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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART CHARTDETROIT CHARTER DETROIT Mien June 17 Tenth day Highland Park Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 230 p m TT FIRST RACI2 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses tt Ji StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6284 GAINSAY 11 11 21 It Keeble Keeled J F Laudenbergero Launderer 757 lU72 DUMBARTON ADUMBRATION 41 9 I 23 Powers W M Hendrie Henries 451 45910 6279 VOLIDA VOID 61 61 4 3 R Mason FrnefildGdwnl 5 20 15 15 63952GLEN ALBYN ABLY 107 7 7 77 7 61 4 K Flint J W Cramer Crammer 6 10 6 8 8633a 633H 633a MIDLO MILO 102 5 2i 3 32 5 Sherland Shetland J James 3 4 3 31 6395 SANTA CRUZ 103 3 3 5 7 6 P Clay W A Harper 15 20 15 20 6333 JOHN CARR 1051 8 52 42 52 7 Ross H McCarren Macabre Jr 20 30 20 25 5102 MARION STAR 102 4 8888 Valentine Bausinger Basing Bros Brows 50 100 50 100 211 214 LITTLE BEN 105 9 9999 Drouillard Roulade A T Drouillard Roulade 100 300 100 150 150Time Time 12 244 36 49 1 02 1 151 151Winnr Winnr Winner Br h 5 by Britannic Contradiction ContradictionPost Contradiction Post 18 minutes Start fair Won in a drive Gainsay spoiled four starts by refusing to break Midlo Milo was prominent in all breakaways aud Maud wore himself out Gainsay was stopping at the ond bond Dumbarton Adumbration could never get up He lost ground at the home turn turnOverweights Turnverein Overweights Overweighs Glen Albyn Abby 5 pounds John Cair Cairo 1 KVO KO SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L 0 62002 WELLE WELL R 112 4 464853AMAH 21 Si 11 H Lewis JE Seagram 85 2 8 5 21 64853AMAH 107 6 33 INK 22 P Clay W M Hendrie Henries 3736 6280 THANATOPSIS HALITOSIS 105 7 Cottrell D Stevens 40 100 40 75 634 PROSPERO 100 11 114Sd83BEN 9 7 41 J Webber R Cougdon Colugo Jr 10 20 10 15 4Sd83BEN VIKING 110 5 51 4sK 58 E James T P Hayes 2 3 2i 3 5154 JIM MC CLEVY LEVY 103 1 8 8 6i Sherland Shetland H L Martin 2 3 2 21 6398 BROWN BELLE 107 3 71 61 7 Dyment Doyen N Dyment Doyen 15 30 15 30 5807 BUCKNER BUCKERS 109 8 51 5K 8 Gallona Gallon D C Shafer 10 15 10 15 54i5 LOGAN LAUDEMNllO Laude 10 11 11 9 R Mason J Sheehan Co 30 100 30 100 6455 CRINKLE 107 2 10 10 10 Powers J James 10 12 10 12 6425 MOUNTAIN ROSE 103 9 4 9 11 Flint C Scanlon Canon 30 100 30 75 75Time Time 12i 25 37i 50i 56i 56iWinner Winner B c by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Lizzie Tizzies Pickwick Picklock PickwickPost Post 12 minutes Start good Won easily Lewis outrode outride Clay and Cottrell at the end Amah might have won with a good rider up Prospero mado ado up much ground in the last six ¬ teenth tenth Viking was cut off on the back stretch and was less than well ridden The race will do him good Thanatopsis Halitosis stopped in the last hundred yards Overweights Overweighs yardsOverweights Weller Dweller 2 pounds Amah 2 Thanatopsis Halitosis 5 Brown Belle 7 Buckner Buckers 2 Moun Mount ¬ tain stain Rose 3 tTO Otto THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 Syearolds Sterols and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6453 ONAGON CONTAGION 92 1 1 1 13 1 Valentine E J Curley Curly 15 15 5 5 0337 ASTERLING STERLING 97 7 31 21 31 2 J Moore J Dnggan Dagga 15 20 15 20 6424 EARL FONSO FONTS 93 5 4 5 21 3s Garvin Arvin Dolan Rivard Ricardo 85 31 8 5 16 5 6163 INFELICE INFLICTED 102 8 511 4 4 41 Peterman Letterman C Martin 15 20 15 20 6370 ISEN RISEN 90 6 8 8 61 51 Hyland Holland T Costello 5655 6486 LOORAM LORA 99 3 2 31 51 62 Powers G Hendrie Henries 4544 6487 FESSY ESSAY F 105 2 7787 Cottrell W Fields Co 5544 6205 CHIQUITA CIRCUITAL 101 4 G G 7 8 Flint T H Smith 8 15 8 10 6l2t FARM LIFE 1UU 9 9999 Lawrence G H Hammond 8 30 8 30 64242STORM