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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL July 11 Fourteenth day Washington Park Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge C H Pettingill Petting Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 D m Soiling1J iTQ iQ FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling1 J t O 400 added net value to winner 440 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third tnd tend Horses Wt St Yt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 693 LADY ELLERSLIE WELLESLEY 98 6 2 K 23 114 124 T Burns T Licalzi Laical 3 3 135X 7014 TENOLE TENABLE 105 74 3U 3H 31 2i Rutter Ruttier James Curl 5757 5576 BING BIG BINGER BINGE 108 3 44 44 4 K 34 Clawson Lawson T E Barrett Barrette 10 10 8 10 5983 CANOVA CANVAS 103 4 li I 21 4U H Martin W K Cleveland 5544 5982 MILLIE M 103 10 9 82 71 52 McNickle Canticle C E Brossman Grossman 15 15 15 15 7014 DOUSTERSWIVEL DUSTERS 107 9 624 5 5 6U C Sloan John Call 7 10 5 10 7044 4646c6261LUCY YUBA DAM 105 2 7 7 81 75 Everett E Brown 4646 c6261LUCY BELLE 103 51 5i 6 64 88 NTurner Turner LS Williams Co 15 30 15 30 5608 BLUE DAN 103 INK 8 95 95 93 Barrett Barrette W H McCorkle Cockle 10010020 25 6932 ASTOR 100 SNK SANK 10 10 10 10 Kitley Kirtle LckhartRedmn200 200 200 200 6462 FONCLIF FANCIFUL 108 Fell Hewitt J E Gushing 10 12 8 12 12Time 14Winner Time 124 241 49 1 01i 1 14 MinniePost Minnie Winner Ch f 3 by Knight of Ellerslio Sellers Little Minnie Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily the next three were driving Lady Ellerslie Wellesley was never fully extended She got away flying and had speed to loan Thib Thai filly had worked better than 1 14 and on the strength of this she was heavily played Judgine Judging from the way she won she can show well in better company Tenole Ennoble ran a better race today Evidently he likes Rutters Utters way of riding Bing Being Binger Bringer ran a good race He seemed to sulk though most of the route Canova Canoga has a lot of spe spec d but is a coward He is credited with a workout of 1 13i and was well played Millie M and Dousterswivel Dusters wore both interfered with when Fonclif Foci fell The latter ran away two miles before being caught Yuba Dam had no excuses and ran a bad race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Millbrae Millrace 108 Flo Floe Honeydew 98 Sister Adele 103 Overweights Overweighs 103Overweights Dousterswivel Dusters 4 pounds r7r7 A SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2jearolds Allowances I J 6 rfc rc 5400 S400 added net value to winner 370 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St MY K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6984 HOLLAND 104 24 33 3 2NK IN T Burns J E Madden 71071035710 6929 NED VVICKES VICKERS 108 INK 14 11 J 2f N Turner E O Pepper 10 12 10 12 6983 575769832STAMINA TU LLA LA FONSO FONTS 101 41 2t 2 34 31 Barrett Barrette J Huffman Co 5757 69832STAMINA 34VIM 107 3 45 415 450 41000 Sloan Duke Wishard Wished 4 5 34 34 VIM AND VINEGAR101 5 5 5 5 5 H Martin James Whitten Whiten 30 50 30 40 011Winner Time 40Time 121 24J 36 48i 1 011 KatnnaPost Catnaps Winner Ch c by Hanover Katnna Aetna Post 12 minutes Start fair Won in a long hard drive of two third eased at the end It was a very close finish and Holland won simply through the action of a nod He is a good game colt and earned the victory Burns was driving him from the threeeighth polo home He seems to be a loafer will favor a route and needs strong handling Ned Wickes Wickets was away flying and had a lot of speed He hung on gamely too when the pinch came It was only in the last few strides that Turner drew his whip The boy is a strong hand rider though and rode a good race Tulla Tulle Fonso Fonts acted badly at the post and ran about her race Stamina was hard ridden all the postScratched PostScript way He never could get up Vim and Vinegar threw Martin on the way to the post Scratched Souchon Soupcon 110 Cambrian 118 Overweights Overweighs 118Overweights Stamina 3 pounds rTrT retort r THIRD RAGE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling thirdInd third I j t Q 500 added value to winner 540 10 entrance 75 to second and 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 704J2INDRA 104 2 13 12112 jij jai 12 Clawson Lawson W M Rogers 4444 444469862CHARLY 69862CHARLY CHRISTY 104 INK 314 2NK 2NK 32 21 T Burns J W SchorrSon Scorers 3 3 21 21 69b43HOHENZOLLERN 103 6 4NK 32 35 2NK 31 Barrett Barrette W Boots Son 8877 70153MISTRAL II 107 S K 82 74 64 65 4 Caywood Cawed Earnshaw Earns Bros Brows 5 5 4 5 6040 MARTIN K 97 7NK 714 5n 44 44 5 W Jones P T Kelly 100200100200 7046 MUSKALONGE MUSKELLUNGE 100 9 61 6NK 74 51 68 Everett F M Arthur 10 30 10 30 66293BISHOP REED 100 4 2 4NK 5i 71 74 H Martin J Rodegap Bodega 7878 5662 BROTHER FRED 94 5 8 8 8 8 ERobertsonJohn Robertson Call 100 300 100 300 70443J H C 105 81 9 Bled Thorpe W H May Son 5544 Time 5544Time 24 49 1 14i 1 40i 1 44i HindpoJuanitaOff Winner 44iWinner Br h 7 by HindpoJuanita Off at first break to a good start Won mildly driven second third and fourth driving hard Indra Indrawn was the best This race plainly showed he should have won his last out Clawson Lawson got the horse away flying and rated him nicely in front He was tiring some though at the finish Charley