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JIMMY McCORMICKS McCORMICK IDEAS James McCormick the trainer for Burns Waterhouse Warehouse dates back to the early days of tho thou Dwyers Dyers He was first prominent as a steeple ¬ chase jockey riding Problem and other good horses He was the assistant of James Rowe when this latterday Latter-day starter and presiding judge at race tracks was the trainer of Rhadaman Headsman thus the first racehorse of quality ever owned by the Dwyers Dyers a firm of brothers who after ¬ ward became the most prominent of American turfmen Turkmen but later on dissolved the senior mem memo ¬ ber beer M F being given the credit of running racing in the east through his methods of man ¬ aging race tracks tracksJimmy tracks Jimmy McCormick is an interesting person ¬ ality alit In size he is a small man with a weather beaten countenance A New York sampleroom sampler keeper of the lower strata once turned Jacob Schaefer the great billiardist billiards around and around and says he Schaefer for what you are you are the most insignificant man I ever met The same remark might have applied to McCormick But Jimmy is a man up to all matters of his trade as horse trainer and in his many years on the turf as owner of race horses has demonstrated the ability to bring a thoroughbred to the post in prime condition conditionSome conditions Some seven years ago in and around New York he was the handler of some forty horses owned by different men and he quit the east simply because when he won a race from some one of the Four Hundred there was sure to be a great hue and cry about inandout inland run ¬ ning Ming Jimmy Rowe recommended McCormick to Colonel Burns and for some years ho has been the manager for this great capitalist and mining man of SanFrancisco who with his part ¬ ner near desires to own horses that can win Tnere Terre is no string on McCormick who can buy or lease any horse he fancies fanciesSpeaking fanciness Speaking of turf matters in general Jimmy had to say Down east the race tracks are making lots of money even more than in the old days At Brooklyn recently I saw sixty bookmakers working in the free field These gentry pay 20 per day each and this amounting to 1200 materially helps out the association Maybe seventyfive seventy regular bookmakers pay 75 apiece and the general admission is 2 I understand the Brooklyn meeting cleared up 60000 Outside of New York and Chicago tho thou greatest racing point is San Francisco where in Ingleside Ingles and Oakland are two of the finest tracks in America and when accommodations for horses and horsemen aie aide considered maybe they are the finest in the world Speaking of the starting machine he said When it was first introduced in California horses were made to come up and breast the barrier thus all get ¬ ting away on equal terms The shout that arose July 4 at Washington Park over Samp Scamp ¬ sons victory was but a counterpart of that heard in California at the first trial of the start ¬ ing King machine all tho thou horses moving off together But lately the machine might as well be dispensed with as the good jockeys monkey around and will not consent to get ¬ ting away on level terms with the pickaninnies picayunish up on outsiders The conse cone ¬ quence quenched especially where a recall flag is used is that your crack jockey comes up with a rush and if not off in front immediately takes back sure of not being left at tho thou ost cost Starters play favorites that is they are sure to give the ani anis ¬ mal owned byiffitrack stockholder or prominent turfman Truman the best of the start or it not an oven thing and for as good as either a poor horseman may whistle whistleStarters whistles Starters know what the favorite is in most cases and are apt to favor the horse the money CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE JIMMY MCCORMICKS MCCORMICK IDEAS Continued from 1st Page is on This is wrong for a man game enough to play a 100 to 1 shot ought to be given an equal chance Now as to in and out running a mark is always made of some poor devil when re ¬ versals vestals have stirred up the press Did anyone ever see such cavorting as that of Don dOro Dora and Octagon Mr Belmonts Belmont horses last season Of course they were both sulkers sulkier and would run your eye out one day and be nowhere the next Still nothing was said but if an in ¬ ferior fernier man had owned this stable he would have been thrown over the fence There are a lot of reporters in the east and I suppose elsewhere who roast turfmen Turkmen continually These men are sore simply because of losing a two dollar bill the size of the bet of an average reporter The turf degener degeneracy ¬ ates Bates simply because the blame of inconsistent racing is placed wrongly The judges make a grand stand play call up the jockey and get a squad of suckers to cheer when whip and spurs are ordered on some nervous horse who then jumps over the fence fenceI fence I never knewjthe knew judges to call up the book ¬ maker and ask him whether or not he had on spurs and whip By the way jockeys and trainers must needs have licenseswhy licenses not book ¬ makers It is a well known fact that the class of this fraternity is none too high They should be made to prove their honesty before taking up the chalk and rubber To change the subject One of the first and best animals I ever owned was Firefly givonjme given by the elder Bel Belo mont He won some 108 races for me so I pen ¬ sioned sinned him and now he ambles around a lovely farm on the Hudson River carrying my friends two little girls on his back I could have sold him for 7fcO to race at Gloucester but the old boy dont don't like heavy going and I couldnt couldn't bear to have him beaten beatenBob beaten Bob Walden who is ever at the Hahnemann Hanuman Hospital is the favorite son ofjW of Walden the chief trainer of the Morris family The father is one of the loldest boldest and most prominent j trainers in the country and has a gar 1 den spot of a place at Middleburg Middlebrow Maryland Here is a training ground unequaled The Morris horses were sent there from Sheepshead Shepherd Bay and will next be seen at Saratoga Wynd Yond ham Walden is a wealthy man and in this fam fame ¬ ily idly Americans can see that which is common in England where trainers and even jockeys have been so for generations and are men of refine ¬ ment meant culture and wealth wealthMy wealthy My six head of youngsters are now at Haw ¬ thorne thorn We left the old horses that had raced all winter to recuperate in California I may go to Saratoga where under the Walbaum Album ad ¬ ministration new stand and buildings have j been erected so that now it is a hard place to beat for beauty The only place I know of that can hold a candle with Horse Haven as to fitting a horse is Milwaukee and I hope to see racing there soon