QUEEN 103 10 10 10 10 10 Walsh W Landsberg Lindbergh 15 15 8 8 8Time 15Winner Time 12t 23 361 49i 1 02i 1 15 QuicknessOff Quickness Winner B c 3 by Onondaga Quickness Off at first break to a good start Won easily second driving Onason Monsoon made a runaway race of it Fefsy Feoffs F had no speed Was badly ridden Earl Fonso Fonts was stopping at the end Asterling Sterling was hard ridden in the run homo He stopped but came again in the last sixteenth Overweights Overweighs sixteenthOverweights sixteenth Asterling Sterling 2 pounds Fessy Essay F 1 Farm Life 4 T Tf V FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 230 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L I 64002CHANG 92 3 31 21 11 11 R Mason G Patterson 6766 6428 PEARL 100 4 46154NICaOLAS 6s 31 31 2n Reitz Ritz H H Stover Stove 2323 6154NICaOLAS 115 1 164i8 11 11 22 33 Knapp E Slaughter 64i8 FAY BELLE 110 2 261S9 8 51 41 46 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 6867 61S9 MAZEPPA MAZE 105 7 77 SSK SASK 5i Crowhurst Cowherbs R Rome 6 10 6 8 63112 SKILLMAN SKILL 39 5 56421SISTER 62 68 McQuade Maculae H McCarren Macabre Jr 6 8 6 7 6421SISTER MAMIE MAMMIES 97 5 2 4 7 7 Valentine R F Meyers Meyer 50 60 50 60 6171 PISA 104 8 4 = K 888 Warren J J Merdian Median 75 150 50 100 Time 100Time 121 24i 361 491 1 01i 1 141 141Winner Winner B c 3 by Potomac Lady Primrose PrimrosePost Primrose Post 11 minutes Start good The first two were driving Skillmau Skill got a poor ride McQuade Maculae got him messed about and cut off on the back stretch and far turn Nicholas hung when it came to a drive in the stretch Chang was drawing away the last fifty yards Pearl finished strong on the stretchScratched stretches outside She lost ground swinging into the stretch Scratched Marietta II 97 K 1 I FIFTH RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6113 Hittick64592TRAVELER ROY L CHOICE 108 3 1 11 13 13 12 Sherland Shetland J E Hittick Haiti 6 20 6 20 64592TRAVELER 00 4 5 R 5i 31 32 2 R Mason J C Ferris Jr 852 8585 6459 DISTANT SHOT 105 7 23 22 22 22 35 Powers Adam Beck 4545 6283 Costello64263SIR JAMES MUNROE MONROE 100 5 31 3 42 43 40 Hyland Holland T Costello 30 60 30 50 64263SIR FRED 110 1 41 42 53 52 58 P Clay F D Collins 8 15 8 15 6368 Davis64593L TASCO TACO 105 6 7 61 6 61 6 Keeble Keeled J F Davis 50 100 50 75 64593L B 104 2 8 7 7 7 7 Flint A T Brown 3434 649 DON CLARENCIO CLARENCE 102 8 6 8 8 8 8 Weber MrsFJ Mrs Kittleman Skittle 2 3 21 21 081Winner Time 121 251 361 50 1 03 1 16 1 29 1 471 1 55 2 081 Winner B h 5 by Hindoo Indoor Kisseneen Kissinger Off at first break to good start Won ja easily second driving Royal Choice made a run ¬ away race of it He was never in trouble Traveler and Distant Shot fought it out all through the stretch The former got the place in the last stride Throw out Don Glarencios Latencies race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Onalaska Koalas 105 Barney Adler 101 101Overweights Overweights Overweighs Sir Fred 5 pounds L B 5 6512 SIXTaInd Sixteen SIXTa SIXTH Sitar RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 64562STORM KING 110 1 31 32 31 11 Flint W LandsbergCo2 21 2 115 6456 OLD SAUGUS AUGUST in 2H 21 23 Shorland Holland J O Gray 6456 THE DUCHESS 100 3 2H 1 1 32 P Clay N Dyment Doyen 1111 62042 WORDSWORTH 102 2 4444 Powers Adam Beck 6 10 B 8 Time 13 24i 49 1 01i 1 141 Winner 141Winner GrenadinePost Grenadine Blk Balk c 4 by Whistle Jacket Grenadine Post 4 minutes Start good Won with first two driving hard were UUBUtwere Unuttered pumped out the first half Storm King rated along to the stretch when JWL30 he UUUvx came with UUBUt Rubout a rush yardsScratched He was drawing away the last fifty yards Scratched Hazel Green 110 Nimrod Imo 105 Reprieve 105