Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-18


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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY June 1 7 Eighth day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather showery track fast Presiding Judge L P Tarloton Tarlatan Starter J J Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 30 p m JOpr Japer FIRST RACE1 11 0 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses t St Vi M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O Hv L C 63773LYLLIS 100 3 21 li IK 21 H Britton Briton Grater Bros Brows 2 2 6436 ELSINA BELINDA 95 6 8 31 21 14 22 C Clay Hickoy Hickory Bros Brows 3 34 3 3 6377 DR PITTS PITS PITTS64362PAROS 102 8 6 62 41 32 S K Vandusen Bandsmen C 3C Rico 6767 64362PAROS 104 2 7 7 7 44 48 Conley Coney J 6767J W Carroll 85 85 75 75 6436 LADY CLYDE LYE 95 5 3 4 51 54 52 Southard Southward J 75J H Kuntz Klutz 60 60 60 60 6406 FREMONT FREMONT640G3ZOLO 100 1 1 2 3K G2 62 Nutt Mutt Scoggan Slogan 60Scoggan Brc Rc Bros Brows 12 15 10 15 640G3ZOLO 97 10 5 5H 62 7 7 Dupeo Dupe George 15George J Lc Long 5656 6379 COURTESY COURTESYGS79 102 7 9 8 8 8 8 Zeno Zen H 5656H A Allan 60 100 GO 75 GS79 DOMINICA 97 9 10 10 9 9 9 Gaddy Grady F 75F W Joplin 100 100 100 100 5391 GRAHM GRAM MONTRSE102 4 41 9 10 10 10 A Jones L J Haas Has 20 30 20 25 Time 25Time 214 50 J 1 17 1 30 1 42 1 494 494Winner EliteOff Liftoff Winner B f 4 by Charaxus Caraculs Elite Off at first break to a good start Won in a hard drive next three also driving Lyllis Allis fal fail tered termed in the stretch but came again Elsina Messina might have been first with a stronger boy Dr Pitts Pits ¬ and Paros Pros were coming fast Fremont showed speed for six furlongs but could not last Overweights Overweighs Paros Pros 4 pounds Courtesy 2 Graham Montrose 5 J496 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yoarolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M J 2i StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C S2953GLAD HAND 112 4 42 33 2 1 Barrett Barrette J B Lowman Plowman 5555 li493MAYME 5555li493MAYME M M 102 5 8 6 51 2 J Mathews H B Durham 852 852 f378MAY BE SO 107 1 12 IH IH 34 Everett Clay Woodford Woodward 24 3 2 3 64G72SIS VIC 104 6 2 2 32 4 Conley Coney B G Thomas 21 3 24 3 6410 MARCHMONT MARCH 107 2 5 54 61 54 Nutt Mutt G D Mastiu Mast 15 20 15 20 64WRAMLET 102 7 61 7 7 6 Dupee Dupe George J Long 7777 6i372LELA MURRAY 102 3 34 43 4 7 Britton Briton W T Sellers 12 15 10 12 MISS PATRON 102 8 7888 BeauchampT Bacchant W L VanMeter Ammeter 15 20 15 20 Time 20Time 124 24 364 49 102 EnquiryPost Enquiry Winner 102Winner B f by Deceiver Enquiry Post 10 minutes Start fair Won with first four driving hard May Be So got two lengths the best of the start but could not last Boy on Mayme Mayer M M made her run too late She could and should have been closer up Lola Murray stopped after the first quart r Ramlot Camelot did not run up to the notch notchScratched Scratched Bezique 107 Thesis 107 Louisville Belle 107 Overweights Overweighs 107Overweights Sis Vic 2 pounds i A O n THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse S300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horsos Horses Wt St M y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5785 COMMERCE 99 3 2 2 2 25 12 Everett W Perkins 6321 CAIUS CLAUS 103 4 12 15 4 l 210 Barrett Barrette W L Smith 2 4 2 3 58132DR STEWART 99 1 4 4 3 3 310 Nutt Mutt G Hume 2222 6106 SNAKE 96 6 52 55 42 43 40 Dupee Dupe H R Ward 85 2 8585 6156 TEULON TOULON 1064 2 6 6 6 6 51 J Davis A Duffy 12 15 10 12 4588 DIRECT 103 5 32 31 5 52 6 J Perkins II L J D Stevensl2 15 10 12 42iWinner Time 12Time 25 50 1 154 1 29 1 42i PufferPost Puffer Winner B c 3 by Tenny Teeny Puffer Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second ridden out Caius Carious tried to run away from the others and pumped himself out in the effort He was stopping badly in the stretch Commerce was held in reserve and had a lot to spare at the