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HARLEM FORM CHART CHICAGO IIYKit Juno 17 Twentysecond Twenty day Harlom Harlem Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 p m t A Q FIRST RACE34 Mile Purso Purrs 400 3yearolds and upward Maidens I 4Jh O Allowances I d Horses Wt St M V4 M Str Star Fm Jockeys Owners O H I 5 10rjiIO 06 MISS WISE 106 4 mil IH INK shepherd G E Morgan Oo 10 12 10 10 rjiIO Rio 10Li BETHLEI1EMSTAR108 14 9H 5 4 2 Rutter Ruttier W Fields Co 10 10 10 10 Li OTREEBY TREBLY 110 9 81 81 8 3 H Martin H Hoinsohn Honshu 3 34 3 3 li ol HENRY CHANCE 108 1 2K 214 41 N Turner R Bradley 6867 6867j7j j7j 126il F GARNER 112 2 7 9 101 5 L Smith A Stono Stone 10 12 10 12 135Gj 6il SIR HOBART 108 3i 52 4 9 61 4 Caywood Cawed F J Kelly 24 3 24 135 Gj 952KiiK HOTHERSALL OTHERS 111 7 42 3 2 7 Gray T W Coulter 952 952 KiiK Kiwi REVENGE DARE 10610 101 74 G 82 WH Martin Walden Sweet 40 60 40 50 r rH H MALACHi Malachite HOGAN 108114 3 G4 5 91 VanKuren Anuran J R Thorn by 6866 liOST lOST LUIS 111 G GNKIQI GENII II 101 W Taylor J E Herron Heron 40 10040 100 60GUJO 5 73 SCORNFUL 112 8 12 11 12 111 Sheedy Seedy J Mellbush Melbas 40 60 40 60 GUJO GU r 15r 15t CLIFTON B 111 5 11 12 714125 C Sloan A McCauley 10 15 10 15 75Gl t BUENA NOTTE NOTE 106 12 13 13 13 132 Vm Jones G M Brown 40 75 40 75 Gl 41 BOB AGAIN 11113 14 14 14 14 Lilly C Hirscbfeld Herschel Co 40 60 40 60 Time 60Time 13 254 37 51r 104 118 Winner MaidPost Midmost 118Winner B f 3 by Luke Blackburn Sun Maid Post 3 minutes Start good The first four were driving hard Miss Wise was lucky She gt away flying and always had clear sailing Bethlehem Star and Treoby Trebly were both bettor than SuO Sumo Off in the first division the former could not have lost He got to Miss Wise about twenty yards out but the early effort told on him and ho weakened at the end Treeby Trebly was under the w iip ii all the way Henry Chance and Hothorsall Shorthorns had no excuses Neither seems to be of much account It was a bad Jot JotScratched Outstretched Scratched Valadoro Valuator 117 SECOND RACE 1 Blile Bible Purso Purrs 100 3yoarolds and upward Selling 1 d Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 635 ROGER B 109 4 11 12 1 13 14 Bloss Loss F C Moshier Mushier 1 1 45 45 C J2 FHESCO HENSON 109 3 K 4H 3H 33 21 J 22 Rutter Ruttier W 45W Fields Co 3 3J 3 3i ti ili ii PITFALL 109 8 56 2 2 32 3H J Hill H 3iH Sanders 4646 6 lo VICE RKGAL KIGALI 109 2K 3K GH 5i 41 4 Hart W 4646W J Smith Co 8 12 8 12 t16 CYNTHIA H 103 6K 6 5 42 510 5 L Smith W M Rogers 6767 i ONN1E LEE 63 6io R0ie J H Terrott Trot 10 12 10 12 IS71 WILL ELLIOTT 109 1 8 8 75 72 Caywood Cawed R Bradley 6767 6 73 BOW AND ARROW 90 5 2 41 7io 710 8 8 Gray T W Coulter 4545 45tWinner Time 4545Time 13i 264 39 5H 1 04 1 17J 1 45t PleasedOff Pleased Winner Ch g 5 by Sobrauje Sobriquet Pleased Off at first break to a good start Won easily second mildly driven third and fourth driv drive i jg hard Roger B was much the best All Bloss Loss had to do was to hold his head up Fresco was interfered with on the first turn but not enough to cause any difference in the result Pitfall ran an honest race Entering the back stretch he was under a hard drive Vice Regal