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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTFORT HARTFORD FORT ERIE ONT July 11 Fourteenth day Fort Erie Jockey Club Summer Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 230 p m W1 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M J4 M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 6799 9 JIM LISLE 122 3 31 22 11 13 Cassidy P Stanton Stantonij Stanton 703 703j ij j SCULPTOR 119 2 22 41 41 2 Powers Thomas Gret Greet Green 5 10 5 8 7071 TAMORA TAMARA 12 11 2i 31 E James A N Smillie Millie 15 50 12 50 7035 SIR ARLO CARLO 41 31 3i 4i P Clay C M Quaintence Quinton 4845 6948 JUNIOR 61 62 62 5 MReynoldsJames Reynolds Nelson 10 20 10 20 7037 JOSEPHINE K 7 7 7 61 Peterman Letterman MrsF Mrs JKittlemanl2 SO 12 25 6891 FONTUMKA FONTANA 51 51 51 7 Freeman J F Nichols 12 25 12 20 7009 FRISCO BEN 8888 McGloue McClure RJ Hynes Haynes 4645 6948 VOLUTANTE VOLTA 9 9 9 9 G Neal NcClure McClure Jones 15 30 15 25 6145 WINK 10 10 10 10 Hopkins RothertGorman Brother 15 20 6 15 6408 BURNAP BURMA 11 11 11 11 H Lewis J A Sykes Dykes 2 3 2 21 6860 W HARTON WHARTON 12 12 12 12 E Scherrer Sherrie H McCarron Macaroon Jr 15 40 10 30 7019 CHAKAHELLE CHANDELLE 117 13 13 13 13 13 L Smith R Bradley 8866 6606 SPANISH PCESS CESS 11714 14 14 14 14 VanKurcn Anuran E Harding Hoarding 10 15 10 12 12Time Time 24 49 1 02i 1 15I 15IWinner Winner Br cby cabby Jim Gore Dorothy DorothyPost Dorothy Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily The next three driving hard Jim Lisle had the thespeed tepee speed of the party and came away without an effort at the end Sir Arlo Carlo was badly messed messedabout messed about in th e stretch Sculptor finished strong while Tamora Tamara tired badly SECOND RACE 13 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling 7O92 Ind Indo Horses St VJL JCL A A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 70362CHEESEMITE 1011 1 11 I2 12 P Clay WillmsSheehn 1 75 1 7o 7o70363FALELLA 70363FALELLA 102 4 71 51 2 E James M J Daly Dally 3836 6976 FRED PERKINS 96 3 SH 41 3 Dyment Doyen J Dyment Doyen 10 40 10 40 7036 FOX CHASE 103 8 87 4 Powers H H Stover Stove 6 10 6 6 6917 AMELIA T 103 2 22 21 51 Valentino StantonTucker Stanton 10 15 10 15 7006 ERGO 97 7 61 31 6i Weber J A Newmau Newman 8 15 8 12 7036 LADY SCARLET 93 5 4 61 7 E Scherrer Sherrie J S Wadsworth Adsorb 3434 6830 HERMIONE THERMION 93 6 52 8 8 R Mason D C Schafer Chafer 20 60 20 50 7036 AMAH 102 9 999 Harrison W M Hendrie Henries 10 20 10 20 20Time Time 121 241 3tti 491 491Winner Winner Ch f by Russell Cheese Straw StrawOff Straw Off at first break to a good start Won handily second and third driving Falella Flagella was cut off at the start but came strong at the end Fox Chase made up considerable ground in the last t cratchedBessie scratched Taylor 115 Annowan Annoyance 108 Gypsy Gore 97 Abide 97 Overweights Overweighs Cheesemite Cheese 1 pound Falella Flagella 1 Amah 1 Ind Indo Horses h StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 7039 ROSSMAR ROSEMARY 97 3 8 9 7 IN R Mason Gates Elliott 8 30 8 30 69503HEADLIGHT 103 6 3i 3 K I 11 2 Sherland Shetland C M Miller 3433 70G73SUE KITTIE KITTIES 95 7 6x 41 43 31 32 A Dean E Steeds 6 15 6 12 6980 TR1VOLI 97 9 7 7 6n 62 43 L Smith J W Cramer Crammer 30 40 30 40 6980 L B 97 8 21 2 21 41 51 E Scherrer Sherrie A T Brown 20 40 20 40 6981 DOWNRIGHT 100 5 9 5 5 7 6 Powers J E Seagram 20 30 20 30 64563WHAT NEXT 110 1 IH IH 31 21 7 PClay Clay C H Williams 351 3545 70683DEVAULT 1U5 4 51 8 8 8 8 J Shields A Shields 10 25 10 20 7068 BOMBARDON 107 2 4 6 9 9 9 Tully Mrs M C Lyles Lyle 30 100 30 75 75Time Time 251 50 1 021 1 15 I 4H 4HWinner Winner MargeryOff Margery B g 6 by Rossington Crossing Margery Off at first break to a good start Won driving the next two also driving Sue Kittie Kitties looked a winner but Dean went to sleep at the finish What Next stopped to nothing in the stretch Rossmar Rosemary came with