Christy was right there all the way Ho made a ftrong strong bid in the stretch and about the eighth pole looked as though he would catch Indra Indrawn He tired though at the end Hohenzollern ran a good race under a poor ride Mistral II had bad luck in the race He was sharply cut off on the first turn and could never pet through He is a slow beginner and likes a route J H C bled and was pulled up Bishop Reed had some speed Martin K ran a good race He was out ¬ classed though Scratched Dorothy III 99 Dunois Dubois 102 Inconstancy 92 Roger B 98 Teutonna Teutonic 92 92r r TX VTT VT FOURTH RAl3E i Mi7e7 3 year olds Allowances 4 J 9 O Purse 500 net value to winner 470 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Yt K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6864 MONK WAYMAN ARYAN 112 SH 2 3 31124 IN Clawson Lawson TFSelleS Fuselages 7 8 7 T 695I3UARDA 107 2 INK li u INK 25 Thorpe Baker Gentry 7107103535 63312FORTE 710710353563312FORTE 112 5 5 5 5 44 3K W Martin P Dunne 2 24 2 24 69313 JOE SHELBY 112 4 4n 4 4n 5 41 C Sloun Sloan Thomas Williams 12 15 12 15 7011 OUR CHANCE 107 1 38 2U 2i 3 5 H Martin JohnHuffmanCol2 30 12 30 Time 30Time 25J 50 116141 BellePost Belle Winner 116141Winner B c by Major Richards Blue Belle Post 7 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive It happened to bo Monk Waymans Caymans turn to have his nose in front The next stride past the wire Uarda Guardia was in front The finish was a very close and well contested one Monk Wayman Cayman is game Clawson Lawson was at work on him the last three furlongs and put up a very strong finish The entire field swung wide into the stretch It looked foolish for Thorpe to pull out on the turn He was in front and seemed to be easiest Uarda Guardia wanted to stop all the last sixteenth She just staggered past the wire running Forte hardly ran his race Joe Shelby was short on early speed and could never get up Ho can do better than this too tooScratched Scratched Pingree Pongee 112 Fbnsavannah 112 H 1 H FIFTH RACE G 14 Furlongs 3yaaroIds and upward Allowances 0 9 4 Purse 500 net value to winner 480 10 entrance 75 to second 2 Ind Indo Horses Wt St H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C SJ512SAT8UMA 109 4 K 55 5 INK Caywood Cawed H E Rowell Roswell 8 20 8 6955ALHOL 117 2 K SH 3u NK 211 T Burns J W Schorl Scholl Son 85 95 75 8 5 M12 ABUSE 119 INK 12 12 1143 H Martin Foster Bros Brows 6767 70421MP 112 31 2 K 2 K 311 410 NTurner Turner D R Harness 7101 351 25862ST 35125862ST ALFONSES ALFONSO D 98 5 41 48 41 5 Everett F M Arthur 15 200 15 200 Time 200Time 24 49 1 13i 1 17 Winner 17Winner Ch h 6 by Macduff Mac Albertha Alberta AlberthaPost Alberta Post 10 minutes Start good Won driving but with something left at the end second third and fourth doing choir best Satsuma was a good horse today He was nicely ridden too Caywood Cawed waited patiently until the stretch was reached and then came through on the rail with a rush Watch tnis Tunis fellow in any company from now on Algol ran a good race He was well 1 ridden but is not good enough to beat Satsuma when the latter is fresh Abuse had a sharp turn of speed He was a trifle short though and tired badly in the last seventy yards This race will put him on edge again Imp seemed to have dulled since her sharp race with Macy Marcy on Saturday The filly had some speed but could not carry it along This was hardly her race She cannot give Satsumd Satsuma ten pounds though and beat him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Abe Furst Furs 107 Dave Waldo Weald 108 Huny Hun Burly 100 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 400 added net value to winner 400 10 entrance 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L c 7015 MARY BLACK ACK CK 98 14701DTARTARIAN 11 14 12 ie li 10 j Reiii E Wishard Wished 12 15 10 10 701DTARTARIAN 105 4 47i 23 25 23 25 H Martin T H Ryan 75 95 75 91 7i 14LlBERTINE 110 2H 2H70162MELTER 41 SNK SANK 32 324 H Shields J G Brown Co 4 5 4 5 70162MELTER 106 7 5 K 7 7 4u Thorpe W H Laudeman Laundryman 21 21 2 2 6 10 KING BERMUDA 100 54 54J0143LONE 7 6 51 SNK SANK Everett W H Snarley Snare 50 50 50 50 J0143LONE PRINCESS 103 SN SNK SANK 3 SNK SANK 50SNK 4H 414 62 52 6NK 6K Kitloy Kitley Kilo Kirtle G Lanka 15 25 15 25 6779 WH1TCOMB 105 6 61 64 S K 414 7 Caywood Cawed H E Rowell Roswell 7766 Time 7766Time 24 471591 113 Wiflnor Wifelier SongstressPost Songsters 113Wiflnor B f 3 by Islington Wilmington Songstress Songsters Post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second and third were doing their best Mary Black is a very speedy filly She has been in the habit of stopping after going five furlongs but she went the route nicely and did not seem to be the least distressed today She raced her on own courage too The boy who rode her is too small to be of any help Tartarian Agrarian could never get up He ran his race and was played too Libertine is rounding to Melter Smelter ran below the mark He was short on early speed and cau au do better The last four horses finished in a bunch close together The winner was run up to 1305 and bought in George Morphy Morph of Mexico was the runner up upScratched unscratched Scratched Cash Day 108 Afamada Alameda 98 Hindoonet Himont 103 Overweights Overweighs 103Overweights Libertine 2 pounds Meitor Mediator 3