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ARIKRICAN RACING RULES OF 1809. The 1899 edition of the American Racing Boles, published by Secretary E. G. Hopper of Jha American Turf Gocgross, is out and can be tent by mail to any address from this office for !5 cents. The book contains the racing rules ts amended to January 1, racing Colors as registered and betting rules, and a digest in index Irrn which i a ernid to all th book onntnt WESTERN TORF CO., DETROIT, MICH. Offices, 1017-18 Chamber of Commerce, Have special correspondents at New Orleans and Frisco. Expert handicappsrs ia our offices. Information Furnished.... $ I. SO Per Day. .00 Per Week. Selections wired to any part of the United States or Canada at 11 a.m. Two good ouob for today. Dont fail to get them. ..TRACK INFORMATION.. ..ON.. NEW ORLEANS RACES. An old trainer with eight horses at the New Orleans race track would like to help pay his expenses by furnishing from one to two horses daily to a few reliable persons. One winner guaranteed daily or money refunded. Terms 2.50 For One Day or 0.00 Per Week. Will also place commissions at track for anyone at 5 per cent on winnings. We sent to our clients in the last six days these winners: Bash Fields, Tom Qilmere, Dr. Walmslov, Prince of Vsrenia, Alpen, St. Lorenzo, Trebor, Compensation, Trillo, Gold Or. J. A. BLACK, 127 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. Coney Island Jockey Club RACE COURSE, SHCEP5HEHD BAY, NEW YORK. orricE, nrm ave., cor. 22nd sr., new york. Events to Close Wednesday, Jannary 3, 1900. FOB THE JUNE MEETING, I960. About Six Furlongs. THE SUBURBAN. For three-yaar-olas and THE DOUBLE EVENT. For two-year-olds, upward, cash value 0,000; handicap. One cash value 0,000. viz: FIR3T EVENT. ,000, Mile and a Quarter. Five and a Half Furlongs ; SECOND EVENT, THE JUNE HANDICAPS. For three-year- ,000, about Six Furlongs. ,030 additional olds and upward, cish value ,500, viz: The should the two events be won by the same Coney Island, ,000, Six Farlobgi; The hore. Sheepshead Bav. ,000, One Mile; and the FOR THE AUIUVN KKETING, 1900, Long Island. ,500. One Mile and a Furlon. THE FLIGHT. For two-year-olds and up- I THE ADVANCE. For three-year-olds and ward, ,500 added, estimated value ,000; spe- npward, ,000 added, estimated value ,000; cial weights Seven Furlongi. special weights. One Mile and Three-quarters. THE SEPTEMBER. For three -year -olds, THE SWIFT. For three-year-olds, ,500 ,500 added, estimated value ,000; penalties added, estimated value ,000; penalties and and allowances. One Mile and Three-eighths, allowance. Seven Furlongs. THE AUTUMN. For two yetr-olds, cash THE SPINDRIFT. For three-year-olds, ,500 value ,000; special weUhts. Six-Farlongs. added, estimated value ,000; handicap. One THE FLATBUSH. For two-year-olds, cash Mile and a Furlong. value ,000; special weights. Sevan Farloogs. THE GREAT TRIAL For two-year-olds, THE GREAT EASTERN. For two-year-olds, cash value 120,080; penalties and allowances, cash value ,509; handicap. Six Furlongs. FOR THE AUTUMN MEETING, 1902. THE FUTURI f Y--,ooo ADDED, By subscription of 0 each, or only 0 if the prior to January 1, 1900, the prodaee will be meaey be sent with entry. For mares covered allowed 3 lbs. for either or 5 lb-t. for both, said in 1889. and a further subscription of 0 each allowance to ba claimed at time of entry, faff the produce of such mares unless struck out Maidens allowed 5 lbs., which allowance shall by November 1, 1901; or 00 unless struck opt by not be cumulative. Mares maybe nominated by July 15, 1902. Eaih starter to pay 60 addi- persons not their owners, the owner having the tional, all of which shall go to the second prior right. If a mare in this stake drops her and third horses as further provided, foal before the 1st of January, N00, or if The Coney Island Jookay Club to add TEN she has a dead or more than eae foal, or is Jbar- THOUdAND DOLLARS 0,103; the second ren, the entry of such mare is void and the to receive ,210 of the added money and subscription if paid will be returned. By filing two-thirds of the starting fees; the third prior to November 1, 1901, with the Coney Island 50 of the added money and one-third of Jockey Club an accepted transfer of the pro- the starting fees. The nominators of the duce with its engagement in this Stake, ac- winner, of