and Cynthia both met with interference in the back stretch Bow and Arrow ran a bad race Will Liliott Lillie pulled up lame 4 Ol THIRD RACEG RACE 12 Furlongs Purse 100 3yoarolds Selling Ird Bird Horses Wt St H yz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6 312PEARL WALKER 107 2 HI I 11 li Rutter Ruttier Guy Gray 752 752 Gir Gird 752Gir 2NANNIE DAVIS 107 li 3 4 34 21 Caywood Cawed D Waldo Weald 2 2 2 2 i 13aGOOD FRIEND 107 3 2 22 22 3 H Martin James Whitten Whiten 1 1 45 1 Guil Guild HAZELDEAN HAZED 102 44 5 3 41 4H Weaver W A McGuigan Michigan 15 50 15 40 6 o2 CH1QU1TA II 107 84 9 8 7 5 Bloss Loss Grant McCall Mecca 10 20 10 15 6190 JULIA HAZEL 107 7 4 K 52 52 62 VauKuren Auburn M L Kuntz Klutz 10 15 10 15 9 X FLEEDA FLEXED 104 5 8 74 6 75 Clerico Cleric W M Kettlestring Kettles 10 25 10 20 206J89 6434 COME QUICK 109 9 74 Gi 81 8U Sbeedy Seedy Thomas Smith 10 25 10 20 6J89 QUEEN MAB AB 107 6 6 9 9 9 Lilly Mrs A Koch 60 100 60 100 Time 100Time 12 24 37 50 1 03i 1 17J 1 24 Winner ZellaOff Ella 24Winner B f by Free Knight Zella Ella Off at first break to a good start Won cleverly second with something left after an early drive third eased at the end Pearl Walner Wailer got a running start and ran a real good race This performance shows that the filly should have won her last out Ruttrr Utter rode her nicely today 1ie took her in hand on the turn evidently to test Good Friend The latter ran a disappointing race She evidently likes weight off Martin through carelessness almost lost third place with her Nannie Nannies Davis ran to her notch Tab Hazeldean Hazed Her race was a good one She bleeds Julia Hazel was in a pocket early and obliged to pull up and go around This was not her race Overweights Overweighs raceOverweights ComeQuick Comedic JJ pounds Flceda Flea J24 T FOURTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Odtt Otto a Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6403 BATTEN 114 1 11 1 11 li J Hill TC McDowell 1 3 13 14 3 6 30 ROSA L 105 5 564613THE 54 2 21 22 H Martin W W Clark 7 12 7 10 64613THE DRAGOON 108 6 66il9aNED 6 42 54 3 Shepherd W A McConnell 10 15 10 15 6il9aNED WICKES WICKS 110 2 264303MAZIE 2 55 4 4 N Turner E O Popper 4645 6430 64303MAZIE MAZIE MAZE V 95 4 463723MULVIHILL 3 3k SNK SANK 54 Flick R Bradley 10 20 10 15 63723MULVIHILL 1563723MULVIHILL 108 3 4 6 6 6 Bloss Loss J E Gushing 10 20 10 20 20Time Time 124 21 374 491 56 Winner 56Winner B c by Candlemas Candelas or Hayden Edwards Sudie Studied McNairy Centaury Post McNairyPost 3 minutes Start good Voneasilysecondcleverly The next three Were driving hard Batten held his field safe all the way although Rosa L made a strong bid on the turn Ho could have won off by himself had Hill chose Rosa L ran a much improved race She is either an in and outer or unlucky The Dragoon was obliged to take the long route He finished stoutly un ¬ der deer a hard drive Ned Wickes Wickets had bad luck He was shut off on the far turn Mazie Maze V had speed but gave it up when the pinch came Mulvihill Mulish was never a contender Scratched contenderScratched contenders Pirate Judge 110 6493 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 626 OLLIE MOLLIE DIXON 92 K K 61 720 