untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-12-26


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NEW LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB.... STAKES TO CLOSE JANUARY 15. iyoo. , FOR THE SPRING MEETING OF 1900. riFTEEN DAY5-1 1 STAKES-HAY 3 TO 19. 0 The New Louisville Jockey Club will close the following Stakes on January 15, 1900: THE DEBUTANTE STAKES For two-year-old fillies, to accompany tha nomination; 0 ago. Allowances: 3 lbs. for each 00 to ,000 ; 2 lbs, for each 50 to ,C0O; 2 lbs. for each 0G additional to tart. The veloe of the race to be SI 306, of which 00 to second and 00 to third, leas. 8evnn Furlongs. "Winners of a sweepstakes to carry 3 lbs.; of two, 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed S lbs. Four THE PEE MIKE STAKES For three-year-olds. to accompany the nomination: 0 addi- Furlongs. tional to start. The value of the race to be ,300, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. THE WENONAH STAKES For two-year-old colts and geldings. to accompany the Winners in 1990 of a sweepstakes of ,000, 5 lbs.; of two such, 7 lbs extra; other stake winners-nomination; 0 additional to start. Tha value of the race to be ,300, of which 00 to second this year to carry weight far age. Others, non-winners in 1899 of three sweepstakes of 00 and 00 to third. Winners of a sweepstakes to carry 3 lbs.; of two, 5 lbs. extra. Maidens al- allowed 5 lbs ; of two sweepstases of any value, 8 lbs.; of one sweepstakes, 12 lbs.; maidens, 20 lowed 5 lbs. Four and a Half Furlongs. lbs. One Mile. THE JUVENILE STAKES A selling sweppstakes for two-year-olds. to accompany the THE TURF CONGBES3 HANDICAP For thre-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany nomination; 0 additicnal to start. The value of the race to be ,250. of which 00 to Becnnd the nomination ; 0 additional to start. ,000 ADDED ,000 by the club and ,000 by the and 00 to third. Those entered to be sold for ,500 to carry weight for age. Allowances; 2 lbs. Congress, of which 00 to second, 50 to third and 00 to be apportioned as follows : 40 pernor each 8250 to S1.5C0: 1 lb for ach 00 to 60: 2 lb, for each 00 to 00. Five Fiirlongs. cent., 20 per cent, and 10 per cent, to the trainers of the first, second and third horseB, respect- THE BLUI GRASS STAKES For three year ods that have not won a sweepstakes or two ively, and 15 per cent., 10 per cent, and 5 per cent., respectively, to the jockeys riding them, races prior to the closing of this sako. to t-ccompany the nomination; 0 additional to Weights to appear three days prior to the day of the race. Winners of a race .other than a sell- start. The vtlne of the race to be 31.3C0. of which 00 to terond at d 00 to third. Weight, 112 ing purse, after weights are posted, 5 lbs. extra. Mile and One-sixteenth. lbu. Winners of a sweepstakes or of two race nfter Jannarv 15, 1900 selling purses excepted, to THE FRANK FEHB STAKES A selling sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upward. - carry 5 lbs. extra Maidens allwrd 8 lbs. fcix and a Half Furlongi to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to start. The value of the race to be ,300, of THE MADEMOISELLE STAKES A selling sweepstakrs for three-year-old fillies. to which 00 to second and 00 to third. Those entered not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. extra; if for- accomrary the non ination; 0 additional to start. The valae of the stakes to be ,250, of ,000, weight for age. Allowances: 1 lb. for each 50 to ,000; 1 lb. for each 00 to ,000 2 lbs which 00 to second and $ 1C0 to third. Those entered to ba sold for ,C00 to carry weight for for each 00 to 00. One mile. Kentucky Derby, ,000; Clark Stakes, ,000, and Kentucky Oaks, 3,000, Will also be Run at this Meeting. Address all Communications to the Secretary, CHARLES K. PRICE, SECRETARY, LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB.... ....STAKES FOR SPRING MEETING, 1900. ENTRIES TO CLOSE JANUARY 1, 1900.... Heeting Opens Thursday, April 5, 1900, and Continues 20 Days, Closing Friday, April 27, 1900 GASTON HOTEL STAKES; Subscribed to Jiahle for starting fee. Four and one-half Fur- Beaten non-winners unplaced in 1900.114 111 109 dicap sweepstakes for thrne-y ear-olds and np- bv Gastons Hotel. A sweeps akes for two- lones. Non-winners r-f a two or three-year- wnrd. 0 each, half forfait, or 0 if declared. year-oldB. colta and geldinRB. 0 to accompany THE TURF CONGRESS SWEEPSTAKES, old stake selling excepted 115 112 110 ,000 added, of which 50 to second, and 00 nomination, and 0 additional to start. ,000 1900 A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals Non-winners of a race of the value of to third, the fourth to save etake. Weights to added, of which 00 to second, find 00 to third, of 1897. 0 to accompany nomination, 0 ad- 5400 selling excepted 110 107 105 be announced bofore 9 a.m. February 15th, and fourth to pave starting mnncy. Four Furlongs, ditional to start. The Club to add ,000, of Beaten Maidens 102 99 97 declarations to be made on or before March THE ARDELLE STAKES A sweepstakes which G0 to second, and 50 to third, fourth TENNE3SEE BREWING COMPANY 1, 1900. All declarations void unless accom- for two-year-old Allies. 0 to accompany to Fave starting monev. A winner of a three- STAKES; Subscribed to by The Tennessee panied by the money. The winner of a race, nomination, arid 0 additional to start ,0C0 year-old Btake race, when carrying its weight Brewing Company. A selling sweepstakes for after the weights are announced, of the vain added, of which 00 to second,and 00 to tbird, colts 122; geldings, 119; fillies. 117, 3 lb3. pen- threo-year-olda and uDward. 