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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON CHARTERING BRIGHTON BEACH N T July 11 Fifth day Brighton Beach Bacing Backing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge R V Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 2 30 p m fTrTJk FIRST RACE 1 110 Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling End Horses Wt St V 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 70043BURLESQUE II Ill 5 21 1 IH U U Simms Sims C T Patterson 13 1313291 13 29 14 99 4 6 6 6 6 2 Moody T F Barrett Barrette Co 6 12 6 10 6277 BIN 113 3 4 51 41 21 32 Pickering L Stuart 10 40 10 40 7023 TARANTO TORONTO 111 2 51 41 51 4 4 Bergea Bergen M Bergen 10 20 10 15 7004 KING T Ill 6 31 31 3 51 51 Penn H Durant 12 15 12 15 6137 VIGENTA VIETNAM 109 1 20Time 11 2 2 3 6 Doggett Doge Gormley Grimly Bros Brows 12 25 10 20 Time 251 511 1 18 1 43i 1 501 Winner 501Winner B c 4 by Deceiver Cicily Sicily Bowling Start good Won pulled up It was only an exercise gallop for Burlesque Long Acre had no chance with bis bias jockey He was only galloping throughout Ein Erin is still short He will do at ouce ounce especially in mud Taranto Arrant is shoit shot but is only a cheap one King T is no good just now Vigenta Vietnam had speed but was short He looks good Scratched goodScratched woodcraft Rotterdam 111 111Overweights Overweights Overweighs Vigenta Vietnam 2 pounds f SECOND RACE 58 Mile 600 added 2yearolas Maidens Fillies Allowances nd Horses Wt St 1A Vt SA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L U 68542MAID OF HARLEM 109 1 7 7 51 41 IH Bergen T L Watts 3434 6920 INCANDESCENT 109 3 2 2NK 21 2 2NR 21 21 Maher John Daly Dally 10 15 10 15 70542LOITER 109 2 11 11 H U 31 Jones Sensation Stable 3534 Madden68543SACCHAR1NE HELEN THOMAS 109 9 4K 41 31 3 31 41 Simms Sims J E Madden 3534 68543SACCHAR1NE 109 4 32 SNK SANK 44 41 51 54 5i Penn C Littletield Littered Jr 4 6 4 5 6734 ANITRA ANITA 109 5 51 5n 61 6 6 Salyers Slayers Bromley Brome C Co 40 60 40 40 6733 LADY ONWARD 109 10 10 9 7 7 71 Hamilton August Belm Elm Belmont 8 15 8 12 5942 LADY EXILE 109 7 9 6 8 8 81 OLoary O'Leary C D McCoy 5 Co 10 20 8 15 5367 ReynoldCOUNTRY Reynolds CROWN 109 8 8 10 10 10 9 Garrigan Arian T L Reynolds Reynold 30 60 20 50 COUNTRY Appleby1MEENNAMARA DANCE 109 11 11 11 11 11 10 R Williams L O Appleby Apple 5 10 5 8 1MEENNAMARA 109 6 61 8 9 9 11 Irving F C OReilly Gorily 10 30 10 20 7024 WATER GIRL 10913 13 12 12 12 12 Thompson J JAMcLaughlin A McLaugl McLaughlin 20 30 20 30 SHIFTLESS 15LINDULA 109 12 12 13 13 13 13 Doggett Doge J W Driscoll Disco 10 20 10 15 LINDULA INDIA 109 14 14 14 14 14 14 Songer Sponger James Galway 10 15 10 15 Time 15Time 121 24 36i 1021 Winner B f by The Bard Ella Lakeland LakelandStart Lakeland Start fair Won driving Maid of Harlem was easily the best She is a stayer slayer and a game and improving filly She was shut off repeatedly the first half and ran very fast the last quarter Incandescent was nicely handled ran very well and finished gamely Loiter dislikes weight Was lucky throughout Helen Thomas was eased at the end Anitra Anita ran well but had no chance with the jockey up Saccharine is of no account apparently just now Lady Onward is a fine looker She wants a long race being a very slow beginner Lady Exile ran well Ineennamara was short Lindula Insular is very green and had no chance at the start Is a good looker Scratched Lady Dora 109 May Landis Lands 109 Sky fccraper 109 7O81 THIRD RACE1 Mile 600 added 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses t St K V K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O ii L C 6853DECANTER 111 3 31 32 li 13 2 OLeary O'Leary F RT Hitchcock 75 7 5 45 45 7023SONGSTER 103 7 61 51 41 43 22 Thompson August Belmont 2 4 2 31 70283GLONOINE 106 1 21121 21 31 3U Songer Sponger J Hynes Haynes Co 6 12 6 12 6302 FENETTA VENDETTA 91 6 4 41 52 51 410 Moody Walter Smith 20 60 20 40 7001 RUBY LIPS 91 2 IH IH 314 2NK 51 Maher Jere Ere Dunn 10 10 8 8 70282AURUM 106 8 8 62 61 62 63 Wapshire Washier W C Daly Dally 12 20 12 15 1981 GENARO GENRE 93 5 7 8 7 7 7 Dupeo Dupe J Hamerich Homeric 10 20 8 12 5473 TENT PIN 101 4 51 40Time 7 8 8 8 Lamley Langley J F Kneale Knelled 20 60 20 40 Time 24i 49i 115 142 Winner 142Winner B c by Deceiver Maudlin MaudlinStart