S 3 K 21 12 124 Shepherd James Murphy 2 2 7575 62892PINAR 757562892PINAR DEL RIO 90 6 4 4K K 42 5 IN INK 22 224 Wm Jones P T Kelly 4646 Glo Gallo 4646Glo NECEDAH NECKED 107 8 51 52 61 4 3 VanKuren Anuran W 3 Fessenden Essence 10 15 10 15 63i 1563i 3INCONSTANCY 106 7 2 INK i 3u 45 Caywood Cawed M Jordan 6867 6404 PINKEY PINEY POTTER 109 2 1 32 4 7100511 Bloss Loss J E Gushing 6 10 6 10 62 6 CANT DANCE 111 INK 710 GNK GUNK 725 65 62 H Shields J G Brown Co 4 44 4 4 6il82NEWSGATHERER 111 4 3 23 25 54 750 Rutter Ruttier C P Fink 75 2 75 2 62093 JACK OF HEARTS 108 5 8 8 8 8 8 Kiley Kelley C Van Denburg Debug 20 60 20 60 60Time Time 13 26 38 51 1 04 1 17i 1 44 Winner 44Winner B f 3 by Sir Dixon Ollie Mollie Glenn GlennPost Glenn Post 17 minutes Start good Won cleverly second third and fourth driving hard Ollio Olio io Dixon was under pressure at the turn but shook Pinar Pindaric del Rio off about the sixteenth pole and d had something left at the finish At the half mile ground the filly seemed hopelessly beaten but t was lucky in getting through Pinar Pindaric del Rio ran a good race under a bad ride The boy was 1S rolling all over her in the stretch Better handled she would have made the winner extend her r ¬ self Necedah Necked as usual acted badly at the post She ran a fair race Inconstancy was killed off ff racing with Newsgatherer Newscaster The latter stopped badly in thostietuh thirtieth Ho dislikes weight The o post delay hurt his chances Pinkey Pinkeye Potter showed some speed Overweights Overweighs speedOverweights speedier Inconstancy 3 pounds 6494 SIXTH Allowances RACE34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Maidens 3 Wt St fc H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 6233THE TARCOON TEAROOM 112 54 51 52 4 H N Turner J Delong Belong 24 24 2 2 04313KING BERMUDA 108 4 34 li 22 H Martin W Oliver 1111 allitORONI California 1111allitORONI 111 3 2 3 33 31 Caywood Cawed D Waldo Weald 8 10 8 10 W71WEIRD 10W71WEIRD 108 6 1 21 24 4G Bloss Loss C Van Denberg Denver 3 4 3 34 663 CROESUS CRESS 112 9 K 12 81 71 54 L Smith S C Wagner 10 20 10 15 20C 1520C MISS HAYDEN 106 IH 4 44 5 62 Hart M Welch 15 50 15 40 40o2yj3PENSO o2yj3PENSO ROSO ROSA 106 12 101 74 G 72 Rutter Ruttier T Luckey Lucky Co 8 10 8 10 30f 0 GLEN TERRA 108 11 11 12 10 8 Donaldson Donald Rossner Crosser Bros Brows 20 40 20 30 f OtiEXQUISITE 106 7 74 61 81 9 Shepherd T F Sellers 15 20 15 20 ROSE 20ROSE RILEY 106 84 81 11 91 105 Flick J Brenock Redneck 15 20 15 20 BOYD 20BOYD 112 101 91 91 11 112 C Sloan Frank Park 20 30 20 25 1532 ORDERLX ORDER 112 2 64 10 12 12 W Martin P Corrigan 8 15 8 12 Disqualiflod Disqualified 12Disqualiflod for foul Time 13 25 37 49 1 024 1 16t Winner 16tWinner Br g 3 by Bermuda Queen Isabella IsabellaOff Isabella Off at first break to a good start The Tarcoon Garcon had something loft at the end He is a bad Liorse Loire and caused a lot of trouble in the race When straightened away Turner hit him with the i Liip Lip aud Maud ho crossed to tho thou inside Before Turner could get control of him ho collided with I iog Rio Bermuda Moroni Moronic swerved all over tho thou track above tho thou eighth pole Weird is a coward aad ad stopped badly at the end