untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-12-30


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THE WESTERN TURF ASSN. TANFORAN PARK, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN HATEO CO., CAL. MEI1BER OF THE AMERICAN TURF CONGRKS5.2 THE FOLLOWING STAKES WILL CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT OF DECEMBER 30, 1899, The Western Stakes forfoals of 1898 ,500added. ; Jlle Western Produce Stakes.... TO BE BUN AT THE BPBING MEETING, 1900. FOB FOALS OF 19001.3 THE "WESTERN BTAKE8 A EweerstakeB for two-year-olds foals of 1898. Entrance 0 each tbe 58dditional for starters. The Western Turf AsBCciation nomination; to accompany a p. rrr innnn fr je? rr--x rwjr- nrT"r-inr-rn to add ,5C0, of which 00 to tccc no end 50 to third hone. Cells, 118 lbs.; fillies and geldirgs, ,0110 ADDED ,450 1U 1 Hfci BREEDERS. 115 lbs. Winners of five races of any value, or of three races ef 00 each, or one if ,000, to v carry 5 lbs. pnalty ; of two of ,000, or cue of ,5C0, 8 lbs. penalty. Uaidens beaten two or more TO. BE BUN AT THE BPBING MEETING 19021 times allowed 7 lbs, Five furlongs, i THE WESTEBN PBODUCE STAKES For two-year-olds foals of 19C0. A sweepstakeB ot rwt vr Cnl r,t- fnolc lOaS ri Ol Vr CO frt f n A A A eacn accompany the nomination, for mares covered in 1899; 5 each for the prodnce o The Western rOal takeS r 59J $,1IJU SCaed. Eucb mares unless declared out by January 1,1901, or 5 unless declared cut by January 1.1902. " Starters to pay 25 additional. The Weptern Turf Assrciation to edd ,000, of which ,500 to- TO BE BUN AT TEE BPBING MEETING, 1901. the second and 50 to the third horse. The breeder of the winner namely, the owner of the mar at time of entry to receive E0; of tbe sicond,C0; of the third, 00 of the added money. Colts THE WESTEBN FOAL STAKES A sweepstakes ior two-jear-clds foals of 1899. En- 118 lbs.; fillies and geldings, 115 lbs. Winnersof three races of 1899.sh0 each, or one of ,000, to carry-trance eacb to occompaty the nomination : 0 additional for horeeB not declared by De- 5 lbs. penalty ; rf two of ,C00. or one of ,5C0, 8 lbs. penalty. MaidenB beaten two or more times-cember 1, 19C0; 5 edditiona for starters. The Western Tnrf Aefociation to add ,0C0, of which allowed 7 IbB. The prodnce of mares or Btallions that have not produced a winner prior to. 1500 to eecond and 1899.sh0 to third boise. Colts, 118 lbs., fillies and geldings, 115 lbs. Winners of January 1. 1900, allowed 3 lbs.: of both mares and stallions. 5 lbe., allowance to be claimed at: -five races of any valne, cr of ttree of f0 each, or ore of .00, to cany 5 lbs. penalty; of two of time of entry. By filirgwith tbe Association an accepted transfer of the foals entry the original: ,000, or one of ,5C0, 8 IbB. penally. Maidens beaten two or more timeB allowed 7 IbB, Five nominator Bball be released from further liability. The entry of a mare having a dead or more-furlongB. than one foal, or barren, Bhall be void, and entrance money refunded. Five furlongs.; Entry blanks can le obtaited at following offices: Spirit of the Times, Turf, Field and Farm, Morning Telegraph and Goodwin Bros., in New "York; Daily Eacing Form in Chicago; Thcrcuhbied Record in Lexington, and Enquiftr in Cincinnati. Entries and communications to be addressed to " FHrGREENrSe NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB.... ....STAKES FOR SPRING MEETING, 1900. ENTRIES TO CLOSE JANUARY 1, 1900.,.. Heeling Opens Thursday, April 5, 1900, and Continues 20 Days, Closing Friday, April 27, 1900 GASTON HOTEL STAKES; Snbjcribed to liable for starting fee. Four and one-half Fur- Beaten non-winners unplaced in 100.114 111 109 dicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up br Gastons Hotel. A tweepetakes for two- longs. Non-winners of a two or three-ycar- w.rd. each, half forfVit, or 0 if declared. year-olds, colts and geldings. 0 to accompany THE TUBF CONGB1 3S SWEEPSTAKES. old stake selling excepted 115 112 110 ,000 added, of which 50 to second, and 0O nomination, and 0 additional to start. ,CC0 19C0 A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals Non-winners of a race of the value of to third, the fourth to save stake. Weights to added, of which 00 to Becond, and 00 to third, of 1897. 0 to accompany nomination, 0 ad- 00 selling excepted 110 107 105 be announced before 9 a.m. February 15th, and fourth to save starting money. Four Furlongs, ditional to start. The Club to add ,000, of Beaten Maidens 102 99 97 declarations to be made on or before March THE AEDELLE STAKES. A sweepstakes which 300 to second, and 50 to third, fourth TENNESSEE BEEWING COMPANY 1, 1900. All declarations void unleBS accom- for two-year-old fillies. 0 to occompany to eave starting money. A winner of a three- STAKE8; Subscribed to by The Tennessee panied by the money. The winner of a race, nomination, and 0 additional to start. ,000 year-old stake race, when carrying its weight Brewing Company. A selling sweepBtakes for after the weights are announced, of the valuer added, of which 00 to second.and third, colts 122; geldings, 119; fillies, 117, 3 lbs. pen- three-year-olds and unward. 