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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST rOUIS roguish MO June 17 Thirtieth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 30 p m 6501 FIRST Allowances RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Maidens Ind Indo Horses Wt 3 St H yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O B 6387 ZORRAZO I 112 2 11 11 11 13 Lendrum Lender H Reicho Reich 15 20 6 7 6412 MISS LIZZIE TIZZIES 96 6 31 22 21 28 Frost T J McHale Chalet 4 6 3 41 6328 SAN SABA ABA R 101 11 8 42 48 31 Snell Smell F M Arthur 15 30 15 20 6352 GRACIA GARCIA QUI VIVE 96 3 42 32 31 41 Gormley Grimly J Studdiford Studio 10 40 10 40 VIOLIN 98 5 7 8 7 51 Mays M P Mattingly Matting 50 50 20 40 6444 BEQUEATH 104 12 12 9 8 61 Combs A Cahn Can 3 4 3 31 6242 BRIGHTIE BRIGHTEN B 96 13 13 61 61 7 Lines V Heard 8 20 8 15 3021 AUCTIONEER 103 9 51 51 51 8 Furr Furor CavanaughCadyS Cavanaugh 50 8 40 6078 DRUGGIST 101 10 1058852SPINNAKER 11 11 10 9 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 5856 58852SPINNAKER 96 4 21 71 9 10 T Leigh Brown Ward 4846 6330 SIR WAYMAN ARYAN 98 7 10 13 13 11 C Murphy C C Mafiltt Affil 40 200 40 150 1362 PNCE PONCE BISMARCK 109 1 9 12 12 12 Hinkey Hinkle Lazarus HanleylO Haley 30 10 30 1493 PINOCHLE 101 14 14 15 14 13 H Hall F W Holtgrewe Shoetree 10 30 10 30 6308 ALCIDES HALIDES 98 16 16 14 15 14 Gilmore A Conrad 40 100 40 60 5995 T F KEELER KNEELER 111 8 71 10 11 15 R Jones J Hatchett Hatchet 10 40 10 30 6443 PRESQUE PRESUME ISLE 109 15 15 16 16 16 R Smith W A Bennett 50 20050 200 6412 QUEEN ABANA CABANA 96 Le Left at the po = t Kano Kao A C Bernays Betrays 20 200 20 50 5Q Time 5QTime 25i 52 1 06 1 20 Winner B c 3 by Iroquois Bricabrac Briar BricabracPost Post 12 minutes Start fair Won in a mild drive second cleverly It was a common lot Miss Lizzie Tizzies looked to bo a sure winner at tho thou head of the stretch Zarrazo Carrizo thought had some ¬ thing to spare and drew away nicely at the eud feud San Saba Samba R closed strong Spinnaker and Auctioneer badlyScratched backscratcher tired early Zarrazo Carrizo was at a false price Bequeath was off badly Scratched Surveyor 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs Auctioneer 5 pounds jUJKAvJ SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances nd Horses Wt St J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6383 BESSIE EVVING REVVING 105 3 32 11 12 li Gilmore M P Mattingly Matting 15 40 10 20 6383 LADY MEMPHIS 105 1 157902IRIS Iu 51 32 21 T Burns JWSchorrSon Washers 20 30 15 25 57902IRIS 109 2 24 21 21 31 Foucon Soupcon J Huffman 1 11104545 6161 CHANCERY 108 5 61 62 53 45 Combs J C Cahn Can 8 20 8 12 6416 RO A CLAY 105 7 5 42 42 51 Booker C B Campbell 12 30 12 25 6023 JERRY HUNT 108 6 7 7 7 61 Mclntyro McIntyre B Schrieber Schreiber 85 2 75 2 6353 FORT HENRY 105 4 4W 41 SNK SANK 6H 73 Frost J Hatchett Hatchet 6 10 6 8 W C DALY DAY 105 9 9 8 8 88 Vancamp Vance T F Timmons Simmons 75 100 75 100 6353 H R JONES 108 8 8W 8999 Hall J B Dearing Daring Co 25 50 25 30 W C BLAND 105 10 10 10 10 10 Snell Smell J S Payne 25 75 25 50 Time 50Time 13 25f38i 521 106 Winner Ch f by Loyalist Marionette MarionettePost Marionette Post 9 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Bessie Ewing was the best Iris had no excuses She stopped to nothing in the going The winner reveled in it Lady Memphis ran an improved race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Condock Condo 108 Tobe Toe Paine 108 Thisbe This 105 Manilla Manila 105 Mona B 105 Overweights Overweighs Iris 4 pounds 65O8 Tfm Fm THIRD KAOE KAO 6 13 Furlongs Parse StOO TOO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O fl L C 6272 REBEL JACK 93 7 8 9 61 li li T Burns T E Nolan 2 31 95 3 6192 XALISSA OXALISES 94 5 52 55 4u 31 2 T Leigh J Huffman 5 dO 4 8 6384 EM P JOSEPHINE 8810 10 10 