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HIGHLAND PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wet Hdcc Dc 6487 Nover Mover 5 121 662 6199 Solid Silver II 5 117 635 6356507Gairisay 6507Gairisay 5 114 668 6486 Nimrod Imo 5 114 670 1309 Folder ol 4 107 655 1838 Kas Keas 3 103 658 1577 Seidenbach Semidetached 3 103 640 6395 Upper Ten 7 101 660 6338 Tokio Tokyo 3 101 672 1818 Lavina Latvia 3 101 642 6424 Hermann the Great 3 98 645 645KateMcCullom KateMcCullom 3 97 6311 Annie Lauretta Laurent 3 96 655 6454 CaddieC Caddie 3 96 675 6484 Fontumka Fontana 3 96 650 5219 Onzeca Bonze 3 88 665 66563663Scraps 63663Scraps 3 98 648 648Second Second Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horse color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp6455Te 6455Te rm Day 113 670 670Ed Ed Roth ch c by Kantaka Kanaka Fhrt Frt 113 Reed br c by Bishop Octa Octal Reed 113 6310Revanua 113 63652Miss Meade 110 Triune b f by Rowland Triplet 110 6427 Pet Scott 106 64272Nervura 106 6367 Oak Maid 100 64553Topaz 103 6455 Fred Perkins 101 6427 Granby Grabby 101 Third Race1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 6511 James Munroe Monroe 5 108 6456 Nero 10 108 6511 Tasco Taco 10 108 6487 Gracio Gracie C 7 105 6487 Helen H II 5 106 6488 Rolandis Roland 4 104 63662Barney Adler 4 104 6335 Kenosha 4 102 64243Jessarnine Porter II 3 93 6366 Sifter 3 92 65093Earl Fonso Fonts 3 92 6488 Simon D 3 92 Chara Charta Belle 3 90 6424TessieL 3 87 Fourth Race 58 Mile Banner Stakes 1000 Guaranteed Guaranteed2yoarolds 2yoarolds Allowances 6425Espionage 115 6367 OakMaid Osaka 115 5977Laurentian 118 64582McCarren 113 64423Pell Mell Nell II 113 Fifth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling64876nalaska 64876nalaska 5 Ill 6459 Rockwood Rockweed 4 110 6400Stray Step 4 110 6283 Otto H 4 110 6426Arrezzo 4 110 63993Frank Jaubert Jabber 5 103 6511 Don Clarencio Clarence 4 105 6159 Rifle 4 105 3079 Vincent S 3 105 6243PopDixon 4 105 64863Belzara 4 105 6400TheMonon 3 101 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances55582Headlight 55582Headlight 5 119 99012Flying Dutchman II 6 119 6368 Brighton 4 114 6454 Jennie June 7 109 64843Takanassee 4 107 6454 Carlotta C 4 107 6429 Lady Irene 3 106 6tS4Leunep 3 106 6484 Tally Ho 3 106 6488 Jim Megibben Negligent 3 103 61883Horace 3 101 64842 Judge Wardell Waddell 3 98