St. Louis Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-12


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ST LOUIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Age Wt Hdcp Dc 7064 Blenheim Blenching 103 10370642Geor 620 70642Geor e Dunnett Dunne 103 630 7034 La Fayetto Falsetto 103 640 6910 Tobe Toe Payne 103 615 6997 Mr Brookwood Boxwood 103 630 6847 Jerry Hunt 103 645 6505 Red Pirate 103 650 7034 Easter John 100 600 Second Race 1 310 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7061 Upsand Upland Downs 3 107 6078 Frank Sisman Simian 3 104 70603Demosthenes 4 101 6995 Massacre 3 104 70613Dr Bernays Betrays 3 104 7061 LauraMay Laura 3 102 70602Miss Floride Fluoride 3 102 Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 6965 Travis 5 110 69942King Gold 6 110 4974 Tramp 11 107 69453Lady Callahan 4 105 70302CountFonso 4 105 6443 Dewdrop 5 105 6673 Judge Stouffer 4 105 6965 HarrieFJoyd Harried 4 103 1469 Groganette Groaner 4 103 67602Fourth Ward 3 100 7030 Attainment 3 100 68183Xalissa 3 96 4450 Wiggins 3 96 7030Verify 3 96 6965 Randazzo Rwanda 3 99 Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 7090 Forbush Forbes 96 7032Gnide Rock 97 69642Libation 97 70632 Jackanapes 97 Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling 5677 Aberegate Abrogate 112 6762 George T Todd 112 6818 Prompto Prompt 112 5919 Benvidere Envier 112 6964 Seaport 112 7030 KingOscar Kings 112 70612 Beau Monde 112 6560 Fusino Fusion 109 66763Bequeath 109 6762 Bill Jackman Packman 109 7062 Kings Pawn 109 6224 Barbee Barbered 109 7033 Imperious 109 70293Reefer 107 6963 Livadia Livonia 107 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling70312Montgomery 70312Montgomery 5 107 70622 HS Tobacco 4 108 6942 Mitchell 41C8 69913Qrgan Pilot 4 105 6945Siddubia 5 105 6967 Sorrow 3 95

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Local Identifier: drf1898071201_2_6
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