end Snake and Dr Stewart were too far out of it after the first half to close the gap Direct was speedy for a half mile only Scratched Bon OFallon Fallen 93 Gar Avon 99 Carl Holland 107 OvorweightsTeulon Overweighs 107OvorweightsTeulon 34 pounds RXK5IWI 1 llGMiles Algiers Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 6382 DONCELLA DONNELLEY 105 1 3 11 1 114 12 Nutt Mutt C F McLean CLean 2 34 2 3 6382 HID AGO 103 4 61 64 63 44 22 Vandusen Bandsmen L W Hoyt Hot Co 10 12 10 12 64382THE PLANET 100 3 2H32 21 22 32 Southard Southward J H Smith 63823LIEW ANNA 100 2 5 51 34 3 42 Britton Briton B Martin 3 4 2 2 686763793CALLEEN 6377JZUFALL1G 107 7 8 7 53 53 55 Conley Coney W F Schulto Schultz 6867 63793CALLEEN 95 6 42 2 43 65 68 C Clay J N Webber 4 5 34 4 6441 SKYLARK 107 8 1 44 7 7 7 BeauchampL Bacchanal FLanney Fanny 4 5 34 4 6184SIR EBONY 107 5 7 8 8 8 8 Thompson D L Moore 5656 5656Time Time 24t 49 1 15 1 284 1 41i 1 484 Winner 484Winner B f 4 by Duke of Montroso Montrose Spinster Post SpinsterPost Spinster 10 minutes Start good Won easily It is hard to account for Doncellas Downplays improvement over her last race Hidago Hidalgo closed a big gap It was too far for Liew Lie Anna Galleon did not run up to her mark She was all out after going half a mile Overweights Overweighs mileOverweights middleweights Hidago Hidalgo 3 pounds 6499 FIFTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 113 2 2 2 22 11 J Mathews H B Durham 2323 105 4 42 42 4 21 BeauchampBakor Gentry 1 1 451 t 1063813QB3TIN 322 PRESS KIUBALL KIMBALL 103 3 13 13 12 32 Conley Coney C Williams 8 10 8 10 63813QB3TIN 1059302LOST ATE SIMON 100 6 61 61 52 45 Britton Briton H A Allan 10 12 10 10 59302LOST TIME 113 1 32 32 3 34 54 Overton Overtone H T Griffin 3534 1263223THE ROCKLAND ROLLAND 3534ROCKLAND 105 5 51 51 61 68 Graham L P Tarleton Carleton Co 12 15 10 12 63223THE 6655TIMON NORSEMAN 108 7 777 J2 Barrett Barrette W M Wallace 6655 TIMON LIMON 75FURO 105 12 8888 Watson George J Long 30 100 30 75 FURO FRO 105 9 9999 Dupee Dupe S K Hughes Co 6 8 5 7 5203 FIZZLE 102 8 10 10 10 10 Nutt Mutt S S Brown 15 30 15 25 5928 2063302QADSDEN JOE ZARRA ARRAS 97 11 11 11 11 11 Sutherland T B Jones 15 30 15 20 63302QADSDEN 110 10 12 12 12 12 Everett W S Barnes 8 15 8 12 12Time Time 124 24 37 56 BellePost Belle Winner Ch c by Pardee Parsee Cora Belle Post 10 minutes Start straggling Won ridden out second driving Paca Paccar was the best although ho had to be shaken up to win Prince Dudley did well for a green colt Will be dangerous hereafter Press Kimball ran an improved race but is an uncertain quantity Lost tened tensed Time beat the flag but could not sustain the pace he set Fizzle is most appropriately chris ¬ K f SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling 6382 VIRGIE VIRILE O 91 7 43 42 3 14 12 Dupee Dupe J S Lancastar Lancaster 2 115 2 11 5 5876 REY FREY DEL MAR 110 2 61 61 52 44 24 Vanduson Anderson C Rice Co 15 20 15 20 6237MOTILLA 105 1 31 34 42 3 3 Nutt Mutt C F McLean CLean 8 10 8 10 64412SUYDAM 106 3 21 21 21 2 41 Conley Coney Schulte Schultz Vanco Vance 2 2 2 24 6323CHARINA 112 5 7 7 6 62 53 Overton Overtone T Murphy 2 2 2 2 61363ROYAL DANCE 103 8 8 8 7 7 62 C Clay J R Hughes Co 10 15 10 15 63802POSSUM 102 4 15 15 14 52 7 BeauchampS Bacchants Williams 6 10 6 10 6241 MISS FRANCES 105 6 5 5 8 8 8 Huston Houston L F Lanney Lane 20 25 20 25 Time 25Time 241 49i 1 15 1 28i 1 42 Winner B f 3 by TrafalgarLady Trafalgar OFallon Fallen Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily the next four wore driving hard Virgio Virgo O was much wasmuch was the best and came without effort away Possum shot his bolt making a runaway effort Motilla Amontillado ran her race Charina Carina had no speed Suydam Sudan tired at the finish Rey Frey del Mar was a good horse at the end endRnrntrhnfl Rnrntrhnfl Pan nhnrrv innerve QR Ma Jn

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Local Identifier: drf1898061801_3_2
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