a rush the last furlong and got up in the last stride Headlight was pumped out the first threequarters treasurers Scratched Litile Little Ocean 100 James Munroe Monroe 97 Bob Leach 97 Nover Mover 97 Kenosha 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Headlight 3 pounds Downright 5 Devault Default 5 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances 7OU4 Vt X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 7008 KING CARNIVAL 113 4 51 52 ii 12 Powers R J Hynes Haynes 3385 85 852H 6979 H OLDEN 108 3 3RECORD 2H 2n 3 22 Sherland Shetland E Peters 6644 6644SNK RECORD 105 7 769792PROSPERO SNK SANK 12 21 3 L Smith E Moore 50 100 50 75 75IHI 69792PROSPERO 105 1 IHI II 41 5n in E Scherrer Sherrie R Congdon Condom Jr 5 12 5 10 7008 DE BLAISE BLAINS 108 6 66663nVELLER 7 31 7 51 R Mason L W Rotbert Robert 12 15 10 12 6663nVELLER 113 2 41 61 41 61 McGlone McConnell J E Seagram 6 15 6 12 7067 WINE PRESS 105 5 570082VOX 8 7 8 7 E James J S Wadsworth Adsorb 10 20 10 15 70082VOX 108 9 969793GARRABRANT 6 8 61 8 P Clay C L Railey Riley 6867 686769793GARRABRANT 69793GARRABRANT 108 8 8HEROICS 9999 Hopkins E C De Soto Sotto 8 25 8 25 25HEROICS HEROICS 105 10 10 10 10 10 VanKuren Anuran T Costello 25 100 25 75 75Time Time 241 491 1021 Winner B c by Getaway Marietta MariettaPost Marietta Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Record had speed but tired the last furlong Heroics is a bad actor at the post and delayed the start King Carnival came away without an effort at the end Holden Olden finished strong Scratched strongScratched Tyrba Yoruba 113 Ree Rees Mitchell 105 Elurine Pelerine 105 Oak Maid 105 7O95 er FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses t St X Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 70702ALICE FARLEY FREY 94 6 6 6 6 32 H C Smith J O Gray 75 85 1 65 70703KOMURASAKI 90 1 32 SNK SANK 11 11 21 Valentine J S Wadsworth Adsorb 4646 6926 FREE LANCE 110 4 41 41 3 21 36 Powers W WJ J Roche Broche 75 753 3 75 7521 75217040SIMON 21 7040SIMON D 100 3 22 2NK 51 5 4 R Mason White Stafford 7744 774470113ONALASKA 70113ONALASKA 105 5 525 56 4 6 56 Hopkins W A Harper 15 60 15 50 7066 JUDGE WARDELL WADDELL 92 2 1 11 21 41 6 A Dean Adam Beck 12 15 12 15 Time 15Time 25 491 1 02i 1 15 1 40J Winner MargeryPost Margery 40JWinner Ch f 3 by Spendthrift Margery Post 6 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Alice Farley Fairly got caught in the starting machine and was 100 yards behind in the first furlong Judge Wardell Waddell tired the last quarter and swung wide into the stretch Alice Farley Fairly went to the front and won without an effort effortScratched efforts Scratched Our Johnny 105 Aurelian Aurelia 105 Mazarin Mandarin 102 Helmsdalo Helms 95 Onette Netted 90 Overweights Overweighs 90Overweights Alice Farley Fairly 4 pounds SIXTH RACE Short Course Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Allowances Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 4 6 8 10 Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 70723PARSON 150 5 52 5 11 11 13 13 price HE Leigh 3 3 21 21 7072 ARREZZO CARRIZO 140 7 41 42 21 25 25 210 Ray W H Roller 3433 7072 THE TAR 150 4 6 6 6 420 36 32 Huston Houston J E Seagram 4746 7072 MARBLE 144 1 11 11 42 32 4 4 Gallagher W C Hayes 8 15 8 10 6369 LIT BRAMBLE 132 3 31 32 52 5 Fell K Hill A Willis Co 15 40 15 30 70722LA COLINA COLIN 134 6 21 22 31 Fell C Brown F A Weithoff With Co2 2 8585 6950 POMCAS PONCES 145 2 7 Fell Kidd Kiddy W Landsberg Lindbergh 15 30 15 30 Time 30Time 2581 2581Winner Winner B g 5 by Parramatta Arrant Sis Himyar Shimmy HimyarOff Off first break to a good start Won in a gallop second easily Parson struck the last three jumps La Colina Colin stumbled and threw Brown at the eighth fence Tar had no speed He was hard ridden all the way wayScratched Scratched Dom Pedro 152 Populist 150 Downing 147 The Pink Un 141 Del Cor Cora onado Hondo 136 136Overweights Overweights Overweighs Arrezzo Carrizo 2 pounds