St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-12


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO July 11 Fiftieth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 30 p m TOX OX FJLRST FLORIST KACE ACE 78 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6993 AMBER GLINTS 99 1 2 2 5 26 U II T Leigh M Shields 4 4t 4 4 1787 JIM HOG HOGT HOT T 101 2 11 12 12 6 27 Lines H T Batchelor Bachelor 75 75 65 7E 6993 ADAM ANDREW 102 4 31 31 311 33 31 JMcDonaldH McDonald L Jones 21 31 21 3 6532 RANSOM 101 7 51 41 4 41 43 Goodwin Godwin BrowngBdman Burrowing 30 50 20 40 6993 ALVA 101 5 61 5i 51 51 51 Frost J C Tucker 10 15 6 10 6882 CHISWELL CHISEL 104 3 41 61 61 61 61 W Dean P Ahearn Hear 15 25 15 20 6589 SCHEDULE 102 6 7 7 7 7 7 Snell Smell W H Laudeman Laundryman 10 15 6 12 Time 12Time 121 25i 371 501 104 117 130 130Winner Winner B m 5 by Ten Shiner Belle Boiseau Boise BoiseauPost Boise Post 10 minutes Start fair Won driving second driving also Amber Glints was the best She and Jim Hogg Hog had the best of the break ana always held the others safe Ransom closed strong strongScratched Scratched Rowland Duete Duet 102 7086 SECOND RACE1 110 Miles Purse 400 4yearold and upward Selling Itid Pitied Horses Wt St V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 70332 UEL EL H GARDNER 105 2 12 12 n INK n JMcDonaldW McDonald A Kirwan Iran 6 15 5 12 6963SIRENIA 6963SIRENIA6908KRUNA 256908KRUNA 105 9 71 71 31 33 2 Hall H J McCune McClure 8 30 6 25 6908KRUNA 6908KRUNA69653TUTUILLA 103 7 42 Z 2sK 21 23 3 Lines G W Scott 6847 69653TUTUILLA 105 4 61 5i 52 53 43 J Woods Rogan Brogan Walters 3433 7065 REUBEN ROWETT ROWE 110 10 81 9 62 41 5 Gorman C E Muenshaw Mensal 2 21 2 2i 6998 TRANBY STANDBY 10912 12 10 9 7 61 Hinkey Hinkle C Whitman t t t t 6993 POWHATTA 105 5 9 8 8 8 7 Furr Furor J Furr Furor 40 10040 75 6968 JACK OF HEARTS 108 11 11 11 11 10 8 Gilmore M Wynn 5 10 5 10 4604 ALMA GLYN LYN 105 8 10 12 12 11 9 Booker C B Campbell 50 20050 150 6994 FORSYTEE FORESTAGE 105 6 5 61 7 9 10 Snell Smell Bishop Co 6 10 6 8 6886 CAN GALOP GALLOP 109 1 21 31 41 6 11 T Leigh MKelvyJohnson6 15 6 8 6998 RUSSELL A 103 3 SK 41 10 12 12 Frost W Mohr Mother 12 30 12 20 6699 SKANKS SHANKS 110 13 13 13 13 13 13 Miller A C Bellow 50 500 50 200 tBarred Barred 200tBarred in the betting First series 50iWinner Time 251 51 1 17 1 131 1 50i Winner B m 5 by Fordham Ford Virgie Virile YVright Gyring Post 6 minutes Start good Won handily second driving hard The stable of C E Muen Men ¬ shaw has been ordered off the track and Jockey Gorman suspended indefinitely on account of Reuben Rowetts Rewets race Helen H Gardner was the best of the others although Sirenia Irena came fast at the speedScratched speeds finish Forsy Foray the got off badly Can Galop Gallop had speed Scratched Rifle 110 The Parrot Mouthed 108 Alma Russell 103 O TJ THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances End Horses Wt St 1A V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 69102M1SS MARION 113 1 170343EVELYN 1 16 16 it JMcDonaldB McDonald Schreiber 45 45 Ir2 710 70343EVELYN BYRD 98 10 10703QCHANCERY 61 6 4 21 Cody M Deathridge Featheredged 20 30 15 15 703QCHANCERY 111 4 2t 152t 21 25 36 Combs J C Cahn Can 2 2 6575 6997 UNCLE BILL 101 8 869972QUR 52 5 68 42 Lines H T Batchelor Bachelor 40 100 40 75 69972QUR NELLIE 110 2 31 31 31 58 Snell Smell T J McHale Chalet 10 20 10 15 6472 LADY OSBORNE SUBORNED 103 6 8 8 71 61 Lendrum Lender PlmrBnsonCo50 10050 75 6502 W C DALY DAY 1001 5 7787 Vancamp Vance T F Timmons Simmons 50 200 50 150 6518 F SMITH 98 9 10 10 9 8 Gormley Grimly F Bellows 50 300 50 200 6759 RAINMAKER 102 11 11 11 10 9 McJoynt Macon Wilson Daniels Daniel 50 30050 200 6576 ROSE ASH 108 7 9 9 11 10 T Leigh T Shannon 10 50 10 40 6651 MISS GRIZZEL GRIZZLE 98 3 100200100150Time 41 4H 4u 5111 Frost Eugene Nally Ally 100200100150 Time 12i 24i 361 50 1 02i 02iWinner Winner B f by Himyar Shimmy Astolat Stoat AstolatPost Absolutist Post 8 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second driving