St. Louis Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-18


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ST LOUIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 1 31G Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 6165 Brakeman 7 Ill 600 6186 Jim Henry 7 Ill 580 6305 Chiswell Chisel 7 110 615 6354 CC Rumrill Unroll 5 108 625 6269 Fasig Fasting 5 108 610 6268 Serf 4 108 6388 Rausom Ransom 6 108 6186 Schedule 4 107 6354 Charley Reiff Riff 4 107 6186 Sirenia Irena 5 106 6352 Bill Dawdy Daddy 4 104 6413 Tago Tango 4 104 6269 Jim Conway 4 104 6354 Anger 4 104 Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances61142Nightgown 61142Nightgown 3 100 6139 Adowa Dow 4 100 6445 Gold Band 4 100 6413 Percita Peoria 5 100 6166 Clara Bauer 7JOO 63583Zarina 4 100 65012Miss Lizzie Tizzies 3 90 2701 Lady Chance 3 90 Third Race 1 31G Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 6413 Jim Hogg Hog 7 108 6226 Judge De Bouse Blouse 5 108 6U33Leaseman 5 108 62672Alva 6 108 6388 Skanks Shanks 4 108 6113 Bob Clampett Clamped 5 108 64l32Bob Millican Milliamp 6 108 6447 Maddalo Addable 4 107 6474 Tony Honing 4 107 64743Wecnatchie 5 106 6416 Confession 4 102 I Fourth Race IJVIile Divisible and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap6477David 6477David 6 102 64152Fervor 4 100 64772Forbush 3 92 6012 Cavalry 4 90 64462Parole dOr doer 4 88 6385 Mamie Mammies G 5 83 Fifth Race 1 13 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds St Louis Derby 5000 Added Added62942Plaudit 62942Plaudit 127 6095Pink Coat 107 4936Bannockburn 102 64452Don Orsino Orinoco 107 63083Jackanapes 109 6445 Libation 104 5690 Beau Monde 102 6110 Equitome Equities 94 Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowances6445Ed 6445Ed Farrell 115 6414 Tom Kingsley Kingly 105 6473 Veloce Felloe 103 5693 Beau Monde 103 6445 Libation 100 6473 Denial 100 Seventh Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 6447The Chemist 4 Ill 6332 Laureate 6 109 64173Baquil 4 108 6414 Mitchell 4 107 5975Muskalonge 5 107 6446 Tranby Tabby 5 106 6473 Hospital 4 104 6008 Organ Pilot 4 104 64732Hush 7 104 6477 Springtime 7 104 6331Tole Simmons 3 90 6446 Guide Rock 3 89 6444Domsie 3 83 6083 Delgado Degrade 5401 MaryZeta Marietta

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Local Identifier: drf1898061801_2_3
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