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PKDIOBEE BLANKS. Oa linen paper, artistically edged in colors, ruled and arranged for six generations of sires ud dams of individuals and their ancestor, fen cents each, .90 per dozen, 3.50 per hun-rad. No owner of a stallion should be with-ut a supply. DAILY RACING FOBM, 124-123 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. NOVKMBKRAND OTHER FORM BOOKS November books of Form Charts in paper and leather covers are on sale. They contain all the Form Charts of all tracks from November 1 to November 80, inclusive. Price, paper cover, ! soft morocco, .50. The editions of both are limited. 20 TO I SHOT. SATURDAY AT NEW ORLEANS Wo have one of the sweetest things of the New Orleans meeting. This good thing has bean in special preparation for this particular raco sinoe the Lakeside maetmg aad we aro mora than confident that it will ba an easy winner. Handicap on all races daily at 9 a.m. Wired at 9 a.m. Terms .00 Daily; .00 Weekly. Race Track Information Bureau, SUITE 000, 283 DEARBORN ST., Tel Harrison 1580. CHICAGO, ILL. TODAY AT NEW ORLEANS. Last opportunity thii year to get down on a 15 to 1 shot. We have it for a SEAL GOOD THING today. Try us and be convinced that we are the most successful firm giving out winning long shots. Handicap and information ready at 10 a.m. .00 daily; sir days, S5.00 Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 235 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. I AGAIN WE HAVETHEM ED GARTLAND II. DAVID. MERRY BOY. ALUMINUM, ETC. This kind of information givaa our patrons-each day. Oar Naw Orleans corresoondjat, M. D. SlILLKtt, daily wiras his special selections. Gat our information. .00 For Day. .00 Per Week. AHEttlCAN HURSBHHSS AGUStfOT, Suite S16, 1J7 Dearborn dtreee.