0 to accompany of 00 to the winner, or two races of any value? fourth to spvb starting money. Four Furlongs, alty; of two or more, 5 lbs. Beaten ron-win- nomination, and 0 additional to start. ,000 selling purse races excepted 5 lbs. penalty; THE MEMPHIS 8TAKES A Eweepstakoa for neis in 1900 allowed 5 IbB.; if nnplaced,8 Iba.; added, of which 00 to secend, acd 00 to euch penalty not to exceed scale weight if han- two-year-olds. 0 to accompany nomination, others never having won a two or three-year- third, fourth to save starting money. The win- dicapped at lees; those weighted at fcale or and 0 additioLal to starr, fl,CC0 added, of old stake race felling stakes excepted allowed ner to bo sold at auction for ,500; if forless, more than fcale weight by the handicapper will which 00 to Eecond, and 00 to third, fourth 7 lba.; if such have never won a race of the 3 lbs. allowed for each C0 to ,C00; then 1 lb. not be subject to a penalty. Tbe scale to bo to save starting money. Penalty A winner of a value of 00 to the winner selling stakes and for each 00 less to 00. Starters and selling American Turf Congress scale for April. This stake race at this meeting spiling stake ex- purse rares excepted, allowed 12 lbs.; baaten price to be named through the entry-box by the race to be run the opening day, One and one- cepted to carry 3 lbe. extra. Allowances Non- maidenp, 20 lbs. Allowances not cumulative, usual time of closing for this days racing, and sixteenth mile?. winners of a sweepstakeB.if beaten non-winners In addition to the above the American Turf those so named are liable for starting fee. THE COTTON STEEPLECHASE STAKES. at this meeting, allowed 3 lbs.; maidens beaten Congress adds ,000, to be divided as follows: Seven FnrlonirB, A steeplechase handicap sweopstakes for four-at this meeting allowed 8 lbs. Five Furlongs. 00 to the winner, and 500 to be paid to the THE PEABODY HOTEL HANDICAP; Sub- year-olds and upward. 0 eacb, half forfeit, or THE LUMBERMANS STAKES; Subscribed trainers and jockeys of-the three placed horses, scribed to by the Peabody Hotel. A handicap if declared on or before April 5th, 0 the day-toby the Lumbermans Club A selling sweep- as follows: Forty per cent., 20 per cent, and 10 sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upward, the weights appoar. All declarations void stakes for two-yeor-oldB. 0 to accompany par cent, to the trainers of the first, second at d 0 to accompany nomination, and 0 addi- unless accompanied by the money. 00 added, the nomination", and 150 additional to start, third horses re spectiv6ly, and 15 per cont., 10 tional to start. The Club to add ,C00, of of which 00 to second, and 00 to third, the The Club to add 00, of which 00 to second, per cent, end 5 per cent, respectively to the which 50 to second, and 50 to third, fourth fourth to save stake. Weights to bo announced and 00 to third, fourth to save starting nuney. jockeys ridir g them. One Mile. to save starting money. Weights to b3 an- and declarations to be made three days beforo Those entered not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. scale of mis bace. c g f nonnced two days before the race. WinnerB of the race. Penalty Winner of a steeplechase, extra if to be sold for ,000 to carry their Thoie entitled to no allowance 122 119 117 a race after the announcement of weights, to after weights are announced. 5 lbs. extra. Four weight; 3 lb. allowed for each 00 less to Winner with weight up of one three. carry 51ba. extra selling race excepted. Accep- or more horses of entirely different interests to 5C0 1 lb. for each 00 le9S to C0. Starters year-old stake 125 122 120 tances to be made through the entry-box usual start or the race may be declared off. Starters and Belling price to be named through the Winner with weight up of two three- time of closing the day before the race. One to be named through the entry-box at usual pntrv-box usual time of closing of entries for year-old stakeB 127 124 122 Mile and One-eigbtb. time of closing the day before the race. About this days racing, and horses so named are Beaten non-winners placed in 1900.. ..117 114 112 THE MONTGOMERY HANDICAP. A han- Two Miles. STAKES TO BE RTJTN" AT SPEING MEETING, 1901. TO CLOSE JANUARY i, 1930. THE TENNESSEE DEB BY FOE 1901; ecbrcribed to by G. C. Bennett. A sweerstakea for THE TENNESSEE OAKS FOB 1901 A sweepstakes for fillios, three yearB old foals of threes-ear. old b ioals of 1888. 50 each. 0 foileit, or 0 if declared on or before May 1, 1900; 1898. 00 eacb, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or bf fore Mpy 1, 19C0; 0 if declBred on or ?5 if "declared on or before January 1, 1901. All declarations void unleea accompanied by the before Jpnunry 1, 1901. All declarations void unless accompnnier by tbe money. ,500 tdded rrBv s3CC0 8dded, of wbichC0 io tccond, J200 to third, frurth to Eave stake. Weights of which C0 to second, 00.io thhd, and fourth to save stake. Weights, 117 lbs. One Mile Cltl, 122 lbs. ; geldingB, 119 lbs. ; fillies, 117 lbs. One Mile and One-eighth. OTtUPTXT VflTini? No entry will be recoived for any of those stakes except upon this condition: That all dispute?, claims and objections arising out of the raciDg,or with respect to the jSluulnL flUllufii interpretation of the conditions of any stake, ehall bo decided by a majority of the Executive Ccmmittte pment, or thoEe whem they may appoint, and their decisions, rapon all points shall bo final. S. R. MONTGOMERY, PRESIDENT. M. N. MAGFARLAN SECRETARY. Room 2, Cotton Exchange Building, MemDhfs, Tenn.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899123001/drf1899123001_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1899123001_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800