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MR WILLIAM EASTON V WILL SELL SIXTYFOUR SIXTY THOROUGHBRED Yc AttLINGS Battings AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE THEUNION TENSION UNION STOCK YARDS WEDNESDAY JULY 13 730 P M Mf f They are the consignments of nineteen breeders including the Nantura Mantua Sunny Slope Cothen Cohen and Patmos Patois Farms and are the Progeny of ofRossington horsing Rossington Crossing Montana Regent Patron Teuton Teutonic Tea Tray Albert Jils Jails AlbertJils Albert Johnson Volante Volant King Lee Forester King Alfonso belvidere belvedere Eothen Ethan belvidereEothen belvedere Candlemas Candelas Falsetto Silvermine Silvering Fordham Ford Deceiver Patton DeceiverPatton Deceleration George Kmney Money Wagner Dunboyne Sunbonnet And other Successful Sires Onondaga SiresOnondaga Wadsworth Adsorb Logic LogicPi Logic Pi half brother to Traverser Traverse and a full sister in blood to May Hempstead are among those to be offered