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...CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB... Oakland Race Track, Emeryville, California. FUTURITY STAKES With 18,750 Added. Estimated Value 150,000. ,750 OF THE ADDED MONEY GOES TO THE BREEDERS. FOR THE DECEilBER MEETING OF 1902. ...ENTRIES TO CLOSE TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1900... By subscription of 10 each, money to accompany the entry, for mares covered in 1899, and one of ,500, 7 lbs. ; of four of ,500 or two of S4.E00, or one of 19 000 12 lh o-rtr. ti,- further subscription of S25 each for the prodnce of such mares by July 15, 1901, or such produce of mares or stallions which have not produced a winner nrior tn Jannnrv i iSn J?,tle Will be struck out and a further subscription of 5 by January 1. 1902, or such produce vill be of both mares and stallions, 5 lbs. ; not necessary to claim the safd P alfowS -nl nVed lbM truck out and a further subscription of July 15, 1902, or such produce will be struck out. entry. Maidens allowed 10 pounds. Mares may be ented by tim8f All starters to pay 50 additional, all of wbich shall go to the second ard third horses, as fur- owner having the prior right. If a mare in tbK kher provided. California Jockey Clnb to add Eight Thonsend, Pevfn Hundred and Fifty or if she has a deed, or more than one foal, or is barren, the entrv of snch Vi JanJ"KJT. ,750 Dollars. The second to receive ,000 of the added money and two-thirds of the start- subscription will be returned. By filing a t any time i with th7cklJfMnfi Tltl11!118 fog money, the third 00 of the added money and one-third of the starting money. accepled transfer of the produce, with its engaements iv this Btake aYcomrSnl,? JZuClnb, The breeders of the winner, of the second horse and of the third horse, namely, the owner of for all former paymente, the original eubecribei wiir be released from anv,Pw ? wlth reeI the mare at the time of entry, to receive ,000. ,250 and 00 of the added money respectively, gagements of the produce. Sbonld a eule criber or transferee die befrfro thli ... tho ?n" whether they be the owner of the horse when the race takes place or not Bball not be void provided it be assumed by tb e then owner of the horse nnHr entfjr Colta 118 lbs., Fillies and Geldings 115 lbs. Winners of ,500. 3 lbs. : of two races of ,500 or that effect being givan within three months after such demise, writing to TO OliOSE JANUARY 2, 1900. To be ran in tb month of De ember. 1903, at tbe Oakland Face Course, Emeryville, California, ont of the Fntnritv rhnto . se-half farlongs. Each and every part of thi parse to be paid in cash There will be no forfeit e. utnrity cbnte, about alx mad .f til TfmeNewTo Da"y ClU Frm B"eman Bros., Tnrf Fleldand Farm and Sp,ri R. a MILROY, SECRETARY. THOS. H.WILLIAMS JR., PRESIDENT