To-Day's Suburban., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-18


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TODAY8 SUBURBAN The field named to contest the Suburban Handicap today is fully up to the standard of former years and a grand contest will no doubt be witnessed by the big crowd that will travel out to the fine track by the ocean side With Ornament ImpSemperEgoyOn Deck TyphSon Typhoon II and George Keene among the probable starters the western horses seem likely to make a strong bid for the big event and there will be a lot of disappointment out in this section if one of them does not carry it off offIn boffin In the antepost gatepost betting in New York yester ester ¬ day Ornament was a strong favorite a position fully warranted by his very easy victory in the Brooklyn Handicap Since that race he has trained on in the best of health and condition and will no doubt be fit to run the race of his whole career this afternoon In fact it may be said there is not a horse named to start about which training reports are not of the most satis satins ¬ factory character characterThe character The fact that Imp is in the race insures that it will be run at a high rate of speed If she goes to the front as she usually does in her races it is safe to suggest that some of her opponents will be pretty well out of breath at the end of the first mile if they try to keep close up to her A mile in better than 140 is within her compass easily and what effect that might have on the heavyweights is an interesting problem The interest attaching to this race is always very great but it promises to be stronger than usual this afternoon The starters and jockeys are as follows 85 Ornament 131 Sloan 41 BenHolladay Enchilada 123 Doggett Doge DoggettOn Digestion On Deck 120 Taral Aral 6 lTyphoon Typhoon II 114 114Semper Semper Simper Ego 106 P Clay 81 Tillo Till 119 AClayton Clayton AClaytonln1Havoc ln1Havoc 117 RWilliams Williams 101 Tragedian 110 Sullivan 81 Royal Stag 114 Lewis 101 Ogden 109 Hamilton 151 Peep oDay today 110 Spencer 151 George Keene 99 Sloan 41 Imp 102 Clawson Lawson 151 fBuela fibula 104 OLeary O'Leary 151 Don dOro Dora 113 Simms Sims SimmsDoubtf Doubtf Doubt ul starter fFormerly formerly Lou Bramble BrambleIf Bramble If Fleischmanns Freshman Sons send George Keene to the post Sloan will be obliged to ride him and the owners of Ornament will be forced to secure some other jockey It is a complication that will doubtless bo settled satisfactorily in good time The odds quoted were those offered iu New York and this city yesterday NEW YORK June 17 The betting here to ¬ night runs this way Two to 1 Ornament 5 to 1 Imp 3 to 1 Ben Holladay Holland 12 to 1 Peep ODay Today Others 10 to 15 and 20 to 1 1The The best information tonight says that Typhoon II will go and that Taral Aral will ride him

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Local Identifier: drf1898061801_1_5
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