42 33 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 60 75 15 20 6443 GASPERONE GASPER 103 1 2 31 2 21 42 Lynch D Henley 4545 5219 DEMOSTHENES REMOTENESS 90 6 61 7 9 6 58 Gormley Grimly G W Yelverton Telethon 25 100 25 75 6447 OUR BISHOP 101 3 41 43 7 7 61 Combs F Garner 85 2 65 65 6244 AUNT MARY 99 2 32 2n 33 5i 72 Rebo Reebok W Mulkey Mule 12 20 8 15 3767 DRESSEN DRESDEN Gilmoro Gilmore J Dundon Undone 10 20 10 12 3430 JOAN OF ARC II 99 4 1 11 11 9 9 Frost D Hoover 50 200 25 100 6267 ALLIE SALLIE B 88 9 9 8 10 10 10 J Woods C P Kennedy 50 75 50 60 Time 60Time 7 31i 591 127 127Winner Winner B c 3 by Order Nokomis NokomisPost Nokomis Post 6 minutes Start good Won cleverly second the same Rebel Jack apparently out of it on the back stretch closed strong All of the pacemakers stopped badly Oar Bishop had enough of it at the head of the stretch Empress Josephine was off badly and was cut off on the stable turn Gasperone Gasper quit as usual usualScratched Scratched Helen Wren 101 Merry Monarch 106 Forseen Foremen 104 Can I See Em 99 Ran dazzo azoic 96 6504 FOURTH RA CIS CPIS 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 63873THE ELECTOR ELECTOR63303ABUSE 28 28 IH Foucon Soupcon Brown Ward 63303ABUSE 14 12 250 T Burns Foster Bros Brows 6415 SILVER SET 333 Hall G W Curtis Time 241 501 103J 117 117Winner Winner B c 4 by Hanover Lady Abbess AbbessPost Abbess Post 3 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving Abuse had clear sailing the first part Silver Sot could not run well in the stiff going The Elector was under a drive all the way When he got to Abuse the latter tired badly Silver Set was pulled up The Elector needs a strong rider riderScratched riders Scratched Algol 124 Harry Duke 116 pr pr FIFTH RACE5 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2jearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St K Vz 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 6383 AR LINE C 103 3 1 12 12 12 Gilmore F H Hickok Hick 6858 6383 OLLIE MOLLIE S 103 4 41 41 4 21 Snoll Knoll J S OBrien O'Brien 20 50 15 40 63833FOXEY 4063833FOXEY 103 1 21 32 21 32 T Burns Caesar Young 4433 63832RED 443363832RED PIRATE 106 2 35 22 35 43 Combs A Cahn Can 21 41 21 3 6383BULGARIAN 109 6 61 5 52 53 Foucon Soupcon O G Parke Parker 8 6 85 65 65 6383 FLORISSANT 103 5 51 61 6 66 T Leigh CCMaffitt Comfit 15 25 15 25 6416 GEORGE DUNNETT111 7 7777 Hinkey Hinkle V Heard 25 10025 75 Time 75Time 261 521 1 061 1 131 HermitagePost Hermitage Winner 131Winner B f by Leonatus Lents Hermitage Post 4 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving Arline Airline C was the best and ran well in the heavy going Foxey Foxy faltered when tho thou pinch jame Jaime Red Pirate about ran his race Bulgarian was off badly Ollie Mollie S is a fair filly She responded gamely at tho thou finish Overweights Overweighs finishOverweights Bulgarian 2 pounds George Dunnett Dunne 3 65O6 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling l3 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 64473REUBEN ROWETT107 2 48 21 21 22 11 Gorm Gorman Gorm64143RUSSELLA G H Brown 64143RUSSELLA 102 1 31 410 412 42 2 Frost W Mohn Mohan 6385 HEL EL H GARDNER 106 3 12 U 11 11 315 Snell Smell W A Kir Kirk wan 6329 JOE HART 108 4 21 31 32 32 4 Comb Comb6187C W Mulkey Mule 6187C S BUSH 107 5 5 5 5 5 56 T WiL Wail Williums Williams R E Maddox 6 8 6352 BRIGGS 101 6 6 6 6 6 6 Givens CVFaut 15 2 491Winner Time 27 531 1 21i 1 491 Winner B c 4 by Dutch Organ Ella Rowett Rowe RowettPost Post 3 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving Reuben Rowett Rowe was the best Gorman waited with him until Helen H Gardner had raced herself into submission Eussella Russell closed strong Joe Hart stopped at the ond bond ondScratchedUncle ScratchedUncle Scratched Abb Abby Ill Inspirer 107 Osric Ostrich II 107 Bishop Reed 107