Maudlin Start fair Won pulled up Decanter outclassed the field at the distance Is a good horse among better ones Was galloping under restraint throughout Songster got very bad handling but ran well and came fast at the end Glonoine Leonine was killed off the first part but hung on gamely He is a very fair colt Fenetta Vendetta ran surprisingly well but had no chance with such a jockey might have been third but for the rider Ruby Lips is still short Was smothered by Decanter after contesting a half Watch her among slower horses Aurum had no chance with his jockey 7082 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 700 added All ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M JA J St Fin Jockeys Owners OH L C 1 5288BRIAR SWEET 116 1 111 H 111 12 11 Doggett Doge W B Jennings 21 21 8585 6971 LEEDSV1LLE 107 5 4 44 5 SNK SANK 2H Maher D Gideon 6826SAILOR KING 115 4 5 5 44 41 5 3 Neville Win Jennings 6 15 6 12 69723GEORGE KEENE 118 3 33 32 32 21 4 Simms Sims Fleischmann Freshman Soas75 2 1 2 68232ORION 111 2 2NK 2 2 41 5 Tarai Tara Bromley Brome Co 3434 Time 3434Time 12i 24 38 48 114 WinnorCh Winner 114WinnorCh f 3 by Sir Modred Molded Sweet Briar BriarStart Briars Start fair Won easily Briar Sweet easily outclassed her field She is a crackerjack and is in good form Leedsville Leeds was favored by being waited with aud Maud his light weight He finished strong but swerved badly under the whip Watch for him whore he has the early speed over his field Ho likes a sloppy track Sailor King is a good colt He got away badly and had no chance with his inferior jockey yet ran a remarkably good race George Keeue Keene has had too much long racing to perform well in sprints He is good Orion is fainthearted He was undera under pull the first half and is very good He should win soon Scratched soonScratched Irish Reel 12t5 Warrenton Warren 121 Tremargo Tremor 117 Hanlon Hanson 104 Reprisal 96 Endeavor 88 7088 FIFTH RACE58 Mile 500 added 2yearolds Selling Wt St yt Yt JtrFin Trine Jockeys O H L O 6879EFFERVESCENT 107 2 12 11 13 13 14 Songer Sponger C Littlefiold Little Jr 7 10 7 8 6827JACK POINT POINT6856KIRKWOOD 110 9 9 7 7 5 2N Maher A White 852 85 85 6856KIRKWOOD 6856KIRKWOODl7000flILfcE 112 6 61 6 51 31 33 R Williams T F Barrett Barrette Co 2 1352 135 l7000flILfcE 110 7 21 22 23 21 41 Coylie Collie W H Barrett Barrette 6868 6297 SIR FLORIAN FLORIN FLORIAN6U51HEDIVER 107 5 4 4 4 41 53 Doggott Doggo F 6868F Reagan Co 8 12 8 10 10A 6U51HEDIVER 105 1 51 5116 61 61 Jackson A H D H Morris 15 40 15 30 7013 RUSSA RUSS WALDEN 107 10 10 9 8 71 OLeary O'Leary Kensico Keens 30Kensico Stable 30 100 30 60 67983CLAP TRAP 102 3 31 3 3 7 81 Jones W 60W C Daly Dally 15 60 15 50 BRAHMIN 9 9 Simms Sims J 50J E Madden 6 8 67 5497 MOUNT CLEMENS 106 11 11 10 10 10 10 Lamley Langley Taylor 67Taylor Bradley 20 60 20 40 6973 IMITATION 110 8 8 11 11 11 11 Spencer J 40J Rowe Co 12 15 10 10 Time 10Time 12i 24 36 1 02i Winner B f by Islington Wilmington Mollio Mollie MollioStart Monistat Start straggling Won easily Effervescent was lucky and very good She is quite a filly but had everything her own way today Jack Point got away badly and lacked speed He will do better He closed a big gap Kirk wood was not well handled He wants a route always Hilee Chile quit badly Ho can do better Imitation was run into the fence early Watch this horse He is a grand looker Was heavily played today and is about duo Scratched Half Time 110 Tender 105 7084 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 600 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances iVt Vt St H V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C I 7026 IRISH REEL 106 2 2 2 K 23 23 li Maher Fleischmann Freshman Sonsl Sons 31314 14 69692K1TEFOOT 92 1 12 13 12 ii 26 Dupee Dupe W Lakeland 21 31 21 31 6969 HENSATIONAL GENERATIONAL 94 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hothersall Others W C Daly Dally 10 30 10 30 Time 30Time 241 481 1 01i 1 14i 1 42i Winner Ch m 6 by Exile Round Dance DanceStart Ancestor Start good Won pulled up Reel only galloped throughout She is at hor Thor best Kitefoot Bitterroot pulled classScratched up bleeding Sensational belongs among a cheaper class Scratched Ben Ronald 116 Don dOro Dora 111 Dr Catlett Cattle 109 Premier 109 Tinge 109 Nosey 99 Handsel Handel 99 Latson Larson 99