0 to accompany of 00 to the winner, or two races of any value- fonrth to snvo starting money Four Furlongs, ahy; of to or more, 5 lbs. Beaten r on-win- nomination, and 0 additional to start. ,000 selling purse races excepted 5 lbs. penalty THE MEMPHIS 8TAKES A BweppFtakes for ners in 19C0 allowed 5 lbs.; if uni laced, 8 lbs.; added, of which 00 to second, and 00 to such penalty not to exceed scale weight if han- two-j ear-olds. 0 to accompany nrmination. others never having won a two or three year- third, fourth to save starting money. The win- dicapped at less; those weighted at scale or and 0 additioLal to star ?1,C00 added, of old siake race, felling stakes excepted allowed ner to be sold at auction for ,500; if for less, more than scale weight by the handicapper will whish 00 to Eecond, and 00 to third, fouth 7 lbs.; if such hnva never won a lace of the 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,C00; then 1 lb. not be Bnbject to a penalty. The scale to be to save starting money. Penalty A winner of a value of 00 to the winner selling stakes and for each 00 less to 00. Starters and selling American Turf Congrees scale for April. Thia Btake rate at this meeting selling stake ex- pnrsc rases excepted, allowed 12 lbs.; beaten price to bo named through the entry-box by the race to ba rnn the opening day. One and one- cepted to carry 3 lbs. extra. Allowancef Non- mnidenp, 20 lbs. All" ances not cumulative, usual time of closing for this days racing, and sixteenth miles. winners of a sweepstakes.if beaten non-winners In addition to the above the American Turf those so named aro liable for starting fee. THE COTTON STEEPLECHASE STAKES. at this meeting, allowed 3 lbs.; maidrns besten Congress adds ,000, to bn divided as follows: Sevn Furlongs,. A steeplechase handicap sweepstakes for four-at this meeting allowed 8 lbs. Five Furl ngs 00 to the winner, and S500 to be paid to the THE PEABOBY HOTEL HANDICAP; Sub- year-olds and upward. 0 eeco, half forfeit, or THE LUMBERMANS STAKES; Subsciibed trainers nd jockeys of the three placed horses, Bcribed to by the Peabody Hotel. A handicap if doclared on or before April 5th, 0 the day-tony tbn Lumbermans Club A eelling sweep- as follows: Forty per cent . 20 per cent, and 10 sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upward, tho weights appear. All declarations void Btakes for two-yf ar-olds 0 to accompany pr cent, to the trniners of the first, second and 0 to accompany nomination, and 0 addi- nnleBS accompanied by the money. 00 added the Domination, and 150 additional to stt.rt. third bon-ec n st ectively, and 15 per cent.. 10 tional to start. The Club to add ,CO0, of of which 00 to second, and 00 to third, the The Club to add 00, of which 00 to second, per cent, n 5 par cent, respectively to the which 50 to Becond, and 50 to third, fourth fourth to save stake. Weights to be announced and 00 to tbird, fourth to eavo starting m ney. jockeys rini g thorn. One Mile. to save starting money. Weights to ba an- and declarations to be made three days before Those entered not to be boIi to carry 5 lba. scale of this eace. o G f nounced two days before the race. Winners of the race. Penalty Winner of a steeplechase, extra if to be sold for ,000 to carry their Those emi led no anoyance 122 119 117 a race after the announcement of weights, to after weightB are announced. 5 lbs. extra. Four weight: 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 lets to Winner with weight up of one three- carry 5 lbs extra selling race excepted. Accop- or more horses of entirely difforent interests to SI 5C0 1 lb for each 00 Ioes to 00 Start-rs iear-o!d st-ke ... 125 122 120 tances to be made through the entry-box usual start or the race may be declared off. Starters and selling price to be named through the Winner with weight up of two three- time of closing the day before the race. One to be named through the entry-box at usual pntrv-box usubI time of closing of entiies for year-old sthk s 127 124 122 Mile and One-eighth. time of closing the day before the race. About this days racing, and hortes so named are Beaten nou-winners placed in 1900.. ..117 114 112 THE MONTGOMERY HANDICAP. A han- Two Miles. STAKES TO BE EUN A.T SPRESTG MEETING, 1901. TO CL05E JANUARY i, iqdo. THE TENNESSEE DEBBY FOR 1E01: sub-cribed to by G. C. Bennett. A sweerstakos for THE TENNESSEE OAKS FOR 1901. A sweepstakes for fillies-, three years old foals of three-yesr-old foals of 1898 50 eeel . 550 fonei , or $ 0 if declt-red on cr bef.ie May 1, 1900; 1898. 00 each, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or before Mey 1, 1900; 0 if declared on or 5 if declared on or befoic Ji nu iy 1, 1901 All rtc aratioi u tid unless accompanied by the before Junnnry 1, 1901. All declarations void unless accompenior by tho money. SI, 500 added money 0CO added, of which G0 to ti cocc 00 u third, fourth to save etake. Weights of which C0 to second, 00.to third, and.fourth to save stake. Weights, 117 lbs. One Milo Colts, 122 lbs. ; gelding, 119 lbs ; flllieB, 117 lbs. One Mile tnd Ono-eighth. OTIUPTXT UnTTPIT No entry will be received frr fny of these stakes except upon this condition: That all dieputee, claims and objections arising out of tho racicg,or with respect to the jjxuluiib JaUIIuD. interpretation of the condition of any etake, thall be decided by a majority of the Executive Committee present, or those whem they Imay appoint, and their decisions upon all points shall ba final. S R. MONTGOMERY, P ESIDENf. M. N. MACFAR LAN. SECRETARY. Room 2, Cotton Exchange Building, AemDhis, Tenru

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899122601/drf1899122601_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1899122601_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800