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MK S3 PHIS STAKES. Attention is again called to the liberal stakes offered by the enterprising and popular New Memphis Jockey Club. Among the early meetings of each year tho Memphis mesting stands out pre-eminent. In point of attendance, good racing and rich stakes it is excelled by none. Entries to its stakes for the spring meeting of next year and to the Tennessee Derby and Tennessee Oaks of 1930 close next Monday, so turfmen who have not already forwarded their entries have but little time to loee. Owners of fillies should noto the addition of 5C0 to the endowment of the Tennessee Oaks. It costs so little to make en-trios to the Derby and Oaks that it is hard to understand how any owner of a reasonably promising youngster can refrain fiom essaying the capture f such extremely valuable events. The cot dition of the stakes appear in this issne of Daily Bacikg Foem and entry blanks can be obtained at this office.