the second horse and of the third companied with all forfeits to date the original horse, namely the nominator of the mare, subscriber will be released from any liability to receive ,000, ,250 and 00 of the added as to the engagement of the produce. Should money respectively, whether they are the a subscriber or transferee die before the race owners of the horse when the race takes the entry shall not be void provided it be as- place or not. Colts, 122 lbs. ; fillies and geld- sumed by the then owner of the horse; notice Ings, 119 lbs. Winners of two races of ,0CO, or in writing to that effect, accompanied by the one of . COO, 4 lbs. extra; of three of ,000, payment of all accrued liabilities, being given two of ,CO0, or one of 0,000, 8 lbs. extra, within three months after such demise. Six If mare or stallion has not produced a winner Furlongs. Other Stakes will be duly announced to close at a f ature date. The Rules of Racing, and subsequent amendments thereto adopted by The Jockey Club, gov ern all races and racing of the Coney Island Jcckey Club. Entries to bs addressed to the Glerk of the Course, Goney Island Jockey Club, Fifth Avenue, cor. 22nd Street, New York. Entry blanks and complete conditions can be obtained at office of the Daily Bacing Form. ...CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB... Oakland Race Track, Emeryville, California. FUTURITY STAKES With 8750 Added. Estimated Value 0,000. ,750 OF THE ADDED MONEY GOES TO THE BREEDERS. FOR THE DECE1TBER MEETING OF 1902. ...ENTRIES TO CLOSE TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1900... By subscription of tplO each, money to accompany the entry, for mares covered in 1899, and one of ,500, 7 lbs. ; of four of ,5C0 or two of ,500, or one of ,000, 12 lbs extra. The product further subscription of 5 each for the produce of such mares by July 15, 1901, or such produce of maros or stallions wbich have not produced a winner prior to January 1, 1900, allowed 3 lbs. t trill be struck out and a further subscription of 5 by January 1, 1902, or such produce will be of both mares and stallions, 5 lbs.; not necessary to claim the said allowance at the time ot Etrask out and a further subscription of 0 by July 15, 1902, or sush produce will be struck out. entry. Maidens allowed 10 pounds. Mares may bo entered by persons, not their owners, tha All starters to pay 50 additional, all of which shall go to the second and third horses, as fur- owiier having the prior right. If a mare in this stake drops her foal before the first of January, ther provided. California Jockey Club to add Eight Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty or if she has a dead, or more than one foal, or is barren, the entry of such mare is void, and tha ,769 Dollars. The second to receive ,000 of the added money and two-thirds of the start- subscription will be returned. By flliDg at eny time with the California Jockey Club an ins money, the third 00 of the added money and one-third of the starting money. accepted transfer of the produce, with its engagements in this stake accompanied with receipt! The breeders of the winner, of the second horse and of the third horse, namely, the owner of for all former payments, the original subscriber will be released from any liability as to the en-the mare at the time of entry, to receive ,000, ,250 and 00 of the added money respectively, gagements of the produce. Should a subscriber or transferee die before the race, the entry whether they be the owner of the horse when the race takes place or not. shall not be void provided it be assumed by the then owner of the horse, notice in writing to Colts 118 lbs., Fillies and GeldingB 115 lbs. Winners of ,500, S lbs. ; of two races of ,500 or that effect being given within three months after such demise. TO OLOE JANUARY 2, 1900. To be run in the month of December, 1902, at the Oakland Race Course, Emeryville, California, out of the Futurity chute, about six and ne-half furlongs- Kach and every part of this purse to be paid in eash. There will be no forfeits. Entry blanks can be obtained upon application at the following: offices: Sally Bacing; Form, The Boreeman, in Chicago; Goodwin Bros., Turf Field and Farm and Spirit cf the Times In New York, and Thoroughbred Beoord, Lexington, Ky. R. B. MILROY, SECRETARY. THOS. H. WILLIAMS JR., PRESIDENT.