untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-12-30


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DULY RACING FORI AND 1 THE AMKRIGU IDRF CONGRESS RECORD. i IB8UED KVBBY DAY. M 1 OmOIAIi OB8AX or TEM AMHBIOAN TURT OONGEE88. I A1LY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. ; A daily reflection of the American Turf by ZlUgraph. t Xditob and Pboprietoe, F. H. Brunell. Abbociate Editor, Clinton C. Bilky. . Secretary, Mbb. F. E. Beunell. 184-126 FIFTH AYEKDE, CHICAGO, ILL. COPYRIGHTED. Itar6d according to aet ef Congress, in the yaar 1899, by Frank H. Brunell .in the office of ths Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, U. B. A. The ohart numbers ef Dailt Saoinh Fobh must not be used. They are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected . TfiSBMS: Per Month .25 Half Year 7.50 One Year 14.00 Ike above rates are for single copies as sealed letters first-olaes mail. ally Baaing Form Publishing Ce. prefers to end single copies as first-class mail is all cases. fcMal subscriptions outside the down town districtwill be declined at other than first-slasB mail matter rates. SINGLE COPY 5 CBNT3. Susbobiftionb Moot bb Pais in Advanch. ntared in th.e Post Office at Chisago aB sec-aad class matter. Co be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Baoino Form mnst be sont over the full name and with the address of the writer. Those names and addresses aro Eubj3ct to a looal and foreign directory test. CINCINNATI OFFICE 403-410 Vine Strest. J. B. 3awlky, Agent. On 3 ale at Noon. ST. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE 19 N. Broadway, Basement. M. Muephy, Agt. On a ale at 8:30 A. M. Daily BAOiua Fork can bo aeiivarod to any address in St. Loaia. Back numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the St Louis office for telegraphic transmission. JD1TBOIT OFFICE 34 LaFayette Aveau6, Heath and Boney, Agents. On Sale at 9:00 A.M. AT DENVER, COL.: Hamilton and Kendrick, 906-912 U7th Btreat. AT KANSAS CITY, MO.: Bicksecker Cigar and News Co., Bth andad Walnut Streets. AT NEW ORLEANS, LA.: H. J. Holle, 641 Commercial Place, AT BAN FBANCISCO: Foster St Orear, Market Street, Fsrry Nawa Stand. AT HOT BPBINGB, ARK. : F. C. Boving, 418 Central Avenue. AT BUTTE, MONT.: Keefe Bros., Post Offloe Newt Stand. m AT MEMPHIS, TENN,: B. M. Manaford Co. Glark and Bros. AT MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Plankinton Hotel News Stand, Paster Hotel News Stand. Archie Hoffman, 263 Milwaukee Btreet, AT NASHVILLE, IENN.: Duncan Hotel. AT TOBONTO, ONT. : J. D. McBweeney, Palmer House, AT BUFFALO, N. Y.: New Tiff t House. AT INDIANAPOLIS, IND. : J. Douglass, 17 Illinois Street. CHICAGO, ILL., DECEMBER 30. 1899.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899123001/drf1899123001_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1899123001_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800