boy.... 1:17 b 4-24 Eveng Gownl:17 b 4-11 Ted Clark... 1:20 b 4-21 Homer L....l:19 b 4-22 Thrh Omndl:19 b 4-21 Hour Zev...l:19b 3-28 Tearout ....l:17b 4-23Higd Downsl:18b 4-20 Where Away1:14h 4-24 Hold Fire. . .l:16h 4-22 Ykee Watersl:17b Seven-Eighths Mile. 3- 30 Beaver Daml:38 b 4-23 Naval Cadet1:34 b One Mile. 4- 24 Blue Armor.. l:424ih 4-21 Mry Go Rdl:43 h 4-24 Chanceview l:43h 4-21 Pot au Bmsl:43h 4-22 Gd Politian.l:45h 3-22 Polly Rita. . .l:45h 4-22 Lawful Miss. 1:46 h 4-23 Star Bud.... 1:47 b 4-23 L. B. WiIsonl:52b 4-24 Whiskolo... l:42b 4-22 Mah Grant. .1:48 h 4-21 Wagwood ..1:47 b Bit of Sorrow showed good speed. Bichloride worked from the barrier. Bluebeard, wearing blinkers and working with Gamaliel, went a good five-eighths. .Where Away looks and acts good. Merry Go Round showed a good effort. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. . 4-19 Blondsure .. :36h 4-22 Lady Pal... :39 h 4-24 Edith Walker :39h 4-22 Novette .... :39 h 4-20 El Bandido. :38 h 4-21 Speed Queen. :40 h 4-24HoIdum Brn :40h 4-22 Sis Blaze.... :39 h 4-21 Judge Leer. :36h One-Half Mile. 4-22Coflier ..... :52h 4-22 Marks Girl.. :52h 4-15 Hennessey .. :51h 3-9 Top Tax.... :50h Five-Eiqhths Mile. 4-22 Baby Stare.. 1:02h Judgs Vdictl:08h Balcd Bgetl:08h 4-17 Knights Hpel:04h 4-22 Green l:05h 4-20 Mr. Sponge.l:06h 4-22 Johnny O... 1:06 h 4-21 Short Hand.. l:06h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-22Charlie Jr...l:16h 3-26 Smooth ....l:19h 4-24 Foggy Night. l:164ih Shonna ....l:16h 4-24 Isaiah l:16b 4-24 Whgdoodle .l:21h 4-22 Mpheys Lk1:16 h 4-15 Wittekind . .l:18h One Mile. 4-16 Amn Prince.l:50 h 4-24 Durga l:48?sh 4-24 Dixit 1:48 h Murpheys Luck, Shonna and Charlie Jr. went well together. Murpheys Luck was the best. Baby Stare went very handily. Isaiahs and Foggy Nights works were very impressive. Lady Pal worked exceptionally well. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Chancery ... :39 b 4-19 Miss Mment :38 h Flavor :35h 4-23 Open Range. :35h 4-17 Hoops :39 b 4-17 Sorrow .... :38 h 4-19 Lady Higloss :38h 4-23 Spicy Bit.... 36h Microbe .... :35h One-Half Mile. Dojo :50h Minstrelette. :50h Hollyrood .. :47 d 4-23 Whopper ... :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-21 Apprehend ..1:00d 4-23 Hindu Queenl:03 h 4-21 Doorkeeper .l:04h 4-19 Love Lost..l:01h 4-19 Douceur ...llh 4-20 Thorson ....1:03 h Hellespont ..l:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-19 Any Chance.l:17 h 4-22 Crked Lane.l:17 h 4-20 Armstrong ..1:16 h 4-22 Ladysman ..l:17h 4-22 CleanOut... 1:18 h 4-19 LShinS Sun.l:17h 4-22 Mock Turtlc.l:17h 4-22 Roman Pch.l:14h 4-22 Pomys Pillarl:18 e 4-22 Semaphore .l:15h 4-23 Pompegret . .l:17h 4-20 Truepenny ,l:14h One Mile. 4-20 Astra 1:47 b 4-23 -Somebody ..1:43 h 4-23Coequel ....1:42 h 4-23 Sanctity ...l:444h 4-14 Good FIavor.l:40h 4-24 Sparkdale ..l:43h 4-14 Gay Monch.l:40h 4-24 Tribunal ...1:47 b 4-23 Kievex 1:43 h AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Fra- Diavolo. :36h 4-19 Sir Beverley. :35 h Mephisto ... :36h 2-8 Spanish Title :38 d One-Half Mile. 4-19 Philippi Boy :49 h White Ckade :48h Royal Fox,. :48h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23 Ted Husing.l:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. -4-22 Cap Pistol.. 1:31 h 4-19 Omaha .....1:28 h 4-23Gallt Princel:28 h 4-17 Single Brig. .1:28 h ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather showery; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-22 Hsome Hal. :39 b 4-23 Lady Federal :39 b 4-22 Irish Image. :40 b One-Half Mile. 4-23 AH Devil.... :50 h 4-19 Lady Carrot. :52 h 4-15 Best Buck. . :50 h 4-19 Pty Patricia :52 h 4-17 Empty BotUe :49b 4-9 Unlawful.... :49h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Southard... 1:21 h TANFORAN. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Amalthea ... :37b 4-23 Del Palatine. :38b 3- 15 Barbadoes .. :38b 4-12 Eddystone .. :38b 4- 5 Beeson ..... :38 b 4-19 Easter Tmy. :36b 4-4 Baby Banc.. :39 b 3-20 Gabbo :35h 4-3 Dodie :38b 4-11 Guidelight .. :37b 4-22 Kent ...... :36b 3-29 Riposa .... :36h 4-12Leonie :38 b 4-20 Sir Wag.... :36b May Roam.. :37 b 4-17 Take It Easy :37b 4-226rra :37b 4-13 The Bailiff .. :35h One-Half Mile. Altena :50b 4-6 Pce Heather :54 b .4-10 Frisky Matn :50 b 4-23 Sp.icson .... :54b 4-1 Ikard :50b 4-21 T. Triumvir.. :50b 4-20Listo :51b Vagabond :52 b 3- 13Mumsle .... 51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 23 Beadwork ..l:04b 4-21 Risky Misi. 1:02h 4-14 Gene D l:04b 4-23 Sone Hit...l:05b 4-19Gerti l:05b Sycamor ..l:05b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-19 Ethel Mae..l:19b 4-4 Interpreter ..1:16b 4-20 His Way....l:16h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-21 Panic BIues.l:30 h One Mile. 4-21 Black ForesM:43 h Sunny Bob.. l:53b Barbadoes was pulling to Eddystone. Orra and. Take It Easy went together easily. Sir Wag went with Riposa and stayed in on the turn. Kent and Easter Tommy wore blinkers and went evenly together. Gabbo, without blinkers, kept up wtih The Bailiff. Mumsie could not keep up with The Triumvir. Listo pulled up more sound than heretofore. , . Frisky Matron was only cantering. Song Hit was restrained all the way. Gertie was snugged slightly. Risky Miss was under wraps throughout. Interpreter was under restraint all the way. Panic Blues could have gone fasterv. Black Forest was without blinkers and was well rated throughout

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