Miss Marion broke from the barrier on her stride and towroped towrope her field Chancery was on the outside and was pumped out chasing fillyScratched flycatcher her Evelyn Byrd shows steady improvement and may be a good filly Scratched Leo Planter 116 Foxey Foxy 108 Trust Me 98 Celluloid 98 Overweights Overweighs 98Overweights Lady Osborne Suborned 5 pounds W C Daly Dally 21 Rainmaker 4 7088 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearold and upwards Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7063DAVID 102 1 IH IKK VIKKI IKK VIKKI 12 12 JMcDonaldBensonArthrCo75 2 65 2 69113COLONEL GAY 104 3 36 38 36 23 23 Snell Smell T A Cook 2 2 9595 69422AQUINAS 959569422AQUINAS 91 4 4 4 4 32 32 J Woods B Schreiber 6644 7031BELLE 66447031BELLE WARD 102 2 4iTime 21 22 21 4 4 Combs J C Cahn Can 453 4i Time 13 25i 37 50 1 02 1 lot 1 28 Winner 28Winner Ch g 6 by Wawekus Waxworks Treasure Trove Post 2 minutes Start poir poi Won cleverly second easily David was the best He raced Belle Ward into submission in the first half mile and had nothing to bother him afterward With an even break Aquinas would have been troublesome Overweights Overweighs Belle Ward 4 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yi Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owne Owned Owners O H L C 6964TGO TO BED 93 3 4KK 41 42 22 U J Woods J F Fogg Foggy 4433 4433TJ 7065BASQUIL 104 5 3 3 52 3 2 Snell Smell T TJ J McH Mach McHale Chalet 4635 4635William 6909 CONFESSION 90 2 21 51 61 51 32 Frost William Dickson Dicks 40 ICO CO 30 60 69682JUDGE STEADMAN100 6 7 7 7 7 41 JMcDonaldR McDonald E Maddux Maddox 7033DOMSIE 8 8 8 5 T Leigh William Clark 5 15 5 12 69433SIR ROLLA OLLA 93 4 61 61 31 IH 61 Kelly C C Maffltt Aflutter 21 31 21 3 70322 70322LAUREATE 2i635S LAUREATE 103 1 11 11 H 6 7 Gilmore G C Bennett 21 3 21 2i 635S KING ELK WOOD 96 7 100200100150Time 5 22 21 41 8 H Wilson F W Cooper 100200100150 47iWinner Time 25 50 1 27i 1 421 1 47i Winner TermagantPost Termagant B c by St Andrew Termagant Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second driving also The field was spread all over the track at the finish Sir Rolla Olla was the best He finished on the extreme outside of the track He would have won with a good ride Go To Bed was well handled and finished game and true King Elkwood Elmwood showed a tremendous burst of speed and killed off Laureate who was racing groundScratched grounds with him Confession is improving Judge Steadman Seaman closed a lot of ground Scratched Parole dOr doer 104 Marquise 94 Hush 94 Can I See Em 90 Overweights Overweighs 90Overweights Judge Steadman Seaman 4 pounds Domsie Dossier 2 King Elkwood Elmwood 2 SIXTH RACE G 13 JFurlongs Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Seliint Elicit End Horses Wt St H V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 69673S1LVER SKT ST 107 4 11 11 11 IN Hall G W Curtis 12 30 8 30 6914LOVING 306914LOVING CUP 98 6 41 31 21 21 Frost G W Miller 85 85 65 75 6911 FIRESIDE 107 8 71 51 43 31 JMcDonaldC McDonald C Maffltt Aflutter 21 6 21 5 64763HARRY DUKE 111 2 21 21 32 42 Combs J H Payne Co 3 5 3 4 69962FORBUSH 242469672TRAGEDY ICO CO 3 51 61 51 51 T Leigh G C Bennett 2424 69672TRAGEDY 109 7 3 42 61 61 Gilmore J A Johnson 6 12 6 10 7065 GLADYS II 107 5 61 7 7 7 Lines JRBagley Ribcage 50 20050 150 6884 HIGH TEST 111 1 8888 Rowe Rowe Clarkson Carson 20 200 20 150 l22iWinner Time 150Time 241 50 115 l22i Winner QuicksetPost Quicksteps B f 4 by Ben dOr doer Quickset Post 19 minutes Start fair Won in a hard drive second and third also driving Fireside was best She was four lengths back at the start and was going very strong at the end Silver Set was favored by the start and just lasted Harry Duke was much used at the post Loving Cup did not quite run her race although beaten only a head Tragedy died away Scratched awayScratched The Chemist 112 Naoma Naomi 98 Sorrow 98

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Local Identifier: drf1898071201_5_2
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